Avatar of Little Kitsune
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    1. Little Kitsune 7 yrs ago


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Updating! tl;dr this is a name change from Esoteric.

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M A K I A H K A P L E N - M E A D O W S
F e m a l e ● T w e n t y - T h r e e ● A B - P o s i t i v e

● Enhanced Durability and Heat Resistance
Kiah has dark, sooty black scarring that's cracked and split, resembling cooled magma rock and the molten glow beneath. This scarring travels from her hands, up to her forearms and fades out just past her elbows. It also covers her feet,shins, and creeps just up towards the middle of her thighs. There is also scarring around her eyes, with finer cracks, and irises that glow like white hot coals.

The scarring is hard as a rock, offering her good resistance to external forces, but can be broken off. When a section is broken off, the revealed area glows dull orange, like lava. Thanks to the Changed's regeneration abilities, the rocky covering can grow back quickly, but takes a little longer to thicken up, and harden. An additional benefit to her condition, Kiah is highly resistance to heat and flame where the scarring covers her.

● Playing With Fire
Makiah has the ability to generate and control fire. Kinectically, she can emit bursts of flame, and bend it to her will. She can also control natural fire, which is considerably less taxing than generating it herself. As she uses her power, she heats up, becoming hotter and hotter. She can create an aura of intense heat around herself, making her body too hot to touch. She can intensify this into an actual aura of flame itself, becoming a living human torch.


With shoulder-length, raven black hair Kiah is almost the spitting image of her sister. Sharing many traits with her mother, her face is softer and rounder, but has the same button nose and pert mouth as Natalie. Though, she does have her father's eyes; large, and ocean blue, they have her mother's warmth. Fortunately she wasn't gifted with her mother's height, standing a little taller at 5'6 (170cm), and weighing a reasonable 136 lbs (61.6 kg).

Kia's complexion is relatively clear, and has a moderate tan. Though, since her mutations have awakened her tan lines have seemed to have evaporated into a full body tan, perhaps that has something to due with her affinity to heat. Also, her skin is always noticeably hot, also due to her mutations. She has a small waist, a slender figure, and a pair of compact B-cups.

Butterfly Bow tattoos on either side of her pelvis, near the top of her hip line.
Pierced ears and bellybutton.

Kia is an ambitious risk-taker who knows how to have fun. Before the end, she was no stranger to a club with pounding music, a bar flowing with drink, and always seemed to have headphones in her ears. Always moving, always tapping her feet or strumming her fingers, she's self-diagnosed herself with A.D.D. She's prone to her impulses, and often isn't as observant as she could be if she just slowed down.

Kia can also be known to be rather flirty, at least in a comfortable situation. She cares about people, she's quick to trust, and she always tries to find the good lurking within everyone. Always the optimistic, she lives her life riding the silver-lining.

R E F L E C T I O N S : P A R T T W O

Cigarettes and lighter.
Hello Kitty brand pepper-spray.
"Lady Mary Jane".
Rolling papers.

● "Hello, Thank you for choosing..." Without any real technical, or practical trade skills, Kiah's only real work force benefit comes from talking to people. Five years of customer service will do that, and teach you how to get what you want: Like diffusing a situation, especially when your ass is on the line.

● "Inter-Store Triathlon." Being near the bottom of the corporate ladder meant Kiah got her hands dirty with plenty of grunt labor. Jogging with product boxes, bending and lifting, and scaling ladders equaled her work provided entry level gym membership. At least it helped keep her muscles in shape and provided a good core workout. This and getting her cardio in at the gym, or through early morning jogs, means she's in better than average shape compared to the rest of the world.

● "Those are rookie numbers." Little did she know, her strategic planning ability sure is likely to come in handy nowadays. Working as a manager in retail meant she had too much work and not enough time, along with planning the everyday normal things; Her outfit for the night, How she was going to do her makeup, If she had time to run errans, What to eat for dinner, If she was going to miss any of her favorite shows, Calculating how much money she had in the bank. Crunching all these numbers, and perfecting all of these plans has oriented her brain to strategic thinking. How to use facts, how to manage her time, her resources, and most importantly—Remembering every detail.

