Avatar of Kouki
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    1. Kouki 8 yrs ago


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And "Do not throw away your shot."

Oh, I'm not throwin away my shot

See I'm just like my country, I'm young scrappy and hungry

And I'm not throwin away my shot.

@The ghost in black I really like that sword design, especially that handle, did you make it yourself?
<Snipped quote by Kouki>


>Roundhouse someone with a motorcycle

That does not compute.



>Chance to roundhouse someone with a motorcycle

When you're doing it for the probability of the action, however improbable the action actually is is no longer the defining factor.

It matters not how unlikely my quest, I do it for the fact that there could be no greater chance than this one, I must take my shot.......
@Kouki I thought Nika already had a partner? Gun? They trained together after all...

Nika loves Gun, they're best friends, childhood homies...but I think we can all agree that no friendship exists that's strong enough to resist the chance to roundhouse someone with a motorcycle

I mean, let's be realistic here.
<Snipped quote by Kouki>

All I can say is this-

Don't cross me.
<Snipped quote by Maxwell>

Sorry, but Three and I are already planning a teamup with Claudius.

So Claudius is my main obstacle....that totally won't change my decisions concerning his inclusion.....
No, team up with Nika!!!!
You will have to deal with up to five people at the most
The main point I was trying to get throughout this whole thing is this.

Because "she's thirteen" can't be used here, "because they're students" can't be used here, not to the degree we normally would in the real world because frankly, this isn't our reality. We can't replace, or disregard, what's actually happening with what we decide should be happening based off an experience that, on a lot of levels, can't be applied.

@Three Hmm, she's pretty weak for a prodigy witch who was invited into to Spartoi. An EAT weapon who can't even work up a charge to kill a normal human being for sure?

I get not trying to make someone OP but I feel like you've gone too far in the opposite direction to the point that I don't think she would have gotten a letter to join Spartoi in the first place, just, given the requirements to be a candidate.

@DearTricksterYes, but remember two is the highest a student can be. Only Teachers can be three star meisters.

Since to be part of Spartoi you have to be a two star meister anyway, I was just going to have the story say that you were all 2-Stars since it's a moot point......except for Claudius and Diana.

Maybe I'll add rank to the CS.

Anyway, I think we have enough people here to say that people are DEFINITELY interested. I'm calling this interest check a success, time to finish work on the OOC and then start screening characters.
Doesn't the fact that they have orders mean that they are being treated like military cadets.

Also, military cadets have normal classes too. That's how military school works. DWMA is just an advanced military school, training child soldiers while keeping them competent enough in other fields of study so they can function in the world.

And I don't recall them directly disobeying orders often if at all. The only thing I recall is Death the Kid stopping to turn to and run after the sky because it was perfectly symmetrical but that love of symmetry comes from his nature as a God Of Death, beings dedicated to order. Eventually, he realizes that symmetry isn't everything but he still treats the ideals of order and the world's safety with the utmost importance.

Plus, if we say having an idiosyncrasy means you aren't a professional than everyone in this story is garbage.

Between the lecherous teachers

The Scientist who dissects people when they sleep

The school Nurse....

And the Secretary that body slams people to the ground

This world is just full of crazies, we have to adjust our standards and views of behavior for the universe we're in.

EDIT: And yes, I will draw you a picture.

Hrm fair points. My only note is that DWMA certainly has the power of a militant force but I'm not sure about EAT students being treated or executing themselves in such a disciplined manner of a typical military. Since they are, still students. Otherwise you make a good point in regards to experience, EAT isn't the shallow end of the pool.

The military thing is from the Wiki so it's fair to cast doubt on that but seeing how one of an EAT student's primary jobs is taking out people on Shinigami's list and they all carry ranks correlating to their combat ability along with the fact the DWMA functions as a worldwide police force, it's not a stretch to call them something akin to a military unit.

Plus, the only one who doesn't treat their missions with the severity they deserve is Black Star because he's....well, Black Star. All the other students act rather mature for their ages, even Soul holds a certain level of maturity. Having a lot of responsibility will do that..

...unless you're Black Star...

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