Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
4 mos ago
I like attention.
9 mos ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
9 mos ago
I lost.
9 mos ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.025: Chaos is bliss

Interaction(s): Calliope - @PatientBean, Haven @Skai, Anybody else.
Previously: Hungry for a good time

It was a sure invite to chaos when Blackjack got together - and chaos almost always RSVP'd. Today seemed to be no different. The lot of the team was scattered about their own little section of the beach which they had all chosen to collectively infest. Having greeted the couple of members that returned her comradery, Pallyx sipped from the cider, that she had graciously accepted from Rory moments ago, as she watched the scene unfold. The sweet, fruity taste was indeed just was she was looking for - much preferred to the taste of beer, at least for her. It seemed like Rory'd brought a drink for just about everybody. He was a stand-up guy, that was for sure.

Lorcán, unfortunately, was.. the opposite. Pallyx watched the little scene between the three of Lorcán, Rory, and Aurora unfold with a twinge of awkwardness as things went a tad south - culminating in Lorcán tripping over the cooler and crashing into the sand. She drew in a breath of air through her teeth as she tried to avert her eyes but couldn't quite peel them away from the scene.

She took a partial step forward before stopping as she saw Calliope make her own move, helping Lorcán up before giving him what she could only assume was a pep-talk of some sort that she couldn't hear. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that Lorcán was interested in asking Aurora to the dance, and Rory was a bit of a blockhead. It seemed, however, that Calliope would perfectly orchestrate a remedy to the confusion - as well as a remedy to the toppled cooler. Pallyx watched as the blonde personally chilled the drinks back into order.

She took a sip from her cider once more before lowering it and growing a relieved smile. She committed herself to raising an elbow and lightly prodding the person closest to her - that person being Haven - as she spoke out to nobody in particular. "Woohoo! Ice Queen here to save the day!" She said cheerily. The exclamation was followed by a couple of choked, dry coughs as the girl turned her head away considerately, before looking back to the group with the same smile she had before. "What would we do without 'er, huh?"

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.013: Hungry for a good time

Interaction(s): Yes!
Previously: --

The crying of gulls above and the dull roar of the ocean made for a tranquil atmosphere that few could deny. It was marred solely by the sounds of busy chattering, the semi-drowned racket of which was comforting, somehow, in its own right. Maybe it was the fact that this was a beach for P.R.C.U personnel - meaning every voice heard was a potential friend, at least to Pallyx. She opened her eyes, the beaming light of the sun meeting them only after being filtered through a pair of dark shades. A light, content smile formed on her lips as she bathed in the warm rays while faintly rocking atop a large, tiger-themed ring-float. Said float found its resting spot only a couple feet from the shore, a mere few inches between it and the shallow bed of sand that sat beneath.

It was a tad rare to see Pallyx chilling by her lonesome - but even she had to pipe down every once in a while. At least for a little bit. She moved a hand lazily to a pouch on the float, plucking out a small tube of sunscreen and re-applying it to her arms as her eyes regarded the immediate beach after her mini-nap. Her brow raised as she witnessed Harper chastising a few students with a megaphone. The sight tickled her, drawing her lips into a smile even further.

"Let 'em know, Harper!" She called out encouragingly, cocking her head up with a toothy grin. She paddled her feet on the surface of the water as she watched the other beachgoers scurry to pick up their trash abashedly. Pallyx was one to quite enjoy the beach - it made for tons of fun times. Keeping it clean helped keep it fun and pretty, so she was glad that Harper felt the need to ensure that it was.

The light-haired girl adjusted her hat - a tan, broad-rimmed had that she always wore when taking a trek to the beach - nestling it to the top of her head comfortably. Her eyes flicked over to Calliope as The Ice Queen herself arrived on-scene. Pallyx couldn't hear her greeting entirely from the seclusion of her float, but she could at least admire her fit. She had to say, her friends - or, well, at least those immediately related to her friend circle - were a beach-ready bunch, to be sure. Calliope even brought a cute hat along, which Pallyx couldn't help but nod in approval towards. She was a big hat fan, as many knew.

Personally, Pallyx's outfit was pretty simple. A black, two-piece bikini accompanied by a gauzy, white button-up blouse left un-buttoned. Her shoes, which she opted to leave behind at her beach towel, were lightweight tevas in black.