● "Vice City." Nobody's perfect right? Well, neither is reality, work, or all of the struggles that come with adult life. Kiah like to spend her nights out, clubbing, bar hopping, or just perusing around the town. Her nights were late, and her mornings came much too early. She's the kind of person to lay in bed for ten extra minutes, debating whether to call into work or not. The one thing that really helped her feel leveled out is something she shares with her sister, Good ol' "Lady Mary Jane". Kia is also a smoker, and a frequent drinker.

● "Do Not Operate When..." There are two major downsides to Kiah's powers. The first is the cooling of her body, much like snuffing out a candle flame. She's particularly vulnerable to excessive cold temperatures, the kind that negates her body temperature, despite how hot she usually is. Water is a double-sided coin: On one hand she'll warm standing water, fortunately well below boiling point. On the other, cold water will have the same effect as cold temperatures, sapping away her body heat until she shuts down completely. The second downside is that fire is a raging, destructive force. It can be hard to control, the more intense the fire the harder it is to stop. This fact is even more true when her emotions are running wild, she can become a conflagration instantaneously, even subconsciously.

● "The Grass is Always Greener..." Despite the rocky road life can be with her sister, Kiah is what you'd call an optimist. Always trying to have a positive outlook, always trying to find that silver-lining. She hasn't been wholly exposed to the cruelty of the world, or she looks away. She's got a good heart, but that only means she takes the negative harder.

● "Little Inferno." Due to her outlook on life, it's not often that Kiah finds herself truly down in the slumps, or very angry. But, when she gets truly pissed... well, that's when things can get out of control. Iconically, anger and fire go hand-in-hand, and she's a living example of that. Like a lit match on a dry plains swept with wind, she'll become the kind of inferno you've only heard about.

● "Stoking the Fire" Makiah not only has a limit to her powers just as the other changed, but they can come in two forms. When she goes beyond that limit, she'll start to suffer symptoms akin to a heat stroke. Signs of delirium, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue, and an accelerated heart rate. Ignoring these signs will lead to cardiac arrest, followed by her heart weakening to a point where it will give out completely. The second, more dangerous version of this is her unleashed state. If her emotions are running rampant, the inferno she causes will start to consume her, burning her away until she is nothing but ash.

● Natalie Kaplen-Meadows is Makiah's sister, who is two years older.
● Elliora Kaplen is their mother of forty-nine.
● Arcturo Meadows is their father of fifty-two.

@Adora Bell Absolutely!

"They gave Pandora a box. Prometheus begged her not to open it.
She opened it. Every evil to which human flesh is heir came out of it.
The last thing to come out of the box was hope. It flew away."

~ Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake

You're sitting there, alone, huddled in a corner shaking with fear and terror, only slightly numbed by shock. Outside you can hear nothing but pure turmoil, the shrill screams of people being torn down in the streets to the rhythmic echoes of gunfire and pounding explosions. Hours earlier you were carefree, living in the city of splendor and going about your day. You were filled with hope, the war on your home soil was finally being won, life was good. Then, as if on the drop of a dime, everything fell to ruin. Every two out of three people fell to the ground, catatonic, a blackness creeping into their eyes and in veins that spider-webbed across their skin.

You'd later know to call these people, these creatures, the Feral—but for now you sit there and listen as these things of nightmare rampage across the city. Destroying everything you've ever known, your loved ones, your friends, literally ripping your hopes and dreams from you. Hope is fleeting, as the chaos outside seems to pick up to a roaring cacophony of noise. The metallic door begins to screech, you look up, peering into the bleak shadows of night at the profusely bleeding hand trying to desperately to get at you. The body connected to the arm lets out a guttural roar, you've seen first hand what these things can do. How fast they are, how strong, how they hunt with reckless abandon-trampling and spilling over one another to get at their prey. It's time to move.

As you head for the back, a disturbing though crosses your mind, one from earlier in the day. Watching from an alleyway as a horde of people.. no, they're not people anymore are they? A horde of these ferals, swarm down the street as a man perched atop a bus guns them down in the dozens. They keep getting back up, uncaring of their wounds, only truly stopped by being shot in the head, or at least crippled. But what's truly frightening was their speed, their carelessness. They were sprinting towards the bus, leaping and smashing into it, the force of all these bodies pile-driving those before them until the bus began to tip, and finally rolled over.

That thought scares you, a fear that settles deep into your bones. Yet, somehow, there's a deeper feeling sinking inside of you. A dark pit resonating from within you, because you know... It's only going to get worse from here. As you dwell on this thought, you can feel something stirring deep within you. Some sort of resonation of change, of power.

