Avatar of Lichthart
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 42 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Lichthart 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Welp, that's a RIP it seems. On the bright side, that also answered well my second question... how the heck you're supposed to comment on people's statuses. You don't! ^^;
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8 yrs ago
Yo guys, is there any way to change the Forum theme to a different set of colours? Ideally classic white with black text? I got some weird eyes and white-on-black is pretty darn hard to read for me.
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Yo guys. I was actually supposed to join in when this had started out, but I had to deal with a few little errands that put me back a few days. By then I'd figured that since I was decently close to my fattest exams, it'd be pretty nuts by even my standards to sign myself up for a new RP. :P

Anyways, those are all done and sorted now. I'm really glad to see things have still been going strong this whole time, and I'll bash up a character and get started; well, as soon as I've caught up with everyone's characters, posts, and assured to myself that I won't be throwing a wrench into what's going down!
@Zorogami - Thanks a lot, man!

I did find an RP I've been liking the looks of since I posted that message, and have only held off on writing a character because I had to revise for my last re-sits (which just finished on up). But, I wasn't aware of Knights of Melarus, and I'm really liking the look of it!

Honestly, I don't know if I'm quite on a par with the writers that look to be congregating over there; but hey! If I get to it, it's definitely worth a shot. I love the fantasy realm he's created, I'm a sucker for original lore and minutiae. C:

Cheers again for helping me out.

No sweat. Best of luck on the roleplay. And, er, sorry my message went through three times. Forums were on the blink even more than I'd first thought!
This looks like it could be a lot of fun!

I can see you've still got the join status open, but the cast is admittedly pretty chunky already. So, I figured I'd best check: good idea for me to start thinking and writing on a character, or would it be best if I let it alone? I mean, I'm pretty late to the party and don't want to be the RP equivalent of the straw breaking the camel's back, haha, if I barge in now.
EDIT: Sorry, dang forums were playing up giving me error messages on submission. So I got a nice duplicate, and I... er, can't find the 'delete post' button. Whoops.
This looks like it could be a lot of fun!

I can see you've still got the join status open, but the cast is admittedly pretty chunky already. So, I figured I'd best check: good idea for me to start thinking and writing on a character, or would it be best if I let it alone? I mean, I'm pretty late to the party and don't want to be the RP equivalent of the straw breaking the camel's back, haha, if I barge in now.

Thanks guys! Though, in honesty, it's moreso great for me to be able to write a bit with you guys, than for you guys to have little old me on board... this already looks to be shaping up really well, and The Mindskitter in particular was a straight-up genius character before he even got out the door.

Sorry to distract you from your work Polybius - don't worry about the new thread and if/when it comes, I sort of misread what you'd said in the first place and honestly, it's no big deal where the thread's located. I'll get a char up pretty soon if I can; got an idea or two in mind, but I'll have to make myself resist for tonight as I really must do a good bit of Maths revision before I embark on some damned fruitless resit tomorrow. Course I don't particularly want to do that Maths, and I'm not the most disciplined of people, but I have to try. :P
Oh wow, okay. I hadn't really poked my head into the free section speaking prior, I'd been under the uninformed assumption that most of what I'd see'd be a little too basic and quick-fire for my tastes. This looks really interesting though, potentially. If you're going to shift the thread over I'll wait on that, then I'll make an application hopefully.
I'm more partial to Street Fighter it must be said, though I do agree with you that Skullgirls has more and higher-quality pure lore to work with. Street Fighter, much as I enjoy it, is kinda like Mortal Kombat in Tekken in that its plotlines tend to be when ya get down to it some ridiculously convoluted and absolutely mad set of reasons for why a bunch of people should punch each other. Many times.

Not that familiar with the Skullgirls lore but I could certainly bone up on it if need be. Just the atmosphere of a fighting game is something fresh on my end, mind, so I'd be intrigued to see whatever you could come up with if you're pursuing the route of a semi-original background. :P

In short, I'm liking all of these ideas enough, and are pretty easy between 'em.

Cool, guys! I'm looking forward to it. Admittedly the suspense has me in a bit of a wrap, but we should be setting off almost as soon as @Meister turns up. Poor guy must be having a busy weekend and week, I guess I'm the same but a bit of writing helps me unwind.

For me personally, it's just too bad that I haven't spotted any other cool (open) RPs as of yet over here, and I'm loathe to commit to anything on my home site. Feeling a little bone-dry for me right now in written terms.
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