Note to self: Expand Inventory section and add Kasumi's Fuinjutsu tattoos?

The result of a reckless and passionate dalliance between a Haruno mother and Uchiha father, Kasumi grew up under the shadow of the looming Konoha Civil War. In the face of that disaster, her father was rarely able to visit her mother and the little girl born out of wedlock, but when he could, he indulged his child's burgeoning brightness eagerly. Sadly, in the waning days of the civil war, he would be one of those to perish, and Kasumi's mother would choose to keep the nature of her daughter's birth a secret, fearing prejudice or reprisal from various interests.
It was this environment tinged with a persistent, subtle undercurrent of fear that would eventually drive Kasumi to begin to seek security and relief in the arms of power. She grew to internalize the fear of death or worse, always worried that she might end up as her father had... as her distant relatives in the Uchiha had. She couldn't help but wonder: if a prized noble clan like the Uchiha could be nearly purged and disregarded for opposing Konoha's party line, then what would that mean for her, a bastard child without even the lessened support of a Shinobi Clan behind her?
With that in mind, Kasumi was quick to pursue the life of a shinobi, even from an age too young to enter the Academy, and her mother was more than happy to aid in sating her voracious hunger for power. In hindsight, she might have considered her unusual focus and maturity to be abnormal, but she would know later that it was the development of her Inner helping her along. Thus bolstered, she pursued arts of chakra cultivation with both the fervor of desperation and what she would come to recognize as a genuine thirst and love for knowledge in every form she could afford to invest.
There was a certain... lean to her knowledge, however, especially once she had graduated to Genin and found the proof of her father's blood awakening in the stress of life-or-death fieldwork. She felt drawn to arts of protection, of survival. The arts of healing and fuinjutsu drew her eyes like moths to a flame and stoked the hunger inside her to new heights with every improvement she made in their pursuit. At one point, she even considered the Medic Corps something of a dream job. A stable, well-paying backline role where she didn't have to risk her neck and could keep training privately? Yes, please!
Unfortunately, that passion would die an ignoble death, much like many other things, when Pein's invasion rolled around. Kasumi, age 11 at the time, was one of those lucky enough to avoid being obliterated outright. Unfortunately, survival was only the beginning of a grueling nightmare, where she got an extended first-hand look at the horrors of an all-out war. The devastation was immense, and it seemed that -even in the aftermath- the tide of bodies just kept coming. As one of those precious few medics still in any shape to treat the wounded, Kasumi found herself practically relegated to little more than a machine, healing day in and out for weeks, surrounded by the stench of blood, shit and chemicals. Every hour of every day, she had burned into her memory (sometimes even with permanence with her Sharingan) visions of suffering and agony, and her hunger to never languish similarly rose to even greater heights.
By the time Konoha was able to return to anything even approaching normal operations again and she was released from her obligations, Kasumi was well and truly burnt out on healing. She returned to ruins and an empty household, her mother having perished in the initial assault where she had not. Kasumi was left alone, burning with resentment and self-loathing, wondering was even the point of all her knowledge in healing if she couldn't have saved the person she cared about most. From then on, in many ways, she found she almost even despised the practice of healing outright, grimacing internally at the thought of treating one more person. While she could take some solace in the generous wartime bonus she'd received for her service, it did very little to rectify how she now considered her once dream-job a perpetual ticking time bomb. Yet, worse still, she could only feel resigned to the fact that, as much as she hated it, healing was still an objectively safer profession than making a living as a regular shinobi.
Trapped by her own common sense and survival instinct, Kasumi resigned herself to her original game plan. Yet, in this time of crushed idealism, she came to find herself drawn to a revitalized passion for Fuinjutsu. Anything, she thought, to take her mind off the drudgery of healing. She now threw herself even harder into the practice and began to find her eyes opened to the shocking potential it held. The thirst to learn... The hunger to experiment... She found them both fanned to new heights, height tall enough even to push her into tentatively getting back into field work again, both to get away from healing and to have the opportunity to test all the wonderful ideas she now had.
In the meanwhile, as she always had before, Kasumi strove to fly largely under the radar. She craved neither fame, nor notoriety. Instead, she strove for quiet success where she could and did not pursue promotion opportunities ambitiously, perfectly content to remain a Genin until it no longer looked reasonable. If she had her way, she would remain largely unremarkable in the grand scheme of things, just one Haruno amongst the growing many flowing into the Medic Corps. Sure, her bedside manner might need some work, but none can truly doubt her skills, right? Not as a technical veteran of the Pein War.
Unfortunately, despite this desire, the very same leniency granted to her by that veteran status would end up backing her into a corner. Having been drafted into Konoha's Medical Corps full-time for the duration of the Pein War, it would later be acknowledged that in an official sense, her overall education had been hampered by state actions. As such, she was provided an exception and extension upon the usual graduation period for a Genin, inside which she was expected to make use of this "generous" opportunity upon a greater stage. Thus, despite attention being the last thing she desired, Kasumi was pressured into competing in the Multinational Chūnin exams, where she would necessarily be forced to provide a strong showing to survive against foreign elites, earning her both national attention and candidacy for Konoha 12 Honoka Program.
Kasumi can be sometimes described as possessing the bedside demeanor of a nurse on a smoke break. Not that she smokes; it's "bad for you", after all, and she likes to think of herself as a forward thinker. She is sardonic, owns a sharp tongue and is more than happy to snark about how she decides who lives or dies (so don't piss her off). Generally speaking, as a medic, she resents her patients and has little patience for those disinclined to obey her instructions in her capacity as their attending physician, seeing her ability and willingness to heal others as a privilege not to be taken for granted (lest she remind others with inaction)("They're ninja, right? Are they dying right now? Well, they can probably handle a little pain. My chakra's precious, you know.").