She felt the sudden urge to stretch and let out a relieved groan as she did so, squishing the tiger-float's head in the process. She glanced over at the others again as she considered leaving the comfort of her float. "Mmm, a drink sounds pretty good right now, honestly." She decided. She took a second to soak in her last bits of sunbathing before she dismounted the float, finding the soft sand beneath her feet as she took up the float in an arm and began widening the distance between her and the ocean.

As luck would have it, Banjo himself would wind up approaching the flock just before Pallyx. She pipped up her step, tossing a hand up lazily to greet the bunch. "Boom!" She exclaimed, entering comfortable earshot just as Banjo took a spot and laid down. "Just in time! Y'all enjoying the weather? I'm lovin' it, perfect for a lil catnap, ain't it?" She dropped her float onto a bright red towel next to her backpack and sandals before strolling over to one of the coolers, water still dripping down her legs smoothly as she stooped. "We gotta have somethin' fruity in here still, yeah?"
"I swear I don't bite~"
Pallyx Penada
July 13th, 2005 | 23 | Mixed (Caucasian/Hispanic)
Single | Female | Pansexual
Houston | Texas | United States
Gulo | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Average, Slim
H A I R C O L O U R || Pale, White
E Y E C O L O U R || Steely Blue
H E I G H T || 5'6"
W E I G H T || 139 lbs
S C A R S || N/A
T A T T O O S || N/A
P I E R C I N G S || N/A
O T H E R || N/A
Pallyx is a roguish, if kind-hearted, girl that was dealt a bad hand. While she spent the majority of her life growing up as a regular girl, the late revelation of her powers flipped her life upside down. Receiving little parental attention from her mother and father growing up, due to their busy political professions, she was one to always make her own engagements with others to make up for that. This lead her to grow up social and develop a lax personality that viewed most things as not-too-serious. However, when it was discovered that the mystery illness that she grew up with was no less than a symptom of her hyperhuman nature, she couldn't just brush off what followed. Some could say she was fortunate, having her powers only discovered at the age of no less than 18 - but the betrayal of her parents felt all the more dreadful. Sure, it took them over a year to decide to kick Pallyx to the curb, but during that time she endured too much emotional abuse to be left the same.

After that point, Pallyx just managed to make ends meet through various.. less-than-legal business practices. She tried her best to continue her post-secondary schooling, and was barely able to keep it afloat. But it wasn't easy. She endured many transfers through different institutions, either due to various anti-hyperhuman policies, and maybe even a couple imagined transgressions that Pallyx's newfound paranoid psyche synthesized on its own.. but, eventually, she met with the opportunity to attend P.R.C.U. And she didn't let the opportunity go to waste. After a bit of time, her psyche shifted back towards a more stable position and she grew to really trust the institution over her first year of attendance. In fact, her education under the university took a very fortunate turn as it captured her aptitude for what subjects she really excelled at, like physics and literature, and managed to help her shore-up her weaker areas, like mathematics. As such, Pallyx is keen to brave her second and final year of education at P.R.C.U.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Pallyx is most often distinguished from a crowd by her unusual paleness. Her stark ivory hair is styled in a rough, unkempt bobcut that frames a face most-often suffering from an unusual pallor. Despite this pallid appearance, she seems to otherwise be perfectly healthy. Her facial features are softly angular and lend her an expressive visage. In contrast to her otherwise bright attributes, her eyes are a dark steely-blue color, and her expressive brows are similarly dark.

Across the rest of her body, there is nothing special to note. She stands at a regular 5'6" in height, with a slim physique. She does possess some musculature on an otherwise soft figure, most of which is focused in the thighs and biceps.

