Avatar of LeonVon
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: LeonVon
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 156 (0.04 / day)
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    1. LeonVon 10 yrs ago
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World building is totally my thing. I put way too much thought into the world building aspect of RPs I run. Every single one of my RPs likely has a hugely flushed out world that I'm saving away. Ask and I might share.

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Your CSs all look good. Go ahead and post them to the Characters tab without the hider. Please add a section for Inventory/Equipment but leave it empty.

Also, don't forget to PM me the other half of the CS.
Imperial Date: 2857.11.01
Location: Unknown


A rush of sensations hit you as you awaken from a deep sleep. Slowly coming to your senses, you groggily begin moving around and using stiff muscles. You find yourself lying on a very uncomfortable metal cot. It takes a moment, but you're eventually able to roll onto your side and begin getting up. It's around this time that you realize that you're wearing a strange form fitting grey jumpsuit. Standing up, you take a second to survey your surroundings.

You find yourself in a small room with stone walls and floor. A single heavy metal door is the only visible way into or out of the cell. Against one wall is the cot you awoke on and in the opposite corner is a grimy looking toilet. The single recessed fixture in the ceiling provides barely enough light for you to see many details of the furniture.

The only other thing of interest is the pile of clothing at the foot of the bed. A quick search shows that it looks like the clothing is in your size, so you presume they must be yours. You don't seem to find anything of use or value in any pockets.

After several minutes, a buzzer sounds and the door opens, leading into a larger empty group cell, similar to the one you were just in. Along one wall are 5 doors, now open, and across from them is a single door, presumably leading into the main interior of the jail.


ALL: Personal clothing and Grey jumpsuit
"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space. Listen..."
- Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chap. 8

You are lost in space. Most of your memory is gone, all your money and gear is missing, and you're stuck in a jail cell on some remote planet in the Eastern Outer Rim! Things do not look good. The kicker? You have no idea how you ended up in this situation. So, out of money and with no one to turn to, it looks like your best chance is to try and find passage to anywhere that isn't here.

The Story So Far

The Empire of the Stars is the great galactic human empire that rose to power over 300 years ago in the 25th century. They control much of the explored galaxy with an iron fist.

While they are a cruel and powerful force, their rule hasn’t necessarily been all bad. They helped discover and bring to prominence the Hyperspace Pathways, standardized many things like currency and calendar, and have brought relative peace to their holdings. The many races of the Milky Way have been united under one banner and the many systems and kingdoms dissolved and absorbed into the Empire.

You are a Human who has awoken on the edge of the known galaxy, on the backwater planet of Clomia (Kauztom System), a small sparsely wooded planet inhabited mostly by humans. There are no major Empire outposts on the planet, in fact the Empire only keeps a small garrison protecting the administrative area in the ‘capital’ city of Furnuss.

Waking up in the prison in Furnuss, you have no memory of who you are or where you came from, only muscle memory of your various skills. Maybe you were a member of some military group. Maybe you were a small merchant. It's possible you were a criminal of some type even! Whatever the case, it doesn't matter any more. For all intents and purposes, you're stuck on Clomia for the time being.


In short, this RP revolves around your character trying to find their way home (wherever that might be). Unfortunately, mysterious circumstances have lead to you losing your memory and being stranded on a distant colony. To get off this planet, you'll need to find some form of passage. Be careful though. While you're making your journey, the galaxy around you is changing. Uprisings and riots are taking place throughout the Empire of the Sun (the ruling human empire), making travel to some areas dangerous or outright prohibited.

I'm sure I'm forgetting to say something and if you want more details or have any questions feel free to ask. I'm looking for a small group, maybe 4 or 5 people. The CS is below.

Just a quick note, the CS comes in 2 parts. The first part is posted normally in the OOC. Once I accept it, you can post it in the Characters Tab. The second part of the CS is to be PMed to me after I accept the first part of the CS. This second part will include details about your past that I might incorporate into the RP at a later time. However until that time, I'd like to keep those backstories secret. I'm considering setting up the occasional personal quest, possibly bringing in old enemies and allies, and working some parts into the main quest. Since I'm keeping a lot of the background of the RP to myself at the moment, make up just about whatever you want. Names, places, etc.


No, we will start out in a remote solar system on the far edge of the Milky Way.

Glad I got your interest! I'll leave this open for the rest of today and probably tomorrow and if all goes well, the OOC will be up this weekend.
"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space. Listen..."
- Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chap. 8

You are lost in space. Most of your memory is gone, all your money and gear is missing, and you're stuck in a jail cell on some remote planet in the Eastern Outer Rim! Things do not look good. The kicker? You have no idea how you ended up in this situation. So, out of money and with no one to turn to, it looks like your best chance is to try and find passage to anywhere that isn't here.

So, What Is This?

In short, this is an RP revolving around your character trying to find their way home (where ever that might be). Unfortunately, mysterious circumstances have lead to you losing your memory and being stranded on a distant colony. To get off this planet, you'll need to find some form of passage. Be careful though. While you're making your journey, the galaxy around you is changing. Uprisings and riots are taking place throughout the Empire of the Sun (the ruling human empire), making travel to some areas dangerous or outright prohibited.

So that's all I've got for the Interest Check. I'm sure I'm forgetting to say something and if you want more details or have any questions feel free to ask. I'm looking for a small group, maybe 4 or 5 people. The CS is below, but don't worry about posting it yet. I just wanted to let any body interested have a chance to start coming up with ideas for their characters. I'll provide more info relevant to character creation in the OOC when it gets up.

@MiddleEarthRoze@Leos Klien

Alrighty, here he is! I got a little excited while righting the backstory, so it turned out a bit long. Hopefully I covered everything though!

Let me know if anything needs to be changed and I'll get on it ASAP. I was a little unsure in regards to amounts of supplies, such as arrows or lockpicks, so I just threw out a number that I thought sounded reasonable. Let me know if I need to adjust those. Also since you said one-handed and two-handed didn't count as separate skills, I just lumped one-handed in with my blades skill. I can separate those if needed.
I've been working on my CS. I'll have it up either later tonight or sometime during the day tomorrow.
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