Kasumi values her personal survival and prosperity above all else. Neither comradery nor Konoha come into things except as a second thought at best. Having seen Konoha's willingness to treat their people like garbage several times over and at least partially blaming them for denying her the chance to have saved her mother's life, Kasumi holds very little true loyalty to them. Despite this, her self-interest and relative lack of ambition mean she's the sort to get comfortable in one place instead of making a serious effort to make it elsewhere. To that end, she is content to use Konoha and her comrades as one giant conglomeration of meat shields, availing herself of the Great Village's resources, prosperity and "brand recognition" in the meantime. Despite her occasional griping, Kasumi is largely content to leave the status quo be, so long as it doesn't overtly inconvenience her personally, and she spends her time eagerly focused on personal cultivation and the exploration of the wonders of chakra. Despite her acerbic nature (particularly in regard to healing), Kasumi is truly passionate about self-improvement and the exploration of chakra's secrets, and she holds an especially particular place in her heart for Fuinjutsu, her fascination with and usage of it being some of the only times her prickly exterior shows a glimpse of genuine excitement and happiness.
Likes: "Private... shit, I have to answer? Well, peace and fuckin' quiet for one. Also privacy." Glares.
Dislikes: "Nosey little shits, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that, right? I guess your face too."
Fears: "This conversation wasting more of my time. Are we done here? I've got a shift in ten."

Kawarimi • Kasumi utilizes this jutsu in a manner predicated on an understanding of its fundamental nature, successfully discarding the otherwise seemingly arbitrary limitation of usage only in response to a harmful attack and transforming it through mastery into a technique comparable to the Amenotejikara, allowing her to swap herself with just about any object or person near her. Her mastery of Kawarimi surpasses even the illusion of mere speed and steps into outright teleportation.
Fourth Taijutsu Form – Kakuran: Silent Fist
Disturbance is preferred by acrobatically agile Shinobi for a fast-paced combat, it's also the most exhausting that combines ferocity and grace, it rapidly and relentlessly bombards with precision, at various angles and locations, the Hyūga, Kiri & Kumo Shinobi has a strong preference for this Style. Within the range of this style's variants, the Silent Fist is a fighting style focused around rendering the user's movements completely silent by cloaking themselves in chakra. In doing so, the user renders their movements virtually unpredictable, especially if combined with a manner of obscuring the enemy's sight.
Fūinjutsu • Weaving them in wherever possible, Kasumi makes aggressive use of sealing arrays in many facets of combat, both in terms of preemptive preparations and seals she crafts on the spot as needed. Her capacity to create seals out of pure chakra even allows her to mark her enemies with troublesome arrays with a touch or leave hazards in her wake. This methodology is often punctuated by the enthusiastic utilization of storage and explosive seals to create a form of kayakujutsu. Of course, to complement this fighting style, she also makes quite notable use of shurikenjutsu, a practice that is greatly enhanced in and of itself by loading projectiles with various seals.
All Chūnin and beyond are provided with the opportunity to be equipped with stylized Fūinjutsu tattoos on certain parts of their bodies to summon weapons and equipment, rather than bring conventional bags; this has no chakra cost of note.
Chūnin Arsenal Inside Raiken
Kasumi's Arsenal Inside Raiken
Kasumi's Core Fuinjutsu Tattoos
• Chakra Based Arrays: Kasumi displays enough mastery of Fuinjutsu that, combined with her high chakra control, she is able to use pure chakra alone to cast Fuinjutsu, allowing her to create and apply seals to objects and people with just a touch, rather than needing to spend precious time crafting them with ink.
• Sealing Coder: Kasumi is a proficient purveyor of Fuinjutsu enough so that she is able to recognize the underlying math and patterns in the works of others and translate it into her own formula, through which she is capable of studying, manipulating, dismantling or even repairing sealing formula other than her own. Were she so inclined, she could further make a passable attempt at hacking Chakratech; though she lacks the proficiency of a specialist in that particular realm.
• Single-Seal Jutsu: Thanks to her Inner, Kasumi is able to offload the majority of the chakra molding process to her other half when casting jutsu, allowing her to cast the vast majority of jutsu with a single hand-seal, sometimes less, given that a number of her jutsu were developed from the ground-up to forgo them.
Outside Medical Ninjutsu, Kasumi primarily specializes in her true passion, Fūinjutsu, an art in which she can perhaps be considered on the verge of becoming a genuine master, despite her age. Not only does she easily grasp the formulas of others, but she has gone beyond simply using preexisting arrays, developing her own modifications to existing Fūinjutsu, along with creating entirely new ones.

D.O.B 693-Oct-15 | Age 17 y.o | Sato Konoha | Region Mainland | Rank Chūnin | Caste Kenha
Haruno Kasumi
Vanguard • Medic Corps
MonogatariThe result of a reckless and passionate dalliance between a Haruno mother and Uchiha father, Kasumi grew up under the shadow of the looming Konoha Civil War. In the face of that disaster, her father was rarely able to visit her mother and the little girl born out of wedlock, but when he could, he indulged his child's burgeoning brightness eagerly. Sadly, in the waning days of the civil war, he would be one of those to perish, and Kasumi's mother would choose to keep the nature of her daughter's birth a secret, fearing prejudice or reprisal from various interests.
It was this environment tinged with a persistent, subtle undercurrent of fear that would eventually drive Kasumi to begin to seek security and relief in the arms of power. She grew to internalize the fear of death or worse, always worried that she might end up as her father had... as her distant relatives in the Uchiha had. She couldn't help but wonder: if a prized noble clan like the Uchiha could be nearly purged and disregarded for opposing Konoha's party line, then what would that mean for her, a bastard child without even the lessened support of a Shinobi Clan behind her?
