Avatar of Jarl Coolgruuf


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ma! The sex roleplayers are being weird in the advanced tab again, Ma!
4 yrs ago
Stack sats, print gats, distill vats, feed cats
1 like
4 yrs ago
We here at Cyberdine Systems have heard your demands and we answer your cries with "BullyBot". With the push of a button you can now automate all of your cyberbullying. The future is here. Embrace it.
4 yrs ago
>using the phrase "normie" unironically
4 yrs ago
They always ask me, "What the fuck are you doing!?" but never, "How the fuck you doing?"


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Most Recent Posts

Evil sorcerer: "You pathetic mortals cannot even begin to conceive of the power I wield! With a wave of my hand I can engulf your very soul in flames or raise legions of the damned to fight for me. The fabric of reality bends to-"

Edgar: So to become a great wizard all I have to do is cut off my dick?
Heimdallr: Sure, yeah lol
Edgar: *suddenly pantless with knife in hand* Bet
Edgar confirmed as a god-tier thot slayer.
Even if she isn't the leader, Molly that's what I've decided to name my little chef will be everyone's mom. This isn't a negotiation, she's your mom now and she will take care of you.
"What the fuck, Clive," Val whispers as she grabs herself a midnight snack.

@SadistPoet Nah, it's all good. I'll just go with my alternate picture. You do make a good point about the rest of that though.

@Unparakeet On second thought, I have an idea.

We both submit CS's, @SadistPoet picks whichever one they like best, and then the other person will pick a new character concept. Sound fair?
Well this is awkward
Hold up am I dumb or did RPG stop tagging edited post because I could've sworn I didn't see that latest WIP CS

Edit: test

Edit 2: huh, I wonder if that's a glitch

Edit 3: nvm it works again
guess I just missed that CS
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