Garden of Shadows is a unique take on a viral, apocalyptic roleplay. The monsters are bigger, and meaner; Our characters powerful, and unique. The events to come, extraordinary and terrible. I've collected my favorite elements from a wide range of movies, games, and stories and compiled them all here. With superpowers comes odd, twisted mutation. With change, comes resistance, prejudice. With hate, violence, and the inevitable struggle to survive. All set in a world that will do it's absolute best to swallow your character into the darkness, to break them physically and mentally. A world that is shaped by your decisions, and ultimately, your goals.

The roleplay centers around a select group of people, affected by the Pandora Virus in such a way that they become something inhuman, something powerful—The Changed. A higher ascension of existence, our characters now have to struggle with their new powers, the social discrimination, and the cruelty of the world. How they approach their new found talents will shape the world, for better or for worse. Some may sympathize with The Pure, humans who are either unaffected, or have yet to be, by the virus.

In addition to this, over the course of the roleplay our characters will deal with survival against the Feral, The Nightmare, and The Twisted. The characters still very much require food, and water, and so do their followers if they have any. Settlements will need to find a way to benefit from others, through mutual alliance, or force. The world will also be subject to, what will at first seem like, paranormal events. However, there is a reason for everything, a root cause to all problems. Finding out those answers are also up to you.

However, in all of this, there is a goal. A driving plot, surrounding P̸͜͏͞r̨̡̛̛͞ǫ̸̀̕͟j̢̢̧͢͡ȩ̵c̵͘t̵͟͟ ̧F̛͡i̸r̸s̸͞t̡̡͜͝ ̷͟͜͞Ç͜h͟҉҉̴a̧̛͠ò̧s͘̕҉ . Sorry, I meant P̵̡̢r̴̛͡o̷j̸́e̵͟͜ç̶̕t̨ ̡͟F̀͜i̸̷r̵̕sţ ̷͜͜C̴h̨͟a͘͠o̴̴̧ś͠. Dammit. Anyways, that, and its subjects. How does this relate to what's happening the world now? Will it explain your powers? The Feral? The anomalic events? Will it explain why the sun set, on that first day, and never rose again?

The final piece of revelation I have for you is that the world is shrouded in darkness. After that first day, the sun didn't rise again. Instead, in its place loomed roiling banks of dark clouds. A perpetual brewing storm in abyssal shades of black and gray, filtering out nearly all of the light. Fortunately, the power plant is secure and the municipal lights are on. Sure, they may kill your night vision at times, but it's better than the eerie darkness that lays over everything right? However, the world is dark, but it's not pitch black, and with streetlights on, it's not so bad right now.

Blood Type: O-Positive & A-Positive

Creatures of this sort have been depicted in many different ways, but the Feral are something different, yet familiar. They're fast, always sprinting with their heads bent low into the wind. They don't tire, they don't ache, they just run without care. They are strong enough to tear through the walls of a house, or rip down that metal screen door you always tried not to slam. However, the feral can't see well, so they're mostly attracted to noise. If you're being blatantly obvious, they will see you, so remember to stick to the shadows.

Interestingly enough, the feral don't seem particularly smart. They don't seem to grasp the concepts of navigation, rather seeing the path to their target as a straight line. They are wild, and become frenzied during the chase to the point where they will tumble and run over one another, or continually smash themselves into something until they a certain they've lost the hunt, or their obstacle is moved. Hordes of them can topple a bus, by continually throwing themselves against it. Together they could smash through a brick wall, or even scale several stories by climbing the gathering pile of their brethren.

The Feral are characterized with dark eyes almost entirely the color of coal. Their pale skin is spider-webbed with black veins, but otherwise they still resemble the people they once were. The feral also have near perfect regeneration, able to come back from any wound within about a day, less for minor wounds. You can slow them down by crippling them, but the only way to truly stop them is the same, classic strategies—destroy the brain or spinal column.

Blood Type: B-Negative (Somatic Abilities)
Blood Type: AB-Positive (Kinetic Abilities)

There are two types of changed, the kinetic, and the somatic. Those that deal with the forces, or essences of nature, natural or not; or those that are affected physically or mentally. The lucky individuals to become changed, instead of something worse, have the unfortunate side-effect of mutation. These mutations always come in colors schemes of dark colors, most notably black, with vibrant details or trimmings. Almost the same way how natural predators are marked, such as how a deadly black snake will have bright markings to visually warn potential predators of how dangerous it is.

