Avatar of Lord Sawsaw2
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  • Posts: 160 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Lord Sawsaw2 8 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

Illedrith Adrasia

"Join you. S-Class." Illedrith blinked and took a moment to think about this. She was surprised that a Golem would even be remotely interested in joining a group so full of Harpies. Straightening up and letting go of Ceri, she looked to Dreadlin for his thoughts on the matter. He'd already recovered and gone off to grab a job from the board, so he seemed to be fine with the situation. Looking back to the newcomer, she saw a hand extended towards her. Taking a step forward, she tentatively reached out to shake the extended hand, hoping that by this point it was touchable again, and not shadowy like her form earlier.

"I guess if Dreadlin is alright with it, I'm happy to have you on our team. Guess we'll get to know each other better on the road."

Their conversation was interrupted when Dreadlin came flying back into the group clutching one of the jobs in his fist.

"Ahahaaahaahaaaaaa! Les' go on tis one! I call all da marbles on dis job!"

Looking closely at the proffered piece of paper, her eyes widened. Then flicked straight down to Ceri, just in time to see her look back up in her direction. She smiled to Ceri in an attempt to seem confident about the situation, but she had some initial doubts and concerns. A dragon? There hadn't been a sighting of one of them for decades as far as she knew, certainly not one that had turned out to be real. Legends of strength and power, they were nothing to be taken lightly, which was presumably why this one was still on the board. No surprise that Dreadlin had gone for it immediately she supposed...

"Well, I'm not backing out, and it is your choice after all, Dreadlin. I'll back you up on this job all the way, and I'm sure if we all work together, we should be fine."
Perfect fix. You're approved to post up in the characters tab and start working on your relationships hider. Have a look through the others for a gist of how it works. When you've done half the golem PCs you'll be able to join the IC, but do try to get all the listed characters done when you can!
@Lord Sawsaw2 Here she is, along with the additional changes discussed.

Glad to have you on board. This is approved other than one spell. Star Princess' Veil basically gives total immunity with no drawback or worked-in counterplay. There's essentially no reason to not have it on permanently active during a fight. I suggest either being unable to cast while it's active and have it have a reasonable (3-4 second) reactivation period, or find some other way to make it so that fights against you aren't just pages of dodging shots from an inviolable light cannon.

Once that's sorted and approved, you'll be good to post up in characters and make your way onto the IC page to catch up with the groups there.
@lmpkio, if you could have a mission chosen by the next post, we can be on our way, leaving people more free to post about what they're doing re:preparations and the like, rather than all hinging off the previous posts to determine who needs to be posting next. Whichever one you choose will be fine, I'm sure!
Illedrith Adrasia

"I fink I can 'andle it. I mean, they're at least da less annoyin' bunch ov da lot, 'eh 'eh. Like what's da worse what can 'appen? "

Illedrith grinned back at her new teammate, and was about to respond when Ceri's stammering alarm alerted her to the looming shadow behind Dreadlin. She barely had time to raise her hand in preparation to cast before Dreadlin responded on instinct, and his tail scythed through the shadow. Instinctively, Illedrith had put a large mirror behind the shadow, who she now recognized as one of the town's more insular individuals, in an effort to catch her if she was blown away by the strike. It turned out to be unneccesary however, as Dreadlin's tail passed through her as if she were no more than an inconvenient fog bank, seemingly at no inconvenience to Kage, who simply raised her hand in greeting.

“Haystacks, Wizard Lizard.”

Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Illedrith dispelled the mirror into motes of light which floated away on the wind. Turning to face the group's newcomer, she levelled a stern gaze at her as she voiced her displeasure.

"Was that necessary, Kage? You could have given poor Dreadlin here a heart attack with your stunt, not to mention the distress you caused poor Ceri here."

Illedrith emphasised this point by using her concern as an excuse to give Ceri a hug. Any excuse was a good excuse after all.

"Now did you have some business with us, or were you just here to give us a scare. If not, we're off to choose a job from the board."

With the board only a couple of meters away, Illedrith was getting a little worried that all the jobs would be gone before they even got there. There were still a couple of team leaders gathering up team members though, so there should hopefully be at least a couple left for them...

@Crimson Raven, @Rune_Alchemist, @lmpkio, @Valor
Alright, I've been hoping that @lmpkio would make a follow-up post, but should they not have posted by tomorrow afternoon, I'll drive the story ahead regardless.
That is correct, Silver Dawn has withdrawn from the RP. I believe that leaves Seto as the only active character not currently in the process of acquiring a group.
@lmpkio Well, you are the leader, it is your final say as to which one you guys do!
Alright! The available quests are up in the 0th post of the IC thread. More information can be sought from the guild leaders, as well as applying for them when a large enough team is created. On that note, I hope we'll be heading off soon, to the land of fun fights and excitement, so do try to wrap up your team joining shenanigans soon so we can move off.
Available Jobs

Job 1: Crazed Dragon of the Southern Mountains

- The inhabitants of a small mountain village called Robinsend are living in fear. Many have reported to have seen a great winged beast flying overhead, and a bulk of the towns livestock has either gone missing, or been found in a charred and mostly-eaten heap. With the dwindling of edible cattle, the townsfolk now fear the beast will turn to humans in its hunger. They have taken to calling the beast the Crazed Dragon, and are either fleeing the town in droves, or are building bunkers to hide in. Report to town Chief Tompkins for inquiries about this job.

Job 2: Justice for Agatha

- "My sister has languished in prison for over three years for a crime she did not commit. We were the only children of a wealthy landowner who had a great estate on the far edge of the colonized world, well known for his enormous manor deep in the forest. Some three years ago, my sister was framed for the murder of our father. While I can't prove it, and nobody listens to me, I'm sure she didn't commit the murder. To complicate the matter, very shortly afterwards, the manor was overrun by a horde of undead skeletons, who look to have actually garrisoned the manor and made it their own. I offer a great reward to anyone who can get into the manor and find conclusive proof one way or another to bring this case to a close."

Report to your local Mage Council Representative for more information.

Job 3: Colonial Guards Required!

- A Fiore-wide application has been put out by the nearby town of Roennfeldt for a small militia to be stationed there for a while, to train up local mages and defence forces, as well as putting an end to the rising hostilities with the indigenous population, who have been vocal in protesting the expansion of civilization into their lands. A mining and forestry village by trade, both surface and cave dwellers in the region have risen to fight against the loss of their habitat, and have proved problematic to deal with. A temporary solution is thus required while a permanent one can be sought. Seek Governor Mimi for further information.

Job 4: A Lost Heirloom

- "Some years ago, my father and a group of his friends delved deep into the Cave of Mourning in order to find the mythical treasure buried there. My mother and the rest of the villagers begged them not to go, but they would hear none of it. They never returned. Please, I've no interest in whatever treasure might exist in those caves, but if anyone can find the spear he took down with him, and perhaps confirm his fate, I would be most appreciative.

Yours respectfully,
Raymond Gila"

These are the jobs remaining on the board that have not been taken by other teams already. When you're ready to go, take one of the jobs to one of the guild masters and then you'll be approved to set off.
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