Avatar of Invader Len
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Invader Len
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 760 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Invader Len 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Wow it's been a long while since I was last on. I'm gonna have to update a lot of stuff.
6 yrs ago
Lifetip: Don't forget to eat for 2 days, then drink 44 oz of coke at the movies. I don't feel too good, Mr. Stark.
6 yrs ago
Finally finished editing that transcript. At this point the only person I'm rooting for in this case is the judge.
6 yrs ago
"Boy I sure am feeling harassed after I bullied someone else and people pointed it out to me"
6 yrs ago
"A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making the truth itself appear like falsehood." - William Shenstone


I'm a 24 year old college student with a "tragic past" and a series of flunked schools and medical bills. Roleplaying has been my one escape from a harsh reality while growing up, and I really appreciate this site and everyone on it.

I've been on Roleplayer Guild for eight years, going on nine in a few months.

I started roleplaying at 13 on an Invader Zim fan site... I accept my shame and disgrace.

Most Recent Posts

Congratulations! You’re accepted! You can feel free to put your character’s CS in the Character’s Tab! We’ll move you to the waiting list and try to get you a partner ASAP. However, until you have been partnered and given a magic type, DO NOT post in the IC. As soon as a Familiar has been accepted and partnered with you, you may join the IC.

Glad to have you with us! Also, feel free to join the Discord chat, the link is on the first OOC post!
Minor Announcement

Klaykid has dropped. They notified me via PM and let me know that life has gotten hectic for them, and they didn’t want to hold the RP up. We wish them the best in life and in their role-plays.

I’ll be removing Clyde Lee from the opening OOC post. @Natsu, worry not, we’ll fix you up with a partner soon. Don’t kill them.
@Invader Len . . .

makes three alt accounts to break the system

We always take input and ideas from players, so if you have ideas for monsters NOT for the contest, feel free to PM us!
@Raijinslayer Yeah, the rule is one monster for every contestant. Otherwise that would make things unfair. Participation in the contest is voluntary, not mandatory, and ya’ll have 3 days to make your monsters. I’m excited to see what you guys can make!

Also, monsters that win WILL be featured in the monster hunting class, and may appear in other areas too!
We'll get to reviewing your CS in the next hour or so!

So, we have empty slots for a mages and familiars, and not a ton of time left before the ceremony is up. This was something we promised, and the slots are still up and won't deprive newcomers of their chance to join. After all, we are always open! So, we've come up with a fun contest for you! Now introducing, St. Fortuna's first canon-shaping contest!

Monster Design Contest!

The rules of this contest are simple. You design a monster using the monster species CS below, post it in the OOC, and if it wins, you get a prize! What's the prize? The five winning monsters get to become canon and will be placed in a soon-to-come Bestiary tab in the opening OOC post. The players who make the 2 best monsters get the big prize, they get to make a second character! We're kinda really short on girl characters here, so keep that in mind.

The rules are for monster design are simple. No monsters larger than a school bus, no overpowered monsters, no half-human monsters, and the monsters must be original creations BY YOU. I don't care what art you use for them, but don't go submitting a Chimera or a griffin here. The monster's name, body, and powers must be designed by you. If it's a generic name (i.e., Blank Slime) that's fine, as long as you make something to fill in that blank. You can also mesh up the names of existing animals ATLA style if you want, such as what I've done with the Bearcat.

This contest will go on for 3 days, or until all contestants have submitted a monster. You only get to submit once, so make sure it's the one you want.

Example Monster CS

And with that, our contest is underway! This contest goes on for 3 days maximum, and is completely voluntary. We'll judge your creations fairly, and the best will become canon. Don't miss out on this chance to make your monster!
@canaryrose Sure! Submit a CS, we'll review it, and if it's in order, we'll accept you! We're rather short on mages and female characters at the moment, but you can play either or.
@RaijinslayerWe're actually planning a fun contest for people tomorrow, since we have 3 slots open for 2 mages and 1 familiar, and we’re rather short on girls. (Not that that’d be a problem but we have a surplus of straight guys atm) So work not! We have an opportunity with an added bonus of more than just an additional character. This contest holds a canon-shaping prize for the winners. Will be announced tomorrow morning!
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