Those with kinetic powers of manipulation can feature neon colors in the form of glowing energy. For example, a changed that can generate an acidic coating on their skin may be covered in glowing bubbles of flesh, like blisters, that glow a vibrant green. One who could generate blasts of lightning may have their back and the outsides of their arms covered in black spikes, that gather the electrical energy in the air. Perhaps while doing this, bright blue arcs jump between the spikes, like a "Jacob's Ladder" electrical device.

The Somatic however, have enhanced physical capabilities, senses, or mentality. A changed of great strength may have their arms covered in a thick, black chitin acting like armor. One that could run at accelerated speeds may have strategic, aerodynamic fins and so forth. It will be up to you to create these creepy, otherworldly mutations.

A very important note, The Changed are not an instant genetic bomb like the Feral. These powers could take some time to manifest, the mutations wouldn't be so virulent as to cover their entire body. For the most part, The Changed still look like people, if a bit different and terrifying. The Changed will face trials in dealing with, and learning to control their new powers. Elemental or manipulation, also known as Kinetic, powers may only work sporadically, where a somatic may find their stamina depletes rapidly. And always, as the world turns, so do people fear changed and the unknown.

In this land of violence and despair, it's not unlikely that you'll eventually encounter other beings. A volatile thing, the Pandora Virus is bound to have plenty of offshoots of hard-coded, and variable strains. It's predicted that entire species of animals can fall prey to these mutations. You'll encounter people similar to the changed, but pushed beyond their humanity—The Twisted. At other times, things of nightmare will stalk you throughout the endless night, creatures so fearsome and terrible that it may not be worth the trouble to fight them.

Then there's the Protogenoi, so little is known about them. Are they like the Changed? The Twisted? Are they people of nightmare, or gods among men? Are they the scientists, or unfortunate subjects? And most importantly, are they to blame? What about the uninfected, unaffected humans—The Pure? Are they truly immune, or just safe for now? Is there a way to prevent that, and keep them genetically pure? Or are you looking for a way to ensure everybody is changed, one way or another, for better or for worse?

Sometimes it's pointless to add in rules when most people should know what they are doing in the first place, but alas, if we do not then we are only hindering the roleplay itself.

» Treat one another as you want to be treated
Yes we are going all religious on this one, but this should cover the majority of attitude based problems. Respect your GM and any Co-GMs, treat your fellow players with the decency that they deserve, and understand that our primary concern is the progression of this roleplay and the comfort of the players. Any individual who challenges that will be removed from the RP.
» Powerplaying, Metagaming, Godmodding, etc
Don't do it. If you do not understand any of these terms then please read this page: [Common Rules of Roleplaying]
» Posting and Collaborations
This roleplay will be moving along at a pace of about 1 or 2 posts per fortnight, leaving enough time for each player to comfortably respond with a decent post. Any collaborate posts should keep in consideration the number of players that are involved and the times at which these players are available. If you are having difficulty completing the post see if there is a way to separate your characters so that your efforts don't hold up the group as a whole.
» Writing Horror
In this roleplay it is possible that we will be exploring mature themes. The rules revolving around maturity are intended to be loosely interpreted. However, the key here is to always keep it tasteful. Avoid explicit words, over-the-top scenes, and details of passion. Always keep your writing tasteful, and employ the most useful tools at your disposal: Implication and Fade-to-Black.
» Discord [Garden of Shadow Discord Server]
We do have a Discord server set up for people that wish to chat. It's easy to join and will help connect you with your fellow players. Guild/RP rules will apply there so don't do anything to jeopardise your chances in participating.
» Inactivity and Dropping Players
Your own activity is your own concern. We may write out players that are unnecessarily inactive after a given amount of time. If something should come up please inform us ahead of schedule.

