Avatar of KenyeIsMyLife
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  • Posts: 49 (0.02 / day)
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    1. KenyeIsMyLife 9 yrs ago


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This is my bio, I can't rap, or sing for that matter, and it's been years since I've enthusiastically played an instrument. I don't think I've even listened to a full album of Kenyesus' work. But eyyyyy, who can't appreciate a talented man with a god complex.

Most Recent Posts

Tanji Tsugiharu

Somewhere overlooking a skirmish, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival

@Partisan@Hatman1801@tex@GrafRoy Zeppeli@Raijinslayer

The situation was slowly spiraling out of control, more combatants meant more complications and risks, and Tsugi was the type of man to prefer his chaos organized. A heavy mist had cut into his visibility, making his useful rather hampered, what he would do for one of those special eyes the Uchiha or Hyugas have. He saw the Hyuga shove aside a Confederate Swordsman, yelling at him and Tsugi himself found humor in how despite the situation the pride of the big clans was put ahead of safety or efficiency. However that still didn't change the fact that from his vantage point the rising mist obscured the little arena that had formed, and would deny him from being useful if he stayed up there.

Tsugi jumped down to get within throwing range of the traitor red-head still under the guise of the Hyuga's form as the real one duked it out in the mist, he meant to prepare some roped senbon. He turned towards the mist. He called his clones to reform around him mimicking his movements. He kept it simple, he simply threw out roped and belled senbon into the mist, he knew the Hyuga could see them and dodge as needed all the while Tsugi himself doubted they could actually hit anything in there, they didn't have to. He just needed enough to be within earshot of the traitors as he formed hand-seals for Illusion Bells. In war, there needs some sacrifices to be made, and if the the Confederate Swordsman and the Hyuga get a nasty ear ache in order to incapacitate the traitors and hopefully dispel their jutsus in the process, fine by him. He'd be prepared to follow up with poisoned senbons if the mist fell.
@Blue DemonYou'll probably be joining the "Wait for Partisan" club.

And now we wait.

He'll be on tomorrow i believe, them Europoors have a habit of sleeping when real regions are awake, so don't lose heart that he doesn't show up in the next few hours or so.
@GrafRoy Zeppeli At the same time they can't do jack shit to you. Just throw a bunch of pebbles around and see if they care lol.

@GrafRoy Zeppeli

Also that. Lol.

It's fine, keep up the good fight Red Sage traitor scum
@GrafRoy Zeppeli

Hey man, nothing big, just a quick heads up, haze clones, while intangible, can't be dispelled by physical means, attacks simply go through them but they persist. That's what makes them better than standard, but other than that, they still have the issue of no shadows and have only a minuscule chakra signature as regular clones
@Partisan I just got me some pizza and now I'm gonna join in the ganging up of your Hyuga.

I'll leave Kanata's post for later.

EDIT: @KenyeIsMyLife Oh... OH! You were actually trying to help him! Damn, I should pay better attention to the posts. And read your character's sheet before jumping to conclusions.

I wondered why you would try to intimidate him by becoming him....

Today is definitely not my smartests day.

No worries man, Tsugi was just using his clones to provide a distraction for the Hyuga's attack.
@Partisan@GrafRoy Zeppeli

I'll be there to help his ass.


(That niggah ded)
Tanji Tsugiharu

Somewhere in the Rooftops, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival

@Partisan@GrafRoy Zeppeli

Tsugi took the other Shinobi's sudden appearance, insult and departure in stride. While it did hurt the little pride he had in himself he figured the man simply meant to keep him focused, and ready. Yup. Clearly. He looked to his squad mates who were again given the order by their Jonin to fan-out and assist other Shinobi, which all in all a squad of specialized information gatherers were more effective as supports to more combat orientated nin, rather than a roaming band of desperate ambushers.

Tsugi resigned to follow that man that had given him "sound" tactical advice, and found that he was indeed correct. Many loyal, brave guardsmen of the confederacy, barely Chunin, had been cut down by a red-banded assailant wielding fearsome weapons of water. Fortunately the long haired drear-looking comrade from earlier was already in action, "Byakugan!" Ah, a Hyuga, fearsome fellows, many of Tsugi's "sources" (willing or otherwise) had deep seeded fears of the famous clan's abilities.

"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm," a near-invisible force heading straight for the swordsman. It looked deadly accurate, and the Hyuga was already preparing a follow up. He was capable for sure, but time was invaluable, better make sure this skirmish goes without a hitch. He formed simple hand seals of an academy level transformation jutsu, turning him into the likeliness of the Hyuga, and followed up: "Haze Clone" and made 10 copies of (not)himself. He set the clones to provide a threatening screen for the Hyuga's actual follow up, he himself staying far from the battle.
Tanji Tsugiharu

Just outside Fuu's Tavern - Konoha Ame - Suna Border, Harvest Festival

Thirsty. So thirsty. The honorable commanders must had thought to test Tsugi's loyalty and diligence on such festive days. Some of his squad-mates had told him it was clearly a leisure post in thanks for his work in "intelligence gathering" that he be given guard duty near his favorite drinking hole. But he knew better, the officers in their wisdom wanted to test him, to make sure he was dutiful, to not partake in his usual past-time while on duty. And they were right, Tsugi remained stoic in his duty despite the obvious ploy from his squad-leader to "come join us, for the love of god man, it's a festival, relax."

Tsugi just nodded and smiled, remaining at his post knowing about the "surprise inspections" that the confederacy is known for. He will admit however, that his heart did waver a bit, but like a sign from above cataclysmic explosions created a horrific cacophony in the air. He knew it, the officers were wise to give him this post as his squad (clumsily) ran from the tavern at the ready to respond to the situation. His Jonin gave quick orders to fan out and assist the panicking civilians. Each of the members of the Confederacy's new Intelligence Corp. were trained sleuths and masters of the ambush, so the task of civilians took some time to get used to.

As Tsugi saw that civilians be directed to nearby safe-houses, a trio of what he assumed to be traitorous Red Sage dissidents bended a alley and came upon him with murderous intent. Tsugi looked at the men. And did what any brave, loyal soldier of the confederacy would do, he ran. Bending a corner straight into a dead end. This was it, the end to his young life, the men fired off a series of hand seals, yelling "Flame Seal: Fireball" in unison. Such, Tsugi, haze clone #13, just 2 minutes old, died in duty. Well, dispelled by his parent, who at this point had slipped out of the ground, and thrown senbon with deadly precision at their jugulars filling their systems with an intense paralytic.

"That-that seemed too easy..." Tsugi sighed, screams still echoed around him. "Well, gotta get more." He jumped high onto nearby rooftops, and spotted 4 more traitors. He quickly formed seals for his False Sound jutsu and gave them the good ole' "pained screams, in need of help comrade," that lead the into the traps of his squad mates, who (in all honesty) were much better at the whole killing thing. He was just there to provide the voodoo illusions, he always enjoyed the "wooden logs full of explosive tags, made to look like a wounded child/woman/comrade." Good stuff.

He looked around the chaos, it was a long day ahead of him, looked at his various vials, and grumbled out loud, "Fuck, I forgot to ask the quartermaster for the stronger stuff."
All this American jokes has got me with one thing to say.

Back-to-back World War Champions.

And #1 at strapping dudes on exploding candle sticks to send them to a floating rock in the sky for ~50 years
@KenyeIsMyLife Don't need a mic, I think we've never called as a group. It's mostly writing in the chat, more fluid ya know?

Oh, ok.

Edit: I can't find Partisan's profile, if it helps my account name is barkmeat2 (though its current screen name is "Sponsored by Doratis(tm) Available at your local Wor-Mort")
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