Avatar of LunarisDaFox
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    1. LunarisDaFox 7 yrs ago
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Looking at him with a raised eyebrow "Oh...i apologize, people dont really...talk to me, well...at least they didnt until...today for some reason" she planted her seat back on all fours and switched the song playing on her Uphone. Setting it in her pocket, she directed all her attention to Yusuke "I can either interpret...that movement in a couple...of ways, so to save...my confusion, im just gunna ask...what does that mean...exactly" she mimicked the movement he had done previously.


She had been looking down watching the carpet, which even them seemed to move from her emotionless stare after a couple of minutes. She hadn't really looked at the person who was seated in front of her, she had walked in and he had had his face in his book. Before long, she thought she had heard the boy speak to her but she ignored it hoping that wasn't the case. Seeing his feet get up and leave, she sighed for a moment For a second there...i thought i was going...to have to talk to...ano- suddenly the boys feet came back into her view sitting again.

please do- she felt almost like a hand touch her, making her look up lightning fast, with a scythe pointed in the direction of the pressure, before making dissipate realizing who was sitting in front of her. Do i have a damn sign...on my forehead that says...make conversation with me...or something?. Pulling out one earbud, she leaned on two legs "well hello...what do I owe the...pleasure of Yusuke Natsume talking...to someone like me" of course again the sarcasm would be lost in her monotone voice.

"Before we continue...did someone tell you...to try and tall to me? Cause...if so, im gunna warn you...wasting my energy is a...pet peeve of mine but...I can make some space...if you want to start...something" this wasn't a threat, just a statement.

IM still super interested i just work from 10 am-5:30 pm and it's a 30 minute drive home in awful traffic, so ill post tonight

These people are interesting... she watched as the others began doing their tests. She paid extra attention to some of the higher scoring girls, boys tended to do better at these sort of things, or so she thought. A number of the classmates scored average, some even lower, but the entire class had a very diverse number of differences. maybe things wont be boring... moving to do her own tests, she cracked her knuckles and moved towards the tall girl. Without saying a word, she stood the end of the tall girls shadow. Crouching, she put her tiny hands on the shadow and reached into the shadow. Pulling her hands out, she held and enormous black dishing-looking object. Reaching with her other hand, she began pulling out a huge, long block of black. Connecting the dish to the top of the block, she propped it up under the light of outside, forming a huge shadow. "You..are useful, thank you..." she looked at the girl and turned towards the trials ahead of her.

Starting with high jump first, and most likely the easiest for her, she pulled a long rod out of the shadows, running towards the bar, she dove the bar into the ground, making the stick bend and send her rocketing into the air over the bar. Falling from the air, she held her hands in her pockets waiting to land. Upon hitting the ground, she fell into the shadow and back under the dish she created.

High Jump; 7m

Next was the 20 meter dash, something that was childs compared to the gruesome endurance and speed training her father had put her through. Crouching and getting into position, she moved almost alarmingly fast, sprinting till the end. Crossing the line, she stopped, breathing hard for a second, before standing and breathing out hard once. Fixing her hair, she put it behind her ear and moved to the next test.

20m Dash; 3.79 Seconds

Thinking about her approach, she looked at the ball and plotted. Going over to the dish, she pulled out a whip looking object with a open ball at the end. Going over the ball, she put the ball in the open ball at the end of the whip and took place at the throwing location. Spinning slow and picking up speed, she started teetering, spinning the ball at an angle. Spinning at an incredibly speed, she waited till the ball reached the top of the spin. Making the open ball at the end open, it shot the ball in a perfect arc. Dropping the whip into her shadow, she moved away and over to the final test.

Shot Put; 40m

Walking over to the dish structure she made, she put her hand at the base and the structure suddenly collaspsed into its shadow and around Diana. Moving over to the 100m dash, she pulled a giant frisbee out and threw it across the starting line. Waiting for it to quickly fly across the line, she fell back into her shadow and appeared under the dish as it passed the line. making the dish hit the wall and dissipate, she quickly walked away from the test area and over to finished section.

100m; 6.13 Seconds

Moving towards the winged girl she had almost hit before, as well as the boy she actually hit, she stopped in front of them "I am sorry...for almost hitting you, and actually..hitting you" she didn't mean for it to sound incredibly unapologetic but she wasn't in control of her monotone voice.


