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    1. IceHeart 10 yrs ago
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Desktop profile login won't work. Coincidence that Windows 7 is no longer supported on same day? Consider me doubtful.
5 yrs ago
I wonder why I have no notifications, then I realize I forgot to sub to my own threads. Whoops!
5 yrs ago
I'm having way too much fun with my Legend of Zelda Encylopedia. This is the game that got me into roleplaying so have a lot invested in it's lore and stories. Too bad can't have all the games too.
6 yrs ago
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas...too bad it was already looking this way back in October...
6 yrs ago
Whew, looks like only 5 days, stupid thing showed me six just to try and scare my pants off...


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This actually looks really cool. Do people feel any particular way about those who try to map the world?

I was thinking a cartographer who keeps meaning to head back to the institute he works for, but maybe he'll do just one more station...

Most people probably think that trying to map so much is a waste of time since the world is 'endless' after all. For the more local areas around the stations though maps can still be pretty useful as people often need to know the best routes to settlements and such. Getting lost in the expanse can easily mean death since water is often a rare find.

World Information

Common Knowledge: The world is flat and infinite. Most of the world is, unfortunately, rather desolate with only a few fresh springs.

Water: Probably one of the most precious resources out there, no settlement can last long without a supply of water. One of the most lucrative jobs out there is water prospecting. Anyone who finds such a location can quickly sell the information and make a small fortune as settlers are quick to move in and create a new town wherever there is water.

The Stations: All stations have at least one train bay for maintenance, they are also the only places where there is a bit of extra track which can allow other trains to pass by if needed. The stations are generally run by Steamholt Transportation and they employ many people in various positions. Because trains in general can never go back the way they came, train crews are constantly changing trains, often employed on a kind of train loop where they travel a station or two before hopping on the other track and heading back to home base. Woe to anyone who leaves anything on the train as you will never see that item again unless you get back on that same train before it leaves.

Weapons: Weapons can be hard to come by as unless you are at a station where there are profitable mines around, supplies will often be quite limited. Resources are often scarce so frugality is the key to survival. Most travelers have at least a knife on them, especially since it has so many uses aside from fighting and doesn't need ammunition. Guns are expensive as is ammo so careful maintenance is key to keeping a gun in shape for a long time. Handguns, like revolvers are the most common type of gun since they are easier to carry, maintain, and tend to be the cheapest to buy and make. Rifles are hard to come by so usually only the rich, the lucky, or those with a family weapon tend to have one. Because of their longer range and firepower they are often seen as great prizes to be pilfered and looted.

I'm pondering my character at the moment. How's this for a pitch?

- Mysterious Gunslinger who claims to have been searching for Paradise, which is somewhere along the railroad. He's been at it for about one hundred years, and nobody is sure if he's really human anymore, since the only sign of life is a set of bright eyes that peek out from beneath a hat and an outfit that's way to big.

The idea of a search for paradise is interesting, though the 100 years thing I think is a bit much. I know this is 'fantasy western' but as I want a bit more of a realistic type setting that character seems a bit out there.

Character Skeleton

Appearance: [picture or description]
Equipment: [From weapons to other tools]
Abilities: [Skills that make your character unique, ex. Marksmanship, Excellent Cook, Survivalist, Tailor, etc.]
The Story: [Character biography, 2-4 paragraphs]
Quirks: [Anything random that you just want people to know about. Maybe you hiccup around water? Have a special birthmark on your butt? Can't keep company cause you snore like a saw mill? Etc.]
@Athol The tracks run North/South meaning the settlements will be East/West of the stations. Because it is an 'infinite' railroad usually each settlement only knows about other settlements roughly 2-3 stations away from them. Usually each station will have maps to help travelers know where the nearby towns are and other points of interest. I will probably at least semi-plan out say, three initial train stations to start out with. Because of the odd structure of the railroads it makes it quite hard for places to have knowledge of much beyond their initial neighbors though of course there are some exceptions.
Carol Danvers Is

Quinjet Heading to Unknown Location

Abigail Brand was an interesting individual to be sure. With green hair, green eyes, and even green lipstick she certainly knew how to garner attention just through looks. An agent of SWORD that was tight lipped and mysterious, apparently her hair was even her natural color which certainly made one wonder what her circumstances were, of course there was little time for me to ponder such mysteries as things went quickly to business.

"Hello Agent Brand, out for a ride are we?" I quipped a bit, trying mostly to get myself back in a good mood then to get any response from ms. green.

