Avatar of Hekazu
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hekazu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1802 (0.47 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hekazu 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
And back I am. Exhausted, certainly, and may need a while for that to wear off, but I'm once more here to read and even write!
5 yrs ago
Won't be replying for a while. Am hiking.
5 yrs ago
My congratulations to the winners of TI9! Well played gentlemen, well played.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Should have been writing posts. Took part in D&D shenaniganry instead. Got to fix that tomorrow.
5 yrs ago
There's a lot of backlog here on my end. I'm trying my best to lessen it, but replies might be less frequent for a time. A welcome change from the nothing doing I went through though! Thanks partners!


I suppose it is about time for me to copypaste fill in some information about myself over here just as well. Only took me a few years to getting around to do it.

I am a married individual in my twenties from the country some people dare claim does not exist. The Finland conspiracy is an old joke, you can stop with it now. Not a native speaker of the English language by any means, though I did begin studying it exceptionally early for our country's standards. I suppose it was some sort of a test case. With that out of the way though, what more should I be saying here...
  • I like being nice to people. If one needs to ask why, well that alone is reason enough.
  • I play and Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons, both offline and in the past also over here.
  • I enjoy OOC chatter, be it planning the RP or a more casual exchange (not that RP'ing is that serious). I can make do without, but don't be afraid to talk to me.
  • Whatever the case, I'm here to have fun and hone my writing abilities!
I do think that should about cover it, yes.

Thanks for stopping by I suppose! I do also have a Discord account, but I prefer to start anything RP related on the site. At least with people I don't know from the past, that is! But hey, now if you are a longer time contact of mine and happened to read this, now you know and can ask!

Most Recent Posts

Right, I should start by addressing any issues I can see on @Gordian Nought's map...

Kyra has moved more than her maximum movement. I suppose the tent they wanted to enter was the bottom left one, as they have enough moves to get there.

Brannor has not taken the spot of the felled commander and one opponent has moved. None of the opponents spent any movement.

Orchid has not moved forward what they said they would do on their last round. Well, they have now moved further forward anyway, so there is that.

With those out of the way, I'll say that Orchid has triggered a Readied Action. I will be typing up a quick in between and then passing the turn on to the next one in initiative order.
We have a character sheet form and the base of the plot has been decided on. See 0th post of the OOC section.
You raise a tough question, @SleepingSilence. I believe the most important thing here is that the level of tech makes sense for the character's status and occupation, and we need to also note that a cyborg is, in the end, the sum of their parts. A man with a reflex booster, flash resistant eyes and a smartgun link will be a much greater threat than, say, a guy with the same reflex booster, a biomonitor and skinweave. Things tend to work together. The example for zooming cyberoptics in Cyberpunk 2020 is, I believe, 20x magnification.
I guess my only question is does anyone have a problem with full body conversions? I'm fully aware and intending to do what would make sense/use logical steps to justify it. (I'd like to know in advance.)

They are a part of the setting, to be sure. I however find any and all of said individuals to be astronomically unlikely to be taking part in the Davison case, not the least because very few exist outside direct megacorporation governance. The lack of humanity in full 'borgs stemming from their obviously superhuman status makes it unlikely that they would be interested out of their own consciousness either. Said lack of empathy is, after all, the base cyberpsychosis jumps up from. Why care about the lesser beings if you are so much greater than them? These are the main troubles I can currently recall to mind as I think what including a post-full conversion individual in the initial storyline would bring.
Updated to 2nd edition.

Okay, deep breaths now... nobody will lynch you...
Created 0th posts for OOC and Characters tabs. Anyone who wants to share the burden of keeping them up to date with me is welcome to do so, we have a few of these Co-GM stickers that let one do that still available.
Important details about the plot:
Police Lieutenant Davison has been selling classified gear to a few different gangs in a war with one another. All is well and good, since the gangs pretty much know that if they off Davison then all the other gangs are going to bash their skulls in for cutting the steady supply of "the good shit", weapons, ammo, combat drugs, what have you. But then the lieutenant is approached by a megacorporation employee who politely introduces himself and informs the good detective of just how deep shit he has buried himself in by causing trouble to the corporation he represents. And that he should probably make himself useful for them, or there will be hell to pay.

Now the man has vanished. His status is unknown to everyone, even the NCPD, but everyone wants to get their hands on him. The corporation (Murkywater Security), the police department, the gangs, and then there's the relatives of the man. Players are free to create characters from multiple walks of life, who may or may not end up forming alliances or competing directly with one another. Any single faction should nonetheless try for some cohesion between its members.

Current ongoing plotlines and their respective synopses:

Current character sheet revision available here. Subject to change.

All right, let's have a look at the few things that we likely should, sooner or later.

Full 'borgs. They are expensive. So expensive in fact, that most full body converted people do not own themselves. Most of them indeed make a contract with a corporation and have their body rigged to explode/disable itself/whatever appropriate if they move against the contract made. And even then they are mostly utilised as soldiers, few for pilot or research purposes. Not as rare as androids, because fully electronic brains are extremely difficult, but still quite unlikely an occurrence.

What has been chosen for the story thus far, if I am not mistaken, we chose to go for Lt. Davison having disappeared. His status is unknown to everyone, even the NCPD, but everyone wants to get their hands on him. The corporation (which probably needs a name, I propose we salvage Murkywater Security), the police department, the gangs, and then there's the relatives of the man. The last one probably has the least resources to spend? Either way, this allows for characters from multiple walks of life who may or may not end up forming alliances or competing directly with one another. It's Night City. The usual Friday night has at least a hundred firefights.

Lastly, the character sheet format. Suppose it should be at least something like below. Criticism and improvements encouraged!
The Cultist succeeds on their save.

@Gordian Nought
The stage is yours.
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