"This...is such a waste of time..." even in her thoughts, her voice remained monotone. Things like this ran through Diana's head as she sat in the back of the blacked out car. A man and a women who looked almost like a twin of Diana sat in the front. Blasting music in her ear, she looked out the window as things passed.

"Hoi, are you even paying attention Diana?!" the look a like turned her body to face the girl. Staring with an unamused face, the girl crossed her arms tapping a finger. Sighing reluctantly, Diana took out her earbuds, wrapping them around her phone, and sliding them into her sweater pocket. Facing her mom, she stared back with a blank face "Your father pulled a lot of strings to get you hear and you better start acting gracious child, or so help m-"

"I didn't ask to go here..." she saw the enormous building that was going to be her school for the next four years, or next month, depending on of its worth that much time. "This is a waste of dad's money, i dont even want to be a hero..." she pulled her phone back out and unravelled her earbuds putting them back on and pressing play on the song. Her mom's eyes widened with anger, making her unbuckle her seat, and pull out a solid black switch from the shadows of the floor of the car. As her mother went to swing at her, Diana took the opportunity to use her quirk, seemingly falling into the seats shadow and reappearing on the sidewalk. Quickly dipping down the nearest alley and turning again, she waited another minute, before using her quirk again, getting closer to the school. Crouching behind a garbage can, she waited for the car to pass. A couple minutes went by before she saw the blacked out car drive by slightly slow, before speeding off down the road. Putting up her hood, she walked out into a small group of people, traveling with the small group of people. Crossing the street, she saw the black car coming towards her direction. Quickly running, she dove into a near by shadow and appeared on the adjacent road, right in front of the school. Going through the gates, she turned to see her mothers glaring eyes in the blacked out car in front of the gate. Shrugging at her, Diana looked at the time of her phone and quickly realized she was late "oh well i guess..." going to her locker, she put her stuff away, switched her shoes and sat for a moment, waiting for the cool down of her quirk to go away, before finding the a shadow and hopping into it.

Jumping into the class room, she looked at the empty room "Guess class isn't happening today..." walking towards the door to leave, she saw the board and sighed "so much work...already..." sitting again waiting for her quirk cooldown to go away, she walked out and walked closer to the locker rooms, before jumping into the nearest shadow.

However, unexpectedly on the other side, a girl with enormous wings happened to walk right into the path of her landing spot. She would see a tiny girl hurling forward from the shadows to her left.


Diana Ravencroft


Age (14-16):

Appearance (include height and weight):
Standing at an outstanding 5'4 and ringing in at 105 pounds. Diana is small is say the very least. She has chilling blue eyes, with silver white hair cut short. She tends to try and be out of the spotlight as much as possible, wearing oversized clothes to make her seem even smaller. She also has dozens of scars on her thighs and arms, which she doesn't hide anymore. She's isn't the most eye catching person ever, but you'll find yourself glancing at her every now an then, just because of how she behaves and acts.


*Note the suit has small bionics to help Diana use her power at full potential (soley designed and created by Angelo Ravencroft, aka Morning Star)

The way Diana carries herself fits her almost perfectly, from her personality to her voice, it matches well. If she were a part of an anime, she would most definitely be a part of the Kuudere category. Diana is...cold when around people she doesn't know, she doesn't mean to be cold or anything like that, it's just her personality. She tends to honestly act like an emotionless robot at times. When in the presence of others she is in particular quiet and keeps to herself unless spoken to, it's just been one of things that she developed from being the youngest daughter in the Ravencroft family. If she happens to smile at you with in a day of meeting you, that means she has taken quite the liking as she doesn't do that quite often, if ever. When around strangers and friends it gets awkward for her, because one moment she is nice and the next she could be quiet and to the point.

Talking to friends she is exceptionally flat toned and her jokes are pretty crude humor. It does wonders when making jokes funnier because of her tone, she personally doesn't realize it but apparently it is quite funny to hear her talk people. She has this sort of thing she does where she'll just be quiet and the next moment she'll start talking out of the blue to her friends, she even does it in the middle of important things. Like mid crisis and they are on a mission that could win the war and she'll just out the blue be like "I'm...really hungry, do you think...we could get food after this?". She doesn't do it on purpose it just her mind is so scattered it's just comes out.