"Go ahead and change back into Ms Marvel. The less people who know your identity the better."

Abigail tossed me a small glowing orb, obviously quite well versed on all my abilities and their limitations. I easily caught it and started the transformation process into my still unfamiliar battle suit. I couldn't help but ask about the name.

"Really? Ms Marvel?"

"You really are a marvel. After all you survived an alien device explosion, somehow bonded your DNA with that of an alien species, and are now probably one of the strongest humans in the world. It's also a marvel you are still almost completely human both biologically and physically, Ms Marvel. A lot of accidents usually have much more dramatic consequences that are often uncontrollable and more life shattering."

Agent Brand certainly wasn't wrong about that, it was a miracle I had come out of that experience with pretty much only a bunch of pluses, in fact aside from the occasional slip into Kree language there really had been few negatives to come out of the changes. Course I was sure something bad would turn up sooner or later but then again maybe I was lucky, or even God had a bit of a hand in everything to tune me up. Still, I wasn't quite sure about the name Ms Marvel, it sounded awfully similar to the alien Mar-vell. I was grateful he saved me but...to be almost named after an alien spy was a bit troubling. Of course SWORD didn't know about his name and really only knew about his existence, so obviously they had chosen Ms Marvel for it's more, well, marvelous quality and meaning.

I was sure it was going to take me a while to get used it as now that I was changed and suppose to stay that way while on SWORD property, I was going to be Ms Marvel until further notice.

"Good, now we can talk more freely." Brand beckoned me into the middle of the Quinjet into a sort of briefing room with a holographic projection table in the middle. These special organizations really did get all the toys.

A few other agents were milling in and out, either being busy or trying to look busy. I noticed one of the male agents being a little, distracted upon seeing me and of course he couldn't help but look down at the hip and thigh area. Of course he caught the stink eye from Agent Brand and quickly slinked out of the room.

Sometimes it was hard to think of this suit as battle gear. The certainly had tough bodies to allow for such liberties.

"Well I can think of only one reason you would suddenly call for me. Something Kree related?"

"Indeed Ms Marvel. We recently came into possession of...a rather large object that appears to be Kree in origin. All of our attempts to study the object have failed so far. Due to your knowledge download of Kree intelligence from the accident, SWORD has decided that as a valuable asset we needed to call you in; hopefully something in that brain of yours can help us crack this thing. If not I suppose we can also just use your new strength to good use and try to force it open."

"Great, so now I'm your personal pickle jar opener?" After I said that I just made the connection that Agent Brand was kinda green like a pickle, I resisted the urge to smile.

"Everyone has a role Ms Marvel." Agent Brand smiled, she looked a bit creepy quite frankly. I had a feeling things would not be so simple.

Mountainside, Nevada Desert, near Secret SWORD Facility

Colonel Yon-Rogg sat patiently in a small crevice in the rock. He was looking at a small screen that showed video feed from one of his Kree drones that was secretly scouting out a human complex on the desert floor. He had tracked the machine to this location after the native population of the planet had swooped in and claimed his prize before he had finished giving the device the necessary instructions. Captain Mar-vell had put in some safety precautions against tampering so it had taken him longer than needed to bypass those measures, which had delayed him long enough for those primitives to stop him from achieving his goals.

Thankfully human technology was too limited to track him so it had been relatively simple connect his equipment to the the machine and track it to this location; unfortunately the facility was obviously specifically modified to prevent anything on the outside from getting in, including signals. As soon as the machine had entered that complex all signals were lost and now he had no idea where exactly it was. Still, those humans with their inferior technology would make a mistake sooner or later and that was when he would swoop in and finish what he started.

He was a military man, he was patient, but he found his free hand clenching into a fist as he remembered the humiliation of being thwarted by that traitor, Captain Mar-vell. All his plans of ridding himself of that sentimental fool had all been for naught, which was why he was resorting to a rather drastic but necessary plan B. It wasn't the most ideal plan and if it succeeded his superiors might be a bit disappointed after all the time and effort put into this planet, but it would rid him of all his obstacles in one fell swoop, as well as forever hide his disgrace.

A blip appeared on his screen and he turned the metallic and blue drone to get an eye on the approaching object. It was one of the human craft which were remarkably fast and agile considering their technology. He watched as the quinjet landed on a helicopter pad outside the facility's main doors. The vehicle opened up and out came some humans in their black and white uniforms but there was one very unique individual among them. The colonel couldn't believe his eyes.

