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    1. JImFromTheOfice 6 yrs ago


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"Wait what point? Did you not bring any cake!" A voice shouted from behind the counter "How rude, Just absolutely rude. This is like that time my mother in law didn't bring a gift to my wedding. Course I don't haave a mother in law nor was I ever married but back to the topic. I mean here I am trying to give everybody a good time when one of my won't even bring snacks"

Inside the bank, Alex was alone in watching the bank with a bored look on his face as the woman he held started to cry. His eyes shot open and his grin returned as the door burst and a cheesy looking man tried to give a cheesy sounding one-liner,"Ohh Goody did you bring enough tea for everybody?" He shot back before throwing the woman at him and jumping into cover and pulling out a handful of knives.
The morning sun shone high in the sky marking it as mid-day however our story begins inside a boring old bank. Inside people milled around and stood in lines waiting to for their turn at the stalls while a graying guard sat on an old plastic looking half asleep. A man wearing purple stripped clothes and a toothy grin walked into the bank then observed his big debut. He took place in line placing his hands in his pockets with his grin never lowering even an inch. If the security guard was slightly more awake perhaps he'd have noticed the floating hand that suddenly appeared next to his holster, or perhaps even felt it grab onto his gun before flourishing and disappearing into nothing. Alex walked up to the bank teller with a grin which unnerved the young woman who none the less kept her professional look.

"So how many robberies?" asked the grinning man.
"Beg your pardon?" the woman replied
"This bank. How many times has it been robbed?"
"I assure you sir that your money is safe here"
"Doesn't really answer the question."
"Well as far as I'm aware sir this bank has never had an incident"

Chesire folded into himself and appeared behind the teller who was too shocked to run away before Alex put a knife to her throat. The doors crashed open as five men carrying old Tommy guns, firing them into the air to cause chaos and wearing card themed masks ran into the bank. The security guard rose quickly with a practiced gesture to his empty holster before he was smashed in the face by one of the criminals.

Chesire appeared on top of a teller's stall gripping the woman while his minions gathered everybody else onto the floor.


I mean honestly, I'm good with whatever but sure let me see if I can think of something.
Neato. Should I post an opening post robbing a bank then?
Name: Alex Liddel

Alias: Cheshire Cat

Powers: Alex has the power of Teleportation with a slight delay as he shrinks into nothing to appear somewhere else, Flight but only at the speed of a brisk walk and Anatomic Liberation meaning he can pop off pieces of his body to control remotely but any part actually cut with sharp objects would still cause him harm.

Background: Originally the son of an eccentric/crazy/insane/totally cock-a-doddle bonkers scientist, Alex lived a fairly boring childhood all things considered. He got used to the screaming from the labs after a while and the occasional crocodile shark hybrid began pretty to look mundane. All was perfectly normal and boring until one day, Alex was in the lab looking for his pet cat Fluffers the mighty, Eater of rats and a sponge that one time, he found said sponge eating cat in a strange looking room. One thing led to another and Fluffers activated the teleportation room where both were shunted into some place. Hours turned into days then into months then into years. The constant boredom broke Alex's mind but after a while, the constant liquidation of reality fused one bored cat and one crazy human. After eons Alex just got bored and was taking a nap when was shunted back into the real world where he had gained his powers as well as an overwhelming urge to not do anything and eat tuna. Going with his crazed human instincts to sate his new found boredom instead of his lazy cat ones, Alex Liddel became the criminal known as Cheshire Cat. Robbing Chaos and Causing Banks and probably vice versa.


Equipment: Alex carries an unspecified number of knives on his person as well as a small crowbar in his jacket

Other: He's insane if that wasn't obvious.

Since we're doing theme songs

Well for living beings like animals it's mostly just important events in their lives or moments they explicitly remember. From the comic I ripped it from, it usually just means the moment before they died or if he licked some fresh blood from a fight he'll get visions of the fight that caused the bleeding and probably a few seconds after that depending on how strong the emotions were of the event and the freshness of the blood. My character doesn't like eating meat too much because of that. Nonliving objects it depends really, most don't give him visions but things that had strong emotions tied to them like say a shell casing that was used to shoot somebody would show him visions of the shooting though how clear the vision depends on how long the event happened. Books and Anything with written knowledge would give him enough information as basically somebody who skimmed it and got the gist of what was there but no specifics though that method would obviously ruin the book. The more I think about it the grosser it sounds but meh, I really wanted an interesting power and this was probably the least stupidly abusable one of my list of weird powers. I hope I don't sound like I'm trying to downplay it cause I know I might sound like I'm going "I could just do x and be super powerful". If it still sounds too powerful I'll just change it to something more generic like being able to turn into gas without much control where it goes or bone manipulation but most things made hurt like hell and need a lot of calcium to use.

Ohh this looks neet. I'm assuming you're banning minion masters in general right because I've always wanted to play a Pathfinder Necromancer but I'd be happy to think of another character. If Necromancy's banned which I assume it is, What's the rule on multiclassing. A Life Oracle or Paladin/Oracle hybrid I hear is pretty good and I always wanted to play support characters.
Actually no I just thought of a much more interesting power.
Right no I was fine just completely cutting it down to just light I just wanted clarification. I'll edit it to just light then.
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