There is another part of Diana that tends to go under the radar, but she is quite the ruthless fighter, on account of her emotionlessness, she has a habit of not backing down when she knows she has a chance. She doesn't really view anyone particularly scary, don't get it twisted though, she will know when she's at a loss or she cannot beat someone. She's all about attempting if there is a chance, once she knows there's no chance of beating you, she'll call it quits. No point in wasting hers or her opponents time.

Quirk: "Shadowforge"
Much like how the name says, the Shadowforge quirk allows the user to harness shadows, into an array of weapons, as well as manipulate, or "Forge" them. The quirk being a bit of a Ravencroft bloodline quirk, every Ravencroft has a variant of the quirk "Shadowforge". Diana however is the first person since her grandfather to have the original variant of the quirk. This quirks main effect, allows Diana to manipulate and touch shadows, allowing a number of different creations to be created, all being about same strength as weapon grade metal but weightless because of the nature of the material. The second allows her to jump short distances (about a hundred meter radius from the shadow she jumped into), however it has a cool down of a minute (two post/reply cooldown).

List of weapons she can use (As well as how good she is at using said things):

Quirk Flaws (Are permanent and cannot be bypassed):
It takes matter, to make matter, she's making things appear from "thin air" but she is just taking the shadow and reshaping into something for her use. Whether it be a bouncy ball, a bat, or her standard weapon choices, it must be taken from a shadow. The bigger the shadow, the more things or bigger things she can pull from it. Bigger shadows also mean stronger weapons, as to say the shadow of a toddler, vs the shadow of an adult will result in two different (size and strength) weapons. The stronger the item, the darker it will be. She also is only able to summon to things at once. No only that, but if the weapon or item she uses it broken, she cannot use that weapon again for another ten minutes (about six post/reply). She also has to learn how to fight with that weapon, she cannot suddenly spawn a new type of weapon and start using it anywhere near the same level as her standard weapons of choice. Oh and the biggest thing, is that is that this quirk doesn't make her invincible by any means, she can still get hurt like anyone else.

Quirk Limitations (That can be worked on and improved):
As she learns how to better use her weapons, the level at which she can use them will increase as a result. As of right now she can only summon two things at once, regardless of shape or size or the item itself, she can only create two shadow items at once. Her shadows also cannot go incredibly far away from her, if they leave 100 meters in a circle radius around her, they'll dissipate into black smoke, which in itself can be of use.

--Optional information--

The reason they want to be a hero:
"I Dont..."


  • Food, any kind, as long as it's spicy, she wants it...
  • Quiet, because loudness is the most god damned awful thing on this entire planet
  • Drawing, she tends to have a drawing journal with her at all times, she is actually outstanding at it.
  • Music, because she's not an animal, who doesn't like music??

  • Loud People.
  • Rude people.
  • Honestly, people in general annoy her.
  • Her family.

  • Extensive Skill in her main set of weapons.
  • She has been trained in hand to hand combat as well in several different arts since she was young.
  • Extremely Quiet.
  • Has proficient training at free running.

Diana Ravencroft


Age (14-16):

Appearance (include height and weight):
Standing at an outstanding 5'4 and ringing in at 105 pounds. Diana is small is say the very least. She has chilling blue eyes, with silver white hair cut short. She tends to try and be out of the spotlight as much as possible, wearing oversized clothes to make her seem even smaller. She also has dozens of scars on her thighs and arms, which she doesn't hide anymore. She's isn't the most eye catching person ever, but you'll find yourself glancing at her every now an then, just because of how she behaves and acts.


*Noted that she still has short hair

The way Diana carries herself fits her almost perfectly, from her personality to her voice, it matches well. If she were a part of an anime, she would most definitely be a part of the Kuudere category. Diana is...cold when around people she doesn't know, she doesn't mean to be cold or anything like that, it's just her personality. She tends to honestly act like an emotionless robot at times. When in the presence of others she is in particular quiet and keeps to herself unless spoken to, it's just been one of things that she developed from being the youngest daughter in the Ravencroft family. If she happens to smile at you with in a day of meeting you, that means she has taken quite the liking as she doesn't do that quite often, if ever. When around strangers and friends it gets awkward for her, because one moment she is nice and the next she could be quiet and to the point.

