Avatar of Kratesis
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    1. Kratesis 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current The original 'Throw it on the ground.'
7 yrs ago
Good luck Tuck.
7 yrs ago
When a thread gets locked while I'm in the midst of typing my retort: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-rwro8doo…
7 yrs ago
Stone Dragon: Kult of Athena's selection is as good as their website is bad. You can even get an Albion from them though you'll have to wait a year or so.
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7 yrs ago
A Pepsi huh. Have you considered bringing peace to the middle east?
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@Andreyich I had Vitruvia send Horacio a message about the compound to keep us moving.
Vitruva's forces were victorious but victory was, as always, the moment of greatest vulnerability. Battle had exhausted them and as the wave of righteous wrath and the jubilation of victory pass they were left drained of all vitality and vigor. The wounded screamed or begged for water and the rudamentry squads the Sister of Battle had established disintigrated as the survivors decended into an orgy of looting.

Frateris militia were the final line of defense for a reason. Discipline, order and leadership were more than just words.

The sun crept through the sky as she fought a one woman battle against chaos. The wounded were separated into groups based on the severity of their wounds and those with rudimentary medical skills assigned to aid those who could still be saved. Those who could not were taken into a nearby basement and given the emperor's mercy with a rusted laspistol. Squads were reformed and looted equipment distributed among the surviving militia which provided a considerable boost to their firepower. Prisoners were interrogated by Vitruvia herself, though not a Hospitaller the horrors a chainsword could inflict in the hands of a fanatical holy warrior snapped the will of more than a few of the PDF unlucky enough to not perish in the fighting. It was through intelligence gathered by crude and brutal interrogation that she learned of the base from which the PDF had been dispatched.

Vitruvia summoned one of the militia and gave orders immediately upon discovering this. "Go to Horacio, if he yet lives. Tell him of our victory and that we have learned the location of the PDF's base, which I strongly suspect is the den from which this heresy springs. Also convey to him the location of said base and that I and my forces will be making my way there with all speed so that it may be assaulted before they understand what has happened here. The fog of war will shield the righteous if we have the wisdom to strike now."

Orders given the holy warrior set out, driving her exhausted militia with merciless zeal. Some stragglers fell to the wayside, unable to keep the pace and weighed down by looted weapons and armor taken from the defeated PDF. Others were brought low by the respiratory wasting sicknesses brought on by a lifetime of breathing the suffocating smog the lower classes dwelled in. And others still slunk away, their taste of battle breaking their courage, some thinking they had done their duty to the Emperor and others simply frightened by the grusome reality of violent conflict.

It was a much reduced force that arrived at the compound with Vitruvia at their head, a psalm building behind her lips and visions of glorious battle against the enemies of the God-Emperor playing in her minds eye.

The reality was a crushing disappointment. Inquisitor Kliment and her sisters had already stormed the compound. There would be no climatic battle against the beating heart of this heresy; the Emperor in his wisdom had seen fit to deny her that honor. She choked back her disappointment as she entered the compound, black power armor covered in dust and the smeared blood of her forgotten wounds.

For a moment she imagined what could have been if she had been quicker. More disciplined. Better. A final battle, side to side with the Inquisitor! Glory or martyrdom in the Emperor's name!

She removed her helmet and tucked it under her left arm as she made her way through the remains of the battle, arriving at the scene as Kilment emerged with his prisoner in tow.

It was a victory but to Vitruvia it felt hollow and she silently vowed to devote herself to the study of leadership, tactics and swordplay like never before. Mere service to the Emperor was not enough. The God-Emperor of Mankind deserved greatness.
Since everything I have said has been publicly reported and common knowledge unless you listen to nothing but conservative daily news, and I already stated I knew this previously without needing to look up something specifically for this discussion,

Or perhaps because when the source of those complaints is looked at in context it won't match your catastrophic interpretation?

