Avatar of Kipsateking
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 126 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Kipsateking 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current "You have no friends" wow, thanks for reminding me guild!
6 yrs ago
Not sure if things have stabilised or if we're about to be flung back into indefinite loading. Stay strong everyone!


I am a human... I think
I like kipsate...
and hugs...
... to be continued...

Most Recent Posts

@UltraCraftGames its fine I've already made the name, through channeling my inner pretentiousness I have created 'Forgotten Lands, The Great Nations'!
Now to think of a cheesy name for the RP...
@UltraCraftGames ok good just making sure you don't make an invincible dragon army
WOW, a lot happened when I didn't check the website for a day.
Ok so we definitely have enough people now so I'll start getting a OOC ready.
In terms of the questions people had:
The format will be similar to what @Liotrent mentioned with part of a post being focused on the general affairs of the nation and the rest focused on a character who lives there and the events of their life. Ideally I'd like each persons nation to have a few characters that they can follow, one of whom would be the leader of the nation. So for my necromancer dwarf/human nation the characters could be:
1. General Salir Hunter, head of the high council
2. Undar Sinth, a local necromancer who leads the burial rites in his village
3. Dave, a peasant farmer
Each post would be an overview of what the nation as a whole is doing and or a snippet from one or two of the characters lives, probably showing how recent events and decisions have effected them. That said I wouldn't be surprised if most of the focus is on the leader.

As for @UltraCraftGames's dragons, I'd say they would either have to be rare, so only being used under extreme circumstances or by high ranking generals, or not overly powerful, so smaller less powerful dragons who can't achieve much on their own.

@Ophidian I like your idea for vampires.

I'll make sure to include my rules for magic and everything else in the first OOC post so things are more clear.
@UltraCraftGames I expect people to behave reasonably so I don't think I'll have to approve everything, so hopefully it will just be disputes and when someone does something drastic or that they shouldn't be able to do.
Things like that shouldn't happen too often though because I intend most of people's actions to be over events happening in the world rather than being in constant opposition of eachother.
I will try to find a CO-GM to help with this though.
@UltraCraftGames yeah, around 6 or 7 is my goal.
@gorgenmast oh yes please if you know how to make them. I'll wait until more people show interest and then hit you up.

Also to any lurkers who are interested please let me know in some way(eg:PM) so I have an idea of numbers.
@UltraCraftGames no that's fine, so long as they are coherent and we all know what you mean.
Ok, I'd like at least two or three more people before I start getting anything ready. Does anyone know people who may be interested?
Also I'd still like to get a CO-GM if this takes off.
Once I know how many people want to join I'll make a rough map of the world and start writing a bit of background, both of which will be subject to change depending on the direction people are taking their nations (I don't want to be writing about a westeros-esque world when everyone wants to play desert nomads for example)
All of those sound great.
@UltraCraftGames I presume you mean D&D dragonborn rather than skyrim.
@Ophidian Undead are fine, one of my ideas is dwarf necromancers so it would be hypocritical if I didn't allow vampires.
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