Avatar of IceHeart
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    1. IceHeart 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Desktop profile login won't work. Coincidence that Windows 7 is no longer supported on same day? Consider me doubtful.
5 yrs ago
I wonder why I have no notifications, then I realize I forgot to sub to my own threads. Whoops!
5 yrs ago
I'm having way too much fun with my Legend of Zelda Encylopedia. This is the game that got me into roleplaying so have a lot invested in it's lore and stories. Too bad can't have all the games too.
6 yrs ago
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas...too bad it was already looking this way back in October...
6 yrs ago
Whew, looks like only 5 days, stupid thing showed me six just to try and scare my pants off...


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Earth - Coral City - Currently Cubed

The boulder attacks were proving not to be all that effective. The main problem was the water gal cut down all the big one's little bits, turning what could have been a crushing defeat into a small nuisance for everyone involved. The problem with the falling rocks sign was Sign Master couldn't actually make all the rocks big ones, it was completely random and therefore just didn't have enough...'gravity' power to do much with all the big rocks being chipped down by water.

"Well fine, slosh away all my hard work why don't ya!? But at least with my 'no trespassing' sign you can't do much-"

That was as far as Sign Master got as the giant mech did something very unexpected, it roared like the loudest, most obnoxious bear you could imagine which itself become a sonic cannon. Sound was not something that a no trespassing sign could stop, while a person was not supposed to cross past it, you could still yell at someone across the way, like the machine was doing right now. The Sonic blast smashed into Sign Master, his helmet head not really helping matter, causing it to fall backwards, holding its head.

"Gah! I didn't realize I'd need hearing protection at this worksite!"

Sign Master grumbled as he forced himself up, but the disorientation from the sonics caused him to miss the approaching shockwaves from Gou. The three shockwaves slammed into him, forcing the monster back and making it grunt in pain. Sign Master glared at the group in anger.

"No one gets away with messing up my work schedule! Ya got that! HUH!? Guess I should have known this would be a bit more of a hands on job."

As the 'no trespassing' sign started to disappear he materialized his next sign, this time an 'Ice Warning' sign with a blinking light included. Slamming it into the ground instantly the ground was covered in a layer of ice. Next he materialized an 85 mph sign, ripped off the sign part while leaving the pole in hand. He slapped the 85 on his chest and instantly bolted forward, skating across the ice with ease while wielding the metal pole like a club as he passed Gou to knock him out of commission, as soon as he passed he materialized a U-turn sign with his free hand, instantly turning around for another strike, intent on fully paying him back for the earlier shockwaves.

Once past him again, another sign would appear such as a left or right turn, allowing Sign Master to effortless skate across the icy ground at breakneck speeds. As he sped around he mostly aimed for Gou and Luna, trying to knock them out first before turning on the butterfly man and the robot; while the butterfly guy was a little hard to target, the robot was a big target and so Sign Master threw a sign plate like a shuriken onto one of its legs.

The sign that attached itself to the Grizzly-1 was yet another ice-warning sign, this time instead of freezing the ground tried to freeze the Grizzly-1 from the left-leg up. In the meantime Sign Master continued its assault on the 'ground troops' with its vehicular speed and deadly metal pole.
I love how this monster underestimates everyone and the power of the cube itself. This should be fun.

Well it as only about an hour or so old. It is you guys who are gaining up on a newborn monster! It'll learn quickly though.
At first I was like, dang that is a lot of people all of a sudden! Then I realized, Ah, now I don't have to hold back at all. :)
Earth - Coral City

The first road block to appear was that of a giant robot blocking the way, forcing Sign Master to grind to a halt to prevent a head-on collision. The giant robot greeted it with tried and true killer-robot fashion, essentially announcing the monster's imminent destruction. The robot was actually fairly impressive, given the average technological level of the primitive Earthlings.

"Rather impressive piece of construction there. I wouldn't mind meeting the engineer sometime and give them some tips!"

Sign Master taunted as the massive machine raised an arm to fire a laser. Sensing the oncoming attack, sign master quickly spun his sign around and it quickly transformed into a round-about sign, with the lack arrows starting at one end, going around in a circle and flowing out the other end. Due to the sign, normal physics was completely ignored as the laser got within a few yards, then was forced to bend around, like a car getting into a round-about, and exit out the other side, smashing into a newly constructed perfect cube.

