Avatar of KaijuBaragon
  • Last Seen: 22 hrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 512 (0.14 / day)
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    1. KaijuBaragon 10 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
republicans be like yeah you have to have the child but when its born I hate it. i will personally come and kick it and then eat a full meal in front of it. loser!
3 yrs ago
log off u weirdo
4 yrs ago
this whole election lawsuit stuff is just a cover up because they're not sure how to announce that Jeb! won in a landslide
4 yrs ago
people just be making statuses with no thought. i run my statuses through 3 independent corporate panels and a top secret military AI before posting. high quality
4 yrs ago
im just saying you're dodgy


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LOCATION(s): Alleyway -> Warehouse -> Government facility


Talos took one last, angry look at lightning girl, before he darted off to the wall and dug his hands in hard, scaling it quickly, before he was on the roof and out of site. He was in a very rough shape, and staying to fight was not the logical choice at all at this point. He had been bested, and that irritated him greatly. He needed some human bone to rebuild his face. He looked down at the street and saw the drunk guy from earlier, still passed out. Talos easily manged to snap the man's neck and sling him over his metal shoulder, then he began to head back to his warehouse.

A few hours later and Talos was attaching in the last piece of black metal to his head. The gunshot and the lightning strike had destroyed very intricate pieces of his face that took a while to be fixed. While fixing his head, Talos's main problem had dawned on him - he was alone. If these heroes ganged up on him, he would lose. Either he needed to make sure to take them on one at a time, or he needed comrades. Finally, he was done. He placed down his tools, looking out of the window to see that it was now dawn. He turned on the television hooked up to the wall in front of him. The news was playing a story about a bank robbery last night. Something that he hadn't heard about. Then the TV began to figure? Something wrong with the screen? But it then became very apparent that something much stranger was taking place here. Words. Images of suffering animals. And then, a sudden, very faded shot of two masked men in an alleyway. He had a perfect image in his mind of last night - the two masked men he had encountered. Perhaps just a coincidence. But nothing ever was in this world.

But it was time to head out again. Last night made it pretty obvious that he needed some new tech. And he was thinking of something that could possibly match a blast of electricity in cutting and flesh-destroying ability. There was a government facility in the city that could definitely hold some experimental, private technology. He decided not to wear a disguise, not wanting to have another one made unusable, instead donning a colour-changing silicone suit of his own creation (co-incidentally, also re-engineered from tech he stole from a government facility) which allowed him to easily blend in. He took the things he needed to break in, then headed out.

It wasn't long before he reached the facility. Watching from an alley, it seemed well guarded. He needed to plan a way to get in. There was a cluster of trees which could provide good cover. He also needed to make sure not to trip the alarm to something like this. Or at least, when he was already on the way out. He slipped around into the tree cover, reaching the side of the building, checking for guards along the whole distance. He reached the wall, feeling a hand along to try and find a weaker spot. But there was no weak spot. This was a sight he should have seen coming. Perhaps he needed to try and dispose of a guard to expose a spot he could slip in. He threw a small, vibrating device into a shrub, which made it shake, then stood back. As a guard walked up, he gripped a piece of wire in his hands and dove them both into the bushes. Only Talos came out. He slipped inside the building, knowing it would take little time for the guards to notice their fallen comrade. He needed to get to where the weapons would be stored, quickly, as he navigated the hallways.

LOCATION(s): Alleyway

INTERACTING WITH: @Little Italy @superservo27

Talos was pleasantly surprised as the dumpster tipped over to reveal the girl hiding inside, as she tumbled down at his feet, flecks of the ground turning to gold as she skidded along. He raised his cold grey hands over her head. Preparing to bring them down and end this. Perhaps her body could be harvested to create some sort of weapon out of this gold ability. It certainly seemed like something which could come in very useful down the line. Suddenly, cracking footsteps came running from behind him and he heard a voice yell out, before the sound of something skidding along the floor.

Then there was the bang. Blinding light filled the alleyway as Talos stumbled slightly, too heavy to be fully knocked over. But he was disorientated for a second, and it took a bit of time for his visual sensors to work again properly. He recognised the voice immediately to be that of the roof man, Hijack, but by the time he turned around, the man was long gone. Drat. He turned his attention back onto the cowering girl, now slowed in his efforts and angry. He needed to finish this, right now, then be done and go back to his base to rebuild and recuperate.

