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This is just a little bit of world building here...

There are numerous different guilds, and it's not uncommon for different guilds to deal in the same trade or practice. . .

Alright, that all seems fair. I'll make a couple small adjustments to history to reflect this.
“A shooting star is far from home,
and carrying her brother's tome,
Her destiny is bound to create,
something to change many a fate. . .”

Name: Mabel Pines

Character Sheet: myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2800719
Stat/Dice Rolls: roleplayerguild.com/campaigns/1036


Mabel is young and energetic, an agent of chaos. She is rather random and aware of it, but not self conscious about it, most of the time (certain people can cause her to get in her own head about it). She's at that age where hormones create swift and strong moods, being easily thrown into the extremes of excitement, joy, fear, and sorrow. She loves to chat about all sorts of things, and is particularly passionate about all sorts of craft-work, magical creatures, the beauty of nature, music, and romance.

She takes an exceptional interest in people, being both clingy and fiercely protective of those she cares about, and quickly going on the defensive with those she dislikes or sees as rivals. She tries her best at everything she does and hates being outdone. As such she's easily drawn into unnecessary competitions (or as she sees it, completely necessary).

Mabel and her twin brother Dipper were residence of a large sprawling city. They grew up very close and were practically inseparable outside of their apprenticeships. Mabel had shown a degree of skill in fabric craft, and was thus been apprenticed to the Three Fairies' Weaver's Guild (also known as 'Three Fates' Weaver's Guild' in Chora). Mabel is currently a Junior Guild member, having proven herself fairly quickly. Her favorite parts are dying the wool into custom colors and knitting sweaters. More sweaters than the guild could sell, often with wilder patterns than the guild could sell, especially when coupled with her young age. She also kept a large number of them for herself, but her favorite is a pink sweater with a shooting star on it. Dipper meanwhile was apprenticed to the local library and records office.

Over the summer her and her brother were convinced to take a break from their work to visit their great-uncle in a small town up north. It was a slower and boring setting in their eyes, but there were good things; Dipper found a mysterious old journal, and Mabel met a cute boy, Norman. But things are not always as they seem, as the book turned out to be full of descriptions of monsters and blueprints for interesting contraptions, while Norman turned out to be a collection of middle age gnomes in a trench-coat. And thus the duo were forced to flee from an army of delusional gnomes.

The twins would have several more minor adventures around town and in the neighboring woods before getting separated. Turns out a rival tween, Gideon had a similar journal and wanted Dipper's as well, using Mabel to try to get to it. During the resulting scuffle, one of the boys knocked into Mabel, who stumbled away went sliding down a ravine, along with journal #3. Mabel tried to find her way back to her brother, but only managed to get even more lost instead. . .

I wish. . . to find my brother and protect my family.

Additional Notes:
- The symbol of the Three Fairies' Weaver Guild is a red flower, green butterfly, and blue cloud linked by a triangle of thread over a spinning wheel.
@LuckyLudor Nice Nice Nice!
Mabel is accepted! Go ahead and put her in the Characters’ Tab. XD

Thanks :D
Edit: Character Sheet moved over to characters

<Snipped quote by LuckyLudor>
If you roll for your stats, make sure to let me know so I can see them. ^_^

Yeah, I could roll in one of my Roll20 games and send you a screencap (unless there's a roll here, I'm missing?)
Hi there, Crimson Flame let me know about this game, and I'm intrested. I have experience with 5e, and I'm thinking Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls, having gotten separated from her brother (and with tech removed from the story it could take place in any era), as an artificer. Question about Character Sheets (apparently I did it wrong when I joined flame's game). Do you want pre-approved char sheets here in OOC or DMed to you?

Sky blatantly ignored Surge's advice, shouting through the amplifier at ungodly volumes. While he thanked it's creator multiple, warnings were dispensed about something. . . Things moved quickly from there. From the electrical fields Surge could tell there was something moving that didn't seem to be an animal. Not really wood or grass either. Sky told it it was out numbered, before going down with a thump. Surge muttered to himself, "We're being led around by a child."

Juniper dispensed advice on dealing with the creature. Surge noticed some electrical disturbances like severe weather caused, but localized. Magic weather. Then Vyvien announced she'd retrieved the prince. That was all Surge needed in order to attack or retreat.

Sky recovered quickly after that and suggested they leave. Though a swift shift in the electrical field told Surge that the creature wasn't going to accept that was the end of things. With no fairies between him and the creature Surge lifted and hand and unleashed a pulse of lighting. A crackling streak of almost white light streaked through the air, colliding with the mushroom vine reaching for Zircon. The vine sizzled, as sparks of electricity ran down it and fizzled off, leaving behind the scents of fried mushroom and ozone.

Surge backed away, still holding up his hand in the direction of the creature, though the lighting had temporarily overpowered his ability to sense where it was, and announced, "It's not animal, I'm pretty sure I can't stun it. So, I agree, We need to retreat."

