Avatar of January
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    1. January 9 yrs ago
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@January Considering there was mention of the races having hereditary powers, what exactly would said powers be?

That’s part of the bits and bobs I haven’t put down since the teaser was just to see if there was general interest. If you see me online and unresponsive, it’s because I’m PMing myself to tweak some BBCode endlessly.

In general, though, Mal’Akh are very effective glass healers, Daeva are selfish DPS or Tank McSpanks, Fae are utility buff/debuffers, and Humans can do the combining weaker magic spells trick that the others can’t.
For the anxious refreshers like me, I’m currently wrangling Photoshop (and my layering mistakes) so I can get the fancy text effects for the bits and bobs. I’ll make a Discord for more instantaneous contact probably around the time I get the rest of the info up/the OOC up.

Edit: Stop refreshing, you monsters. I’m going to bed.
I’ll grind up more details/an OOC soon at this rate.
I probably have a co-GM lined up? Not sure, as they’re pretty busy. But I’m open to co-GM help down the line, because I’ll need it.
Back from a bit of a hiatus and pretty rusty, so let’s get these old gears cranking again. I’ll have further details added if there’s enough interest. Detailed rules to be added later, but in general play nice. More info in the CS Template.

Yeah, my schedule is beyond my comprehension for various chaotic reasons both personal and professional and this has just slipped my mind completely in the turmoil. I’m still up to my eyeballs in nonsense but I finally remembered to come back here and apologize for the silence. I’ll be dropping this since I have no idea when I’ll have sufficient time to do anything but deal with relevant responsibilities, eat, and sleep. (Even when I have time for relaxation, I mostly just want to sit around and vegetate on Netflix forever.)

Sorry again for the dashed hopes and thanks for being understanding!
@Renny Looks good, you can put it in the CHAR tab!
P-Please. That’s why you’re here. @RedDusk
You’ll have to refresh my memory because I don’t recall an Upper Moon named Marzanna.
@Renny Sheet looks overall fine but I’m trying to tamp down on the strong connections to the original verse since the rules there were fairly inconsistent especially as stronger demons arose. It’d be enough to say the character’s father had illegally acquired incomplete and inferior transcriptions of Upper Moon 1’s techniques and had passed it down with his own refinements and changes despite the disapproval of the general demon slayer organization purely because of the supposed origins of the transcripts. The skills themselves are fine I just wanted to clarify the origin so it doesn’t sound like the family was descended from the best buddies of Upper Moon 1 and such, lol.
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