Talking to friends she is exceptionally flat toned and her jokes are pretty crude humor. It does wonders when making jokes funnier because of her tone, she personally doesn't realize it but apparently it is quite funny to hear her talk people. She has this sort of thing she does where she'll just be quiet and the next moment she'll start talking out of the blue to her friends, she even does it in the middle of important things. Like mid crisis and they are on a mission that could win the war and she'll just out the blue be like "I'm...really hungry, do you think...we could get food after this?". She doesn't do it on purpose it just her mind is so scattered it's just comes out.

There is another part of Diana that tends to go under the radar, but she is quite the ruthless fighter, on account of her emotionlessness, she has a habit of not backing down when she knows she has a chance. She doesn't really view anyone particularly scary, don't get it twisted though, she will know when she's at a loss or she cannot beat someone. She's all about attempting if there is a chance, once she knows there's no chance of beating you, she'll call it quits. No point in wasting hers or her opponents time.

Quirk: "Shadowforge"
Much like how the name says, the Shadowforge quirk allows the user to harness shadows, into an array of weapons, as well as manipulate, or "Forge" them. The quirk being a bit of a Ravencroft bloodline quirk, every Ravencroft has a variant of the quirk "Shadowforge". Diana however is the first person since her grandfather to have the original variant of the quirk. This quirks main effect, allows Diana to manipulate and touch shadows, allowing a number of different creations to be created, all being about same strength as weapon grade metal but weightless because of the nature of the material. The second allows her to jump very short distances (about a ten meter radius from the shadow she jumped into), however it has a cool down of a minute (two post/reply cooldown).

List of weapons she can use (As well as how good she is at using said things):

Quirk Flaws (Are permanent and cannot be bypassed):
It takes matter, to make matter, she's making things appear from "thin air" but she is just taking the shadow and reshaping into something for her use. Whether it be a bouncy ball, a bat, or her standard weapon choices, it must be taken from a shadow. The bigger the shadow, the more things or bigger things she can pull from it. Bigger shadows also mean stronger weapons, as to say the shadow of a toddler, vs the shadow of an adult will result in two different (size and strength) weapons. The stronger the item, the darker it will be. She also is only able to summon to things at once. No only that, but if the weapon or item she uses it broken, she cannot use that weapon again for another ten minutes (about six post/reply). She also has to learn how to fight with that weapon, she cannot suddenly spawn a new type of weapon and start using it anywhere near the same level as her standard weapons of choice. Oh and the biggest thing, is that is that this quirk doesn't make her invincible by any means, she can still get hurt like anyone else.

Quirk Limitations (That can be worked on and improved):
As she learns how to better use her weapons, the level at which she can use them will increase as a result. As of right now she can only summon two things at once, regardless of shape or size or the item itself, she can only create two shadow items at once. Her shadows also cannot go incredibly far away from her, if they leave 100 meters in a circle radius around her, they'll dissipate into black smoke, which in itself can be of use.

--Optional information--

The reason they want to be a hero:
"I Dont..."


  • Food, any kind, as long as it's spicy, she wants it...
  • Quiet, because loudness is the most god damned awful thing on this entire planet
  • Drawing, she tends to have a drawing journal with her at all times, she is actually outstanding at it.
  • The Snow, because she's not an animal, who doesn't like snow?

  • Loud People.
  • Rude people.
  • Honestly, people in general annoy her.
  • Her family.

  • Extensive Skill in her main set of weapons.
  • She has been trained in hand to hand combat as well in several different arts since she was young.
  • Extremely Quiet.
  • Has proficient training at free running.
lol i dont know if you're still taking people if possible but i totally wanna join this!!
im so damn excited!!! i refresh every hour to see new posts lol
Hey, im glad you like the character, i edited her human powers, and i stripped her of Angerlings, like you said, i also added the changes the the original post if you wanna check the revisions and tell me if they're okay if i need to nerf some more, i totally dont mind at all, as i kinda just threw her up to see what i needed to fix if anything!
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