Then, something made his sensors prick up. A crackling, in the sky, and a crackling slowly approaching. And... music? Talos was utterly irritated and confused. What was with this damn city tonight? He turned to see another girl, this one surrounded by electricity, grinning wildly. Music blared, seemingly from her presence. And then suddenly, electricity raced into him and struck him straight into the face, causing the left side of his face to shatter as systems entered a temporary, emergency shutdown as he collapsed in a heap on the concrete.

Talos's mind raced to get everything back into order, as silence rang out in the alley for the first time. Talos's fingers began to flex and twitch as the android rebooted his battered body, a rasping sound being emitted from his mouth as his twitching head turned to face the electric girl.

LOCATION(s): Street -> Allewyway


Talos's metallic feet thudded off the roof and to the top of the stairs. He once again decided to take the quicker route of climbing the gap in the centre of the staircase, although this time he was going downwards. He reached the bottom of the stairs soon enough, heading quickly out of the door to see the smaller shape of the girl disappear around an alleyway, then the head peek around before darting back behind the wall again. Talos reached the corner, finding no sign of the girl, but a dark maze of back-alleys and streets ahead. No matter, there were dead ends everywhere. He would find her soon enough.

He tore off the last remaining parts of the silicon mask on his face, to make sure his sight was fully unobscured. Thick metallic thuds on the concrete echoed off the brick walls as the android stalked through the backstreets. His eyes suddenly caught sight of something as he went past a corner - a chain link fence made of gold. It seemed that the girl had touched it while climbing it, as the fallen boxes underneath it indicated some kind of activity there. Behind the fence, he could see there was a dead end. Perfect. He thudded up to the fence, gripping it with two hands before tearing a large hole in the fence which he stepped through.

Talos was met with a mess of possible hiding places. Bins, bags, cardboard boxes. He began at the left, a methodical search. He lifted up bags and bin lids, hoping to find a cowering girl underneath or inside. He worked his way up the side of the street, checking every place he could think of, until he reached a large dumpster tucked away in the corner. Certainly big enough to hold a human. He leaned in close to the metal, listening for the faintest noise from within. He reasoned that if the girl was inside, she was probably poised and waiting, hands at the ready. He grabbed the side of the dumpster and tipped it over, hoping to catch her by surprise if she was hiding inside.

LOCATION(s): Rooftop -> Next floor down


Talos raised both his hands as he got ready to wrap them around Hijack's throat and squeeze. This conflict would end here tonight. Perhaps he could use some of the man's bones to rebuild parts of his face. That would be a fitting punishment for the annoyance the gunman had causes him. But before he could carry out the deed, he heard quick, light footsteps running along the roof. He quickly turned to see a girl running straight towards him, looking determined but nervous. Before he could react, her golden gloves were off and fingers were running down him his mind worked to understand what she was doing. Talos was confused... and then his shirt and pants, and the thin layer of silicon that it was attached to, began to change. Transmute. Yellow washed across the materials as he touched them. It was... Gold? He whipped his head back around to the girl, who was now heading back nervously.

He tore off his silicone gloves and dug his hands into the metal, which had now fully become its target areas. He tore firmly with his hands, ripping off all of the silicone suit on his arms and torso. This revealed more of his true, twisted metallic form. The legs were next, until the only skinsuit left was on the side of his face. Then he set his metallic eyes on the shape quickly escaping out of the door. He glanced at Hijack one more time, before he left the man. He'd probably see him again. Then, he would certainly finish the gunman off. And he would enjoy it.

But now he focused back onto gold girl. He took fast heavy steps after the nimble girl as she dashed away through the door again, trying to catch up as quickly as he could.
Collab post - Talos VS Hijack

@GingerBoi123's posts are in italics

Pinging @Little Italy so they can come in next

Talos stood steady as the gun was raised at him. Bullets might cause internal bleeding, severe injuries or death in those made of flesh and blood, but Talos had been shot at numerous times before. Nothing a bit of tinkering couldn’t fix. But he didn’t feel like having his mask broken, the elastic material was rather fragile. Talos didn’t see the masked man shooting at him a logical path for the man to take, so he doubted that he would do it. But there was no telling what humans could do. They were strange creatures, after all.

