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3 yrs ago
Current Pirates, monsters, magic, islands and no civilization to steal from. Hmm.
4 yrs ago
Now, what happens when you have a bunch of monsters that were living in a forest and they get transmigrated into a futuristic urban setting?
5 yrs ago
I know that few, if any, people on this site would be interested in it... but... I just got an idea for a SAO/GGO/XCOM/UFO crossover... fun tingles...
6 yrs ago
Life has never given mankind sufficient time... nor sleep... nor comprehension. If it had, we would have stopped trying.
6 yrs ago
It can be greatly refreshing to return to a thing that one has long loved.


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Three days since he first awoke with a start to receive his name from that worn face. Three days of wondering why he felt that he had been interrupted in something important, that he had left something important behind. Three days of discomfort and powerful instincts. But, those days passed swiftly.

It was dark in the cave where the elder goblin slept. But, Tik had watched and waited long enough. He had slipped into the dark and crept into the hidden room while his new siblings were getting their bearings. Here, in the company of the only adult example he had, Tik had found a place to think.

It was hard to think. He was hungry. The bones left by the elder goblin were not something that he could really eat but he did gnaw on a small one, getting a better feel for his teeth and tongue as he studied the body and possessions of the elder. He wasn't going to take anything from the elder. Too dangerous, but the discarded bones were another matter. Some of them were broken and had sharp ends. He grasped two of them, one in each hand, and felt their heft and edges.

Then another goblin ran in like a rookie and bounced off the elder's backside... Memories shifted and wriggled uncomfortably in Tik's head. Their blurry crossed meanings were an unnecessary distraction. Rookie? The word didn't have definition or clarity in his mind but it felt... young and stupid... sort of.

Tik wasn't spotted by his sibling right away as most of his body was on the other side of the elder. But, he scraped the two bones in his hands against each other while seeking to make eye contact with his sibling. Once he got the other's attention, he pointed with one bone back down the way toward the main chamber. Here was a bad place to talk. Elder was big and waking up made things grumpy.

Tik picked up a few other bones that looked sharp and long enough to use for something but didn't spot any bones big and strong enough to hit hard. Maybe the elder had already used them? Still, it didn't matter. He was ready to follow his sibling out and take care of the gnawing hunger in his gut. Chewing on that bone had only helped a little. Most of it was still too hard to break down and eat.

Trace Retloth
Inside the Fort

The attack landed, but it wasn't enough. Trace knew that this enemy was done for. But, an enemy facing death could suddenly do things that were unpredictable. Many people, even veterans of many battles, had died due to underestimating a person in such a position. He would not make that mistake.

As soon as he withdrew his lance from his attempt on the armored bandit's underarm, he shifted his position toward the enemy's other side while staying behind him. Then, just as he was about to move, a familiar spell began to take shape. Artemisia and her group had come this far at last. Heavy armor meant an inability to easily manage magical attacks. The bandit's moment of realization was an opportunity for Trace's lance as well. He crouched low and struck hard for the upper portion of the inner thigh of the bandit's far leg and the large blood vessel housed there.

Status: Lightly Injured
Class: Recruit
  • Iron Lance 2/3
  • Vulnerary 3/3

Somebody just needs to gain the 'spore budding' skill... and spam it.
Interested, if there's not too many already. The ideas are already flowing.
@Stabby @Zeroth

Femus had moved quickly through that burst of training and a notable number of things had happened as a result. He took a moment afterward to gather his thoughts and examine his options. Gaining a level was good, the extra points were valuable as well. The shudder from the tree and the change in the surrounding area was not so good. It seemed that he had come closer to waking that powerful something than he had wished to. But, they had escaped that potential catastrophe for the moment.

The Bowhorn seemed like it would be very valuable prey, if they could craft the horns well enough and make use of more than a small bit of the carcass. Even then, it would be a difficult target to kill with the skills and spells that he had to work with. So long as the Bowhorn was caught off guard by a Static Bolt to the spine, there might be a chance to finish it off after any other creatures fled. But, it would be a risky gamble even with his knowledge of its likely vital points. There were two major reasons why he wouldn't take that gamble soon. First, the spell was incomplete and still took a large amount of mana to cast. Follow-up strikes would be difficult. Second, the spell's power couldn't be confirmed until it was complete.

The forest still felt wrong. Common creatures were out and about again, but the magic sensitive ones were still keeping their heads down, or taking the opportunity to get some rest. The latter seemed less plausible. That would be a rather odd coincidence... and too much of an oddity for Femus to believe.

He took a look at Nira and confirmed that her training was proceeding well. It looked like she might be approaching the problem of a lack of water from a more magical angle than he was. Though his expression was still too small to be easily read, Femus smiled a little before going back to his own training.