Character Name:
Simple, choose a name for your character.
Pick a gender of your choice
Age must be a minimum of 18. We don't want any issues with minors.
Blood Type:
Which blood type is your character? B-negative for Somatic; physical, mental, or sensory enhanced. AB-positive for Kinetic; Elemental, Manipulation, or other similar powers.
List the types of mutations that the character has. Remember that there are two types based on your character's blood type so be sure to not mix up the two.
What does your character look like? Describe their mutations in detail.
How does your character act? You don't have to be incredibly specific, but a general overview will be fine. It's also understood that characters will deviate from their personality at times.
What was your character's life like before the outbreak? How did they get to be where they are now? How did the events of The First Day play out for them? Since this section can get pretty long, it's alright to put it in a hider.
What kind of armaments is your character packing? Any snazzy devices?
These are the skills and trades your character has. What sort of mutative benefits do they have? Do they have any trade skills or craft knowledge?
Balance this against your characters proficiencies, what are their down falls? Do they have mental problems, phobias, physical limitations? Also, the drawbacks and weaknesses to their powers.
Pretty self-explanatory. If your character has any important relations with NPCs, or other characters list them here.

Thank you: @Architect@ClocktowerEchos@Kangaroo@Rekaigan@Masque@NuttsnBoltsFor all of your help and support! Thank you for helping me create this, and may this roleplay see a long life.
@The Survivor I have an alternate timeline drawn up, for the OOC. It's really just fluff, but imporant, white pocket fluff.

The basics is that we're in an alternate timeline New York City, now Windsor City, of New Windsor, of the year 2026.

Here's The OOC Timeline:

Sorry about the typos, still screening the OOC. Just fixed a bunch of them.
I like to think that I've created something both awesome, and unique, hehe. Glad to have you on-board!

"They gave Pandora a box. Prometheus begged her not to open it.
She opened it. Every evil to which human flesh is heir came out of it.
The last thing to come out of the box was hope. It flew away."

~ Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake

You're sitting there, alone, huddled in a corner shaking with fear and terror, only slightly numbed by shock. Outside you can hear nothing but pure turmoil, the shrill screams of people being torn down in the streets to the rhythmic echoes of gunfire and pounding explosions. Hours earlier you were carefree, living in the city of splendor and going about your day. You were filled with hope, the war on your home soil was finally being won, life was good. Then, as if on the drop of a dime, everything fell to ruin. Every two out of three people fell to the ground, catatonic, a blackness creeping into their eyes and in veins that spider-webbed across their skin.

You'd later know to call these people, these creatures, the Feral—but for now you sit there and listen as these things of nightmare rampage across the city. Destroying everything you've ever known, your loved ones, your friends, literally ripping your hopes and dreams from you. Hope is fleeting, as the chaos outside seems to pick up to a roaring cacophony of noise. The metallic door begins to screech, you look up, peering into the bleak shadows of night at the profusely bleeding hand trying to desperately to get at you. The body connected to the arm lets out a guttural roar, you've seen first hand what these things can do. How fast they are, how strong, how they hunt with reckless abandon-trampling and spilling over one another to get at their prey. It's time to move.

As you head for the back, a disturbing though crosses your mind, one from earlier in the day. Watching from an alleyway as a horde of people.. no, they're not people anymore are they? A horde of these ferals, swarm down the street as a man perched atop a bus guns them down in the dozens. They keep getting back up, uncaring of their wounds, only truly stopped by being shot in the head, or at least crippled. But what's truly frightening was their speed, their carelessness. They were sprinting towards the bus, leaping and smashing into it, the force of all these bodies pile-driving those before them until the bus began to tip, and finally rolled over.

That thought scares you, a fear that settles deep into your bones. Yet, somehow, there's a deeper feeling sinking inside of you. A dark pit resonating from within you, because you know... It's only going to get worse from here. As you dwell on this thought, you can feel something stirring deep within you. Some sort of resonation of change, of power.

Garden of Shadows is a unique take on a viral, apocalyptic roleplay. The monsters are bigger, and meaner; Our characters powerful, and unique. The events to come, extraordinary and terrible. I've collected my favorite elements from a wide range of movies, games, and stories and compiled them all here. With superpowers comes odd, twisted mutation. With change, comes resistance, prejudice. With hate, violence, and the inevitable struggle to survive. All set in a world that will do it's absolute best to swallow your character into the darkness, to break them physically and mentally. A world that is shaped by your decisions, and ultimately, your goals.

The roleplay centers around a select group of people, affected by the Pandora Virus in such a way that they become something inhuman, something powerful—The Changed. A higher ascension of existence, our characters now have to struggle with their new powers, the social discrimination, and the cruelty of the world. How they approach their new found talents will shape the world, for better or for worse. Some may sympathize with The Pure, humans who are either unaffected, or have yet to be, by the virus.

