Avatar of Kaithe Dame


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4 days ago
Current Venture Brothers made an episode about that. Check if there's any little cowboy dolls laying around.
13 days ago
Profile art finished. Gay Vette is kino.
14 days ago
Credit to Copy Replays for drawing my PFP; an OC lesbian Sith Warrior removing a non-canon Vette's slave collar from the SWTOR MMO. Good artist. Check her out for KOTOR stuff.
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8 mos ago
"It is the Echo. A wound that travels still, that when heard, made me understand that there was another wounded as I was. When I heard it, I loved you more than I loved my own life." - Visas Marr.
2 yrs ago
Celebrating my 666th day here by modifying my prompt to be more hellish.


I write about fiscally irresponsible politicians in fictional 17th century settings, porn, and combination of those two things. Writing sample below.


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IRL gender irrelevant. A silly, short-term scene between one certain Draculina and a rambunctious, Algerian lesbian werewolf that's a member of the Wild Geese who's gotten tired of the job they're supposed to be doing. Kinks; power exchange, strength play, interracial / skin contrast, possibly internalized homophobia, fantasy interracial, seduction, implied slowburn, edging and foreplay, dirty talk, kissing, spanking, deep fawning and arousal, service dominance [the dominant prioritizing their partner's pleasure]. Highly enthusiastic consent. Supernatural desire and want. Futas(????) heavily dependent on vibe and mood, usually not into this.

Limits; anything extreme. Non-con, dub-con. Tentacles, toys -- anything that doesn't make sense in the scene and is unrealistic. Futas (refer to above.)

It took most of the night for the mercenary to give up on their work, putting away an impressive amount of pay stubs and requisition orders before kicking her boots up on the table. The Geese member almost seemed to embrace the monotony of their job, the cracking of lead, the erasing, the filing- of all the members of the soldiers they’d hired, it had to be this one that had a genuine and sincere appreciation for paperwork. Known for being their quartermaster, Seras had known the Algerian woman’s true nature almost the same moment they’d been in the same room- not entirely. She’d never seen a werewolf before, but the scent about her was all too different even from her own kinds’, like soil after rain. If her comrades knew that she was a monster, they didn’t deign to share it, and they treated her no differently than the rest of them, sharing their food and drink and love for violence.

And…other things.

"Beautiful," Sylvan says, tenderly, voice soft enough to move the coldest heart.

Her master had warned her of them. Of werewolves. Driven to extinction, they were a formidable opponent even for him, though this one hadn’t so much as supernaturally lifted a cup of water. Instead she’d only drunkenly rumbled along with the other Geese and proven herself a proficient shooter and an unstoppable wrestler, easily pinning her brothers and even, with difficulty, managing to force the draculina onto her back.

The taller woman had almost seemed to be about to kiss her then. She’d been just as forward about her desire to get into the vampire’s skirt as the rest of them, though she’d been even more brutish about it, her passing comments and swipes at her rear so close to being intolerable. Rather than kiss her, she’d only smiled, sharing a heavy, silent moment before laughing it all off that the unparalleled daughter of Dracula must have let her win.

They both knew differently. The werewolf had won, and after claiming her victory, she’d allowed Seras to keep her title of undefeated champion, content with knowing, even if Sylvan was the only one, that she had defeated Seras.

And now they were filing their wages and taxes.

Or, one of them was, and the other was staring at a certain Englishwoman, revealing what she’d earlier referred to as ‘beautiful.’ Lounging back in her chair, her imposing height waned with the leering of her posture, slowly admiring each near perfect dip of the vampire’s cheeks and chin, putting it all to memory like a painting. Unashamedly, of course, letting the night crawl on past them as if she wasn’t being paid by the hour.
Entirely rewritten.
hope you didn't think it was personal, or a matter of taste or anything.

Not at all. I don't take ghosting personally when nothing has actually happened or gotten off the ground; not even sure if we'd decided on a prompt to do together.

If you're still looking for edgy gothpunk things like that (and you think we can negotiate on some of the points where our styles diverge) then hit me up; if not, no hard feelings because I totally get it.

'Preciate the offer, but, regardless of their sometimes extreme infrequency throughout an entire RP, explicit smut does play a part in my RPs, which is why I didn't reach out directly.

Edit: . . . I do have one idea for VtM involving the Norman Conquest of England that I've been sitting on in my head for months. I think I'd be more than happy to give up the ERP side of things to get it off the ground; will send a message shortly.
I hope this goes well, having just played Bloodlines and experiencing the good parts of it before YouTubing the terrible second half. Really appreciate anybody willing to pick up some unconventional VtM storytelling.

Keiko Kawashima (川島圭子) is a teenaged delinquent from Nerima. 17 years old, Blood Type B. Having used to roll with an all-girls bōsōzoku, her hobbies include bullying, shoplifting, and riding her motorbikebike; drinking cheap beer and smoking cheap cigarettes.

Unfortunately, she's been 17 for forty years. And will be for some time more. Some say until Gehenna; but more likely, she'll finally piss off a bigger, badder predator than her, and all that attitude and bravado will catch up to her at once, like a freight train.

Also, this. Probably my favorite bit of the whole prompt; welcome back from your hiatus, and nice first post upon landing.
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