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James would nod in agreement to her words, true enough Ivory was sweet from the time he had to speak with her. Thinking a bit bit before speaking again. "Well she is sweet true... but... Chuckling and grinning as his foot gently taps against hers. "You are sweeter in my opinion." Some red forming at his cheeks, nothing much but enough that she could see it if she looked at him. It was true, she was sweet as well and he felt lucky to be with her. Looking at his empty plate as he gently pushes it to the side, sighing happily as he looks around for a short amount of time. Curious what everyone else was doing, though it seems most people were finishing up at this point or were getting close to. Even if Lunch got over he wanted to spend time with Cecilia, even if another friend of hers was around. Not a problem for him, thinking once again as he looked at her. Smiling softly as his foot taps against hers once more. "So what exactly did you draw in the activity? Curious now."

James would smile softly as Cecilia mention her wanting to come with her, nodding happily as he tried to think of what to say next. Humming softly to himself before Cecilia made the next choice of conversation for them. Tapping his cheek gently as he looked at Neric, smiling softly back at Cecilia. "Well didn't get to do much drawing, but the picture I did show Ivory-" Neric coughing a bit, pointing at the table of food as James nods, Neric heading off shortly after with his plate. "Go ahead buddy." Watching after the Void for a short bit before quickly looking at Cecilia with his smile returning, and looking very eager. "Don't say anything to Neric, but I showed Ivory the picture he made and she loved it. It's something I will never be able to make no matter how hard I try." Chuckling softly afterwards, knowing he didn't do much at all with drawing. But maybe Cecilia would like to see it sometime, looking over at Neric as the Void start making his way over. Looking back to Cecilia and slowly putting a finger to his lips, hoping she keep quiet as Neric came back over. Placing the plate on the table, climbing back up onto the table and once again consuming the peppers as he looked between them.

"So, I get the feeling James already mentioned his. How was your art activity Cecilia?"

James would happily sit with her when she answered, also elated to spend a little more time with her. Watching Neric for a moment while she got situated but then looking to her as she explained why she was late. He wasn't annoyed with her being late, things always happen. Hearing why Ivory stayed back put his mind at ease while also making him feel bad as well, it wasn't his fault thankfully so that was a plus. But he felt bad that she was going to outright refuse to eat lunch because of everyone else here, most likely not her fault. James rubbing his chin as he thought for a bit, looking around as he hummed softly. He didn't wanna leave her behind and most certainly didn't want Cecilia to feel like she did the same, especially in the case that it's most obvious they were good friends now. Smiling as he looks back at her, quickly making up his mind. "Well, to make it easier for her we can take her a plate. Unless you two just wanted to spend time together that is more then fine with me. I can stick around here, don't worry I can handle myself." Chuckling and smiling at her affectionately, giving her the choice of him tagging along or if she just wanted it to be a time for the two of them to spend time together. He was trying to show that he didn't wanna take all her time for herself, to James it would be unfair to her if she couldn't spend time with other friends.

Neric would already be on his fifth plate of peppers, really hungry for that heat. For a Void, any type of energy is sustenance to them. James couldn't help but chuckle softly at the Void, shaking his head as he looks around the lunchroom. It surely was rather packed, not to the point everyone was needing to squeeze in but close enough. It was something James was used to afterall, being on the streets he had to learn how to cope and deal with many different things. Both good and bad. Though the moment he caught eye of Cecilia, he would smile wide as he looked at his Void. Tapping the little Black Monkey's shoulder before nodding in Cecilia's direction, taking his almost empty plate and walking over. Neric, taking his full plate of peppers, would follow suit. James rather anxious to talk to her again, hopefully it wasn't bad of him. But he couldn't help it. Gently setting his plate on the table, he would chuckle softly and smile at the girl. "Hey Cecilia, mind if we join you or is this spot saved for your friend?" The little Void setting his own plate on the table before hopping up, crawling over to the plate and 'feasting' as James shakes his head. No matter what situation, that Void almost always took it coolly. But that really depends on the situation, a good amount of the time Neric comes back to with his past training with various military. James looking back at Cecilia, awaiting her answer eagerly. Although if she was to say that she was holding it, the boy would be more then happy to agree and sit somewhere else or in another spot. Not wanting to take her time away from spending it with another that she just met.

My character is currently in the Lunch room.

Naw you're fine, don't worry about it. Besides you make the RP more interesting then I can so ya we'll wait for you! x3

James wasn't expecting when she left, looking back as he blinked a couple times. Was it something he said? Thinking a tad on the subject before shaking his head and heading into the lunch room. Maybe he'll get to see Cecilia when she comes around? Though if she wants to have lunch with Ivory, he was going to be alright with it. Grabbing his lunch and looking around for an empty table as he sat himself down, the monkey that is Neric would shove the plate of hot types of peppers on the table before climbing on the table himself. Looking at James and nodding before 'consuming' the peppers with his cloud hovering over them, the Void sighing softly as the cloud retracts. Revealing not really peppers anymore, they were completely dried up and crumpled. The Void sucking the energy and heat from them as he looks at James. "So, how was the activity for you?"

James would think on it a bit, looking up at the ceiling before back at the Void. "It was alright, didn't get to draw and met someone new..." Twiddling his thumbs as the Void nods, takes the plate and heads off for seconds. James letting the little monkey run off as he goes for his meal, nothing special but it's a balanced meal that was more on the healthier side. Taking small bites at a time, waiting for either Neric or someone to come along. Though he's used to being alone.

Oh it's quite fine, everyone has their quirks and such. James has some himself, but hasn't shown it yet x3


Oh it's quite alright, the activity is over as well. I was mostly joking but if she wanted to keep talking to James there is no one stopping her :P

Just as Ivory was about to show her notebook with her pictures, the bell for lunch sounded as everyone started heading out. Looking back at the girl, James would chuckle softly before speaking. "Oh don't worry, it's the lunch bell. Means everyone is to head to the large building outside for lunch. Wanna tag along? Is Cecilia going to join us?" And of course he'll have to kick himself later, him mentioning Cecilia brought a slight blush to his cheeks. Hoping Ivory didn't notice right off the bat, letting her grab her things before starting to head out. Opening the door for her as he looked around in the building, sighing softly before following after.

The boy would look over at her bag as she mentioned her drawings, smiling as he looked back at her. "Sure, I'd be honored to see your drawings." Chuckling to himself, did he really have to say it like that? It was more or less to be polite and nice about it, but really he did wanna see what she could do. Walking over with her to her bag to see what she had in store.
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