Avatar of KaijuBaragon
  • Last Seen: 15 days ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 512 (0.14 / day)
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    1. KaijuBaragon 10 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
republicans be like yeah you have to have the child but when its born I hate it. i will personally come and kick it and then eat a full meal in front of it. loser!
3 yrs ago
log off u weirdo
4 yrs ago
this whole election lawsuit stuff is just a cover up because they're not sure how to announce that Jeb! won in a landslide
4 yrs ago
people just be making statuses with no thought. i run my statuses through 3 independent corporate panels and a top secret military AI before posting. high quality
4 yrs ago
im just saying you're dodgy



𝟚𝟙 - 𝕃𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕟/𝕐𝕠𝕣𝕜 - 𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕛𝕦𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟#𝟘𝟙𝟠𝟘

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In CLOSED. 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In CLOSED. 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@HushedWhispers Sorry it's a little late, just got this guy finished up.

throwing out an interest here
I'm still here. I'll get a post up tomorrow, hopefully.

Interacting with - @Kreutzer

Connor was pretty engrossed in the useless thing he was looking at, that he didn't even notice that the charge on his phone was dangerously low. He did notice, however, when the company logo popped up and the phone shut off, due to lack of charge. Scowling, he set out to retrieve his charger from his bag. He pulled it open, but to his annoyance found nothing. Damn. He must have left it in America, or maybe he just dropped it. Whatever the reason. He didn't have a phone charger, and that meant he couldn't use his phone. He did have some money though... maybe he should go into town and buy one. Then he would do his homework when he got back. So, he tucked his phone safely away and set out of his room, and down the stairs.

It was a nice little town, Connor thought. He hadn't really visited a Japanese settlement other than Tokyo, so it was cool to see. There were plenty of shops stocking replacement chargers, so he just found one with a nice long cable, paid for it and left. He still had some money left, so he thought he may as well walk around and see if there was anything else that caught his eye. Up on one of the main high streets, he spotted a distinctive haircut amongst the other shoppers. It was Marius, who Connor remembered had got the highest on the entrance exam. He walked over.

"Hey Marius, I'm Connor. I don't think we've properly spoken, other than right before class for a little bit. Is anyone else up in this area?"

Briefly interacting with - @Norschtalen, @pkken

Connor took the bottle of water and the towel gratefully. He chugged down a massive drink of cool water, then wiped most of the sweat off of his face with the towel. That felt a lot better. He thanked the girl and watched as the last few people started to finish off their own tests. He knew he had done well, but had he done well enough compared to everyone? He couldn't be sure, of course. Connor had done his tests before most people. He gave a nod of acknowledgement to Lance who was relaxing in the shade, and then plopped down under his own tree to relax.

Soon enough All-Might rounded up and dismissed the students to all their classes. Connor had almost forgotten it would still be like a normal school, they wouldn't just be fighting and doing physical activities the whole time. It was a little unnerving to see the pro-heroes teaching classes that had nothing to do with heroic actions themselves, but that didn't stop Connor from doodling in the most boring classes - mostly maths and literature - and subtly scratching his initials into the desks that he could get his daggers on. It was just a little thing he liked to do - he wasn't too sure why.

And then, the school day was over, and it was time to head back to their dorms. Connor had some homework to do but... decorating came first. He took the posters from his bed and hung them up in nice places in the room. His favourite movies and bands now adorned his room, and also just a few aesthetic things. Now what? His books lingered in the corner of his eye, subtly telling him he should do the work, but his phone called harder, and Connor found himself browsing things that he wasn't even that interested in. Pictures of dogs, and cityscapes, and games he didn't play, and movies he never watched. Suddenly he heard a commotion from somewhere... it sounded like the wolf boy from earlier, but angry. He peered out of his window and saw the kitsune girl he vaguely remembered seeing earlier walking away from the dorms. That didn't bode well, but Connor wouldn't get involved. Now, back to his phone. His homework could wait.

Interacting with - @pkken @Chaotic Chao @Norschtalen

Connor's suspicions about the wolf-boy, well, Ookami's quirk were confirmed. They were basically just stuff that wolves could do. Ah well, at least Lance's quirk was actually pretty decent. Controlling the wind was a respectable quirk, and Connor looked on with intrigue as the boy produced within his hand a marvellous little tornado. Very cool indeed. Lance got rid of the tornado and then asked about hero names.

