Avatar of Girlie1Bomba
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 261 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Girlie1Bomba 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Still waitin' to lose the Bombs...
6 yrs ago
Cuz people got me, got me questionin' where is the love.
6 yrs ago
Hmmmm... name change time?
6 yrs ago
Here to drop dem bombas bitches yeeeee!!


Heya peeps!!

This here is your Girlie :] (in light of current violence in our world its about time for me to change my username. So just call me Girlie now.) And to be honest, bottomline: I'm just a chick who likes to pretend to be something she's not. ;P And! I try to be polite too okay! So let me know if i'm being just one rude bitch right!!

But if it must be known then I try to delve very deep into the nuances of the make-believe presented to me. And I'm pretty aggressive with plot-lines; I like to lead how things go. But I am pretty open to working with plots with others as long as my chara has already been accepted ;PP

I love off-the-beaten-path fantasy, but I love any kind of fantasy overall. But... okay so like yeeeeahhh... weakness? I'm a sucker for modern 'urban fantasy' for sure... ;DD My charas are pretty much 'broken goods' in terms of mental states and they are always gay; they will hump your girlie charas when we fade to black (I don't do the redband porno posts tho cuz eww ;PP).

I'm trying to branch out and do sci-fi and modern combat so please do be patient with my noobness ;PP But I'm loving my time here at the 'Guild so yeeeeeaaah!

Hope to join in on your adventures soon!! :]

Most Recent Posts


"Spetsnaz? Whooo we gots a serious baller right there. Alright, Troll. We gunna be right behind you up until we engage the unfriendlies. Loud n’ clear on on the break-up, mister. Once we get a better visual of their formation, I’ll let you know what me n’ Cal are up to."

The road was not exactly the best condition and any pothole or debris on the road would be seen last second if Aether kept in too close behind their blocker vehicle. And so she kept at least one car lengths between them. She took a breath tapped at her comm.

“Bunny, what’s your twenty, girl? And tell me, please just tell me you don’t have a hitch on your comandeer’d and I’mma just have a smoke and call it a day. Come in, blondie, over.”

“Bunny here, Aeth. 60 seconds from the bridge, by Thor’s estimations. And yes, ma’am, big A-firmative on that trailer hitch. Status, boss-lady?”

A laugh that was more of a scoff escaped Aether’s mouth upon being called ‘boss-lady.’ Then a real laugh escaped her, “You said you’d be 90 seconds. It’s already 351...! The hell you at, missy?! Let’s go!!”

Always fooling around, even in the heat of battle or in the face of death, Aether was such a character. CeCe could not help but laugh at Aethers impersonation of Salem, then she had a moment’s thought of the fallen Commander and let out a heartfelt sigh.

“Naw really though, we deep in the sheep dip, sista. Visuals on a convoy, 4 light, 1 big sucker with 'Prize' grade cargo. Don’t know what they up to, but as for you, sista, you gots no business up in this here fracas. I’mma give you some coordinates and you just get the ‘Junk’ and get your ass over there. Silverbacks gunna pick it up. You have a 10 minute window. Check that. 9. Confirm with Mista’ X.”

As soon as the coordinates were relayed, CeCe repeated them out loud to confirm. “No mistakes Bunny. Hitch up and get the hell out. Last Down, sista. See ya’ when I sees ya. Aether out.”

“Yeah. Go get ‘em, tiger…”


The silence loomed large in the cab. Then finally CeCe’s brother Chevy, had had enough.

“Tell me we are going to make use of that big gun, ChaChe…”

The big blonde woman stared at the clock on the dash. The thing even had the seconds counting away. Aether had said 9 minutes till pick up. 8 minutes 31 seconds to be exact.

“Channi, what’s the window to pickup zone?” asked the Captain from the shotgun seat.

Another moment of contemplation then: “We gots 8 minutes.”

“Chev? What’s the likelihood we make it?”

“You don’t even have to know the location to know the answer, ‘Lina,” Chevy shook his head then stared at his sister’s face in the rearview mirror. “It’s up to our driver now. So. What you want, ma soeur…?