With that in mind, Kasumi was quick to pursue the life of a shinobi, even from an age too young to enter the Academy, and her mother was more than happy to aid in sating her voracious hunger for power. In hindsight, she might have considered her unusual focus and maturity to be abnormal, but she would know later that it was the development of her Inner helping her along. Thus bolstered, she pursued arts of chakra cultivation with both the fervor of desperation and what she would come to recognize as a genuine thirst and love for knowledge in every form she could afford to invest.
There was a certain... lean to her knowledge, however, especially once she had graduated to Genin and found the proof of her father's blood awakening in the stress of life-or-death fieldwork. She felt drawn to arts of protection, of survival. The arts of healing and fuinjutsu drew her eyes like moths to a flame and stoked the hunger inside her to new heights with every improvement she made in their pursuit. At one point, she even considered the Medic Corps something of a dream job. A stable, well-paying backline role where she didn't have to risk her neck and could keep training privately? Yes, please!
Unfortunately, that passion would die an ignoble death, much like many other things, when Pein's invasion rolled around. Kasumi, age 11 at the time, was one of those lucky enough to avoid being obliterated outright. Unfortunately, survival was only the beginning of a grueling nightmare, where she got an extended first-hand look at the horrors of an all-out war. The devastation was immense, and it seemed that -even in the aftermath- the tide of bodies just kept coming. As one of those precious few medics still in any shape to treat the wounded, Kasumi found herself practically relegated to little more than a machine, healing day in and out for weeks, surrounded by the stench of blood, shit and chemicals. Every hour of every day, she had burned into her memory (sometimes even with permanence with her Sharingan) visions of suffering and agony, and her hunger to never languish similarly rose to even greater heights.
By the time Konoha was able to return to anything even approaching normal operations again and she was released from her obligations, Kasumi was well and truly burnt out on healing. She returned to ruins and an empty household, her mother having perished in the initial assault where she had not. Kasumi was left alone, burning with resentment and self-loathing, wondering was even the point of all her knowledge in healing if she couldn't have saved the person she cared about most. From then on, in many ways, she found she almost even despised the practice of healing outright, grimacing internally at the thought of treating one more person. While she could take some solace in the generous wartime bonus she'd received for her service, it did very little to rectify how she now considered her once dream-job a perpetual ticking time bomb. Yet, worse still, she could only feel resigned to the fact that, as much as she hated it, healing was still an objectively safer profession than making a living as a regular shinobi.
Trapped by her own common sense and survival instinct, Kasumi resigned herself to her original game plan. Yet, in this time of crushed idealism, she came to find herself drawn to a revitalized passion for Fuinjutsu. Anything, she thought, to take her mind off the drudgery of healing. She now threw herself even harder into the practice and began to find her eyes opened to the shocking potential it held. The thirst to learn... The hunger to experiment... She found them both fanned to new heights, height tall enough even to push her into tentatively getting back into field work again, both to get away from healing and to have the opportunity to test all the wonderful ideas she now had.
In the meanwhile, as she always had before, Kasumi strove to fly largely under the radar. She craved neither fame, nor notoriety. Instead, she strove for quiet success where she could and did not pursue promotion opportunities ambitiously, perfectly content to remain a Genin until it no longer looked reasonable. If she had her way, she would remain largely unremarkable in the grand scheme of things, just one Haruno amongst the growing many flowing into the Medic Corps. Sure, her bedside manner might need some work, but none can truly doubt her skills, right? Not as a technical veteran of the Pein War.
Unfortunately, despite this desire, the very same leniency granted to her by that veteran status would end up backing her into a corner. Having been drafted into Konoha's Medical Corps full-time for the duration of the Pein War, it would later be acknowledged that in an official sense, her overall education had been hampered by state actions. As such, she was provided an exception and extension upon the usual graduation period for a Genin, inside which she was expected to make use of this "generous" opportunity upon a greater stage. Thus, despite attention being the last thing she desired, Kasumi was pressured into competing in the Multinational Chūnin exams, where she would necessarily be forced to provide a strong showing to survive against foreign elites, earning her both national attention and candidacy for Konoha 12 Honoka Program.
KokorononakaKasumi can be sometimes described as possessing the bedside demeanor of a nurse on a smoke break. Not that she smokes; it's "bad for you", after all, and she likes to think of herself as a forward thinker. She is sardonic, owns a sharp tongue and is more than happy to snark about how she decides who lives or dies (so don't piss her off). Generally speaking, as a medic, she resents her patients and has little patience for those disinclined to obey her instructions in her capacity as their attending physician, seeing her ability and willingness to heal others as a privilege not to be taken for granted (lest she remind others with inaction)("They're ninja, right? Are they dying right now? Well, they can probably handle a little pain. My chakra's precious, you know.").
Kasumi values her personal survival and prosperity above all else. Neither comradery nor Konoha come into things except as a second thought at best. Having seen Konoha's willingness to treat their people like garbage several times over and at least partially blaming them for denying her the chance to have saved her mother's life, Kasumi holds very little true loyalty to them. Despite this, her self-interest and relative lack of ambition mean she's the sort to get comfortable in one place instead of making a serious effort to make it elsewhere. To that end, she is content to use Konoha and her comrades as one giant conglomeration of meat shields, availing herself of the Great Village's resources, prosperity and "brand recognition" in the meantime. Despite her occasional griping, Kasumi is largely content to leave the status quo be, so long as it doesn't overtly inconvenience her personally, and she spends her time eagerly focused on personal cultivation and the exploration of the wonders of chakra. Despite her acerbic nature (particularly in regard to healing), Kasumi is truly passionate about self-improvement and the exploration of chakra's secrets, and she holds an especially particular place in her heart for Fuinjutsu, her fascination with and usage of it being some of the only times her prickly exterior shows a glimpse of genuine excitement and happiness.