It was an agent of the Isreali intelligence service who was working with the CIA to infiltrate ISIS. Donald Trump was bragging to Sergey Kislyak about the quality of intel he gets. It made public (to the Russians and the press) the information of the man's identity and/or workings. The CIA had to immediately call the Israelis to get that man out of there because he could very well have been exposed while within the inner workings of ISIS.

I did a bit of googling and find the story interesting but I'm having trouble finding confirmation it was an Israeli agent and not a Jordanian agent. I'm also having trouble finding what the source that confirms Trump burned any agent at all; a quick google search shows that Trump denied ever mentioning the world Israel.

I remember the story of course. It's just that these details are important and for whatever reason seem difficult to substantiate.

But for the sake of argument let's say it is all true. Let us say that Trump fucked up bad. If that's the case does that prove that he is unintelligent? Obviously not; history is plentiful with brilliant leaders who screwed up bigtime. But I don't see you arguing that 90% of the historical leadership of western civilization was actually stupid. It feels like a double standard; anything Trump does that could be interpreted as foolish is given maximum weight while the foibles and foolish decisions of other leaders are interpreted with a much more objective eye.

It was about him paying attention, not being economic with his time. If he goes to Maralago for policy making and half his presidency is vacation, he's not pressed for time.

So because he requires reports to be condensed to a certain length he isn't paying attention and because he isn't paying attention he isn't intelligent? You see to be saying he is dumb but arguing that he is lazy. But those claims don't mesh with the reality of the situation. Trump prevailed over John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Jim Gilmore, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry and Hillary Clinton. Several of those names are powerhouses in the world of politics and Trump beat them all. If he is stupid, how did he manage that? And if he is lazy, as you perhaps inadvertently argue, why did he hold so many campaign rallies?
List of said rallies:
Well...he didn't initially understand the ramifications of nuclear fallout without needing to be told in no uncertain terms

What do you mean?

he's given away key information to foreign diplomats in order to brag which has put lives in danger (the agent in question possibly died)

I heard about that but I didn't get a lot of details. What information was given to Russia, specifically? Who specifically was put into danger? And most importantly what is the source for what is known to us?

he didn't know the uses of uranium

Can you give me an example?

he didn't know that he wasn't the largest republican lead in a race since Reagan

That is true, he was wrong about that. But does a failure to recall the margin of victory of every GOP victor for 36 years make you an idiot or even imply anything negative about your intelligence? I certainly don't think someone is stupid because they couldn't win Jeopardy.

he's bankrupted a casino

I've filed chapter 13. It's part of the game. Boxers and MMA fighters aren't wimps because they get knocked out, soldiers aren't cowards because they become prisoners of war, doctors aren't terrible because a patient dies and business people aren't stupid because a business goes bankrupt. Sometimes the worst happens. It sucks but that's just how it is.

he thinks coal power is clean

Example please.

he needs 1 page paper reports with his name mentioned often in order for him to continue to pay attention

Requiring your subordinates to be economical with your time is a good thing, not a bad one.

and these are all without me needing to look up things I might have forgotten

Are you familiar with catastrophization? It is a common cognitive distortion that is also known as minimization and maximization. Catastrophizating is when you give maximum possible weight to any information that could be construed as a negative. If you look at your examples of Trump's 'idiocy' you may find that you are giving negative interpretations far more weight than the actual evidence calls for.

But you are also minimizing. When you look at Trumps accomplishments, evidence that he is intelligent, you give undo weight to any interpretation that confirms what you already believe.

Evidence that confirms your viewpoint is maximized, evidence that refutes it is minimized.
It blows my mind that Trump can take out the deepest field of GOP candidates in living memory and Hillary's billion dollar campaign but some people still think he is an idiot.
I don't really mesh with a character until I write them consistently (two or so times a week) for about six months. Then the magic happens.
@Jbcool That I am :-)
I fancy it quite a lot!
The CBC has a history of corruption so an scandal connected to one of their members (Yvette Clarke) doesn't surprise me at all.
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