Avatar of Joker892
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    1. Joker892 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current May be gone for a bit because of Irma heading my way. Not the best time to be living in Florida, eh? :b
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@WickI am, I'm just thinking of what to write.
@WickYep, my friend who drove me to the ER said it looked like it just got out of a fight with Mayweather without throwing a single punch. He wasn't much help.
@Wick I slipped in my works freezer thanks to a nice wet floor and went to grab the giant metal door to the freezer. With my luck I managed to slip my leg between the door and shut it on my leg, hard. It's not broken, thank god, but it doesn't look pretty either. Bruises and such.
Hello! I busted my leg and had to take a quick little trip the ER, which is always fun, but I'm all good and will post soon.

I'm gonna add more, but I just wanted to get this up.

Position: Student

Name: Erik Dustin.

Age: 14

Race: Human

Gender: Male.

Proficiency/Abilities: An excellent swordsman and uses fire related magic to enhance his fighting capabilities. Is also able to summon up new blades, but at the cost of his own energy. The bigger and more powerful the blade, the more exhausted he will become in battle.


Personality: Erik is a cocky young man who enjoys to fight and get into trouble. He can be kind to others, but is most of the time an ass.

Backstory: Erik lived within the slums and grew up within a poor family that barely was able to get him into school. He practiced swordsman ship, magic and other fighting abilities that would help him grow into a better fighter.

Other: Enjoys to drink, smoke, fight and train.

Collaboration post

Jasons eyes slowly crept open only to be assaulted by the morning light that slipped through their windows curtains. "Ugh, screw you sun," he muttered and went to get up from his bed, but stopped as he felt something hold him down. He looked down and smiled softly to see an adorable looking Brienna laying on his chest with a blissful smile on her face. He gazed at her with joy for a few seconds and cleared a few strands of hair that blocked her natural beauty. As for what felt like several minutes Jason forced himself to slip out from under his wife and laid her gently down onto the bed to ensure he didnt wake her. As exited the bed chuckled and let out a small yawn. "Well, time to get started," he whispered to himself as he went dress himself.

A couple of moments later Brienna opened her eyes. Rolling over onto her back she stretched out while watching her husband get dressed. "Good morning, I trust you slept well?" She raised up holding the sheet over herself modestly. She leaned over to the edge of the bed and slipped her feet to the floor letting the sheet fall as she got up and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"What do you have planned for the day? Anything exciting? Any questions you have about how the property runs your foreman should be able to answer. His name is Henry." Brienna walked over to their luggage and was getting out a day dress that would allow her to move quite freely. She wanted to see everything on the property.

A groan escaped Jason as he slipped his pants on and looked to Brienna with a sad look. "I was hoping to spend the day with my new wife, but I should have a talk with this Henry. Might as well get a bit of info on our new home and how it works," he said with a sigh. As he sat down to put on his boots he looked up to Brienna and smirked. "What do you have planned?" he asked with a grunt as he forced the boot onto his foot. He really missed his sneakers.

Brienna chuckled softly as she pushed him backwards onto his back on the bed. "For a man who wants to spend time with his new wife you have a lot of clothes on." She kissed him for several moments and slid off of him to the floor. Teasing him was a good way to keep her in his mind she figured and smiled to herself. "Wow, it's getting hot in here. Maybe I should open a window." She grinned.

Jason felt his cheeks grow warm as he gave all of his attention towards his wife. He grinned and picked her up with his arms and held her close. "Ya know youre getting real good at that whole sexy wife thing. I think youre a fast learner," he joked and kissed her deeply. As he pulled away and lowered her back to the floor he chuckled and grabbed his shirt while eyeing Brienna. "And its best to keep those windows closed for now, wouldnt want to wake up the Queen now, would we?" he chuckled and kissed her forehead before walking off towards the door. "Lets meet up later around lunch, I should be free by then," he said and gave a quick wave before exiting the room and began his search for Henry.

Brienna grinned and let herself fall backwards into her bed and lay there in awe of the changes her life had taken in these last couple of months. She thought about Jason and her thoughts took a turn for the serious for a couple of moments. What would she do if he were ripped away from her. After a few minutes of this thinking she shoved those thoughts right out of her head.

Thinking of their lovemaking the night before made her blush and she got up and made their bed. She knew she had a maid for that but sometimes she just liked to do it. Brienna fixed her hair and put on a necklace and left the room to greet her staff and see how things were running in the house.

It didn't take long for her to see that there were a few things that she wanted to change. Brienna spent a large part of her day going through housekeeping duties with her maids and the cook. By the time lunch got there she was already tired.

It took Jason at least thirty minutes to find this Henry fellow, but he ended up finding him talking with a few of the workers of the estate. As they saw Jason they quickly ceased their conversations and gave respectful bows as he reached them. A man within his thirties smiled kindly and bowed his head. "My Lord, it is good to finally meet you," he said. Jason rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. He was still trying to get use to his title.

"Um, you may rise now," he said with an attempt at sounding like a real leader. He failed and just ended up sounding like a crappy actor in a crummy play. The wokers raised their heads and smiled towards their new lord. The man in his thirties introduced himself as Henry and Jason felt a bit of relief. "Good, Im happy I found you Henry. I was hoping I could speak with you about the estate and what you can tell me about its conditions," Henry kept his kind smile and nodded.