Likes: "Private... shit, I have to answer? Well, peace and fuckin' quiet for one. Also privacy." Glares.
Dislikes: "Nosey little shits, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that, right? I guess your face too."
Fears: "This conversation wasting more of my time. Are we done here? I've got a shift in ten."
• Healing
• Helplessness
• Being subordinate
• Idiots claiming she's their wife
• Stagnation
• Socialization
• Helplessness
• Being subordinate
• Idiots claiming she's their wife
• Stagnation
• Socialization
• Fuinjutsu
• Medical Ninjutsu
• Power
• Undermining idiot claims of wifehood
• Self-improvement
• Isolation
• Medical Ninjutsu
• Power
• Undermining idiot claims of wifehood
• Self-improvement
• Isolation

Chūnin Supplementary Skills
• Kai • Henso • Inpei • Shunshin • Kawarimi • Raiken • Kensa • Healing (Medic Corps) •
• Kai • Henso • Inpei • Shunshin • Kawarimi • Raiken • Kensa • Healing (Medic Corps) •
Fighting Style
HadenaKawarimi • Kasumi utilizes this jutsu in a manner predicated on an understanding of its fundamental nature, successfully discarding the otherwise seemingly arbitrary limitation of usage only in response to a harmful attack and transforming it through mastery into a technique comparable to the Amenotejikara, allowing her to swap herself with just about any object or person near her. Her mastery of Kawarimi surpasses even the illusion of mere speed and steps into outright teleportation.
Fourth Taijutsu Form – Kakuran: Silent Fist
Disturbance is preferred by acrobatically agile Shinobi for a fast-paced combat, it's also the most exhausting that combines ferocity and grace, it rapidly and relentlessly bombards with precision, at various angles and locations, the Hyūga, Kiri & Kumo Shinobi has a strong preference for this Style. Within the range of this style's variants, the Silent Fist is a fighting style focused around rendering the user's movements completely silent by cloaking themselves in chakra. In doing so, the user renders their movements virtually unpredictable, especially if combined with a manner of obscuring the enemy's sight.
Fūinjutsu • Weaving them in wherever possible, Kasumi makes aggressive use of sealing arrays in many facets of combat, both in terms of preemptive preparations and seals she crafts on the spot as needed. Her capacity to create seals out of pure chakra even allows her to mark her enemies with troublesome arrays with a touch or leave hazards in her wake. This methodology is often punctuated by the enthusiastic utilization of storage and explosive seals to create a form of kayakujutsu. Of course, to complement this fighting style, she also makes quite notable use of shurikenjutsu, a practice that is greatly enhanced in and of itself by loading projectiles with various seals.
Weapons Inventory
Provisional Inventory: Raiken
All Chūnin and beyond are provided with the opportunity to be equipped with stylized Fūinjutsu tattoos on certain parts of their bodies to summon weapons and equipment, rather than bring conventional bags; this has no chakra cost of note.
Chūnin Arsenal Inside Raiken
• Explosive Tags • Chakrablade • Kunai • Smokeflashbombs • Scrolls • Shuriken • Makibishi • Ninfocards •
Kasumi's Arsenal Inside Raiken
• Senbon • Wire Strings • Paralysis Tags • Chakra Draining Tags • Preprepared Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Array (set upon a large Doton-formed stone slab) • Medical/Surgery Kit (Bandages, gauze, flexible splints, disinfectant, painkillers, needles, thread, antidote creation materials) • Fuinjutsu Supplies (Chakra ink, brushes, paper, spare scrolls, etc) • Field Rations/Water • Soldier Pills • Bingo Book • Fūsōyashima Key (A ring combining several Fuinjutsu, keyed to her chakra signature and designed to self-destruct if tampered with or used by another) • Shaded Goggles & Earplugs (for use with and defense against Smoke Flash Bombs • Reinforced Sandals (custom sandals with a metal underlayer that largely nullifies the threat of Makibishi along with some types of rougher terrain) •
Kasumi's Core Fuinjutsu Tattoos
WIP • Placeholder • (Palms, fingers, wrists, forearms, shoulders, mouth(?), eyelids(?), sternum, stomach, back, hips, feet)
• Chakra Based Arrays: Kasumi displays enough mastery of Fuinjutsu that, combined with her high chakra control, she is able to use pure chakra alone to cast Fuinjutsu, allowing her to create and apply seals to objects and people with just a touch, rather than needing to spend precious time crafting them with ink.
• Sealing Coder: Kasumi is a proficient purveyor of Fuinjutsu enough so that she is able to recognize the underlying math and patterns in the works of others and translate it into her own formula, through which she is capable of studying, manipulating, dismantling or even repairing sealing formula other than her own. Were she so inclined, she could further make a passable attempt at hacking Chakratech; though she lacks the proficiency of a specialist in that particular realm.
• Single-Seal Jutsu: Thanks to her Inner, Kasumi is able to offload the majority of the chakra molding process to her other half when casting jutsu, allowing her to cast the vast majority of jutsu with a single hand-seal, sometimes less, given that a number of her jutsu were developed from the ground-up to forgo them.