When it comes to wardrobe, Pallyx isn't a picky customer. She will wear a vast array of different clothing for different purposes. Whether it's supposed to be cute, utilitarian, cool, or whatever else, she'll wear whatever she feels like on any particular day, if she's not in school uniform. She also doesn't subscribe to any particular color palette, welcoming vibrant clothes, dark clothes, and whatever in between. She is very fond of hats, though.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Nonchalant, Adventurous, Sarcastic, Paranoid

Pallyx is a tad divided in nature. On one hand, she grew up fun-loving, airy, and banter-y. She's never been one to recoil from a conversation offered, and has never had much trouble with making others or herself laugh, or with making friends. Overall as a person, she's lighthearted and receptive. But part of her is not so laid-back. While she's never been stranger to tossing some concerns to the wind, events of recent years - with the discovery of her hyperhuman powers especially - have triggered something in her brain. She's developed a more paranoid side that just wont let some things go. She's reaped a few small quirks, like trying to avoid classical "bad luck" gestures or opening packages she receives in the mail with a welding mask on, and cant help but obsess over certain ideas - but she does all she can to hide her paranoia behind her usual cool-headed behavior.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Hyper-hunger

Pallyx's hyperhuman ability is a mutation which alters her body in several ways - principal among them being her capacity to absorb HZEs from others. She accomplishes this absorption through touching a target - though its effects aren't entirely immediate. While her initial touch is enough to make using one's powers more of an effort, the longer she stays in contact with a target the more HZEs she drains from them - eventually rendering them unable to use their hyperhuman abilities until their HZEs regenerate.

Absorbing the HZEs of others serves two purposes, though; the first is obviously that they will have their powers disrupted, and the second being that Pallyx uses said HZEs to invigorate her own physicality and healing factor. Initially, said healing factor is functionally nonexistent - but grows in potency as she absorbs more HZEs. Sapping an opponent or two for a prolonged enough time can even render her healing factor potent enough to heal otherwise fatal wounds. The enhancement of her physicality is best described as a simple buff to her physical attributes - eventually lending her strength much more explosive than what her appearance might let on, and letting her move faster, too, as a result.

Aside from the combat-effective mutations of her body, she also has some other small mutations. Behaviorally, Pallyx seems to be endlessly hungry, and only grows more ravenous with the use of her power. When at her resting state - that being having absorbed no extra HZEs from anybody else, which is most of the time - she develops a worrying paleness of the face and a sickly cough; features which seem to be impervious to conventional or supernatural medicines. Her other physical mutations include obviously pronounced canines, a significantly elongated tongue, as well as excessive production of saliva. When she sleeps she drools. It's kinda icky.

L I M I T A T I O N S || Touch, Range

Touch is key when it comes to Pallyx's hyperhuman ability - although her absorbative power can manage to surpass regular clothing with ease, gearing oneself up in anything thicker than leather will render it hard for her to effectively absorb from you. Distance is also, obviously, her enemy.

W E A K N E S S E S || Delayed power, Frenzy-prone

Pallyx's hyperhuman ability, unlike many others, isn't at its most effective right off the bat. She has to maintain prolonged touch in order to absorb enough HZEs to disable someone's powers and bolster her own - and until she can do that, she's basically a normal girl. Additionally, Pallyx seems to take on some worrying behavioral changes when she absorbs a significant quantity of HZEs - a clear flaw in her mutation. The more she absorbs, the more brash, aggressive, and irritable she becomes. She can even manage to forget friend from foe. But in the end, the hunger that she endures renders it difficult for her to stop herself once she's started.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Trying to decipher Pallyx's goal in life is like asking a dog what toy it wants to play with - it doesn't know, it just wants to have fun. She just plays whatever hand is dealt to her in life at any particular moment - spending little time on deciding what she wants to do in the future. If forced to confront what she might really want, well.. it might be as simple as some form of stability. She's never had a real family, or friends that got past the elbow. Maybe at some point, that'll change. But until then, she'll keep entertaining others as long as she gets some sort of fun out of it.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
Illegal Shit || Pallyx is no stranger to morally gray circumstances. She's performed her fair share of thefts, scams, and even shoved a police officer into a pond once. Anyways, she's pretty good at lying, can hotwire cars, and knows how to get closed things open, in one way or another.
Sleight-of-hand || Pallyx is pretty good with her hands. Discreetly hiding or swapping objects with others, sneaking things away, or even seeming to make things vanish are all pretty easy things for her.