And then the man spoke, his voice slightly muffled behind his mask. ”None of your concern,” he said. The man then stood up. That gun he was holding was a fine piece of weaponry indeed. That could be put to good use. Then the man stepped forward. ”Sir, I will only warn you once. Outta my way…” he stated firmly, before he began to approach Talos, clearly heading for the door. The android extended a long arm blocking the entrance down onto the lower floor. He didn’t want this man to go anywhere. He heard very faint shuffling noises coming from down below, perhaps the men from earlier sharing Talos’s curiosity. Hopefully this man would be done with before they crept up.

”I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. Answer the question.”

Jason tutted. This was starting to get annoying. He had better things to do than deal with this guy. Although it was mostly for show, Jason stopped in his tracks and unclicked the safety. ”I’m here to finally clean this town. Rid it of it’s infection and cut out it’s tumor. Is that the speech you wanted?” Jason growled. He began to gesture to the side of the doorway with the barrel of his gun, hoping that he could make his way past the guy.

It was such a pain. Although, while most of him wanted to keep in pursuit, a small part was intrigued. The man’s voice struck a certain chord of uncanny valley. It was close to being correct, but slightly off. Unsettling a little, but nothing that would distract Jason from his goal. He needed to find out what this guy was. ”You fit that description? Because I won’t spare a second thought to take you out.” He threatened, raising the barrel of the gun in line with the man’s head. ”Now, move!”

Talos cocked his head to the side slightly as the masked gunman audibly unclicked the safety on his weapon. Likely just a show of force. Why would the man risk exposure for his crimes with such a blunt and obvious attack? Despite the gun appearing to have a suppressor, someone would likely see, especially after the earlier attack. It just wasn’t logical, at least in Talos’s eyes. Then the shooter began to speak. A very impassioned speech, things about how the shooter intended to β€œclean” the town. From what Talos had seen, definitely with a great deal of blood and violence.

The gesturing of the gun did not do anything to make Talos back off. He stood strong and firm, blocking the metal door consistently as the shuffling noises from below continued unchanged. You could cut the tension in the air as the two stood firm in their goals. Then the shooter became more aggressive. The man clearly threatened Talos now, and as he did, the android shook his head. Then the man lined the barrel of the gun up to Talos’s head. Seems like the man wasn’t taking the logical route after all. However, if Talos ran, he left himself open to being shot in the legs, which could bring him down. In the man’s confusion he could steal the gun and make an escape.

So, Talos stood firm, now unblinking as the barrel of the gun stared him down, just like the shooter.

”You heard what I said before. I will not move. Who are you?”

Jason smirked beneath the mask. This guy seemed pretty calm with a gun pointed at him. It definitely struck him out as an innocent bystander. Whether he was human or not was a different matter. Time for Jason to try and probe out some information as they were clearly in a standoff. Jason couldn’t risk a shot at this point. He didn’t have enough evidence to clear this guy, or condemn him. However, the range should provide an advantage in case an engagement happened.

”Let’s be as civil as we can. It’s only fair if you answer a question of mine first. So why don’t you introduce yourself first. huh?”

The gun continued to be pointed into Talos’s face. Talos was no longer blinking, as mental power was going into analysing this situation and the most conceivable ways for Talos to emerge from this on top, with the gunman dazed, or perhaps even dead. Despite his aggression, however, the man didn’t seem unhinged. He seemed very much cool, cold and calculated. This was going to be rather difficult. Then the man asked a question. Talos’s mind was instantly diverted to coming up with a name to use. His name recalled back to a shop that he had seen on the street, some sort of restaurant. Jack’s, it was called. Then the brand of the beer bottle he had broken over the man’s head.

”My name is Jack. Jack Foster. Once again, who are you?” He said, still unblinking.

Jason couldn’t help but chuckle at the coincidence of the man’s name and his own callsign. ”Hi Jack. I’m Hijack.” He joked. This β€˜Jack’ seemed to take a while to answer the question. Was it a fake name? He could get a guy to look it up if needs be. ”Now we’re acquainted, care to move?” Jason asked.