Kekkei Tōta/Mōra
Bloodline Name
Inner Sakura
A-Rank • Self • Rare
S-Rank • Midrange • Legendary
Bloodline Jutsu
Genjutsu: Sharingan
A-Rank • Shortrange •
• Coercian Sharingan • Mirror Heaven and Earth Change • Mirage Blossom (Sakura petals instead of crows) •
Bloodline Name
Inner Sakura
A-Rank • Self • Rare
S-Rank • Midrange • Legendary
Bloodline Jutsu
Genjutsu: Sharingan
A-Rank • Shortrange •
• Coercian Sharingan • Mirror Heaven and Earth Change • Mirage Blossom (Sakura petals instead of crows) •
Secret Arts
Yūen • Forms: None
S-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
(While Kasumi is capable of the nature transformation for these infamous black flames due to observing Uchiha with her own Sharingan, she has yet to cultivate the pursuit of the style in any meaningful capacity... partially out of concern that it would be a dead giveaway as to her heritage.)S-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
Haruno Iryōjutsu
A-S-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
Jutsu List
• Mystical Palm Technique
• Chakra Scalpel (Derivative: Delicate Illness Extraction Technique • Concealment)
• Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique
A-S-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
Jutsu List
• Mystical Palm Technique
• Chakra Scalpel (Derivative: Delicate Illness Extraction Technique • Concealment)
• Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique
Slug Summoning Contract
C-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
C-Rank • Allranges • Hijutsu
Outside Medical Ninjutsu, Kasumi primarily specializes in her true passion, Fūinjutsu, an art in which she can perhaps be considered on the verge of becoming a genuine master, despite her age. Not only does she easily grasp the formulas of others, but she has gone beyond simply using preexisting arrays, developing her own modifications to existing Fūinjutsu, along with creating entirely new ones.
Hiding Like a Mole Technique
C-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Explosive Seal
D-Rank • Allranges • Acquired
Enclosing Technique
C-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Unsealing Technique
D-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Chakra Draining Seal
A-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Sealing Technique: Release
A-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Self-Cursing Seal
B-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Rupture Style: Rupture Fist
Taijutsu Style • Closerange • Selfmade
Inner Sakura: Domain Expansion
S-Rank • AOE Allranges • Selfmade
C-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Allows the user to change earth into fine sand and dig through it like a mole. They are able to navigate by detecting magnetic forces and can sense what is happening on the surface. The user is also able to return the earth to its original state in their wake, effectively leaving no trace of their passage.
Explosive Seal
D-Rank • Allranges • Acquired
Normally attached to a paper sheet, this Fuinjutsu array is designed to unleash an explosive force after a set time, remotely or after being ignited with flame. A versatile Fuinjutsu that is often considered a basic tool in a shinobi's kit, these seals are hardy enough to operate unimpeded even under heavy rain and other humid conditions. When used remotely, these seals are even able to be set to detonate in sequence, making them very useful for traps.
Derivative: Barrier Method Formation, Exploding Flame Formation
Enclosing Technique
C-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
An immensely flexible technique using a Fuinjutsu spacetime array to seal a wide variety of targets into an enclosed pocket dimension anchored to the surface of a target (usually a scroll), including but not limited to: equipment, chakra, jutsu and even living creatures. Sealed targets can be released manually or upon a set condition being met. That this array occupies a jutsu slot denotes mastery enough for the user to create and modify the parameters of their own without outside aid.
Elemental Sealing Method
Derivative • Closerange • Acquired
A Fuinjutsu array used to seal away a nearby elemental release, regardless of any special properties that element may have. Once contained, the jutsu remains sealed until the user chooses to unseal it. However, each casting of this array can only contain a single jutsu and must release it before the seal can be filled again. Furthermore, it is only suited to managing more physical elements, like the standard five natures, and it is impotent against the likes of Yin and Yang release.
Derivative • Closerange • Acquired
A Fuinjutsu array used to seal away a nearby elemental release, regardless of any special properties that element may have. Once contained, the jutsu remains sealed until the user chooses to unseal it. However, each casting of this array can only contain a single jutsu and must release it before the seal can be filled again. Furthermore, it is only suited to managing more physical elements, like the standard five natures, and it is impotent against the likes of Yin and Yang release.
Mythical Eight Islands - Fūsōyashima
Derivative • Supplementary • Selfmade
A modified storage seal that creates a dimension of sustained accessibility, unlike a regular storage seal. Removing the "stasis" elements of the normal seal, an empty cubical chamber is created. It can either be set to have a perpetually open "doorway" (generally requiring a larger surface area to move through), or it can be set with a closed doorway that requires a "key" to be possessed by a user to either enter or exit the space. In either case, the seal is designed to allow the free passage of untampered air through the array at all times, preventing the internals from becoming suffocating. The "key" for this seal is utilized by pressing an object inscribed with it against the entrance array, transporting the holder through as if sealed into a scroll.
Derivative • Supplementary • Selfmade
A modified storage seal that creates a dimension of sustained accessibility, unlike a regular storage seal. Removing the "stasis" elements of the normal seal, an empty cubical chamber is created. It can either be set to have a perpetually open "doorway" (generally requiring a larger surface area to move through), or it can be set with a closed doorway that requires a "key" to be possessed by a user to either enter or exit the space. In either case, the seal is designed to allow the free passage of untampered air through the array at all times, preventing the internals from becoming suffocating. The "key" for this seal is utilized by pressing an object inscribed with it against the entrance array, transporting the holder through as if sealed into a scroll.
Unsealing Technique
D-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
The standardized technique used to unseal something sealed into a storage Fuinjutsu. That this array occupies a jutsu slot denotes mastery enough for the user to create and modify the parameters of their own without outside aid.
Derivative: Unsealing Technique: Shuriken · Four-Corner Sealing Barrier
Chakra Draining Seal
A-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
A Fuinjutsu created to draw chakra from a target. A seal is placed on or beneath the target, draining chakra from them into the user. This jutsu can even be selective enough to draw out foreign chakra from a target.
Chakra Binding
Derivative • Closerange • Selfmade
A variant array that channels drained chakra back into itself in a strengthening feedback loop, which is marked on the target's body. The purpose of this array is capture and secure restraint, keeping the target perpetually drained near to the point of chakra exhaustion such that they are left far too weak to hope to escape or fight back without outside aid.
Derivative • Closerange • Selfmade
A variant array that channels drained chakra back into itself in a strengthening feedback loop, which is marked on the target's body. The purpose of this array is capture and secure restraint, keeping the target perpetually drained near to the point of chakra exhaustion such that they are left far too weak to hope to escape or fight back without outside aid.