“Why you still talkin,’ couchon? I don’t see that gun mounted and ready to go…?”

A surprised smile turned into a satisfied smirk, “Hell. Yeah. Some assistance, Cap?”

“Hold up, Chev, I have an idea for a new operation…”


Xavier tapped Sato on the shoulder then both men turned to see the NO transport heading at them. Both reached for their pistols. One, one, two, two flashed the highbeams. Both men sighed and waved their arms in relief at the oncoming transport.

Upon arrival, Alina jumped out then helped Chev out of the cab. Sato and Xavier went over to the cargo hold and grabbed the gear specified that they take. Once readied, they all shook hands, hugged and only a few words were spent between them. CeCe took a breath and patted her brother’s shoulder. “This is it, couchon. Last Down. You protect this house. I’ll be back for you guys. Captain, take care of this big bebe for me please.”

Alina nodded and Chevy pulled his sister in close and pressed his forehead against hers, “We have no idea what we’re doin’ do we, couchon…? Hahahah… it’s okay. I never do. I’ll see ya when--”

Non! Ne dis jamais ca!! Don’t say that! I hate when you Defenders say that, it’s so final. It’s soooo depressing!! It’s--”

--It’s Last Down, little sister. It’s love. Now, go. Get out of here. A bientot, ChaChe…

He kissed her forehead as she nodded. The pair released each other and went to their respective transports; Chevalier to the downed one with the trailer, Chantal to the one with the gun mounted on its cab.

Xavier got into the cab beside CeCe. She put the transport into gear and rocketed off.

“Lapin, you sure about this? I’m not a good shot. You should have kept your bro with you. He’s a Defend--”

“Sure is, X. But he’s needed there. I need you here.”

“But I’m just a suit… I couldn't protect Daemon!!”

“Naw, it's not your fault, bruh. And he ain't gunna die in vain; none of us are. Listen, it’s like I said before; You do important, X, you do. And like I said, I need you here.” A sideways glance she gave him. A smirk pulled up at the corner of her lips. “Ain’t never seen nobody kick a live grenade like it was nothin’...”

Xavier’s green eyes popped open in shock when he saw the blonde give up a slow and respectful nod in his direction.

“Yeah. I do important, right…? Right.” he looked off into the dust clouds kicking up in the distance and nodded several times, “Aaaannnnddddd… I gots your back, La-- Bunny. I gots your back, Bunny.”

“I know, X. Thanks.”

“Yeah. Now then. What’s the plan again?”

“Shoot everything that is not Aether or Calibre.”

The redhead just nodded and headed on up to the gun-mounted hatch.

“Aether. This is Bunny. We got lost on the way to the Silverbacks. Sorry, boss-lady. But listen up, since we’re here now this is what I’m thinking...”


“Troll! Breaking off now. Get your charming boyfriend there to veer right to give us some cover…! Cal! Rock that first light armour. NOW!!!”

Aether leaned left and swerved away from their blocker vehicle and into the open. Gunfire errupted from behind her as Calibre lay several volleys out at the lead NO vehicle.

“Alright then… hey, driver! Charming boyfriend! Yeah you! Do not engage the lead! Repeat do not engage. Let them come for us. We will draw fire. You just create havoc up in there. My blondie is on her way. Just do what you can and she’ll clean house here with you.”

Heavy gun fire was aimed at Troll’s vehicle; it seemed like they had little to no interest in Aether’s bike.

“Dammit. Cal, I’m movin in to draw their fire. Toss a smoke n' get our newfish some time to get in there.”

Cal patted Aether’s shoulder and readied a smoke grenade. As soon as they drew in closer, Cal put away the grenade and switched back to the assault rifle. He fired several times at the incoming vehicle. They fired back.

“Cal! The hell is wrong with you mister! I said--” Aeth glanced over at their companion vehicle. They were going after the big transport, head on, full throttle, zero intent on slowing up. “Hey Troll. Charming. You guys are heroes. See ya when I see--”

The sound of the crash was nightmare fuel. A split second later a double explosion rocked the undersides of the transport. Two of the lighter vehicles braked hard and began to swerve back towards the direction of the immense crash.