"Of course my Lord, it would be my pleasure," he said and gestured for a walk around the mansion. Jason accepted and the two walked together talking about the esates current status. Jason was happy to hear that the people were happy and productions were going well, but bit his lip at the mention of a few recent disappearances that had occured within a village near by. They were to come speak with him later today in hopes he could help them find the cause of the disappearances. Jason nodded and listened to ever yword that came from Henry. It wouldnt hurt to inspect the issue would it?

After Jason was up to date on the estate Henry offered a tour in other parts of the land, but Jason politley rejected the offer seeing as how it was close to lunch time and he wouldnt mind spending it with his wife. Henry nodded and understood completely. They said their goodbyes and Jason made his way to the dinning room. As he arrived through the doors he let out a groan and stretched his limbs. "Whats on the menu today?" he asked with a chuckle as he took a seat next to Brienna. He looked over to her and nearly jumped to see a slightly tired Brienna sitting next to him. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "That busy already?" he asked with a chuckle.

Brienna nodded. "You wouldn't believe how things have changed. It's probably me. I got used to things running like they do at the castle. Maybe I'm asking too much of them but I really don't think so."

After eating she decided that she wanted some fresh air. "Let's go for a ride around the property and I'll show you the borders and everything." She smiled at her husband and waited for his answer. "Unless you want to do womething else?" She flirted.

Jason wipped his mouth with a cloth and chuckled as he rose from his seat. "You have no idea how hard it is to have to hold off on that, but a ride would be nice and helpful," he said and helped her up from her seat. They walked along side each other and arrived at the stables. Jason aided Brienna onto her mount and quickly lifted himself onto his. After getting a feel for the mount he moved to her side and gestured for them to go on. "Shall we?" he asked with a smile.

Brienna grinned happily and they rode all over the property for the next couple of hours. By the time they were finished she had given him a lot of information. She was happy to see the farming land and the animals. Seeing the houses in disrepair upset her and she asked to come in and see the structures. The tenants were more then happy to have them looking to see what repairs needed to be made.

When they got back to the house she was still fuming about the state of the tenants houses. "My father was just a terrible landlord! We have to fix those houses." She knew who she needed to come help but there were issues between them and William. She sighed.

"We need William to come work on the houses. He will fix them right and not overcharge. I know you two aren't the best of friends."

Jason chuckled and looked to Brienna with a raised eyebrow. "Whaaat? Me and William are like brothers," he joked. He shook his head and waved a hand. "No, but I will get it done. William will do the job, and if he doesnt we will find someone else. Someone like me!" he said and jabbed his thumb into his chest.

Surprised, Brienna looked at him suspiciously. "Do you know anything about carpentry or building things? "

Jason nodded and flexed one of his arms. "Of course I do, I helped my dad make repairs to the barns and house after strong storms. I was able to do it all after he had been sick in bed one time," he said and glanced back to the homes. "Tools are a bit different, but I can easily fix that stuff, but if you rather William to do it then I can talk to him," he said and looked back to her.

Not wanting to make him think that she didn't trust his abilities she nodded. "My lord, If you wish to work on it with the men on the property I would love to see that. If there is anything you have trouble with you can always call William in to help later."

Brienna had heard something earlier in the day and asked him, "Did I hear correctly? Did someone say something about people disappearing? Do you know anything about that?"

Jason nodded slowly with a stern look. "Henry informed me about and told me what he could. People of all ages have been taken in the night and no signs of them have been found. Im gonna be meeting a few of the villagers today to speak with them about the issues and Im gonna help them if I can," he said and shook his head. "Hopfully we can find the missing people, but its not looking good."

A chill ran up Brienna's spine. "We need to make certain that all houses have locks from the inside and that they are protected somehow." She thought for a moment. "Do we know if they are mostly men or women? children or adults? Is there a pattern?"

This news distressed her immensely. This had never happened before and she wondered if her father had had anything going on that she had no idea about.

Jason saw her distress and gently grasped her hand with a kind smile and soft eyes. "Brienna, I know this is a bit stressful for a first day, but believe me when I say we will get to the bottom of this. We will make sure to find the missing, be they alive or not, and return them to their loved ones. It is our job to ensure our people of their safety and peace of mind. As the new owners of the land we will do our job and stop whatever is happening," he finished with his hand slight tighter around her.

Brienna smiled at Jason and hugged him tighter to her. "I hope no one else gets hurt or goes missing." She made a mental note to let Elizabeth know that there have been disappearances. She knew that sometimes the castle had more answers than the property they were about.

Hector watched as she went under and shook his head with a chuckle. He rose to his feet with a grunt and rolled his shoulders. "Never a dull moment with you, eh?" he asked as he dived into the water. As he adjusted his eyes under the water a small smile came to his face as he saw April swimming around him with her usual smile. He watched her swim around with amusement before a evil grin formed onto his face. As she rounded him again he dived forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. With his strength he easily lifted her from the water and let out a victorious laugh. "I got a live one here!" he laughed and held her up in a close hug. He looked her up and down and let a sly smirk roll onto his face. "Gonna have to mount this one on my wall," he chuckled placed a quick kiss on her cheek. He felt his worries and irritation melt away and enjoyed the moment.

I can get my CS up later tonight.

@WickForgot to mention you, lol. :b
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