Chakra Battery
Derivative • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A variant array that creates a more long-range, sustained "contract" of sorts between the caster and one or more targets. A sealing array is placed on both the caster and a target, allowing the caster to use them as a source of additional chakra while they remain nearby. This works best with an unconscious or willing target; otherwise, the target may be able to hamper the chakra flow, provided they have enough chakra control to be conscious of the drain.
Derivative • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A variant array that creates a more long-range, sustained "contract" of sorts between the caster and one or more targets. A sealing array is placed on both the caster and a target, allowing the caster to use them as a source of additional chakra while they remain nearby. This works best with an unconscious or willing target; otherwise, the target may be able to hamper the chakra flow, provided they have enough chakra control to be conscious of the drain.
Chakra Identification
Derivative • Supplementary • Selfmade
A variant array that is designed to scrutinize, memorize and sort chakra signatures. On its own, this seal does little beyond allowing the user to closely analyze a target, but it is originally meant to be utilized as an interconnected trigger element for another linked seal. In essence, it can act as an extremely secure "chakra passcode", possessing enough sensitivity to pierce chakra disguising or suppressing methods. In short, this seal is primarily intended to be linked to another seal to add an "if/then" trigger. Kasumi uses it mainly in conjunction with Fūsōyashima as a protection against the theft/sabotage of the keys.
Derivative • Supplementary • Selfmade
A variant array that is designed to scrutinize, memorize and sort chakra signatures. On its own, this seal does little beyond allowing the user to closely analyze a target, but it is originally meant to be utilized as an interconnected trigger element for another linked seal. In essence, it can act as an extremely secure "chakra passcode", possessing enough sensitivity to pierce chakra disguising or suppressing methods. In short, this seal is primarily intended to be linked to another seal to add an "if/then" trigger. Kasumi uses it mainly in conjunction with Fūsōyashima as a protection against the theft/sabotage of the keys.
Sealing Technique: Release
A-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
A reactionary sealing technique marked on the user's body that acts as a countermeasure to dispel Fuinjutsu that may be restricting them. By touching the seal, it activates and nullifies the effects of the hostile Fuinjutsu cast on them. Though, this technique only protects the user, not anyone else that might also be caught in the same Fuinjutsu.
Conditional Countermeasure Release
Derivative • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A variant array that can be triggered by a coded pulse of chakra or spoken passphrase in the case that it is impossible to touch it for activation. It can alternatively be set to trigger in the extended absence of certain stimuli, presuming the user is otherwise too incapacitated to trigger any of its other activation conditions. Due to the semi-automated nature of this seal and the fact that it can be activated with a signal, it is possible to utilize this defensively for any nearby allies bearing it.
Derivative • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A variant array that can be triggered by a coded pulse of chakra or spoken passphrase in the case that it is impossible to touch it for activation. It can alternatively be set to trigger in the extended absence of certain stimuli, presuming the user is otherwise too incapacitated to trigger any of its other activation conditions. Due to the semi-automated nature of this seal and the fact that it can be activated with a signal, it is possible to utilize this defensively for any nearby allies bearing it.
Self-Cursing Seal
B-Rank • Closerange • Acquired
Similar to the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, this seal can also be applied during combat, and it can secretly be placed on a target's body. When the user activates it, the curse seal's marks spread around the subject's body, paralyzing them. However, one can break free with a strong enough release of chakra (noted example: unleashing Susanoo).
Paralysis Tag
Derivative • Closerange • Selfmade
A variant of the sealing array mounted to a medium -like a sheet of paper- and set to be triggered after a time period, when stuck to a target or when remotely activated. In this form, this jutsu can be applied to the Barrier Method Formation, and when triggered, the tags are consumed to unleash their effect upon all available targets within the barrier's area.
Derivative • Closerange • Selfmade
A variant of the sealing array mounted to a medium -like a sheet of paper- and set to be triggered after a time period, when stuck to a target or when remotely activated. In this form, this jutsu can be applied to the Barrier Method Formation, and when triggered, the tags are consumed to unleash their effect upon all available targets within the barrier's area.
Rupture Style: Rupture Fist
Taijutsu Style • Closerange • Selfmade
Rupture Style: Rupture Fist
A taijutsu style inspired by the likes of the Gentle Fist, Kasumi originally began developing it after witnessing the consequences of overcharging the Surface Walking technique. The Rupture Fist is a taijutsu style revolving around the offensive use of a bastardized Surface Walking jutsu to stick to and violently inject chakra into a target on touch, causing immense internal damage and -more often than not- for the infused area to even outright explode. Despite comparisons to Tsunade's superstrength technique, this jutsu is entirely focused on damage in a much shorter range. It is thus more devastating in its own right but does not inherently physically enhance the user as a bonus. Side effects of the Rupture Fist on a target can be damage to or blockages in the chakra system (reference: Gentle Fist), along with the potential to send victims into a coma (reference: Mystical Palm).
As a fighting style, the Rupture Fist styles itself as that of a brutal, dirty brawler, striking with the confidence that even a single touch can mean death or a horrific maiming for the victim. Because it does not particularly rely on striking specific targets or weak points, the Rupture Fist is perfectly happy to make any form of contact at all, to cause any form of damage at all, knowing that even the slightest wound is one step towards victory. Even so, despite this acknowledgement, the Rupture Fist is by no means the path of a death by a thousand cuts. Every single strike is made with deadly capacity and intent, bearing the potential for ruination should the opponent let their guard down even once. Whether the user is striking or blocking, they remain easily in a perpetual state of attack. This flexibility allows a user to approach combat however they prefer, either aggressively pursuing foes, or conservatively allowing the enemy to come to them. Either way, they can feel assured that the result will be the same.
