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5 mos ago
Current We return from a long, long absence....
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Your U.S Resident Scotsman, here to serve in the name of ridiculousness!

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Yo! Bumping this. I have room for one (Maybe two) more partners on my schedule! Update notes:

Android Body Guard

I won't do duplicate RP's, so those two are closed!

Right now I'd kill for something super-hero related, but I'm also keen as ever on the Dresden Files, so either flies! Preferably Super-Hero stuff right now, though.
I have discovered that I am much more active as a partner over DISCORD. If you think you'll struggle with my oft-long silences, please, give me your Discord tag- I'm far more active there, and far, far easier to get a hold of.

UPDATED: 02/27/2020

Yo! I'm gonna keep this one real short, partly because I'm lazy, and partly because I feel like I get more responses when my int-check doesn't take an hour to read.

So! Here it is.

- Don't be a nag. I'm depressed- badly- and often, busy. I will up and vanish, sometimes for a while, but I will always come back eventually. I'll forget to let you know, and I apologize for that in advance. I don't mind a message here or there, every week or so, to let me know you're still waiting- just don't pound me with "Are you there"'s on the daily. Please. <3

- I'm not an asshole, I promise! I love people, and will probably talk your ear off. I'd love for you to be the same sort of person. No pressure, obviously. If you just wanna write, I dig it.

- I'm a casual-advanced writer. It'll vary depending on how depressed I am at the time and the In-Character situation. (A conversation in one spot vs an action sequence, for example.) I don't mind what your level is, as long as I'm not getting constant one liners!

- I'm open to adult themes! This doesn't just mean smut. I like to write about grown up shit. Drugs, violence, deep personal drama, traumatic stuff. (Also, yeah. Smut.) So please, be open to these things, and lay out your boundaries early! Give me your triggers so I don't trip them later, and we'll be fine. Personally, I have none... Except maybe spiders. Just.... Yeah. No spiders. *Shudder*

- I prefer to play male roles. I'm a dude myself, and I've just never been very good at playing women.

- For all the fandoms and pairings below... I'm open to playing anthropomorphic characters. Not a must have, but I'm a filthy furry, sue me.

- That's... Well, that's it!

Here's the shite I'm craving!

- Random stuff (Things that apply to *any* of the fandoms or pairings below)

Furry stuff. >.>; DON'T YOU JUDGE ME, DAMNIT!
A couple particular.... Interests, or the lewd variety. Ask me about them. They're a little too... Kinky, for public mention.

- Fandoms (OC's and alt-universes only)

Dresden Files
***Marvel/DC*** <----- Would Currently Kill for This
Cinder Spires
Fairy Tail ~ Taken

- Pairings (My preferred role in italics)

Anything Slice-of-Life! Beware... BEWARE THE POTENTIAL LEWDS!

That's all folks!
OI! I'm resurrecting this shit. The thread is a zombie now, so get your damn shotguns and let's go.
*Sad bump*
Coooooooome on folks, don't leave me hangin'
Come on folks, I know there's at least a few of you out there craving zombies
With the recent release of Zombieland: Double Tap, I decided we're all heavily overdue a good old zombie killin' RP. I'm not gonna go too deep into detail until I'm sure I have three or five people actually interested, but the gist: Nut Up or Shut Up. This isn't The Walking Dead- we take nothing seriously here. No, this is a for-shits-and-giggles, just-because Zombie Genocide Simulator. Make your characters badasses, load them up on big guns, cool cars, and explosions, and let's go hunt some fuckin' Homers.

If you're down, say I! I'm looking for 3 players (Plus me) minimum, and probably a maximum of 7 or 8, because I can't handle much more than that. There will be some story involved, to keep things *actually* interesting, but mostly this is just gonna be a good ol' "Who can kill zombies the best" game. There will be a rating board for Zombie Kill of the Week.
For your consideration: Mamoru.

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