Light-footed || Pallyx is naturally pretty stealthy. She can move quick, and she can do it quietly, too. She often uses this to scare her friends by sneaking up on them. BOO!
Sharp || Pallyx is much sharper than her airy demeanor might let on. She has a perceptive eye and is a pretty quick thinker, all things said. It isn't often that she loses her cool, either.
Party Tricks || Over the years, Pallyx has picked up a vast wealth of useless party tricks. Her favorites are drinking flaming booze, and various tricks she can do with her unnaturally long tongue. Some friend circles have even viewed her like a magician, in some lights.
Uniform || Pallyx, obviously, conforms to the usual attire regulations for school hours. While she was initially not a huge fan of wearing a uniform, since she's one to thoroughly enjoy accessorizing, she has grown to kinda like it. It helps that she thinks she pulls the fit off pretty damn well - the militant style looks good on her. She'll also never complain about getting the opportunity to wear a beret, since she's prideful in her ability to shape one to her liking perfectly.

I T E M ( S )
Random garbage || Pallyx is a bit of a harpy when it comes to squirreling things away on her person. She seems to have an endless stash of useless artifacts on her person at all times - ranging from stuff like yoyos and cards to Chinese finger traps and trick coins.

T O O L ( S )
Multitool || Alongside all her useless crap, she carries a multitool that seemingly houses every instrument under the sun. It's got screwdrivers, corkscrews, various edges, a glass cutter, a laser pointer, and all manner of other things tucked away inside.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

"Aha, you want me to give advice? You must be desperat-" A short series of tight coughs interrupts. "-kmn. Well.. if I were to offer some advice, I might have to sound like a broken record. Enjoy it. Time spent here is time spent among friends. I reckon life won't always be as easy as it is here, 'less you're really lucky. So just have fun. Oh- I guess you can learn some stuff, too. If you're into that."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

"My aspirations, huh. Honestly, I don't know what I was lookin' for. I think I was just.. I don't know, tryin' to retain some sense of normalcy. It was a tough time. Thinkin' back on it, I don't know why I was stickin' to my education the way I was - I wasn't even tryin' that hard. I just needed.. somethin' to hold onto." After a pause, Pallyx clears her throat shortly. "Heh. That got a little reflective, huh..? Anyway...."

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

"Heh. Not to get all sappy n' stuff, but I don't think I'd change much'a anything. This place's been good for me. I reckon it's been good for a lotta people. Maybe it's not perfect, but it's damn near close enough to where I wouldn't wanna mess with it myself."


Baxter, Harper
"Ms. Baxter, eh? We haven't mingled much, but she seems alright - though a bit straight-laced! The whole archery thing is so dope."

de Leon, Calliope
"Ahh, the Ice Queen~ Though we haven't talked too deeply, I got a feelin' there's more to her than meets the eye. She's with Banjo of all people, and that proves it."

Galahad, Gil
"Gil! Charmin' bloke, ain't he? Heh, his company's not too bad. Unfortunate that's he's bri'ish, innit? Hehehe~"

Mitchell, Aurora
"Aurora, hm. She seems like a thoughtful gal. I reckon she's a reliable friend, considerin' the ones she keeps. Maybe I'll see this year!"


☯♥ Cahors, Amma ♥☯
"Mmm.. I reckon Ms. Cahors is one I wanna keep my eye on. She's unnervin' to most, but I think maybe she's just a bit misunderstood. Though maybe I just like things that're too sour for me~"

Hisamatsu, Mei
"Mei seems like a stand-up gal! She likes a good time and that's good enough for me!~"

Olyphant, Banjo
"Aha.. haha.. hahaha- Oh, Banjo.. what a silly dude. Never fails to keep me in high spirits! He's a good guy."

Tyler, Rory
"Rory! Rory's pretty cool. He's a nice, fun, straightforward personality. Loyal and dependable - all you could want in a friend, really!"


Barnes, Haven
"Oh, Haven! I love 'er. She's my kinda girl! Confident, open, not too apprehensive, either. Plus, she helps me get through math tests, somehow.. She's great!"

☮♥ Kruger, Katja ♥☮
"Muscles is a charmer, that's for sure. Hardheaded, energetic, temperamental, what's not to like?? Is it bad that her lack of personal space is.. adorable?"

Roth, Lorcán
"Lorcán's a pretty chill dude! Some say he's a lil bit sheltered, but he's a kind guy."



@BrokenPromise Thank thank ^^ will run some stuff by you then, thank y'all for reading it over.