"Is that a Kree Uniform on a human? Rutgath! It has the appearance of a Starforce female uniform! How did the humans get their hands on one!" The colonel started at his screen in surprise and a bit of anger too, had Kree intelligence somehow fallen into the primitives hands? Still, he doubted they knew much even if that was the case, if they were bringing someone in with that uniform, that meant they were up to something. Whatever they planned they would fail and then he would be able to achieve his objective, it was only a matter of time.

SWORD facility, Nevada Desert

I was amazed at just how smooth a ride the quinjet really was, as a pilot I couldn't help but be impressed with its craftmanship. I had tried to used my pilot senses to get an idea of where we were going since I wasn't allowed to look outside, but the best I had managed to figure out was we had traveled somewhere to the western United States and I was unsure how far North or South we had traveled.

Once I was outside and noticed the blazing sun and the rather desolate landscape with hardly a cacti to be seen, I had a much better idea where we were. I walked along with Agent Brand and some other SWORD agents into the very large, heavy, and well guarded entrance to the facility. The place didn't look that big on the outside but I could quickly tell this facility had quite an extensive underground. The facility had quite a spartan look to it but not clinical as the interior decorators had a little fun making the facility look a bit older and more rustic than it had any right to be.

"So is this Area 51?" I half-joked, kind of wondering if it actually was the fabled Area 51.

A SWORD member blew out a laughing puff of air. "Pfff, don't we wish. As far as I know this place was just some extra facility SHIELD created that they gave over to the SWORD branch because it was out of the way. Basically we're the perfect location to place all sorts of crazy alien tech they find in case something bad happens. The real Area 51 is basically a tourist location for government officials to keep them happy and in the dark."

Well, remote locations were the best for dangerous research after all, a little disappointing it wasn't actually Area 51, doubly so to realize the real Area 51 was more of a front than anything else.

"Enough chatter," Agent Brand intervened so we wouldn't be distracted and kept marching us along. Before long we reached an elevator, got in and took a rather silent ride down to a lower level. It was rather awkward as Brand wasn't one for small talk and nobody else dared say anything. Soon I was standing in what was basically a giant hangar with a colossal...err rounded cylinder, but my senses were telling me it was much more than it appeared. I could instantly see why they thought it was Kree as the proud engravings of some Kree symbols were etched on the polished surface.

"So first things first, can you tell me what those symbols mean?" Abigail asked with her arms crossed and a sour look on her face. I stared at the symbols, at first meaning nothing to me but then that weird Kree knowledge started to pour into my head and the meaning of those symbols became clear as day.

"It's a designation I believe. Sentry 459."
You've certainly gotten my attention. Since I'm a bit of a gun-nerd I feel compelled to ask, how advanced would the firearms be? Still just single shot cap and ball type stuff, or would things like early semi-automatics (pre-WW1) be allowed?

I was thinking like revolvers and rifles at the time of my idea creation so closer to that pre-WW1 time slot. While certain weapons you could shoot fairly quickly if you're good at them like a revolver, of course there would be no carry-able machine guns. Probably the fastest weapon that might appear would be a mounted gatling gun like during the late Civil War era. So it's at least gotten past the need for loading power and shot, mostly just need to replenish ammo and of course perform cleaning and necessary upkeep for weapons.
I never really read comics like at all. I do somewhat remember having some random pokemon comics at one time and picked up a spider-man here and there. Pretty much all my comic book knowledge came from cartoons, mostly Spider-Man 90s one, and my Ultimate Spider-Man Guide book that introduced me to a ton of Spider-Man lore and a whole range of different comic-book characters. Then it was like Justice League cartoon and pretty much anything that came around that time or after.

And now for my all time favorite comic-book. :)

I got myself a copy, it is one awesome piece of glorious Satire.
@IceHeart Alright, makes sense. I really love the pitch. So like a western cowboy Beebop? Where everything is grounded, but with some fantastical elements that have a kind of grounded root behind it.

I guess that's a pretty apt description, though I've never actually watched Cowboy Beebop so I wouldn't know. Closest thing I've watched is Outlaw Star. But ya, more grounded but with some fantastical elements.
Frankly I hadn't really thought that far ahead, though I'm sure I was thinking it would be a bit more realistic with sprinklings of other elements to add some flavor. Like I don't think monsters or undead would be 'wild' so to speak, if there is anything like that, more likely than not, there would be some driving force creating them such as a mad scientist. Nothings set in stone but I was leaning toward a more 'low' fantasy type setting if anything.
Carol Danvers Is

"Nice to see you too Joseph." I responded back sarcastically as I plopped down in my own seat a little ways from him. If I was going to get a verbal lashing no matter what might as well be sitting down to conserve my strength.