In addition to this, over the course of the roleplay our characters will deal with survival against the Feral, The Nightmare, and The Twisted. The characters still very much require food, and water, and so do their followers if they have any. Settlements will need to find a way to benefit from others, through mutual alliance, or force. The world will also be subject to, what will at first seem like, paranormal events. However, there is a reason for everything, a root cause to all problems. Finding out those answers are also up to you.

However, in all of this, there is a goal. A driving plot, surrounding P̸͜͏͞r̨̡̛̛͞ǫ̸̀̕͟j̢̢̧͢͡ȩ̵c̵͘t̵͟͟ ̧F̛͡i̸r̸s̸͞t̡̡͜͝ ̷͟͜͞Ç͜h͟҉҉̴a̧̛͠ò̧s͘̕҉ . Sorry, I meant P̵̡̢r̴̛͡o̷j̸́e̵͟͜ç̶̕t̨ ̡͟F̀͜i̸̷r̵̕sţ ̷͜͜C̴h̨͟a͘͠o̴̴̧ś͠. Dammit. Anyways, that, and its subjects. How does this relate to what's happening the world now? Will it explain your powers? The Feral? The anomalic events? Will it explain why the sun set, on that first day, and never rose again?

The final piece of revelation I have for you is that the world is shrouded in darkness. After that first day, the sun didn't rise again. Instead, in its place loomed roiling banks of dark clouds. A perpetual brewing storm in abyssal shades of black and gray, filtering out nearly all of the light. Fortunately, the power plant is secure and the municipal lights are on. Sure, they may kill your night vision at times, but it's better than the eerie darkness that lays over everything right? However, the world is dark, but it's not pitch black, and with streetlights on, it's not so bad right now.

Blood Type: O-Positive & A-Positive

Creatures of this sort have been depicted in many different ways, but the Feral are something different, yet familiar. They're fast, always sprinting with their heads bent low into the wind. They don't tire, they don't ache, they just run without care. They are strong enough to tear through the walls of a house, or rip down that metal screen door you always tried not to slam. However, the feral can't see well, so they're mostly attracted to noise. If you're being blatantly obvious, they will see you, so remember to stick to the shadows.

Interestingly enough, the feral don't seem particularly smart. They don't seem to grasp the concepts of navigation, rather seeing the path to their target as a straight line. They are wild, and become frenzied during the chase to the point where they will tumble and run over one another, or continually smash themselves into something until they a certain they've lost the hunt, or their obstacle is moved. Hordes of them can topple a bus, by continually throwing themselves against it. Together they could smash through a brick wall, or even scale several stories by climbing the gathering pile of their brethren.

The Feral are characterized with dark eyes almost entirely the color of coal. Their pale skin is spider-webbed with black veins, but otherwise they still resemble the people they once were. The feral also have near perfect regeneration, able to come back from any wound within about a day, less for minor wounds. You can slow them down by crippling them, but the only way to truly stop them is the same, classic strategies—destroy the brain or spinal column.

Blood Type: B-Negative (Somatic Abilities)
Blood Type: AB-Positive (Kinetic Abilities)

There are two types of changed, the kinetic, and the somatic. Those that deal with the forces, or essences of nature, natural or not; or those that are affected physically or mentally. The lucky individuals to become changed, instead of something worse, have the unfortunate side-effect of mutation. These mutations always come in colors schemes relating to what the mutation provides and in typically darker hues, most notably black, with vibrant details or trimmings. Almost the same way how natural predators are marked, such as how a deadly black snake will have bright markings to visually warn potential predators of how dangerous it is.

Those with kinetic powers of manipulation can feature neon colors in the form of glowing energy. For example, a changed that can generate an acidic coating on their skin may be covered in glowing bubbles of flesh, like blisters, that glow a vibrant green. One who could generate blasts of lightning may have their back and the outsides of their arms covered in black spikes, that gather the electrical energy in the air. Perhaps while doing this, bright blue arcs jump between the spikes, like a "Jacob's Ladder" electrical device.

The Somatic however, have enhanced physical capabilities, senses, or mentality. A changed of great strength may have their arms covered in a thick, black chitin acting like armor. One that could run at accelerated speeds may have strategic, aerodynamic fins and so forth. It will be up to you to create these creepy, otherworldly mutations.

