Avatar of Lumiere
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 348 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Lumiere 7 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Je veux savoir ce que la tempête pense quand le temps est calme.
4 yrs ago
Si la mort n'est que ténèbres, nous vivons tous en enfer...
1 like
4 yrs ago
Toutes les routes disparaissent alors que la mer noie le soleil.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Lumière bleue sur les yeux. Donc j'étais, pour toujours.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Ever had those dreams that feel like they last for days but its only been a handful of hours? I could go for a few of those back to back...


Hey yas!
Don't mind the post-count. Most of my dealings are in Discord/PM. If I'm a part of an rp, you would know.

I see you managed to make your way here, so you're probably curious about a few things, ah? To start, I am based out of UTC-06:00 and currently have an availability weekday evenings and pretty much whenever on weekends.
I prefer darker themes and elements of mystery when possible, so you know there's a soft spot in my heart for Lovecraft, but other than that, I'm not huge on most fandoms.
Sorry about the 'post count/active days' ratio. I'm a bit of a stickler for the kinds of threads I join since I tend to pour my heart into one or two threads at a time and don't have much time or energy to be spread super thin. <_>;
Rest assured, if I intend on joining a thread, I'll give it my all! \o/


As for RP interest,
I am I huge fan of-
- Fantasy
- Scifi/futuristic
- Post-apocalypse
- Theme combinations
- M+M combinations~ ;3

However, I'm not big on-
- Mary/Gary Sue
- Historical
- Free RP
- Haters
- Drama

I am currently in the middle of~
Unheroic: The Backwards Castle
Bloodrose Irregulars
Knights VS Dragons
Trouble in Korthos

Isle of Atria

Diddly Do
A Tale of Three Moons
Aieth - The World Between

Most Recent Posts

Certainly interesting.
I'm up for a standard fantasy romp.
Interested. :o
Definitely interesting. :o
Oh boy, I hope it's not trash!

I'll have something up today or tomorrow, just working out some kinks with the backstory.
Its certainly been a while since I've seen a bread-and-butter fantasy thread. :o

@The One
I thought there were only 3 levels of skills.
Very interested.
Kinda surprised this doesn't have more interest.
@Jones Sparrow

Not a problem. I'll probably bounce ideas off of you at some point via PM.
Certainly interesting, though the prologue beat me to a character idea.

Still, though.
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