So close. He was so close to gaining an entire list of skills. So, he examined his skills one more time, looking for those with a '.4'. He found two that fit that single criteria perfectly. Static Bolt was at 0.4 and Shock Round was at 1.4. Spell Chant and Keen Sight also fit the criteria. But, while important, they were less vital to get to a functional level quickly.

Femus focused his will and mentally spoke to the system. "System, please place five points in Static Bolt and five points in Shock Round." That would bring the number of skills at a '.9' to a total of six. He had a short list of what to train next.

First, he carefully snagged another leaf to suck on. This method wouldn't really reduce his thirst much, if any, but it should keep it from getting worse so long as his training wasn't too physically demanding. If Nira succeeded, then they'd be far better prepared for travel.

The next step was finishing the leveling of these six skills. First, Femus focused his attention on his mana flow, directing it into his eyes. From that basis, he began to concentrate on it gathering in the inner lens of the eye as well as joining with the cones and rods. This combination should help him to sense mana through his vision as well as 'encoding' it into a structure that he could interpret with relative ease. Then, while maintaining this state, he sought to study the mana flow of the Great Kao Tree and discover some additional details about what was within it. He also tried to study the structure of both the Great Kao Tree and any traces of what lay within, regardless of what analysis skills may be necessary. Finally, before releasing the mana concentration from his eyes, Femus turned his gaze on the herb patch and tried to find plants that had one of these two mana types around or in them, healing and electric. Plants with those traits would be handy. At last, he released his control of his mana and meditated, focusing on slowly and carefully filling his mana pool with high density and high purity mana.

Once his mana was replenished, Femus again focused on that patch of ground. This time, he did something a little different. He focused additional mana into a Shock Round, trying to make it similar in mana density to his Mana Orb 2, before putting a spin on it and firing it at that spot. Then, even as the Shock Round impacted, he focused on the space and the arcing of electricity from him to the spot, trying to swiftly gather and concentrate enough mana for the jump. But, he also focused on having the jumping charge be the opposite charge from the one that the Shock Round had as he softly intoned. "Strike, Static Bolt." If the Shock Round left a residual charge after impact then it could help the speed and minimize the mana cost of the following Static Bolt by leaving a charged field at the point of impact. Femus knew that such a weak field wouldn't last long but if it lasted long enough then it might make for an effective 'combo' for more potent foes.

With these experiments finished, he studied their effects and attributes. Recalling every perceived detail of the experiences and seeking an even deeper understanding of his developing magic. This study was careful and zealous but not exhaustive. If he could commit the information to memory then he could study it later. For now, there was something that he wanted to do while the forest was quiet.

Femus suppressed his light and presence before letting himself slip off the branch and silently drop to the ground, only strengthening his Levitation when he was half-way down to prevent an unfortunately abrupt impact. Once down, within a couple inches of the plants, he moved to a spot where the Bowhorn had eaten the herbs close to the ground. There, he tore a small hole in the earth with his Lesser Force, trying to make it behave like a trowel and then like a claw. Once the hole was about two inches deep and an inch across, he took one of his Blue Yill flowers and carefully planted its stem a full inch in the soil before pushing the removed earth and sod back around it. The Blue Yill had been picked almost a full day ago. He was not delusional enough to think that it would be able to form seeds with just what it still held within it.

Now, the work begins. He focused his mana and rested his body so that he touched the soil and the base of the Blue Yill. Then, he began to whisper a chant over and over as he directed his mana to cause the Yill's stem to function as a cutting and grow roots into the soil. At the same time, he concentrated on refusing to absorb the mana in the Yill itself. He needed it alive.
"Root and feed, root and drink." He chanted.
"Root and feed, root and drink." And again.

If his mana seemed to be falling short of the demand, he would stop to meditate and also draw mana from the other surrounding plants. Once there was a firm sense that the Blue Yill was stable and rooted, he would focus his mana on strengthening the Blue Yill's vitality before seeking to cause it to go to seed. If everything went well, he would have a number of Blue Yill Seeds that he could cultivate later. If not, he would learn more about these skills and abilities.
Times are crazy indeed. Did everybody manage to have... some kind of Easter holiday celebration?
Life stays busy, even when people keep to themselves more than usual. I do look forward to continuing, but I don't want to put pressure on people. After all, learning how to not stress out over these matters was tough for me. I'm a worrier by nature so I used to feel... strong pressure to post quickly whenever it was my turn. Thinking that I owed a post was normal for a long while.

In any case. I'm glad that you're doing alright. I hope everyone else is as well.
@Stabby @Zeroth
Status Update:
Hunger decreased. You are Peckish.
Thirst increased. You are Parched.

There are 3 Kele Shoots remaining.

You have reinforced the [Leaf Dress]! It is ever so slightly tougher!