Here is my sheet for review! Lemme know what needs fixins and ill be fixins it :3
I'm not entirely sure if my gold genre is an appropriate power level since there isn't a ton of examples for gold genres, but I've stored ideas on how it can be altered if it needs to be.
Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Wailord's Rest Cafe

The prospect of starting off their journey by challenging a gym leader like Tuule was an.. interesting one, to say the least. Ripley had, in honesty, thought about it briefly before the offer was even given. But, while he was often one to move before thinking, there was something about the proposition that made him pause. He looked down at Zorua as the dark Pokémon intently watched their companions start to leave the table. For all the battling they'd done to get them this far, he wasn't sure if they were really ready to take on Tuule, of all people.

But it seemed Clarissa and Sir Lopsalot didn't have similar reservations. Rip watched in turn as they got up. He offered a smile at Clarissa's request. "Sure thing! I won't let Zorua eat it all, I swear.." He said, glancing down at the Pokémon as it licked its lips.

Either way, he'd watch on as his friends approached the gym leader, leaning back in the booth to watch the interaction with a hint of suspense. Part of him wanted to accompany them right away, but he figured, at least, they had all the time in the world to commit to such a challenge. At any rate, it was sure to be a great show - and a good opportunity to see what sort of battle prowess the duo could muster up. It seemed Zorua was equally excited to see what happened as it stared intently from the booth, eyes glued to their new friends as they approached Tuule.
Eksa Thresh

Mentions: Everyone Location: Flowers and Canvases

It really was chaos.

Not only was nobody on the same track, but a hostile tension was thick in the air. Not to mention, there was a seemingly endless stream of former coven members making their individual entrances - though this last bit was to be expected. Maybe they should've held their meeting somewhere larger, or more.. secluded, for all these people. But, they were here now. The series of entrances and arguments at hand could've given anybody a headache, at this point. Luckily, Eksa was someone accustomed to a degree of chaos. Working in labs or various universities acclimated one to an environment where many people were hustling about endlessly like ants - and this seemed not-too-different, minus whatever hostility was afoot.

In truth, Eksa would've been content to let the rest of her former companions iron out their grievances with eachother, one way or another. But part of her had a feeling that it would've taken them longer to do so than it would've taken Father Wolf to claim his next victim - meaning time was of the essence, one could only assume. Luckily, Auri and Kali didn't take too long with their discussion in the back room. Upon their return, Kali announced his intent to explain himself which, to Eksa, seemed pretty reasonable. One had to admit though, that she had no problem with the United States' Government. Having lived in the U.S. for only a few years, she had never interacted with the FBI, and didn't know much about them. She did gather, through television and movies, that they were roughly equivalent to the UK's NCA.

But it seemed almost everybody else had an issue. So much so that some of them didn't even want to hear Kali out. Which was.. kinda unfair, at least in Eksa's eyes. Things would work best if they allowed communication between eachother without letting emotions cloud their judgement. She'd been happy to know, at least, that there was no attention on her - luckily enough, their coven had always been full of a buncha weirdos, so that was reassuring in the least. But.. there seemed to be a distinct lack of level-headed stoicism in the mix. Eksa felt a light stinging in her nose as she felt the need to speak up - or maybe the stinging was Everleigh's cigarette. Either way, she felt her nerves climbing up into her throat as she tried to convince herself it'd all work itself out..

But.. in the end, they needed a mediator.

Eksa started to stand and took a breath, readying herself to speak. "Shoul-" She was immediately interrupted before she even began, the aforementioned breath swiftly reaching her lungs and delivering a dose of air, lightly tainted by cigarette-smoke. Her face shifted downwards as she was suddenly bombarded by a series of body-racking, dry coughs. Her right hand instinctively reached forward and grasped the back of the chair in front of her as she doubled forward half-way at the cough-attack. The coughs were terrible, and wickedly dry, with a troubled rasp to them - the type of cough that sucked all breath from one's body. Eksa's grip blanched her fingertips as she gripped the chair in pain. There was a few moments where she tried to catch her breath, her hand trembling lightly as she moved it to try and waft the air around her clear, even so lightly contaminated as it was, coughing all the while.

To others it might've looked like she was choking to death, but a trembling hand rose to ensure than she was fine. "Fine", in this case, seemed to be quite subjective, but Eksa was.. accustomed to it. Such coughing fits weren't uncommon for her, but the presence of smoke or intense cardio were fail-safe evokers of such a painful response. Nevertheless, she tried her best to catch her breath while avoiding any eye-contact from the looks she was sure she'd receive from such an outburst. She held down a shaky breath as she felt the pain subside lightly in her torso, slowly straightening her posture as she was quick to try and steel herself, mentally, to speak again.