Talos cocked his head once again as the man chuckled after he answered his question. Talos wasn’t sure what was so amusing, but he stood stone-faced as the man finished up his short laugh. Then the gunman gave Talos a name. Hijack. Well, he clearly had some kind of persona. Hero, villain, or vigilante, it certainly wasn’t a given human name. But once again, Hijack asked Talos to move. And still, he stood fast. Now Talos was becoming impatient, and wanted to speed things along.

”I guess you could say we are. But no, I’m still not moving. Hand me the weapon, or I will take it off you.

Jason was getting impatient as well. It seems this guy wasn’t going to go down without a fight. However, there was a way he might be able to get past him without killing the guy. They stared off for a few more gruelling moments before Jason suddenly maneuvered his aim downwards, at the same time switching his fire to single shot. He squeezed the trigger, and the bullet splintered into the man’s shin. Not sparing a second, Jason quickly slung the gun onto his back and made a dash to the doorway, attempting to jump past Jack, even if it meant risking a tumble down a flight or two.

Talos stared coldly at Hijack as the gunman stared straight back. There was suddenly some movement from the masked man and Talos braced himself before a bullet slammed straight into his shin. He let out a metallic screech as the bullet revealed the metal underneath. Then Hijack was making a dash for the door. Talos lunged forward at the darting individual and grabbed his shoulder with a firm hand. He stared down at Hijack, with wide, unfeeling eyes, as wires flopped out of the hole in his leg.

”That was a mistake, wasn't it?”

Fuck. How was that guy still this strong? In fact, he was way too strong to be a regular human. He looked down, seeing the splayed wires from the bullet wound. He was… a robot? Cyborg? This guy could be as strong or stronger than a Super. With the grip this so called β€˜Jack’ had, it became harder and harder for Jason to gain some ground.

As his M4 was across his back, there was no way he could reach for it now. With a free hand, Jason reached down into his holster and pulled his Beretta out. This was going to be loud, and would definitely draw attention. He knew he should’ve put a suppressor on that too. Oh well. He raised his arm up, and planted the barrel of the pistol into the jaw of this machine. He pulled the trigger and fired, hoping the shot would hit a mainframe or something. The gunfire echoed down the stairwell and throughout the streets. It was sure to draw attention.

Talos began to grip Hijack harder as the man looked all around, down, then back up. Talos could see him searching around on his back, probably looking for the large gun that he could see. But Talos could visibly see that the man could not reach his gun, it was too far away. Relaxing, slightly, Talos wondered whether he should throw the man off the roof or down the stairs. But before he could do anything, a smaller handgun was pressed into his jaw. Talos didn’t have much time to react before he felt a shot rip through the side of his face. His neck reeled back, and he released his grip on Hijack, as he felt his ruined mask. With a steady hand, he scraped off the ruined right hand side of the mask, as the silicone dropped to the floor.

He turned back to Hijack, most of his mask now gone, revealing his true face. A human skull embedded with black metal pieces, although a large portion was now cracked or missing. Void-like black eyes, bored into Hijack as he stood, pushing bits of metal and back into his face, glared down at the human.

”Pathetic sack of… flesh. You won’t live to see the dawn.”

Hijack staggered back from the sudden release, but once he came to, he trained his pistol straight back onto him. However, it seemed he revealed a side this β€˜Jack’ didn’t want him to see. It seemed he had revealed a horrifying visage of bone and twisted black metal. This… cyborg was pissed about it too.


LOCATION(s): Kinko's -> Street


Talos looked back hard at the masked man as his stare attempted to bore into him. Whatever the masked assailant was looking for, he clearly couldn't find it in Talos and the android noticed the man's body language change and step back. As the larger man in the black mask stepped forward, Talos clenched his metal fingers down on the knife, before the black mask was held back firmly by the smaller individual. Talos watched as the two headed for the door, taking glances back at him as they walked. These two clearly weren't ordinary humans, and Talos's memory took a clear picture of the two as they began to leave.

Suddenly, gunshots, confusion. The bullet whipped into the shop, but not before the two men had disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Talos's suspicions about the two men were confirmed then - they were certainly metahumans. Talos walked up to the spot where the two men had been, lifting out the bullet which was lodged in the floor and examining it. This was quality weaponry. Nothing cheap or haphazard. His neck suddenly whipped around to the dark humanoid shape on the building opposite the shop, which his advanced sight could clearly make out.