A very important note, The Changed are not an instant genetic bomb like the Feral. These powers could take some time to manifest, the mutations wouldn't be so virulent as to cover their entire body. For the most part, The Changed still look like people, if a bit different and terrifying. The Changed will face trials in dealing with, and learning to control their new powers. Elemental or manipulation, also known as Kinetic, powers may only work sporadically, where a somatic may find their stamina depletes rapidly. And always, as the world turns, so do people fear changed and the unknown.

In this land of violence and despair, it's not unlikely that you'll eventually encounter other beings. A volatile thing, the Pandora Virus is bound to have plenty of offshoots of hard-coded, and variable strains. It's predicted that entire species of animals can fall prey to these mutations. You'll encounter people similar to the changed, but pushed beyond their humanity—The Twisted. At other times, things of nightmare will stalk you throughout the endless night, creatures so fearsome and terrible that it may not be worth the trouble to fight them.

Then there's the Protogenoi, so little is known about them. Are they like the Changed? The Twisted? Are they people of nightmare, or gods among men? Are they the scientists, or unfortunate subjects? And most importantly, are they to blame? What about the uninfected, unaffected humans—The Pure? Are they truly immune, or just safe for now? Is there a way to prevent that, and keep them genetically pure? Or are you looking for a way to ensure everybody is changed, one way or another, for better or for worse?

Sometimes it's pointless to add in rules when most people should know what they are doing in the first place, but alas, if we do not then we are only hindering the roleplay itself.

» Treat one another as you want to be treated
Yes we are going all religious on this one, but this should cover the majority of attitude based problems. Respect your GM and any Co-GMs, treat your fellow players with the decency that they deserve, and understand that our primary concern is the progression of this roleplay and the comfort of the players. Any individual who challenges that will be removed from the RP.
» Powerplaying, Metagaming, Godmodding, etc
Don't do it. If you do not understand any of these terms then please read this page: [Common Rules of Roleplaying]
» Posting and Collaborations
This roleplay will be moving along at a pace of about 1 or 2 posts per fortnight, leaving enough time for each player to comfortably respond with a decent post. Any collaborate posts should keep in consideration the number of players that are involved and the times at which these players are available. If you are having difficulty completing the post see if there is a way to separate your characters so that your efforts don't hold up the group as a whole.
» Writing Horror
In this roleplay it is possible that we will be exploring mature themes. The rules revolving around maturity are intended to be loosely interpreted. However, the key here is to always keep it tasteful. Avoid explicit words, over-the-top scenes, and details of passion. Always keep your writing tasteful, and employ the most useful tools at your disposal: Implication and Fade-to-Black.
» Discord [Garden of Shadow Discord Server]
We do have a Discord server set up for people that wish to chat. It's easy to join and will help connect you with your fellow players. Guild/RP rules will apply there so don't do anything to jeopardise your chances in participating.
» Inactivity and Dropping Players
Your own activity is your own concern. We may write out players that are unnecessarily inactive after a given amount of time. If something should come up please inform us ahead of schedule.

Character Name:
Simple, choose a name for your character.
Pick a gender of your choice
Age must be a minimum of 18. We don't want any issues with minors.
Blood Type:
Which blood type is your character? B-negative for Somatic; physical, mental, or sensory enhanced. AB-positive for Kinetic; Elemental, Manipulation, or other similar powers.
List the types of mutations that the character has. Remember that there are two types based on your character's blood type so be sure to not mix up the two.
What does your character look like? Describe their mutations in detail.
How does your character act? You don't have to be incredibly specific, but a general overview will be fine. It's also understood that characters will deviate from their personality at times.
What was your character's life like before the outbreak? How did they get to be where they are now? How did the events of The First Day play out for them? Since this section can get pretty long, it's alright to put it in a hider.
What kind of armaments is your character packing? Any snazzy devices?
These are the skills and trades your character has. What sort of mutative benefits do they have? Do they have any trade skills or craft knowledge?
Balance this against your characters proficiencies, what are their down falls? Do they have mental problems, phobias, physical limitations? Also, the drawbacks and weaknesses to their powers.
Pretty self-explanatory. If your character has any important relations with NPCs, or other characters list them here.

Thank you: @Architect@ClocktowerEchos@Kangaroo@Rekaigan@Masque@NuttsnBoltsFor all of your help and support! Thank you for helping me create this, and may this roleplay see a long life.
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