That left the other two going after Aeth and Cal.

“Alright boys… you know Aether loves to dance. Come and get us… Cal, smooth patch! Dance moves, boi!!”

Cal expertly swtiched his position to go back to back with Aether, clinging on to the bike with leg muscles alone. He opened fire upon the transport each time a gunman leaned out the window to fire at them. They were 60 seconds from the downed transport with the ‘Junk’ trailered to it.

“Cal. We’re at the bend, bruh. Drop them smokes on my mark. 3. 2. 1. Eat our ass, bitches!!”

One smoke bomb dropped and as soon as it exploded and the cloud fully formed, Cal dropped the other.

“Awwww hell yeah!! Home stretch. We gunna--AAUUUGH!!”

The bike swerved, teetered and tottered as Aether fought to keep control of the bike. A stray NO bullet caught her left leg. She managed to fight off the wobbling and stabilized once more and picked up speed. But by then it was too late.

“Shit! Shit! SHIIIIIITTT!!! Listen up Cal, you hold tight. I am so sorry, bruh. I’m comin’ back for you. I’mma come get you, I swear!!

Bunny!! Come in! I lost Cal at the bend! He fell off the bike. I gots two unfriendlies on my six and I got nobody to do suppressing fire for me. Whatever the ops you gots planned in that blonde head of yours you better do it now, missy!!”


“There she goes!” screamed out Xavier as Aether rocketed past them.

“Hold tight, X. Steady bruh. Hold fire. Just let it happen…”

The two NO pursuit vehicles roared past them and after the woman on the bike.

“Bring it home, Aeth. Going after the big sucker now. Picking up Calibre en route.”

“Roger that. Eyes on the 'Prize,' sista… Troll and the driver Charming just took it out. Kamikaze. Respect right there…” Aether paused, cleared her throat before continuing, “Thor! Heeeeyy-hey buddy! I’m coming for dinner and I’m bringing guests...!”

CeCe put the transport into gear and pulled out from behind the cover of the fallen giant advert billboard sign. Once upon a time it held up high for all to see, trying to sway onlookers to buy High Octanage Energy Drinks!! One last glance into her rearview mirror then she sped away back towards the crash.


“Chev. Here she comes. She’s been hit, but she’s about to enter the spot… ready…?”


“Sato…? Get into position. Here we go…”

Aether roared past them with the NO vehicles in hot pursuit.

“Let ‘em know, Chev… Let ‘em KNOW!!!”

From out of the downed transport cab, Chev popped up, screeching in pain due to his injured lower half, but still he managed to get his hands onto the heavy submachine gun and plowed away at the cab of the first NO transport, then at the second. The windshields were non-existant after the onslaught… and so too were the heads and upper torsos of the NO soldiers in the cabs.

Out the back of each NO transport, two soldiers each jumped. Sato opened fire on the first pair. Alina took out the remaining pair.

For several heartbeats the trio stood there, breathing heavily, frozen in position and guns still trained at the vehicles.

“Ughss… you guys just gunna stand there or you gunna help a sista out? I been hit and now my bike is on top of me. Oh and Bunny? You read me? Looks like Operation: Gotcha was a complete success. Amazing work, peeps. Simply amazing…”


“You okay, Cal?” asked Xavier as he pat the sniper on the shoulder.

A few hand signals he gave back to the redhead.

“What’s he sayin?”

“He says it’s killtime, X.”

“Hell yeah, Cal. Let’s do this.”

From the hatch, Xavier spied at the wreckage through the binoculars.

“Holy shit, guys. Bunny, that is some serious pile up there…”

"MISTER X. C’mon bruh. Focus. Status…?”

“Okay, okay… right. Big truck immobile. Two little ones… 7 baddies-- check that 9. Two of them are coming out of the wreckage. Holy shit! Damn… What the hell is that on their flatbed? Is that supposed to be a tank?!”

“Relax, X… relax. It’s not operational. Yet. Okay listen up, guys.

"Troll? Charming? This is Bunny. I’m the ‘blondie’ Aether told you about. If you read me, we are coming in. We are the vehicle with the mounted submachine gun. Flash: One, one, two, two. That's us.

