Avatar of HokumPocus
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 591 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. HokumPocus 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Idea: Superhero rp but every superpower has to be a unnecessarily specific fetish taken from a 1x1 thread
6 yrs ago
joining a roleplay can have the same stress of applying for a job except its better cause instead of bagging groceries you get to be a cute gay anime cat girl who goes to magic school
6 yrs ago
*tackleglomps u and nuzzles* X3 *notices bulge in ur pants* OwO wats dis???
6 yrs ago
does anybody in this thread smoke weed
6 yrs ago
The thrill of doing seventy different code edits without saving and then not knowing whether your post looks cute or like an exploded cumbox


▄██THE YAOI TANK███▅▄▃▂

I like rats, jalapeño poppers, y2k aesthetics and idol games. I am pretty extroverted on the internet due to how easy it is to connect with people with similar interests. My personality may come across as aggressively friendly or over the top at times and I apologize in advance for that, whoops.

As for my strange signatures and profile pictures, a lot of them are a part of a specific aesthetic I´ve developed over the years that's basically 2000s aesthetics with a focus on the technology that explore themes of loss, abandonment, filth, and hopelessness, rather than the optimistic and mainstream view of the future that was common during that period of time.

TALK 2 ME!!!!

Most Recent Posts

  • Male

  • 43

  • #F27778 = "No problem, no problem!"

  • Repair and maintenance expert.

  • An upbeat and charismatic spanish man in his forties, characterized by his boisterous nature. While speaking fluent English was a bare minimum requirement for anyone who wished to join the Aurora, Hugo, against all odds, was selected. His heavy accent and less than fluid speech don’t seem to bother him or affect his booming voice in the slightest.

    Hugo comes from a large family, and as such loves children and has no concept of personal space. For someone with such a large build he surprisingly doesn’t eat much. Overly affectionate, great at improvising.

  • Male

  • 19

  • #9546A1 = "Does everyone really not know how to pronounce it?"

  • Construction overseer.

  • An introverted genius who came from a wealthy household. His perfectionist tendencies result in him exaggeratedly micromanaging things and missing the big picture in favor of focusing on the small details. His sheltered European background has led to some misunderstandings with shipmates. He is polite towards others, yet harsh on himself, and will refuse to seek help in order to avoid appearing incompetent or bothersome. He doesn’t believe that he’s multifaceted enough to qualify being aboard the Aurora, but he keeps it to himself.

Mark Steel tore through several cans of pureed meat with the force of a homicidal vacuum cleaner. In his several months of studying at the institute he had steadily dialed down his dinner table ferocity until it had reached a point where people were no longer giving him several meters of space to avoid splash damage. His eating habits were still bewildering and aggressive, but they now allowed him to participate in conversations and sit next to people, two things that he was now doing in the back of a truck.

“FRIEND, REMEMBER WHAT I HAVE TAUGHT YOU!” Mark stared dead ahead at his conversational partner, a shy scholarly boy from his magic theory classes. The boy’s low self-esteem and milquetoast personality had more or less made him Mark’s magical guinea pig, even if neither of them had realized it. Magical theory was Mark’s favorite class, as he could simultaneously understand what was happening and develop his magic, all while making great advancements towards successfully using it on humans. Initially his target required his consent, but now his magic had the power to affect them whether they wanted it or not.

The canine chimera shouted words of (magically enhanced) encouragement at his friend until he had visibly stopped shaking, and then began to eat pickled vegetables in rabid glee. They were disgusting, but his magic had once again broken through the boy’s walls and he was satisfied at his results.

Over the past several months he had also received various complaints over his strange use of the word “soldier” and had replaced it with friend, which was admittedly a better option. He reassured his nervous friend.

“DO NOT WORRY FRIEND, THIS MAGIC WILL HELP YOU UNLOCK YOUR INNER FIGHTING SPIRIT.” He placed a set of firm hands on the boy’s shoulders and continued. “YOU MUST NOW SAY THE MAGIC PHRASE!”

The frail student in front of him balled up his fists, slowly working up the courage required to comply with Mark's loud instructions. “B-Build that body!,” he stuttered, regaining composure for the second half. “Huaah!”

Mark had discovered that having his target follow his instructions helped open their minds towards his suggestions, making his ability have an easier time landing. The use of fake magic words was the easiest method, although it tended to get scoffed at if used on the average and cynical person. A huge grin formed on Mark’s face at his classmate’s willingness to improve. “GREAT JOB SOLDIER.” He said, forming a stiff thumbs up. Although it wasn’t a word he used as much anymore, he felt that a mock battle overseen by imperial battlemages was a more than good enough reason.
Whale cum 2 the guild hav a fun tiem

Hidden underneath a beautiful set of robes were hands that clung to each other's forearms like chains. Bao had spent much time pondering over and justifying the behavior of the strangers before him, thinking of anything that could explain the consecutive series of social ettiquette blunders unfolding before his stiff eyes.

In fact, Bao's entire body was stiff. As he was in the court of another member of nobility, he'd resolved to keep his thoughts to himself and instead leave the responsibility of judgement to her. To say that the task was difficult would be an understatement, as the old man was as stiff as a statue in his attempts to restrain his usually culturally critical tongue. No one knew what he was thinking, but it wasn't hard to tell that it certainly wasn't anything pretty or poetic. Just because he was a pacifist didn't mean he was above acting aloof and harsh when it came to ettiquette mishaps.
I have already shared wisdom for this situation. I must now wait.
@SonofJET Excellent character, approved! Slap that bad boy over to the cs tab pls!
*stares at ur cute wittle toesies* OwO welcome to the guild nya! *licks my widdle lips* o3o
@Sola I may or may not have just realized how vague that section is so I edited it a bit, apologies teehee
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