"Nah, I haven't really thought about it that much. I guess I'll have to think of something when the time comes for it to be necessary."

But now it seemed to be time for the real tests to begin. A sense of excitement brewed inside Connor's chest as he made his way onto the sports field, feeling pretty confident about his abilities to do well. He knew some events he would excell at, and others he might lag behind due to his quirk not being very useful in those areas. Still, he was a pretty athletic boy nonetheless, and he had high hopes.

A while later, and Connor had done it. He was feeling pretty damn tired and exhausted, but still rather pleased with himself. The dash had gone as he'd expected. He still did okay, but he couldn't use his quirk for that and was obviously outpaced by people like that boy who could seemingly teleport. Now that was a useful quirk for running. Standing long jump had gone the same, even though he had tried to think of a way to use his quirk to his advantage. Most of the other athletic or running events were the same story.

Some events, however, Connor excelled at. With the grip strength he managed to strengthen the grip with some handy bone reinforcements, so he placed pretty high up on that event and was proud of himself. The ball throw, however, was completely different. Using something he vaguely remembered from school about pivots, he formed something that vaguely resembled a lacrosse stick. A longer pivot, he remembered, meant more power and energy. The ball was flung a damn far distance, and Connor was pretty sure he placed in the top three there. He managed to send out some bones to grip his toes in the toe touches to send himself up the rankings on that one, too.

Now Connor was tired, and had a large craving for a cool drink of water to cool himself down. What luck however, when he saw in the distance a girl surrounded by lots of them. Perhaps she was giving them away? He wandered over and found that it was the girl who had caught his sight earlier. She seemed pretty tired as well. He got closer and came to the conclusion that she was giving them away.

"Hey... If you're giving those away, can I have one? Tiring tests, eh?"

Interacting with - @Chaotic Chao | Mentioning/Noticing - @Norschtalen

Connor raised his brow as yet another person came over to talk to him, making the walking group have a total of three now. The boy was certainly odd - he seemed to be some sort of.... wolf, human hybrid? Or maybe he was just transforming into that for a brief time. Whatever it was, it was odd. Connor hoped it wasn't another one of those minor mutation quirks, people with those shouldn't be accepted into the school. Still, could be worse, could be the guy who's quirk was just a goddamn robot suit. Actually, now that Connor scoured his mind... he thought he recognised the boy from exams. The boy certainly seemed to know him, as he knew his full name. He turned to the wolf-boy and responded -

"Yeah, I'm Connor Montgomery, it's nice to meet you. As for what I can do, well, you'll see in the test. I can create things from the bones in my arm. What about you?"

Connor heard voices coming off from another way and loosely turned to see what was going on. It was Marius, another boy, and a girl. There was something about this girl that just... made him want to look. He couldn't quite explain it. Maybe it was her eyes? He pulled himself away and back to wolf-boy, awaiting his response.

Interacting with - @pkken

Connor saw a other people starting to come out from the dorms wearing their gym suits, getting more excited by the minute. He hadn't really felt excitement like this in a long time. It was a nice feeling, and one he had sorely missed. Perhaps this place really was where he would find his calling. He had been sceptical when Samantha told him he should try and get into the school - he didn't really fancy himself as a hero. But it just felt right, being surrounded by other people with powerful quirks and training with them.

Connor then spied a boy catching up fast behind him. He recognised the boy from the entrance examination - he vaguely remembered his name being... Lance? Or something along those lines. The boy said something about Connor not being the only one who couldn't wait to show everyone else what they could do. That was certainly true... he definitely could not wait. Lots of people underestimated his quirk when they first heard about it, but he always enjoyed proving the true power of it to them. Then he introduced himself, and Connor's suspicions of his name were validated. Lance Carter... yes, he did remember that name from the entrance exam. He responded in an equally relaxed and excited manner.

"Hi, Lance! I think I remember you from the exam.... I'm Connor Montgomery, pleased to meet you formally too!"
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