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Major W.I.P.

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<Snipped quote by KimHanuel>

What if the reports from the concentration camps were fabrications by Eisenhower and Western Allies?

I really don't think they were. That would be insanity, as well as stupidity, to try and say that something that horrifying didn't happen.
@OliveYou Daehyun is probably gonna be with Yuzuru, yeah.
I appreciate such an adept and in-depth answer, @KimHanuel. I will of course return at a later date with more.

Not a problem, I'm honestly really excited!

And now back to our regularly-scheduled programming:

<Snipped quote by KimHanuel>

How do you know we aren't being lied to?

Well, that would kinda be like looking at ads or programs from that time frame and being like "Oh, this seems like they're lying to us." Okay, so, have you evwr seen The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? It's about a boy (German son to a higher up) who befriends a Jewish boy in a concentration camp named Smaul. It's not only sad, but really good. ...I'm getting off track here. ANYWAYS, I personally don't think we're being lied to. If we were, then why would there be records of it happening in textbooks, or movies and books about it? Hell, or even with Jewish families?
Rather than just casting this to some meaningless spam topic, perhaps a more grounded question is in store as the owner has seemed to imply they were expecting. This in mind, I do have a question for you, @KimHanuel, of course biased to my own brand of interests, but an actual question rather than any amount of trollish rubbish and prodding.

Assuming you must choose, which wild felid is your favorite? Is this an actual thing you are fond of or merely because it is a question posed? Continued, why so and what about it makes it that? Is this a recent decision or that you just have always gone with?

That's actually a really good question! I've always been partial to tigers. I don't really know when I started to love them, but I particularly enjoy how each tiger can be different, in a sense. Like, the Bengal tiger, (which is a more common tiger, I suppose), to my knowledge can be either orange or white furred. Honestly though, each felid is quite unique and beautiful in their own way. If I had to choose another felid, it would be a cheetah followed by a Jaguar. Sometimes when I watch animal planet when it features wild felids, being able to watch a tiger, lion, cheetah, etc, hunt is probably one of the most incredible things ever. To see them use their wits and strength is amazing. As for canines, I've been in love with wolves for as long as I can remember. Watching them hunt is pretty amazing too.
Banned because you burned Quote alive.
<Snipped quote by KimHanuel>

How do you know that?

School, trips to museums, doing my own research, reading books about it. I have no idea why someone would literally make-up something as silly as the Holocaust not happening. We've all learned about it. I mean damn, go read Anne Frank's Diary, or Number The Stars. It's all there. It happened. On another note, I will say this. If someone decides to be an asshole just because my responses aren't deep and insightful, that person can show themselves off of this thread. I created this merely for having people ask questions and me answering, not "this is some stupid philosophic thread where I will pour my heart and soul into the answers I provide."

<Snipped quote by KimHanuel>

why do you tell ppl to ask you questions when you can't even answer with any wits?
did you want to gain some popularity by creating this thread? at least give some creative answers.
at the moment, I see you as a dumbass

Oh man, I'm sorry that I have a job and I'm tired when I get home, therefore not wanting to form a proper response. No need to be an asshole about it, though. If you really want an answer though, here's my thought on your comment. The Holocaust really did happen because, oh I dunno, a lot of Jews died? Does my comment satisfy you enough? Are you happy that I typed a lengthy response?
<Snipped quote by gorgenmast>

the simplest explanation is often the correct explanation

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