Talos used an arm to break away the shards of glass that the bullet had broken in the window before stepping out. His destination was the man on the roof, who hopefully would still be in a state of confusion after the disappearance of the two men. He picked the lock to the door and opened it firmly, heading immediately to the stairs. To save time, he climbed up the space in the middle of the spiral staircase, determined and focus. He reached the top floor in little time. He walked up to the door, and deciding that picking the lock might give the man time to escape, simply raised back his leg and kicked open the thin metal door.

There the man was, crouched over the side of the building. Talos stepped forward, his cold eyes locked on the dark figure.

"You there. Shooter. Who are you?"

LOCATION(s): Street -> Kinko's


Talos walked quietly down the dark, empty backstreets. Tonight, Centreville seemed to be sleeping. That was good. Less people meant less resistance in whatever he tried to do. As he turned a corner he saw a stumbling man, clearly intoxicated and clutching a bottle of beer in his shaking hand. The man looked up at Talos, seeing him as just another man, then collapsed in a drunken heap on the ground. The man was asleep in an instant. "Pathetic..." Talos muttered. He grabbed the bottle in his hands and cracked it in two, allowing the fluid to run down the street into the gutter. He dropped the remains and carried on walking. He came to less of a backstreet area, one that was lit more with street lamps.

Still, however there was a lack of people in town tonight. The silence was deafening. There were shops around here. Perhaps Talos could salvage some items from one of them. He turned a corner to see a store, which he could see through the windows, was filled to the brim with gadgets and technology of a kind. This would do. Now Talos had to get in. He walked around to the back, looking for the back entrance to the store. He found it soon enough, and took off his flesh-coloured glove. He slid out a long, grey wire from a compartment in his finger and lent down to study the lock. Talos twisted the wire into shape and inserted it into the lock, which clicked open with ease.

Talos walked into the store, placing the glove back on his finger and closing the door behind him. He searched through the quiet Kinko's for anything of interest. Copy machines? He had those already. Printers? Same story. He walked down the hall, glancing into rooms for something of interest. He noticed what appeared to be a 3D printer - he would definitely come back for that. As Talos walked further into the store, he heard something. The sound of a copy machine working. And another sound too... pacing footsteps. Someone else was here. A security guard, probably. Nobody he couldn't dispatch. He turned the corner where the source of the noise was coming from.

It wasn't a security guard... it was two masked men. Talos immediately recognised one as the masked man from the helicopter incident on the news. Talos stood in the doorway, staring at the men with a cocked head, reaching for a knife.

LOCATION(s): Tech storage facility -> Abandoned warehouse

The thick iron doors slowly opened, as the clinking of metallic feet on the ground filled the silent air. Talos's large frame leaned down amongst the various boxes, feeling with cold fingers for what he sought. He had a monochrome white mask on, done to prevent any of his identities or his base metallic form from being associated with a crime, if he did happen to get caught. He clasped onto a small, cylindrical metal object, studying it carefully to see if it was what he wanted. It turned out to be exactly what he wanted, and he put it in a secure place before leaving the vault, stepping over the lifeless body of a security guard.

He left the facility through the entrance that he had drilled into it. As he walked through the backstreets he saw a helicopter pass overhead intently. He stood watching the vehicle as it suddenly stopped its concentrated course and veered off aimlessly in the air. Talos looked at the helicopter curiously, wondering what had caused it, before he continued on his path. It wasn't long before he arrived in a less savoury area of town. Talos knew his exact destination and the course to get there, and it wasn't long before he reached the large abandoned warehouse. He tapped in the 30 digit code on the lock and opened the door. Technology was strewn everywhere, and he placed the small metal cylinder on the ground before tearing off the white mask and leaving it on the ground.

Talos turned on the television, which was replaying scenes from earlier. The strange man running from the helicopter that Talos had seen, before the camera veered off in a dazed fashion. Certainly a strange series of events. Talos began tinkering with some of the joints in his arm as the television played as white noise in the background. The arm had been damaged slightly in the scrap with the security guard. Nothing he couldn't easily fix. When it was done, he was overcome boredom and decided to head out.

Talos donned a disguise, that of a blonde man with green eyes. He rigged up the voice and mouth, making sure it looked perfect, before grabbing a sleek gun and heading out into the night, to see where it would take him and perhaps find some new tech.

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