"I see you're just as obnoxious as ever Carol. Must have been some kind of miracle you ever made it through military flight school."

"Well I think you're the only one who can bring out this side of my Joseph. I was the rising star of the air force during my time. Heck, if I had stayed on I might even be a Brigadier General by now."

"If you had stayed one another instance like this would have occurred and you would have been court marshaled and at the very least dishonorably discharged but more likely prison or worse."

I grit my teeth in anger as his words struck home. If I had been a military officer at the time my stupidity would have gotten myself in deep trouble and I knew it. Joseph Danvers still know where to strike to cut me in places I didn't even know I was vulnerable. I glared at my old man from across the room, despite everything the man had done, the loses affecting him, he was still stubborn and strong-willed.

It was one of the qualities I inherited from him.

"Well perhaps if you had put faith in me from the beginning I could have avoided this from the beginning and have become a top figure in NASA before all this happened."
I knew this was a stupid argument but I was heated up and little was gonna stop me right now.

"Bullshit, I knew from the start one of these days you'd let your feminine emotions cloud your judgement and you'd blow like you did just a few months ago!" I could see his face start to heat up toward my level, but I was already raising to a more volatile state.

"But at least then the money you spent would have actually been useful!" Everyone froze after hearing what I said: My brother Joe froze as he had decided at that moment to enter with a peace offering of extra beers and snacks, Joseph froze his mind clouded by rage, and I froze in horror at what I had just shouted without thinking it through.

"Shit...I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that dad." I was so horrified at what I had uttered I couldn't even keep up my normal bluster by calling him Joseph. My brother Steve, had been the one to receive financial help for College despite my superior grades and being the eldest Danvers. Steve had been a good kid, entered the military out of patriotic duty despite the funds, and died shortly afterward while in the field. His death had really shaken our family down to its core and I had just spat on his legacy.

I hung my head down in shame, already cooling down as I let my hair cover my features as much as possible to try and hide. How could I have let myself go that much, had the abduction incident really screwed me up so bad that I would even desecrate my own dead brother? If mom was still around there was no way things would have disintegrated so much, heck even our previous spats wouldn't have gone on for so long but only because we all would have been a bit more cheerful.

I heard a creak on the floor and realized Joseph had gotten up off his chair and was standing right in front of me. I couldn't help but look up, and was promptly slapped in the face. That wasn't the end though as next he had a fist in my hair and I was literally yanked up to his level by my head. The funny thing was none of that really hurt, but in a way that just made it hurt worse, as inside I felt I kind of deserved it.

"You piece of shit! Complaining so much about how I never helped you then having the gall to say giving my money to my son was a waste! At least unlike your sorry ass he gave his life for his country and what about you! You survived and yet all you are doing right now is wallowing in self-pity!" Spittle launched from his mouth and hit my face but despite all my power, I just let it happen. I always kind of had a bit of a dream, to one day completely overpower my dad. As a military gal I could already hold my own but my father was a tough old cracker and I never had a distinct advantage over him, but now all I wanted to do was turn back time a little so I could take back my thoughtless words.

Joe apparently couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted the verbal beat-down. "Blast it Carol, dang it father! Settle down already you nut jobs! It's going to be Christ's own birthday soon! Mother is not here any more but she would have loved us to sit down and enjoy our time together like a family would. We've never had the happiest of homes but at least whenever there was a holiday we would come together and make do!" Joe clenched his fists, knowing in a fight he was completely useless so the only things he had were his words, but they struck as true as any heat-seeking missile.

Joseph grunted, but also relented and pushed me back down in my chair as he released me. I collapsed into the chair more angry at myself than anything else. Why was I such a screw-up?

While I was trying to think of a way to better apologize that strange pager SWORD had given me started vibrating. I fished into my pocket and brought it up for a look, while Joseph had one more jab to make.

"So is that your back-up boyfriend or something?"
He sneered as I stared at the message.

[Carol Danvers, SWORD requires your expertise on a certain matter. A Quinjet will pick you up outside.]

It was short but what SWORD wanted SWORD got. Since I was going my Quinjet while I could just fly by myself, it was fairly obvious they didn't want me to know wherever it was was located. It looked like I might not even be able to enjoy Christ's birthday with my family, even if that enjoyment was going to be minimal.