"Now, they don’t know that our big gun is defunct. And for all they know we are NO issue. We gunna roll on up to them and hopefully they still checking the wreckage. We gunna come in blasting. Most likely they gunna take cover because they see our big gun.

So if you alive, and you copy this, we will lay suppressing fire for you to keep cover or get to us. Again, flash: one, one, two, two and you are a friendly. But if you can’t hear me, you still gots our respect so rest easy, Troll and Charming.”

CeCe took one last gut check breath. “All right, fellas. Let’s do this. X. Cal. Last Down, bruhs. Aeth. Cap. Sate. Thor…? This is Bunny. We’re going in for the ‘Prize.’ Hell. Yeah. Bunny out.”

It was now and only now that Izzy realized the thrumming and sighing beat of the lux that the lantern cast upon them. The heat she felt in her breath was not the doing of the daemons in her drink, nay and again nay. It was the not unpleasant dreamlike glow of the lantern that had heated her inhales and exhales, sobs and sighs. 'Twas true as true could be; it was not a lantern. Nay, it was a Lantern.

Steely-blue eyes slipped away from the scraggly haired, yet kind-hearted woman in front of her, and, suddenly the concerns of mortals slipped away as well. Into the unattainable hue of the Lantern's light she now gazed. And slowly, like petals of the readied flower after the rains, this next Ephiphany was about to blossom. Something about a Lantern and its fire. Nay, not just fire, but Flam--

The crash of the basket to the ground and the yank of her arm brought her away from her Epiphany... was that what it was or was it but mere drunken stupor playing yet again with her thoughts and emotions...?

She would never know the truth for the concerns of mortals were now the pressing matter at hand; a missing child always made it that way, it did.

When things settled down and the goat-handling urchin was located, Izzy found she had learned three new things: One, the urchin boy was named Sunny and the angellic North was its mum. Two, these things, these Hollows were the monstrosities she fathomed them to be; the town was on high alert. And Three--

The shorter guard bumped into her with intent and importance. Only one blue and yellow clad guard-type stood before her, the one that stared eye-to-eye with the tall drunken redhead had gone upstairs. The shorter guard demanded to know the whereabouts of these 'Hollows.' Steely-blue eyes stared her over with a languid up and down appraisal. Pupils dilated as a sudden glint shone in those red-rimmed eyes. The shorter guard... oh but what meat she had on her; so full figured, sooooo biteable and sooooo cute.

A slow coy wink captured the gaze of the shorter one. A flash of hot white from between pink lips, a tip of a phantom tricorn hat, a motion so slick and complete. The shorter guard suddenly at first felt Izzy's pale and slender hand at the small of her back, and then like the setting sun, the hand lowered and was cupping at the top of her buttocks as the redhead laughed softly in her ear, after a momentary pause, the hand slipped across to the generous hip, then slid up her side till dangerously close to her breast, and as the people marched and engines growled, the shorter guard found one of her own hands being held out firmly yet expertly posed. The ensuing kiss upon her hand was rather gentle and feather soft.

"Enchanted... ahoy miss, I am the one they call Izzy the... I am Ms. Izzy, the lost at sea. But in this place I am found with you. How funny be the Lady of Whims, no?" the hand she slowly and gently lowered, but not without first nibbling a fingertip and then biting softly at her own lower lip. "Of course I will come with you... and come quickly will this lass, if you'd so have me as such... and only if it pleases you..."


And Three...? She wanted that Lantern for her own.

But first thing was first.

"Now that you are done flirting with Ms. Izzy, let it be known that this 'Hollow' turned up where we washed ashore; beyond the rocky mushroom field thataway, and upon yonder sandy shore. But a single one 'twas all, aye.

"Oh and angellic Ms. North? Shan't you accompany us?"