Rupture Style: Quake Sheath
A companion jutsu and countermeasure against the primary technique of the Rupture Fist, Kasumi designed this as a counter to her own tricks being used against her. Demanding high chakra control, this jutsu is accomplished by bleeding chakra from one's skin to create a protective film of chakra over the user's body. In doing so, this film prevents incoming chakra from being injected through shielded areas, a measure that largely nullifies the worst of not only the Rupture Fist, but related techniques like Chakra Enhanced Strength and the Gentle Fist. A guarded area will even repel the application of unwanted Fuinjutsu arrays. Having the user's chakra shoved out in mass this way in a constant stream is, however, generally extremely taxing, and it is usually most efficient to only protect one's limbs to parry blows with. It should be noted, of course, that an attacker may be able to break through this defense -at least in part- if they use enough chakra in their own attack to overpower it.
A taijutsu style inspired by the likes of the Gentle Fist, Kasumi originally began developing it after witnessing the consequences of overcharging the Surface Walking technique. The Rupture Fist is a taijutsu style revolving around the offensive use of a bastardized Surface Walking jutsu to stick to and violently inject chakra into a target on touch, causing immense internal damage and -more often than not- for the infused area to even outright explode. Despite comparisons to Tsunade's superstrength technique, this jutsu is entirely focused on damage in a much shorter range. It is thus more devastating in its own right but does not inherently physically enhance the user as a bonus. Side effects of the Rupture Fist on a target can be damage to or blockages in the chakra system (reference: Gentle Fist), along with the potential to send victims into a coma (reference: Mystical Palm).
As a fighting style, the Rupture Fist styles itself as that of a brutal, dirty brawler, striking with the confidence that even a single touch can mean death or a horrific maiming for the victim. Because it does not particularly rely on striking specific targets or weak points, the Rupture Fist is perfectly happy to make any form of contact at all, to cause any form of damage at all, knowing that even the slightest wound is one step towards victory. Even so, despite this acknowledgement, the Rupture Fist is by no means the path of a death by a thousand cuts. Every single strike is made with deadly capacity and intent, bearing the potential for ruination should the opponent let their guard down even once. Whether the user is striking or blocking, they remain easily in a perpetual state of attack. This flexibility allows a user to approach combat however they prefer, either aggressively pursuing foes, or conservatively allowing the enemy to come to them. Either way, they can feel assured that the result will be the same.
Rupture Style: Delayed Eruption
Derivative Use • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A more difficult variation of a Rupture Fist strike that implants a "bulb" of chakra inside a target, which contains a preset amount of chakra. This chakra can be set to erupt after a short period, or it can be set to detonate when incited with a follow-up pulse of chakra. This variant, however, requires a little bit of prep time to carefully shape the bulb preemptively before the injection.
Derivative Use • Close-midrange • Selfmade
A more difficult variation of a Rupture Fist strike that implants a "bulb" of chakra inside a target, which contains a preset amount of chakra. This chakra can be set to erupt after a short period, or it can be set to detonate when incited with a follow-up pulse of chakra. This variant, however, requires a little bit of prep time to carefully shape the bulb preemptively before the injection.
Rupture Style: Shaped Charge
Derivative Use • Allranges • Selfmade
A charged Rupture Fist strike of varying potential, the user maintains extended contact with a surface or target and focuses on creating a more directed explosion. Instead of allowing their chakra to run rampant within a general target zone, they give the eruption a limited boundary to operate and inject chakra far more slowly and carefully than normal. A result of this greater focus is the ability to "transmit" the eruption across larger distances or for the eruption to be even more devastating than normal, scaling to outright disintegration at full charge. Because of the slow speed, this jutsu is generally combat impractical, but it is useful as an ambush opener or for the demolition of fortified structures (like walls), along with the secure disposal of bodies.
Derivative Use • Allranges • Selfmade
A charged Rupture Fist strike of varying potential, the user maintains extended contact with a surface or target and focuses on creating a more directed explosion. Instead of allowing their chakra to run rampant within a general target zone, they give the eruption a limited boundary to operate and inject chakra far more slowly and carefully than normal. A result of this greater focus is the ability to "transmit" the eruption across larger distances or for the eruption to be even more devastating than normal, scaling to outright disintegration at full charge. Because of the slow speed, this jutsu is generally combat impractical, but it is useful as an ambush opener or for the demolition of fortified structures (like walls), along with the secure disposal of bodies.
Rupture Style: Quake Sheath
A companion jutsu and countermeasure against the primary technique of the Rupture Fist, Kasumi designed this as a counter to her own tricks being used against her. Demanding high chakra control, this jutsu is accomplished by bleeding chakra from one's skin to create a protective film of chakra over the user's body. In doing so, this film prevents incoming chakra from being injected through shielded areas, a measure that largely nullifies the worst of not only the Rupture Fist, but related techniques like Chakra Enhanced Strength and the Gentle Fist. A guarded area will even repel the application of unwanted Fuinjutsu arrays. Having the user's chakra shoved out in mass this way in a constant stream is, however, generally extremely taxing, and it is usually most efficient to only protect one's limbs to parry blows with. It should be noted, of course, that an attacker may be able to break through this defense -at least in part- if they use enough chakra in their own attack to overpower it.
Rupture Style: Reactive Sheathe
Derivative Use • Closerange • Selfmade
A variation of the Quake Sheath requiring impeccable chakra control and timing, instead of maintaining a constant stream of chakra preventatively, the user reactively deploys their chakra to guard an area of their body that is about to recieve an attack. The result is temporary, but the force of such an expulsion may both additionally blunt the force of the received blow and perhaps cause the enemy to rebound, providing an opportunity for retreat or counterattack.
