Avatar of Kelewen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kelewen
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 919 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Kelewen 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current On RP Hiatus. Will be back eventually...
3 yrs ago
Free virtual benefit concert tonight: TheFarmMustGoOn.com
4 yrs ago
Good luck, @blindwoofer. Mine likes to wash his paws off in his water dish.
1 like
4 yrs ago
@Crab... see if you can find out what she's interested in. Then ask her about it. No flirting need be involved to just break the ice. :)
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4 yrs ago
Amazing how many sudden epidemiology experts there are in the world


Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!

Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.

In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.

Other hobbies include dog agility and archery.

Most Recent Posts

Lucy smiled when saw Maya and the huge dog. "He's a beauty," she said, nodding to the great dane. "Is he friendly?" she asked, immediately wanting to pet him, but refraining until Maya said it was okay, "...to strangers, I mean."

She nodded at the girl's question. "I got an email like that. I gotta say, the game started out a little more intense than I expected... waking up in a locked room like that. I think... they drugged me or something. At least...I don't remember going into that room on my own."
"This is far from over, kid," Dane said through gritted teeth as he grappled with Edwin in the snow, using his weight to keep the young man from squirming out of his grasp, but that also left him unable to start binding his hands without first letting go.

He could vaguely hear the voices of Kan, Rook, and Thaliar. "Kan! Some help here!" he called out.

"You tell us what we need to know, maybe you'll get to keep breathin' for awhile," Dane said darkly.

Lucy felt her cheeks grow hot at the man's comment. At 20, she could easily have passed for 16 or 17. Someday you'll find it a blessing to look young, her mother assured her. Someday, maybe, but right now, it just felt like no one ever took her seriously.

"It's Saturday," she said coldly, then turned her attention to Nate instead, smiling at his joke. Her cheeks stayed a little flushed as she realized how good-looking he was. "Maybe that's next weekend's meeting?" she said, continuing his joke, "After having to solve these puzzles?"
Kaden Tobler's grand plans to air his grievances to Lord Octa about his mistreatment died when the first drunken prisoner had fallen victim to... to... Kaden wasn't even sure what exactly it was, only that he certainly didn't want that to happen to him.

He opened his mouth multiple times during Octa's questioning of the elf, wanting to point out that he was a noble and that he had committed no crime. But interrupting this maniac didn't seem like the wisest idea and each time Kaden lost his nerve and remained silent.

"...consume their life essence at a more appropriate time..." The horror of that idea prompted the young lord to finally find some nerve as they were being led away to the dungeons. He twisted in the dread knight's grasp, looking back. "This is a mistake!" he cried, his dry mouth and throat causing his voice to crack. "I am Lord Tobler's son, sent here to serve you until my 21st birthday! I've done nothing wrong!"
Dane had recovered his breath by now and sprinted after the fleeing Edwin, trying to catch the younger man before he could disappear along with the others. A prisoner may be able to provide them some much needed intelligence on Octa's manpower. Not wanting to be lured too far from Kan, Dane dove at Edwin's waist when they'd gone only a few steps from the road, trying to tackle him to the ground.

"Captain Zula was captured and excecuted not many moons ago. We still haven't found a new base of operations, and I'm afraid we don't have much time to spare in that effort frankly. But what we had time for was..." Thaliar sighed briefly. "...a vote. And I was chosen as the new Captain...There's no more to say about that, other than the other factions don't look upon my promotion with joy."

Ian Zula was dead... Rook sagged a little heavier onto the elf as she took in the news, feeling a numbness that had nothing to do with the cold. It hardly seemed possible. She'd served under the ranger Captain from before there even was a Revolt, back when their biggest problem had been a band of goblins harassing merchant caravans. It was Zula that convinced her and many others too that fighting against Lord Octa's reign was not only the right thing to do, but there was hope of actually winning.

She took a few steadying breaths until she thought she could trust herself to talk without crying. "I might know of a place we could use..."

But then Kan came into view through the snow, bloodied but alive and she broke away from the elf, limped the few extra steps to her friend and hugged him as best she could with her still-shackled hands. "It did, Kan. Thank you for coming for me."

This was young Edwin's first assignment as one of Lord Octa's men-at-arms. He saw one of the raider standing in the middle of the road threatening the wagon's horses with a spear. With a mighty war cry of "Hail Octa!" Edwin charged the raider with his large shield in front of himself. He ran into the raider, knocking him off balance and pushing him off of the road. The road was now clear and the wagon bolted.

On the side of the road, Edwin fell on top of the raider, knocking the wind out of both Edwin and the raider.

Dane had been too focused on trying to keep the horse from running forward and hadn't even seen Edwin coming until the shield slammed into him. The spearman cursed his own stupidity as his back smacked the snow covered ground and the carriage surged ahead.

He abandoned the spear immediately, knowing it would be of little use to him now. Instead, he grabbed a handful of snow and threw it toward Edwin's eyes while trying to roll the younger man off of him.

Bad news. Rook steeled herself against what Thaliar might tell her. But bad news seemed the norm these days. "Has the base been compromised?" she speculated. If so, they'd have to find a new base of operations. But his tone suggested something else.

psst.... Lucy said hi to you three.
Rook gasped in shock as Thaliar's magic came toward them and attacked the man holding her, leaving her unharmed. It seemed the rumors about the elf's power were not much exaggerated after all. It was unlike anything she had ever witnessed and she couldn't help herself but glance at the remains of the guard on the snow covered ground.

She looked back at the elf after just a moment, seeing his hand extended toward her and she stepped close to him to allow herself to be lead, favoring her right leg and leaning on him for both warmth and support.

She did manage a small smile at his efforts to lighten the mood. "Stealing me right out from under ole Octa-pussy's nose. He won't be too pleased with you." She knew the decision to rescue her had as much to do with tactics as it did a sense of camaraderie. She had the potential to reveal damaging intel about the Revolt.

"There were others..." she told him, "...in the wagon. I didn't know them."


Kaden held himself erect as he was marched toward Lord Octa's throne room along with the others and next to the blond, scantily clad elf woman, as if he were nothing more than some kind of common criminal! He'd been given over to Lord Octa's men by his father, Lord Tobler, as a political hostage. It wasn't his father's fault, he knew. It was that or openly start a war with Octa, one in which his family could not hope to win.

While he hadn't expected quite the same level of accommodation he received at home, he had expected to be treated with some level of respect his status deserved. But they'd barely left his father's territory when he had found himself shackled and thrown in with this lot!

He'd been seething now for days, planning what he'd say to Lord Octa when he finally met him, about this unacceptable treatment, about how stupid his men were, and about how Lord Tobler would not stand for this sort of egregiousness against his family! It was not until the group was ushered into the 'Court of the Dead' that Kaden felt his first hint of doubts emerge...
Combat should use the "defenders choice" to decide if an attack succeeds.

Gentle reminder as we move forward...

Rook was nearly as surprised to see Thaliar appear in front of them as Terrick was. The factions of the Revolt had been scattered with no clear leadership to unite them. But if her companions had joined with Thaliar, perhaps there had been progress in uniting the various groups. Or... she wondered darkly, had something befallen their own leader and they'd fallen under the magic wielding elf simply because there was no one else?

The knife pressed closer against her throat and she picked her head up slightly in an effort to keep the blade from scraping her skin. She could hear the tinge of desperation in the man's voice, but there was little she could do except comply for the moment and hope the rumors she'd heard about the extent of Thaliar's magic was true...

Rook and Terrick (except a lot less daylight!) :
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