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3 yrs ago
@Noogget You’re playing a very risky game, my dear. Even I am not crazy enough to pull off such stunt.
5 yrs ago
Some days, even the devil sits back and admires my work.
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5 yrs ago
Sort of in that "let's go out and paint the town red" type of mood.
5 yrs ago
"It took the birth of sin to snake-rattle the mind // Before a blow to the head by the gavel of time // To wake up" - A7X


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Elena Kozlov

Location: Outside the break room
Time: Morning
Mentions: @Kosm
Interactions: Adrik Kamenev

"You may call me Elena, and tired may be an understatement, Mr. Kamenev," she stated, readjusting the grip she had on her mug. Elena noticed that her colleague, much as herself, looked beyond exhausted as well. She hadn't heard much about his personal life, if anything at all, but word had it he'd gone through some tragic event in his life not that long ago. Of course, Elena did not dare bring up the subject given that they didn't know each other beyond the confines of the university. "If I may, it appears that you have been extensively grading assignments as well. The joys of professorship, I suppose," she smiled, making light of their lack of rest.

Elena was just about to wave her goodbye when she remembered one of the upcoming lessons.

"Before I leave, Mr. Kamenev, I was wondering whether you had any opinions on a book. It's Psychology and Philosophy...with time--no, in time?" she cocked her head to the side, a little embarrassed she had forgotten the title. "I don't think that's it either. My apologies, I can't seem to recall...but let me see if I still have the link."

Reaching into the front pocket of her slacks, Elena pulled out her phone. She went into her e-mail application and started scrolling down her inbox when the screen turned black. At first, she thought it was one of the many malfunctions of her older phone, but then the screen came alive again, although this time, it displayed a feed of the back of someone's head. It took her a second, but soon enough she realized the blonde in the video was her. She could see Kamenev's shirt within the frame, the same one he was wearing while standing in front of her. Startled, Elena immediately turned around, though no one was there. How was that even possible? Elena looked down at her phone, but the screen portrayed her inbox once more.

"You know what? That can wait...," she whispered. Elena was about to leave, although when she took her first step she felt extremely faint. At that moment, the young woman placed her back against the nearby wall to steady herself. "I'm sorry, I--I don't know what happened just now."
Elena Kozlov

Location: Office -> Break room
Time: Morning
Mentions: None
Interactions: None (open)

Elena sighed. Yet another evening working late hours causing her to be exhausted the following morning. She was sitting in her small office grading assignments before class, very routine work she performed on a daily basis. After spending a decent amount of hours the previous night reading papers, the words started to become a blur and she decided to stop. Now she had come into work early to finish her job, but her lack of sleep was an indicator that her day was going to be a rather long one. With such thought in mind, Elena grabbed her mug and headed out for her second cup of tea that morning

"Rough night?"

"Maria, you startled me!" Elena laughed, turning around to greet co-worker and friend. She had known the woman for about six months, but they had become pretty close in that short amount of time. "I stayed late last night, you know, the usual."

"As always. Are you still coming over for dinner?"

"Oh, that's right...Yes, I'll be there."

After some back and forth chatter on random topics, the two quickly said their goodbyes as Maria had to go teach. Elena, on the other hand, wasn't due in class for roughly another hour, and she was planning to make use of every last free minute if she was to go over to Maria's for dinner. Whenever the two couples would get together, their night would extend beyond regular hours. They would talk, eat, drink, play some card games, watch a movie, etc.

Elena looked at her watch as she continued on her way to the break room. She wondered whether to call Alexei now or later. When he'd woken up earlier, he went on about a trial that would take up most of his morning, and she wouldn't want to interrupt him in the middle of his job.

The call can wait, she thought to herself, turning the corner to where the break room was located.
Nathalie Prescott

Time: Night
Location: Hospital garage to Ember Grove streets
Interaction with: Mia @dreamingflowers

Her car wouldn't start, no matter how many times she turned the ignition. Nathalie groaned, frustrated that despite being allowed to go home, she now had car trouble. Her coworker had returned to work early as apparently his vacation didn't go as planned. She'd offered some consolation words as she was genuinely sorry his trip had ended on a bad note, but on the flip side, she was glad she could go home. Or so she thought. She hadn't even changed out of her scrubs as she wanted to shower as soon as possible after getting home.

"Please tell me this isn't happening..."

Nathalie stepped out of the vehicle, her purse tucked underneath her arm as she headed towards the garage exit. She almost never had any cell phone coverage there, or most of the town for that matter. With her Samsung in hand, Nathalie googled the police department's non-emergency number. Once a preview from the official governmental website appeared, she dialed it and waited for someone to answer. As Nathalie continued to mindlessly walk down the the narrow sidewalk, she accidentally bumped into a young woman.

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that, are you alright?"

Out of habit, she placed her phone against her chest; the same thing she did every time she was on the phone and was also addressing someone in person.

Hey, you didn't forget about us. Anyway, I'm thinking Monica and Frank had a thing in the past, and he had her help the team out and that was the start of an even more stressful life for Monica.
Anyone have any plans of making a non-student character? So far I think I'm the only one.

This looks fun, count me in.
Nathalie Prescott

Time: Early in the night
Location: Hospital
Interaction with: N/A

The night was dragging on. Another patient had arrived in the ER with an accidental injury, but her counterpart had been called up to do the job. After leaving a note for Phyllis with Damien's application, Nathalie headed to the staff lounge to read more in-depth a message she had received earlier that day from the local university. They were offering her the chance to give a speech at an upcoming seminar being held on campus. Nathalie had no idea how they'd gotten her work e-mail, but either way, she didn't mind getting in front of big crowds for a presentation.

"Hey Nathalie, can we talk?"

She looked up from her phone, knowing who had approached her before their eyes met. Jason stood not too far from her, his expression apologetic.

"Talk about what?"


Nathalie sighed. "There is no us, Jason, not anymore." She remained calm, although she stood up from the chair, phone still in hand.

"Is it someone else?"

"What? No!"

"Then let's give it another shot, come on."

"No, Jason, I'm sorry."

"I figured since you've been here all this time, maybe you're not opposed to the idea of staying here for good. We can be a family again, and maybe we can expand it..."

"I'm sorry, but that's not happening. I'm gonna go back, you know."

"Back to what?"

Nathalie stared at him in silence, momentarily at a loss for words. "That's none of your business," she replied, her voice dripping with contempt. He started to say something but she quickly walked past him, ignoring whatever he had to say. Nathalie did not feel like putting up with him, not at the moment. She was tired, and she didn't need to be irritated as well. Closing the door behind her, she hurried down the hall in case Jason decided to follow her.
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