Avatar of iTem
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 243 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. iTem 7 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current when will the holy taco god return to remove the banner i wonder
6 yrs ago
@POOHEAD189 didn't know it was your birthday. happy birthday, poo. :D
1 like
6 yrs ago
imagine a school RP but it's an actual school where you and your character needs to learn things or fail the next big test. nothing big, nothing cheesy. just good ol' boring school
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
a reality where dogs still love us but they can tell us about it by verbalizing it


Hi! I’m Mac!
…or Dmitri… or Die… or Slick… or Clover… or Trace…

…Obviously, none of these is my real name, (and by now you might have an inkling of an idea as to which fandom I came from before) so I don’t really mind being called using any of the names aforementioned above or by my character’s name when we talk in OOC. However, don’t mistake me or my character as the same entity. As I’ve said before “IC =/= OOC”

IRL, I am a 21 year old attending college as a 4th year an extendee Bachelor of Arts and Communication Student. I major in Speech Communication and minor in Broadcasting (journalism). Oh and I’m not a native English speaker so I might not catch some references, idioms, or metaphors. I will most likely ask you OOC for clarifications on some things because I sometimes misunderstand definitions despite being supposedly fluent in English.

Anyway, I’d like to think that I’m a fairly carefree person. It means that I’ll let us get away with doing a lot of shit (we’ll probably do a lot of crazy shit tbh), and my friends say that I’m pretty friendly too so I guess we can take their word for it. But, as all humans are bound to be, I do have my limits. With that, I wouldn’t say “tread lightly” with me. But I will say “let’s be decent” at least. Soo... Let’s just see where it goes, yeah?

Okay. Now for credibility.

I have been roleplaying on and off for... 5 or 6-ish years now. I used to roleplay in tumblr(dot)com for a couple of years before stopping for half a year, and then it became an on and off thing that ended up with me missing out on a lot of things IC and IRL. It became a nuisance and a source of frustration for me since I couldn’t keep up with my character’s life and my own life so I had to stop. I just didn’t have enough time to play as my characters (plural) on a regular basis while also balancing my social and college life so I had to stop doing it , kinda. So here I am, trying to get back at the swing of things since I would like to believe that I generally have my shit together now.

If you want to contact me, feel free to tag me in posts or send me a PM for more personal matters. But if you want to contact me regularly I suggest that you ask for my Discord account in private because I’m most often online there than here. Just don’t forget to introduce yourself and where we met though, okay?

So...... There we go. I felt like I’ve wanted to add something but I’m not quite sure what it was so let’s just awkwardly end this introduction here. I hope you have fun. Before you go, have my uwu face:

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love it! though he should probably finish that robo soon. xP
hhh thanks you guys. i appreciate it. ^^

@superservo27 depends. mostly by personal interest, time, in-universe-ness, and complexity. AmySon falls heavily within personal interest and the last one so i just did it. what's your request though?

*edited because it sounded unintentionally harsh. sorry about that
@Xandrya @Crossfire

i... may have put more effort than originally intended on this one.

@Xandrya hmmmmmmm... i'll think of something along those lines.
@Gardevoiran oh no. he looks nicer than i imagined. please draw more~
@Xandrya i've been wanting so badly. since i have a reference for Amy and Grayson already but i don't know what would be a good pose. any suggestions? because the only thing popping out in my head rn is them cuddling in this shittily small bed.

@superservo27 i'd say that they are relatively common. you notice them a lot in alliance territory since they stick out and they talk pretty loudly (unlike Koren who speaks softly). though i imagine that they usually keep to themselves so it's not uncommon to see them in groups. they also tend to seem arrogant or aggressive to some but that's both cultural differences and stereotypes. buuut... i'd say that they are as common as how arabs are since that's what they are partially based on.
let me just... put this quick doodle here to show you what has been consuming my life as of late
make sure to cook the rear ends on low-heat to keep the small amount of meat soft as well as a good amount of the fat from getting too chewy.
Laredois’nabashon is an uncomfortable place for the Koren. He saw a good amount of Juz’ around the area and those Juz’’s kept looking at him. He hated attention this way so he lowered his head to avoid their gaze while he was being escorted into another holding cell. He was feeling quite thankful over the fact that they still allowed him to wear his armor due to his body’s condition so at least they are less likely to question his presence. Inside the cell that he was escorted into was another human that he assumed he was going to work with as well. Though he didn’t make any vocalizations to acknowledge his presence, the Juz’ would face his cellmate and stare.

A little later, four individuals arrived by their holding cell and only two were notable enough. One of which was the captain that accommodated them earlier and another human that he never saw before. The man seemed out of place from the pristine military vibe that the whole place and its people had so he found himself focusing on him. Koren cocks his head and stood to get near the visitor to examine him. He stopped when the guards pointed their weapons at him, making him freeze on his tracks and he had to raise his cuffed hands to show that he had no ill will; a barely noticeable breeze made itself present within the room when he did. The Juz’ looked at the guards before speaking. “I just wanted a look,” he would say flatly before he turns his attention back to their new guest as a lingering thought passed his mind. “Are you here for us?”

Present time…

The Juz’ felt like it had been such a long time since he saw the outside of the prison-like facility that kept him for nearly a month. While his face remained as stoic as ever before he donned his helmet, his body ached as he moved around in his armor. The only consolation that he has for walking limply towards a shuttle is that he has Unaysah safely resting in her carrier, and that he will be staying in a ship: somewhere where he would feel a little more alive in than in a static building. He only has a few items on his person now, too. Three bags that he managed to bargain for since the rest of his items have been thrown out or taken in as evidence for his past crimes.

”What’re you waiting for? Move!” a guard would say as he nudged Koren into the shuttle heading towards his pick-up point for an Alliance project that he hesitantly accepted. [b]”The Revenant Project,”[b] the female officer with a well fitting suit says as she finished his last test that left him with the said limp that he is nursing at the moment. The deal was that they were going to ship him off with a bunch of other baddies who did a lot of wrongs and got caught red-handed for it in exchange for potential freedom somewhere along the line. Though he wasn’t too eager to lack the ability to partially choose who, with, and what he would work for, he didn’t have much of a choice. It’s either he gets sent to a slow death or a horrible one if he was sent back to Juz’ and get sentenced to torture and execution in charges of treason.

While the hull of the annoyingly rickety HY-4530 ship shuttle was less than preferred, with its incompatibly strong thrusters and weak power core, he would rather this than staying another night in that hell-hole they call a testing facility.

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