Avatar of Kimiyosis
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1764 (0.52 / day)
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    1. Kimiyosis 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current New semester, new office, side jobs, so busy QAQ
8 yrs ago
Busy with flight...no muse...ugh....send halpz~
8 yrs ago
I remember... those days when I used to cry like a child, you always gave me a talk. Because you were by my side, now I can die with a smile on my face. It has been happy days, I don't regret anything
8 yrs ago
Sorry, real busy these past few weeks, with the end of semester around the corner!
8 yrs ago
So...uh...a bit of...hard times, so to speak....going to be busy somewhat....or might just disappear from the face of the earth....uh..yeah....may be around, may not be.....


My bed holds me hostage, so here's a short bio. I'm Kimi. That's it, goodnight.
*gets punched*
Okay, okay, I'll get around to making a proper bio soon!
I wanna try singing this one~

RWBY is officially, no longer the same RWBY

Most Recent Posts

Angelina Jackson

He's blushing! Oh, this was one of Lina's favourite sights, teasing poor Shiro, until his face was red enough to put even a tomato to shame, and watching his reactions. Of course he would be rather nervous having his arm embraced against her chest. She silently observed the results of her actions, her smile showing just how entertained she was by it. She had almost counted up to half a minute before Shiro managed to even voice out a coherent word.

"Well, glad you enjoyed it~" Cheerfully responding back, with a teasing smile, as she allowed the arm to leave her grasp. However, it seemed that Shiro was willing to amuse her whims, with the response of 'twenty minutes'. "Ara~? Well aren't you a brave man~" Laughing as she spoke, while entwining her pinky around Shiro's, she sighed, before waving the boy off.

Carefully watching him, the moment she was certain that he was out of the line of sight, she slapped both her hands against her cheeks, holding them there. She could definitely feel her face becoming slightly hotter. "Entire night, he says...does he realize the implications of that?" Muttering softly to herself, slightly flustered. While fretting over what the boy could have possibly expected, if he really planned for an entire night, Lina was pulled out of her daydreams by a notification. With a curious look, she opened the mail, with her expression of curiosity changing into one of amusement.

To: Shiro Kawabata
From: Angelina Jackson
Subject: Re:I need a hero

”No need to fear~! This great boss of yours shall help~! Anyways, while I can match the enemy team in hardware, that doesn't offset numerical disadvantages. But sounds like fun~ I'm on my way~”

Sending her response, she sighed, before stretching out her arms. "Ehehe~ always something troublesome~" Despite her soft words, her expression revealed that she was enjoying the 'troubles'. Without hesitation, she laid her head down on the table, using her arms as pillows, before delving into the world of DGO. It probably made for an unusual scene, the sight of a girl in a dark blue dress appearing to sleep at the table in the mall.


Eyes opening and quickly adjusting to the digital world of DGO, Levi's gaze flitted around rapidly, gauging the surroundings, and making sure she wasn't in immediate danger. While she could hear the sounds of battle going on, it wasn't in her vicinity, as she had logged off atop a building. Probably an odd habit, but she enjoyed the view of the surroundings from a high place being her last sight before returning to the real world.

"Now...where would Drauni be...? While glancing over the edge of the building, she only witnessed chaos. There was no way she was going to find Drauni easily without assistance. However, suddenly coming up with an idea, Levi opened her inventory, and pulling out ten grenades, before setting them on the ground. "HE, White Phosphorous, Incendiary, CS Canisters, Fragmentation. Two of each. Should be enough."

To: Drauni
From: Leviathan
Subject: Paper Moon sent me~!

”Paper Moon sent me~! He's coming as well, but he'll be a little later behind~! Oh, also, I have no idea where you are, but you can come find me. I'm on the tallest building that alot of different explosions will occur beside it~! Don't get caught in the blast~!”

Sending off her message, she smiled, holding a frag and a high explosive grenades in her left and right hands respectively. "Now...let's see how resistant those vehicles are." Speaking in a tone that made one think that Levi had watched too many mafia-based American movies, she pulled the pin on the grenades, before tossing them over the edge and down towards the streets below, repeating this with all ten grenades, before pulling a rifle that resembled a Vintorez out from her inventory. "It's been awhile since I pulled you out~! Now, it's time to have a bloodfest~!" Once again pulling more quotes from movies, Levi fired at the Outlaws in the streets.
Can we have something like this, but in space~?
This near hentai of an anime has so nice air-raid defense systems~

Yeah, but to be fair Trent already began that road

"Every corpse is just a loaf of bread."

Can't be much more corrupt than that

When in doubt swish swish stab

That is a very valid fact.

Though I pity the person that has to give Ari the "war is hell, but you kind of just have to deal with it speech." I mean technically Trapp should do it as you know part of his job as Squad leader is to make sure everybody is mentally okay. Buttt he's an awkward grump so maybe he shouldn't be corrupting the youth. lol

"The losses to human resources is rather high, but so long as birth rates are capable of surpassing the death rate, all is well. Numerically, it should be fine, as long as the seedbe-I mean production is kept up."

I think it's better for an awkward grump to explain things than the R&D with zero concept of social rules :D
<Snipped quote by Hexaflexagon>

Technically if I had been keeping better track, the Lincoln should've ran out of fighter craft by now- it only had 12 fighters in its hold to begin with. Luckily, the Solace has another 48

Hence 3D printing out our own fighter planes :D
<Snipped quote by vietmyke>

Oh yeah because that will be even better, now we are going to have a magical little fleet consisting of

1x wounded if still functional Aircraft Carrier filled with grumpy people
2x Frigate Escorts that have seen better days
1x Battleship that is basically a Korean Turtle Ship but in Space
1x Flying 3D Printer
a dwindling nonspecific amount number of fighters
and about 15 or so MAS units

Don't think the Admrial's brilliant plan of sneaking into Coalition Space to blow up their super weapon is going to work too well anymore. You know not to mention that like half the crew is on verge of a mutiny three quarters of the time.

Despite the plans on sneaking in, we've clashed numerous times against the Coalition.

We're as sneaky as a flying kick to the face can be XD

I disagree, Ari will give a mighty fight in the war of coffee.

Engineering student vs R&D :D!
@vietmyke T_T, sad but true. Ari will always be the rookie.

@Jedly I dunno, in college Ari probably consumed more coffee than a small army given that she was an engineering student.

Neither Ari, Erwin, nor the army combined could outdo Yuu during her coffee drinking binges, especially whenever she's tinkering :D
Is this accepting?

I'm not sure :D?
*plays Bastion*
"Everyone has went through the same thing"
I'm going out on the limb and saying that Yuu's emotional capacity is not enough for that XD
Hell, I think she's more of a child in that nature XD.

Granted, better than the one I made for Tin Soldiers, she was ruthless.
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