"It's work actually, kind of a side-job I have going right now before I decide what course to take next." As I talked the Quinjet in question was already touching down on the street right outside the house. I hurried to get ready, checking to make sure I had everything I needed, then realizing I hadn't really taken anything with me considering I had flow incognito to get here. That also meant that my little communication device most certainly had a tracker on it, SHIELD and SWORD really did like those kinds of things.

"Look...both of you, for what it's worth I am really sorry for what I said. I let my anger get the better of me and cloud my judgment, it's something I'll have to work on. I'll try to finish up quick and be back by Christmas!" Not wanting to face them any longer I bolted for the door. The ramp was already down and I quickly climbed on board where I saw a familiar, green-haired face with dark glasses, Abigail Brand.

"Welcome Carol Danvers, we have a pressing matter that needs your attention."

"What the heck kind of side-job gets you that kind of a ride?" Joe asked his jaw still open after seeing Carol being whisked away on the advanced aircraft.

"Beats me." Joseph shrugged as he stared at the small dot the quinjet had already become. "Carol may be an idiot and a lousy daughter, but she's a tough one, probably the only good thing she managed to get from me." Soon it was already too small to be registered to the naked eye, or maybe that was its stealth capabilities.

"I know you've never been a model father to any of us but even to this day you still treat Carol the worst. Why can't you just lighten up dad?"

"Hell no...being a veteran is the only thing I got left and sometimes, having an enemy can be just as inspiring as having a friend. Heck what am I defending myself to you about you spineless fool! Living the high life in those fancy buildings of yours, makes me gag."

"You know what I got you for Christmas dad? A mug that says 2nd best father."

"You better not have or I'll tan your civilian hide so hard your girlfriend will leave you!"

"Just kidding...ugh I wish Carol could have stayed so you'd have to split your ire between us."
"The World has no End"

By Famous Philosopher Quintin Kuatillian

This famous phrase has been the reality that has limited the land humans have been able to settle. The world is like a wasteland, full of deserts, badlands, little shelter, and only a few springs of water. The land goes on for eternity in all directions and all explorers would either return to one of the few livable towns or die out in the expanse. Then everything changed once a strange building was discovered out in the middle of nowhere, this was the first train station.

Since that fateful day centuries ago life forever changed. Two sets of infinite railway tracks were set side by side, allowing for trains to travel in either direction. Whenever a train leaves another is soon to take it's place within a day or two. No one knows how this system came to be but humanity was soon to take advantage of it to travel the world. Pretty much wherever there is a train station a new settlement would pop up and various people would scout the nearby area for places to settle and riches to collect. Humanity continued to expand through these train stations and have stretched out across the expanse.

"The World is the Rail-line"

By Railway Entrepreneur Jonathan Steamholt

The tracks never bend and the only way known to revisit a location is to take the other line to head back the way you came. Philosophers and Scientist have concluded that the world is a flat, never ending plain that goes on for eternity. As it is infinite, it is unknown if the railways have an end themselves and as yet they appear to go on forever. As a result most people tend to stay in near one train station for most of their life and only travel a few stations at most before heading back home. Of course not everyone is content to stay in one spot and constantly move from station to station for adventure and excitement. Such people are often called Riders.

The potential roleplay would follow several riders as they travel by train across the world. Dropping by various locations for exploration and interaction. The roleplay would be somewhat of a Western type setting with guns and of course the occasional train heist with perhaps a splash of steampunk and mystical elements. Due to its nature there would be few permanent fixtures as unless there is a need to head back for story reasons, each location will be left behind after its story has been told and the characters move on to the next station. As such I think probably a log section would be used to keep track of locations along the railway sort of like the fashioning of a map of sorts.

Course want to see potential interest first before making anything more concrete.
A second character, hmm, well there is a small boat-load of characters I probably would have been interested in trying. I know I considered She-Hulk and Zatanna for a bit before zeroing completely in on Ms. Marvel. Supergirl, Batgirl, Starfire, while not a thing in this roleplay did have some ideas for 'good' villain characters, like maybe a Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost who did not descend down the crime route. There are a lot of ideas out there, those are just some of the surface scratchers.

As for characters from other sources...well not really too knowledgeable about other publishers and such. Maybe TMNT, Voltron, Harvey Birdman[just kidding about that one, honest], Cybersix, Gargoyles, really depends on what exactly would be considered other publishers and all that.
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