Avatar of Landain
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    1. Landain 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current If we win here we will win everywhere. The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.
4 yrs ago
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.


Interests and Experiences It is best to write about that which you know, rather than to fictionalize what you don't know. Go out into the world and experience what you want to know. Then write about those experiences.

    Experienced Roleplayer


    US Army Veteran - Former Company Commander, Battalion and Brigade Staff Officer

    Man in Blue

    Science Fiction - Star Trek, Firefly & Star Wars

    Harry Potter - Gryffendor

    A Song of Ice and Fire

    J.R.R. Tolkien

    Martial Artist

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@Kelewen Submitted for your review...

NOTE: Phineas O'Connell is the name of Billie Eilish's brother.

I have an idea for a young educated man seeking to acquire experience as a western cowboy type in order to write novels. He rapidly learns, he is way out of his element. Second character, veteran of the 10th cavalry, left the military, looking for work.
Friedrich, Duke von Nordmann

  • Line Regiment von Kerpin, Nr. 1 - 2960
  • Line Regiment von Schmidt, Nr. 2 - 2960
  • Line Regiment Göttisheim, Nr. 3 - 2960
  • Royal Grenadier Guards Regiment Schneider Nr. 16 - 2960

Did you just remove the Regimental Staff officers, runners, musicians, guidons and color bearers from each regiment's numbers? I see 40 per, that would account for them. They are on the battlefield, but engaged in other activities.

This is more about exploring a character's personality, how it relates to other characters and being true to that personality throughout time.
Also, just wanted to say I'm happy we have a full roster of infantry, cavalry, and artillery.


I made a reference to the Corps I created when I made the remark about Generalleutnant Schwerin

They could be our back up...or we all create Corps sized elements and you bring a full army from Emperor Francisco to bear on us. LOL
It appears both @Catharyn and I have black thumbs, when others are green.
TJByrun had to explain that to me. Thanks.

I also provided an operational graphic of how the Hallderians are arrayed. If you would like to discuss location of your units around the Hallderian Brigade, you can use the letters to identify locations. Locations B & C could be ideal locations for artillery units if you want them near the front or if terrain accommodates placing them there.

from left to right is the 1st regiment, 2nd regiment and third regiment. The Royal Grenadiers will be somewhere in the rear.

I copied Austria for this Role Play.
Posted. I hope y'all don't mind the peppering of a few Germanic phrases. They are translated in the text. I left the important stuff in English.

Duke Friedrich allowed his Brigade to occupy the center of the valley. He allowed them to establish camp rearward or in the direction of where they just marched from. He would leave the regimental commanders to post a picket screen and guard rotation near the center of the field. They would serve as an early warning in case Marion’s imperial army arrived during the night or early morning. He also ordered jaegers to conduct squad sized patrols both left and right of the valley to conduct reconnaissance as well.

“Herr Oberst von Kerpin, since your regiment is on the left flank, use your jaegers to patrol the northern woods,” Duke Friedrich spoke to the 50-year-old colonel with a monocle in his left eye. Then he turned to the youngest colonel in his Brigade. “Herr Oberst Göttisheim, your regiment will be on the right. Send your jaegers into the southern forest. Rotate your line units on picket duty about one hour per kompanie. Herr Oberst von Schmidt, your regiment will have center of the line. Ensure your men get a good night’s rest, we expect to meet the enemy in the morning.” Duke Friedrich stood to leave then addressed the Grenadier Guards commander, “Viktor, you are in command of the Brigade in my absence. I will need Hauptmann Jodel to accompany me to the commander’s tent. I do enjoy his penmanship.” Friedrich smiled at the slightly taller man. “Before we left Vollen, Generalleutnant Schwerin told me the eyes of the world were upon us. We must not let them down. Hold up the honor of the Halldorian Empire.”

Friedrich left the tent, quickly joining up with Hauptmann Jodel. “Alfred, Wie gehtenSie, herr Haupmann?” The Duke asked the Captain how he was doing as he approached.

“Mir geht is gut, mein herr,” the Captain responded he was good to his commander as he saluted. The Brigade commander returned the salute and the two men marched to the commander’s tent. He wondered how is allied commanders would be while walking to the tent. He planned to post three line regiments abreast with Battalion frontage. The first and second battalions would stand one in front of the other with the jaeger battalions forming regimental reserves. He fully expected to use the Royal Grenadier Guards in reserve and would be posted near wherever the Horsemen from the Dusmane Khanate were posted. They would inevitably support the cavalry during their advance, when the time came. He mentally prepared himself for the deployment of the Gauldic Artillery battery.

Friedrich and Alfred entered the commander’s tent and took a seat, waiting for their allies. Alfred offered his commander a bite of his schnapps. “Jawohl, mein Hauptmann. Vielen dank.”
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