Three other humans appeared and soon it was a 4-1 in somewhat cramped conditions. Sign Master whistled at how the perfect cube seemed unfazed by the powerful laser.

"We got ourselves an actual builder on hand I see. Also two weirdos."

The builder was of course the newly arrived butterfly mage and the two weirdo's being the oar girl and manhole man. They were unknown factors at the moment, but what was quite apparent was butterfly guy's attempt to limit the battlefield. This was a decent strategy, however not against Sign Master.

"I want to thank you for this wonderful construction work of yours human, I'll be sure to use it to the utmost!"

With a laugh, he spun his sign around again, changing it to a 'no trespassing' sign he planted it in the ground in front of him, easily piercing through the asphalt of the road. The 'no trespassing' sign had the very strong effect of preventing anything from going past it however the area was limited but because of the cube that limit wouldn't really be a factor. With a step back a new sign materialized in hand, a 'falling rock' warning sign. The 'no trespassing' sign wouldn't last long, but as long as the cube remained there would be nowhere to dodge.

"Maybe I'll be able to scrounge a few parts for when the real construction project starts!"

Sign Master chuckled as rocks suddenly started to materialize above the everyone's heads, from small pebbles to giant boulders, the rocks started to come down like an avalanche, threatening to crush them all.
Intercepting the monster is the name of the game. Already intercepted by a giant walking toaster after all.
@Searat So at minimum, character name and about how many monsters you think they'll be around in character tab, just so I can keep track of what characters are currently involved.

Federal Department of Normality...nice. :)
Alright, first true monster post is up and is now open for everyone else!
Earth - Coral City

The laser transporter broke through the invisible barrier and the Sign Master materialized on Earth, on a road just outside of a coastal city. The city was of moderate size, no metropolis to be sure but large enough to perhaps have a sizable tourism industry with its beautiful location. The area had lush vegetation further inland and nice, white beaches for the masses to enjoy.

The Sign Master looked down at a little wrist scanner that had been implanted during its germination stages. A little blip appeared further into the city but it was hard for it to get an exact lock on the barrier creation site. Sign Master shook its arm a bit but of course that didn't really help at all.

"Hard to start the demolition process without knowledge of the work area. Hopefully this gadget will tell me better when I get closer."

Suddenly a large blaring sound could be heard behind him and Sign Master turned to see a large semi-truck baring down on him at high speeds. Without a second thought his sign transformed into a 'Right Lane Closed' sign and he slammed it on the side of the road. As soon as the truck got closer it suddenly veered over into the other lane, straight into oncoming traffic. Sign Master laughed as the semi truck tried to correct course but for some reason was unable to get back into the other lane, even after passing the road sign and the monster. Vehicles quickly veered out of the way as the truck slammed the brakes as hard as possible.

Sign master started walking toward the city and when he got to the now halted semi, he stopped for a moment to glare at the pale driver.

"I don't want anything interfering with my company's construction plans so I think I'll go ahead and use you to make a little road barrier here."

Another sign materialized in Sign Master's hands, this one being a truck tipping over warning sign. Slamming the sign in the ground it then tilted it over so the truck in the sign was on the ground, and the truck itself quickly followed suit, and rolled over on its side blocking both lanes of traffic. With a big belly laugh, the Sign Master created another road sign, this one being a 75 mph sign. This one he held in his hands and started running down the road, instantly reaching 75 miles per hour.

"Shouldn't take more than an hour to find that demolition site at this rate. The master will be pleased the more quickly I can prepare the construction site!"

As the monster rushed down the road the previous signs disappeared, their uses having been expired they returned to mere energy.
@Searat Not yet, I better get the monster actually doing something, plus set up the surrounding area before ya post I think.
OP I have a question - what is the posting order like? I assume the monsters will be controlled by you, so shall we each make one move per person then wait for you to have the monster react?

In general yes, that said I will not always wait for everyone to post in order to keep the combat going. There will also be opportunities where I open up the posting to 'dramatic mode' where you can essentially make your own fight scene with the monster. Usually after you have seen what the monster acts like and the kind of moves and abilities they use.

I'll add this to the rules.
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