Derivative Use • Closerange • Selfmade
A variation of the Quake Sheath requiring impeccable chakra control and timing, instead of maintaining a constant stream of chakra preventatively, the user reactively deploys their chakra to guard an area of their body that is about to recieve an attack. The result is temporary, but the force of such an expulsion may both additionally blunt the force of the received blow and perhaps cause the enemy to rebound, providing an opportunity for retreat or counterattack.
Rupture Style: Punishing Defense
Derivative Use • Closerange • Selfmade
A further refinement of the reactionary variant of this defensive technique that strikes to turn even a strategy of defense into further offense. With precise timing and chakra control, the user receives an attack with a rapidly condensed spike of chakra, which is then stabbed into the incoming blow to both disrupt the structure of any chakra shaped into it and to hopefully pierce the opponent with a chakra invasion of the user's own, counting on the attacker to not be able to maintain a worthwhile defense of their own behind their offense-oriented blow.
Derivative Use • Closerange • Selfmade
A further refinement of the reactionary variant of this defensive technique that strikes to turn even a strategy of defense into further offense. With precise timing and chakra control, the user receives an attack with a rapidly condensed spike of chakra, which is then stabbed into the incoming blow to both disrupt the structure of any chakra shaped into it and to hopefully pierce the opponent with a chakra invasion of the user's own, counting on the attacker to not be able to maintain a worthwhile defense of their own behind their offense-oriented blow.
Inner Sakura: Domain Expansion
S-Rank • AOE Allranges • Selfmade
A combined Fuinjutsu and Yin technique that requires the presence of the Inner Sakura. The caster prepares this technique by preemptively applying a complicated sealing array on their own body, which compresses into a smaller shape. When casting the technique, this array expands and blooms out from their body into a spherical radius of variable width to form a barrier, whereupon Yin chakra is applied with a storage seal-adjacent formula to swallow everything inside that radius and pull it into a space cut off from the world in a conventional manner. In a sense, it is a jutsu that "seals the world inside it into the world itself", creating a pocket dimension.
Once cast, those inside the barrier will find themselves locked inside a space seemingly much larger than the original area of the barrier, the world around them replaced with a replicated manifestation of a portion of the caster's mindscape, a feat only truly possible with the aid of an Inner Sakura to ensure the fabrication is clearly defined. This space can take many forms, depending on the caster's desires, imagination and mental state, and the contents are prone to alteration between castings. It is as much possible for the contents to be a blank void as a volatile memory.
Once successfully deployed, the insides of this "Domain" come under the caster's rough control. Depending on the environment and the clarity of the caster's memory, the Domain may be filled with a variety of assets or hazards. And despite being a replication, the things it manifests are no mere illusions, quite capable of doing harm to those inside, if generally to a lesser degree than the real ones. The caster can actively enhance the "realism" -and thus overall lethality and effectiveness- of the Domain's manifestations by concentrating on imposing their own memories and of such phenomenon on the creations; this is typically most effective as an open narration or monologue, even if it naturally comes at some cost to surprise.
Escaping the Domain is simple in theory. Disabling the caster will cause it to immediately collapse. It is also an immense chakra hog, best only used as a last resort. If the caster cannot accomplish anything meaningful with it quickly, they will soon lose the strength to maintain it at all. Furthermore, the Domain can be disrupted by the presence of too much invasive chakra; the more spiritual energies other than the caster's own that pollute the Domain, the more chakra it requires to remain stable. Hence, it is most efficient to limit the number of people brought inside, even if they are allies. As an example, the detonation of a Tailed Beast Ball would almost certainly collapse the Domain in one shot.
When the jutsu ends, the sealing formula used to launch it will retract back into a dormant state on the caster's body, and everyone within the barrier will be returned to where they were prior to entering it. Further, any objects or entities that were manifested by the Domain will disappear with it, their temporary existences succumbing to their inherent falsity.
Once cast, those inside the barrier will find themselves locked inside a space seemingly much larger than the original area of the barrier, the world around them replaced with a replicated manifestation of a portion of the caster's mindscape, a feat only truly possible with the aid of an Inner Sakura to ensure the fabrication is clearly defined. This space can take many forms, depending on the caster's desires, imagination and mental state, and the contents are prone to alteration between castings. It is as much possible for the contents to be a blank void as a volatile memory.
Once successfully deployed, the insides of this "Domain" come under the caster's rough control. Depending on the environment and the clarity of the caster's memory, the Domain may be filled with a variety of assets or hazards. And despite being a replication, the things it manifests are no mere illusions, quite capable of doing harm to those inside, if generally to a lesser degree than the real ones. The caster can actively enhance the "realism" -and thus overall lethality and effectiveness- of the Domain's manifestations by concentrating on imposing their own memories and of such phenomenon on the creations; this is typically most effective as an open narration or monologue, even if it naturally comes at some cost to surprise.
Escaping the Domain is simple in theory. Disabling the caster will cause it to immediately collapse. It is also an immense chakra hog, best only used as a last resort. If the caster cannot accomplish anything meaningful with it quickly, they will soon lose the strength to maintain it at all. Furthermore, the Domain can be disrupted by the presence of too much invasive chakra; the more spiritual energies other than the caster's own that pollute the Domain, the more chakra it requires to remain stable. Hence, it is most efficient to limit the number of people brought inside, even if they are allies. As an example, the detonation of a Tailed Beast Ball would almost certainly collapse the Domain in one shot.
When the jutsu ends, the sealing formula used to launch it will retract back into a dormant state on the caster's body, and everyone within the barrier will be returned to where they were prior to entering it. Further, any objects or entities that were manifested by the Domain will disappear with it, their temporary existences succumbing to their inherent falsity.
* (Story Locked)
Derivative Use · ??? range
Derivative Use · ??? range
* (Story Locked)
Derivative Use · ??? range
Derivative Use · ??? range