"I-I.. I think we should let 'im speak.." She started, a small bead of sweat rolling down her temple as she did. Her voice was.. not what any of them would remember. A decade ago, her voice was, well.. normal. She was upbeat, if a tad loud compared to her peers, and was pretty thickly accented, in Glaswegian fashion. Now, though.. it was a lot different. Her voice has scarred and raspy - it sounded like a voice that would hurt to use. Over the years, a good portion of the pain from speaking had, admittedly, subsided as her vocal cords grew used to working the way they now did. Now though, her accent had to work harder to push past the croaky measure of her voice. Nevertheless, it did. "He doesn't-" cough, cough "-doesn't hafta be here in capacity of an FBI agent, or whatever.. why would 'e be? They havnae a reason to care 'bout what's goin' on here, 'less I'm misunderstandin'.." She let the end of her sentence trail off.

As she finished, she dared to let her eyes eyes trail upwards to a level where she could potentially meet someone else's gaze, even as she felt her body flush with the heat of anxiety. The tip of her shoe fiddled with the back of the chair in front of her in anticipation as she stood in the middle-left of the group, feeling a bit claustrophobic after her interruption. Sure, her heartrate had probably doubled after she dared venture herself into the conversation, but the cohesion of the group was more important than her comfort. Somebody had to try and keep Kali from getting thrown out by the flock that was currently eyeing him -- he was a member of their coven, after all, even if she hadn't a direct relationship with him.

She painfully stifled a few weaker follow-up coughs, her hand rising to form a fist in front of her mouth as she did.
Eksa Thresh

Mentions: Everyone Location: Eksa's Hotel Room > Flowers and Canvases

Being back in St. Portwell was.. nostalgic - among other things. In truth, being back in the states was nostalgic in its own right, seeing as it was something Eksa hadn't done since she was seventeen. The day before, she had arrived in Oregon by plane, landing late in the evening before booking herself a hotel room in which she slept. It was, in fact, the hotel room which she occupied at this very moment.

It was early evening, nearing 6pm, and Eksa found herself in her room, getting dressed as well as mentally preparing herself for the event to come. She had spent the earlier portions of the day re-familiarizing herself, at least lightly, with the town of Portwell. She had enjoyed a nice, if slightly awkward, stop at one of the local coffee shops, and followed it with an outing to a nice little park. The park was one which she explored more than a few times as a kid, and the experience of returning to it managed to fill her with some teary-eyed recollections of her past. She tried not to think to hard on what had befell her family back then - after all, she'd had an entire decade to cope with her misfortunes. Nevertheless, her nerves were tested, if a bit.

Even as she got into her rental car and began to make her way to the meet-up place that Auri has invited her to, said nerves were tested and tweaked. It always happened. Whenever she had a meeting or some sort of greet or function she had to attend, her self-conscious nature always managed to get the better of her. What if people stared? What if people thought her a freak? What if she broke into a sweat, as she was prone to due when meeting multiple new people? Sure, these people weren't new to her, but she might as well be new to them. Her head always spun with such worries before things like this. She was fortunate that, usually, she was able to assume a professional visage that held her anxiousness at bay -- but she had never been able to channel that when things were more casual.

Eventually she slapped herself internally in an attempt to straighten herself out. These people were her friends. Or.. at least they had been, once. She didn't really know if they counted as such, now.. especially after she ghosted any phonecalls from the U.S. after she had woken from her coma. The only contact she had had with anybody was an old series of texts that let her know they had succeeded in their battle against the Stygian Snake. Something which, she imagined, she had missed the after-party for. Though a few other texts, which she left equally unanswered, informed her of the coven breaking up. She was really missing a lot of details, but maybe it wasn't all too important. They had won, and Eksa, among others, had paid the price for that victory. A price which had made life.. hard for her, socially, but one she had been willing to pay back then.