Femus received the system message with mixed feelings. In part, they seemed redundant. However, it was also true that survival had to come before training and confirmation did not hurt. Nira seemed to have made some kind of breakthrough as she stretched and shifted the apparent direction of her training. It seemed that instant progress was as unlikely here as it was in their previous lives. But, progress could still be achieved.

Femus swallowed down his frustration and thirst for a moment as he observed three Bowhorn deer enter the clearing below them and begin grazing on the herbs there. Even if he was thirsty, it wouldn't kill him that quickly. The deer were powerful creatures with physical strength and speed far beyond Femus's own. The herbs were effectively unavailable until the deer moved on. Going around them for water was possible, but Femus did not know how far the river that the goblins spoke of was from this location. It wasn't likely that it would be inside the footpath. It might make for a good destination but the two were not quite ready yet. Oddly enough, Femus had to resist an urge to kill the male Bowhorn. With a stealthy approach from above he might be able to strike its spine with a burst of shock orbs. The blood of such a large creature would be an effective solution for his present thirst. But, the risk was too high.

He wondered if fear was going to become too great of a hindrance for him. His previous life had taught him exactly what happens when you attack a strong enemy. You might kill them, but they will likely kill you as well.

Femus contented himself with carefully studying each of the Bowhorns, studying their similarities to deer and other beasts of like shape and structure while he also used his Monster Analysis skill actively. He wanted to be certain of the location of the heart, liver, primary bones, and largest blood vessels. He would likely be hunting creatures like this soon enough. He wanted to hunt properly and make use of everything he could.

After he finished analyzing the three, he carefully reached out with Lesser Force to pluck a leaf. He then put the broken stem in his mouth and began to alternately suck and chew. The sap would not be very hydrating but it should keep him from being distracted while he continued training a little longer. Besides, training to withstand thirst and hunger could well save his life later on.

His first attempt seemed to get results but those results weren't decisive enough. The nature of the spell and the element seemed to resist his will. Perhaps his approach was backward? Shock Orb was described as having a homing attribute. Perhaps he could make use of that 'pull' to accelerate the flight speed. With that in mind, Femus focused his intent on the base of a small branch that stuck out from one of the common trees that surrounded them. Then, he envisioned that point being linked to his spell by a thread while channeling his mana into another needle-like Shock Orb. The concept in his mind was that the needle followed the string like a bead on a silk thread, slipping along without wandering and gaining speed as it went. Holding this many things in mind and in mana was not easy, it took all his concentration and the world around him vanished from his perception as he worked. He even forgot his own body as he sought to grease the thread with a tiny amount of electric mana before giving the dart an axial spin and firing it along the thread toward the chosen target.

After releasing the spell, Femus used Magic Analysis 2 as he studied every aspect of the spell in action. What parts of the method worked? Which ones didn't? Was part of his method in conflict with the rest? Was this 'straight line' path simply an unnatural form of movement for this element? Was it the level of his Mana Shape skill? He needed answers, and as many as possible.

"System." He thought as he began meditating to restore his depleted mana. "Please display unusable skills." However, as he examined what the system showed him, he began to focus on drawing some of his mana from the tree directly. He knew the tree had large mana reserves flowing through it. So, he simply pulled some of it through the bark where he rested. He also sought to smooth the flow of that mana to minimize any discomfort to the tree. Once he was again over his maximum mana, he sought to try something else.

He remembered asking his father about what people meant when they said 'A bolt from the blue.'. His father had needed to look up the answer and both of them had been surprised. Positively charged lightning that could strike from across the horizon. Lightning from a storm far away that could hit a person who had no idea it could reach them. Femus concentrated on making his Shock Orb absorb these qualities, locking onto a target at a distance and then jumping instantly to strike it. But, something about that didn't feel right. So, he stopped and attempted to deactivate the spell without losing the mana. Instead, he reached out and focused on a patch of ground with no branches above it. Then he concentrated on making that place attractive to lightning, so attractive that the surrounding trees would have no effect on the bolt's path from the clouds to the ground and back again. Femus also focused his will into his words as he spoke in a tone of command. "Strike, Lightning Bolt."

He used Magic Analysis 2 on this attempted spell as well. Then, he meditated back to full mana, checked on the Bowhorns down below, and decided to focus on something more immediately practical. Water.

He focused on his eyes, ears, and nose. He sought sight, sound, or scent of water in every direction. After trying two full turns with concentration and patience he took hold of his mana, regulating its flow through his body so that it concentrated in his eyes and nose and ears. He wanted to be able to detect hints of humidity in the air, the sound of water in the distance, the subtle changes in the forest lighting that might indicate the reflection of light off of a wet surface. But, in addition to all of these things, he also wanted to be able to perceive the element of water itself. If there was an electric element then there would be a water element. It made sense that the water element would gather around or emit from places with water. So, he searched.
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