Avatar of Godlikeblade
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  • Posts: 103 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Godlikeblade 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Just waiting for a my GM, Yep.
5 yrs ago
Just currently writing the MoonBase Delta RP. It's going to be great!


“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.”
- Winston Churchill

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
- Adolf Hitler

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

Most Recent Posts

Vladimir Quake

Vladimir looks towards the city of New Reno, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the fresh air. Ahhh fresh air finally.... and maybe even a fresh start Hell, maybe even a fresh start for all of humanity. I wonder if we will actually be able to change the world and get rid of these angels once and for all.

As Vladimir was able to clear both his mind and his nostrils, he was giving a moment to think properly and get a grasp on what just happened How in the hell did that pile of rocks blow up, did I do that or was that some kind of chemical reaction that caused a freak explosion or could I possibly have powers. No that would just be silly to believe Vladimir opens his eyes and looks around at his fellow class mates "Wait, WHAT THE FUCK!?" Vladimir stares at Aaron's arm with a mix of fear and shock "Why is your arm glowing!?".

Vladimir starts massaging his temples in order in comprehend what the fuck is going on, this has definitely been the strangest day that Vladimir had experienced in his entire life. From Dean suddenly throwing fire across the room to Aaron's arm turning into a light bulb and half of the students that were in my class being dead.

Then all of a sudden the sound of metal grinding on metal rips Vladimirs concentration from him his head snaps towards the cave entrance, there was a man dressed in full black armor at the entrance of the cave, Vladimir then looks over at Dean and the teacher.

As they all get ready to stand against this man dressed in armor Vladimir walk a bit closer to the man in armor but not in a threating way "Hello, Nice to meet ya?" Vladimir says while turning pale Oh god what am I doing

@The Jest@Petulant@Silvir@CriticalHit@Windstormugly@Bishop@Warborn123@Red Helix@Ragrar

Secondly: Thanks to @Petulant, We now have an official theme song for this RP. ^_^

This song does fit the RP, good job @Petulant!
@CriticalHit@The Jest@Petulant@Bishop@Warborn123@Windstormugly@Silvir@Red Helix@Ragrar

You may want to duck or protect yourselves... just saying.
Vladimir Quake

"No problem" Vladimir says with a nervous tone as he slowly backs away from Dean as he suddenly vomits. Not wanting to be the center of attention, he swiftly backs toward a nearby stalagmite. Oh god did I fuck that up? Please tell me that I didn't, why did I even do that? Vladimir thinks to himself as he leans against the stalagmite and lets out a sigh.Forget it... Vivian's mention of the corpse caught Vladimir's attention:

I think touching the body did something to us - Everyone's acting differently..could it be possible that the skeleton released us from some kind of mind control and gave us powers?

What if she is right, the choices I made... Were they even mine? Did I ever have my own free will? He notices the horrible smell of burnt flesh and draws his attention to his classmate's charred corpses That smell... It's putrid, but I've smelt worse. As he observed the charred remains of his classmates he had a very cruel thought. Better them than me.

Vladimir looks up at the hole in the ceiling of the cavern and lets out a silent sigh I guess we have to find a way out of this cavern now, well we definitely can't cli- His train of thought was cut off but a large bang from an explosion Well that works too I guess, but that explosion it felt... good, I feel like I want more, NO I need more. His veins start pulsing again, as if every cell in his body were primed to explode at any minute.

Vladimir starts to focus on a pile of small rocks staring intently as all he could think about is explosions. A sudden explosion in the center of the rocks causes the rocks to go flying like the shrapnel of a grenade. one such stone slams right into Vladimir's leg, as he was right next to the blast "FUCK that hurt" Good thing it was not powerful enough to pierce flesh. Vladimir precedes to start slightly limping towards Dean, as he's moving towards Dean he hears what he said about the angels and the city.

"...This power...If we could awaken to these emotions, to this power. ...Do you guys think maybe the people out there would be able to as well?"

"Well there's only one way to find out and that's to show them that the angels are wrong and show them what true freedom is"

@The Jest@Warborn123@Silvir@Windstormugly@CriticalHit@Petulant@Bishop@Red Helix@Ragrar

Yea im still alive
@The Jest

Also jest we may have to remind everyone that they can post now since I've been seeing them look at the page and they never post
@The Jest

Is that a yes or a no?

It's all good, and its always good to hear other people's opinions
@Warborn123@The Jest

When it comes to this we all have our own opinions on this matter, so we should not argue about this and just let each other belive what we want to belive
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