It was a short time before Eksa's endless thoughts were interrupted by her car coming to a soft halt. She had arrived. Her subconscious driving had delivered her to a spot across the street, with a clear view of the face of the storefront - Flowers and Canvases. She managed to allow herself a deep breath. For a moment she sat behind the wheel, trying to cool off her nerves. Finally, she unlatched her seatbelt and reached across herself to open the door and step out. She checked that she had everything she needed - that being her phone - before she shut the door and locked it with a light beepbeep from her keychain, which she tucked into her front pant-pocket.

She rounded the car and ensured the street was clear before she walked across.

She was, as usual, wearing a business-casual-esque ensemble. Her top, which was mostly shrouded by the gray-threaded overcoat that hung off her shoulders, was a long-sleeved, purely black turtleneck. Her light-gray trousers matched her coat and were well-pressed. Her outfit was completed by a pair of simple, black leather shoes. She pulled her right arm across the front of her body as she walked, tugging her coat lightly to ensure it covered her left side, as she approached the front of the shop.

She opened the door and stepped inside. There were various familiar faces scattered about the shop, and she could immediately feel her heart start to thump anxiously. They all looked.. different. But that was to be expected, seeing as it had been a decade. Still, they were recognizable. She tried to render herself as overlookable as possible, only managing to make eye contact with Auri as the lass greeted her upon her entry. Eksa offered her an awkward nod and an appeasing smile that was partly-genuine. Mind you, she was not unhappy to see the lot that had congregated here today - in fact, the opposite. A part of her had always wanted to meet up again, but her apprehensions had more of a hold on her than she would ever admit. And as such, she made it her task to find a chair secluded from anybody already sitting, and take it wordlessly.

And so she did.

And after a tad bit of a wait, once enough people had arrived, Auri would begin. And Eksa would listen. The blonde laid down a couple good points to start. Points the Eksa couldn't disagree with. Ignoring the deaths that had already happened was likely to be a mistake. Even if Father Wolf, as she called the perpetrator, was done with his little spree, it would feel almost like a.. betrayal, of some kind, to leave such crimes unanswered. That wasn't something that sat well with Eksa, especially now that she was already back in St. Portwell.

She listened further as Auri spoke, finding herself nodding lightly along at her ideas. For a moment, Eksa paused. When she thought about it, in truth she had had no real say in whether the coven broke up or not. Before all the drama had really started to swelter, Eksa had been in her coma. Even well after the disbanding. Had she had a choice, she couldn't imagine herself ever giving up such a.. family, of sorts, as they had been. A family of strangers, maybe. But there was something there, at least. To be honest, she never really had many problems with the coven beforehand, though she had been a carefree soul back then - she'd just been along for the ride. Now, though, she found herself more analytical.

Nevertheless, as Eksa listened on, Auri's talk started to seem a little.. familiar. Right - it was somewhat reminiscent of the speech that Ashley had given them all those years ago, when they formed the original coven the first time. Eksa couldn't really remember much of what was said - it was a long time ago, after all - but the uplifting nature of the two were undeniably similar. Were her nerves not so on-edge, it might've drawn a smirk from her. For how much it seemed Auri was displeased with Ashley's way of leading the coven, they had their hearts in it in the same fashion - at some points, at least. While Eksa hadn't a problem with the coven during her time within it, Auri's idea of avoiding a dictatorship of sorts was admirable, at the very least.

Well.. it all sounded good to her. She was sure that she should've been thinking harder on it all, and a part of her felt a bit childish at the idea of forming a "coven" now, when they did the same exact thing as kids - but there was a good reason behind it. There were murders happening. It didn't get much more adult than that.

Were she her old self, she might've spoken up on how she liked Auri's ideas, but.. she wasn't. Speaking to a room was, honestly, somewhat terrifying. So she would relegate herself to waiting for others to speak up.

Just like.. Luke..? She felt bad that she couldn't remember the name of one of her fellow coven members, but it'd been ten years, and she was pretty sure it was Luke. Though, something about what he said concerned her.

What Britney did? What did that mean? It seemed Eksa was out of the loop, but.. surely she was misunderstanding. Britney had seemed great, at least when Eksa was around. Surely she couldn't have so drastically changed in just the months that Eksa had spent in a coma. She'd been just as much of a family member of the coven as anybody else. What did she do to him..?

She opened her mouth habitually to speak, but stopped herself. She had questions, but.. maybe later was a better time. Maybe she'd ask Britney in private, or something. For now, she absorbed what she heard and continued to listen to the conversation amongst them.
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