@ReusableSword yeah, its not looking too hopeful from here. Only one vehicle now... a motorbike vs a convoy. Yay. See what happens. :\

But daBomba will post up tmrw or late sunday, peeps!!
@Mokleyyeeeeeah! I think we just need to settle into our charas and how they see the Frightful and how they see themselves fitting in on board too ;DD But like yeah! Sooooo excited!!
Damn it. XD
You're tempting me so badly to mess with your character.....and I'm sooo giving into temptation. XD

All good boss. It cant get that bad... ~Reads post~ hey. Hey now... 😨 What the actual fu--
~screen meets fist~

...oh you... yoooooooouuuuuuu... that is so damn'd devious, boss... oh yoooooouuuuuu...

Drama. Gotta LOVE IT!!!😍😍
@Mokleynawwwww... It's all good boss. I didn't read properly yet again. :[ My bad.

Imma submit another app.
@Mokleyughs... Sooooo embarrassing...

Nevermind I totes envisioned something else entirely. Scrap mama rayn. Imma do up a whole different chara...

Sorry peeps... My bad :\

I dont even... mercie sounds so villainous. >n<

The Wicked One is the villain. Mercie is the wavering conscience...

sorta' ;DD
@Girlie1Bomba Ok! What is "inbetween space" and "abandoned mortalized dwellings"?

(there's a lotta worldbuild here, I'm thinking xD)

K soooo like going back to the whole: "for every tree fallen, the greenery expands upon its boundaries." The flora takes over the buildings and alleys but not the main road. So imagine a bunch of magical flora(forests) taking over the buildings and alleyways behind the main roads. Vines and branches entwine over the road creating another level of living. Flowers large enough to bed a tiger spring forth from all over and even hang from such intertwinings. Faeries, pixies, magical butterflies buzz and flit about. The wind blows, the trees sing. The Fair children, gnomes, elves, satyrs, centaurs and others traipse about. They are the wards and caretakers of the abandoned buildings so you could imagine just what kind of decor and decorations they have done to thesse "abandoned mortalized dwellings."

Trees, shrub s and bushes line the 'inbetween spaces' of the abandoned buildings and alleyways. Song, dance and love has over taken this construction but should any not being a 'child of Mama Rayn' enter the Greenery, the treatise states that; "The Unicorn owns all that is of her Greenery." Meaning' if you enter her domain, she has all rights to treat you as if she owns you. Thusly, the 'mortalized buildings' have been abandoned. For she owns all that sits on the land, the 'inbetween spaces' included; the alleyways.

Does this make sense?

I see her being all-powerful and all consuming in her domain, but a slave to such a fate; she MUST take care of her station, lest she fade away into nothingness. The main roadway is not hers and she will only traipse upon it in dire circustances. Her children, including the trees and grasses and bushes, are turning to stone and thusly she treads upon the 'mortal domain.' The Mainroad. Cuz she is desperate now and needs help.

I know, I sooooooo know this is soooooo much to ask for in your world but I am willing to downscale it all. Just let me know.
@Girlie1Bomba Mama Rayn is intriguing! Totally approved -- though could you clarify what her relationship is with the general denizens of the Tangle?

K soooo like I'm thinking like big city big construction. Some would revere her as a demigoddess; a caretaker of the Greenspaces. Yet others would see her as an obstacle-- an enemy even-- of progress (construction). But all in all, the basic treatise is that for every tree fallen, her Corridor swallows up that much more inbetween space at its boundaries. Does that make sense?

How big is The Green Corridor in comparison to the Tangle as a whole?
As big as you like but I'm thinking that Mama Rayn has the largest or most influential Green Corridor. I'm sure in such a large city, there are other unicorn's with their own Green Corridors.

Are her 'children' just a select few, or is this an indication that everyone that lives in the Tangle is her child? If not, would her 'children' include all faeries, like Finn and Lily?

No, just the ones that call her Mama Rayn would be from her Corridor; I'm thinking there are other Unicorns with their own Corridors. But all wise Fae and Fair would know to address her as Mother in due respect, she is ancient and a unicorn afterall.

Oh and as for calling Sphinx and Reaper her sisters, I don't think they are all 'blood relations' it's just Mama Rayn refers to the ol' Relics as her sisters.

But like just let me know how much leash I got with Mother Ina'Raynjara boss, it's all good.

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