During the ride Surge had been asked by Vyvien to imbue a crystal with his magic, as well as to introduce himself. “Surge Thunderbee. My daughter Juniper and I have been living in Lumina.” he commented taking the crystal. The fairy in question probably already knew that part though. He turned the small crystal over in hands, getting a feel for it, then closed his fingers around it producing a spark. Volatile electrical energy bounded around inside the crystal as he handed it back. “Careful, you've got a lot of power in a fairly small space.”

Later, while Surge was recovering from the disturbing experience of riding in a flying carriage with a inexperienced and distracted driver, said driver started to complain about how high up Mrs. Greypetal's house was. The fairy that talked like a pirate on the other hand voiced excitement to climb it. Surge shook his head and moved closer to the others, assuming (since he'd been to other treetop houses), “It's just a short flight.”

When they arrived the prince knocked, then apparently let himself in finding a note. The prince started to fret, and asked if Juniper knew where Greypetal kept her potions. Surge was about to voice concern about involving his daughter in theft even if the person asking her to do it was a prince, when Juniper rejected the idea herself. All the more reason to be proud of his daughter. Vyvien also echoed this stance saying it never turned out as well as you hoped, but she had a device to amplify Sky's voice so they could call for Greypetal.

Surge fluttered close his daughter, complimenting her in a whisper, “That was a very mature reaction. A lot of fairies would probably have trouble being the first one to tell him no,” then he turned his attention to Sky and Vyvien, speaking at regular volume, “We should probably be careful with that. There are things in these woods we don't want to get the attention of.”

Someone told Surge they doubted the food and drink were involved. Surge nodded softly, it had only been a passing thought anyways.

He turned his head to listen to the other fairies. The prince seemed to be capable of going between distress, blaming, and flirting in no time flat, and Surge wondered if he grasped the full seriousness of the situation or was trying to distract himself from it?

There was a rustle of wings. Someone offered to start making a magic identifier. The one that'd just spoken to him expressed further doubts the dark fairies' involvement, suggesting Earth fairies may know what to do. He heard his daughter reply, she sounded closer than before, explaining she'd never seen anything like this but knew an elderly fairy that might be able to help. An embarrassed smirk crossed his lips at how she described the old lady's age, but this didn't seem like the time or place to be scolding her about it. Surge nodded, he'd never seen or felt Greypetal's magic for himself, but Juniper had described her powers before, “It's a lead founded in fact at least.

That seemed enough for the prince, who suggested if Greypetal could unstone everyone, his father would likely know what to do next, and he flew off to get a chariot. Juniper fluttered further away. Surge felt around the nearby electrical field to keep track of her. It didn't seem like any additional fairies were being turned to stone, but still. . . he didn't like it.

Upon returning the prince appointed Juniper navigator (a concerning thought for Surge), and they all climbed into the carriage. Juniper immediately asked to pet whatever was pulling the carriage then asked Surge what direction they came from. He really regretted not going over maps with her while he could still see. He thought a moment, recalling vague memories of maps and locations, “Uh, well June Bug, Lumina is east of Feydellia, and just a little south. (Well, unless GM says otherwise.)”

It was not a smooth ride. The prince's flirting quickly causing pedestrians to cry out and the prince to apologize. Surge gripped the side of the carriage quietly, hoping this was not how they died. Thankfully as they got closer to home, Juniper was able to give him more precise directions to keep him on task. Surge was grateful when the carriage came to a stop, immediately getting out.

Though grateful she'd slowed down and explained, Surge still didn't really like the idea that his daughter was voluntarily flying into trouble. Yep, this was his kid alright. Rather than simply trying to stop her, which he knew could backfire, he decided to try to instill some caution in her. Flying as close as he dare to her, he urged, “Alright, be careful. If it seems like something to big for us to handle, just get out of there. You can't help if you're in danger too.”

He didn't really want to tell her it could be a trap. But, well, it could be a trap, right?

She changed direction, he felt it even as she called out to tell him and shifted direction as well. He followed her down noticing several other fairies seems to be nearby, as well as some odd inanimate masses beyond the castle doorway. Someone swept past them. Juniper introduced herself to the the prince. Realizing they were in the presence of royalty, Surge gave a small bow, before asking, “Your majesty, whatever is the matter?”

Other voices followed; claims of accusations, further offers of help, and fairies turned to stone. Quite the mystery.

Surge left Juniper's side, venturing past the palace threshold. He approached one of the lifeless masses, and reached out a hand to touch it gently. It felt like stone, the electrical forces moved around it like stone. That is, stone wasn't generally very conductive unless it contained metal. But the shape, the shape indeed did feel like a fairy. He withdrew his hand quickly in terror and turning his head back towards the others commenting, “They're definitely stone. - Is it just this room? Only the fairies in this area who were affected? Maybe it's something in here? In the food or drink maybe?”
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