Avatar of Lunarlord34
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  • Posts: 3507 (1.11 / day)
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    1. Lunarlord34 6 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
7 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
7 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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Adelyn didn't pay Kiba much mind, which in all honesty to him was probably a good thing. Not that he really said or did anything to warrant much attention from the girl anyway. No, what made her look up from the countertop and finally pry her face away from the wood was Nolan. Now, some might find her glare intimidating, but to Nolan the annoyed look from some rich and pampered brat like Adelyn was hardly concerning no doubt. Honestly, it was akin to a small dog attempting to take on a larger dog.

"And what would you know of nobles and their lifestyles? Your outfit is so ratty it belongs in the sewer, let alone that mess that you call your hair. Looks like you got it styled while you were down there fishing out those rags." And here it came, not that Nolan was paying her much mind as he had anticipated it. She seemed to be one who was quick to draw ire from, but even by her low standards this was fast. Today especially seemed to have put her into something of a mood which was more akin to what she was calling Nolan out for.

"For starters, in the world of the civilised and well mannered, far more proper and actual music would be used to soothe and appease ones eardrums; not threaten to burst them like the overgrown zit which resembles your face. Secondly, it wouldn't rouse such-HEY WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TOUCHING!" She continued to berate and insult him right up until she found herself being shoved down from above. Almost immediately, Nolan would feel it. A surge of electricity shot up through his arm, though it wasn't particularly powerful and seemed more like a reflex than much else. Like a static shock after going down a slide or the like.

Though far more noticeable was how flustered the girl became. Startlingly so, as during this she had also tried to shove him in the chest, but due to the size and weight difference only managed to fall off her stool and flat on her ass, her face more resembling the colour of her earring. Now it was obvious she was embarrassed about falling off the stool, but it was only amplified by the amount of attention her yelling may have garnered from those immediately around of them. Luckily for her, most would be too busy with the festivities but a few murmurs and looks would no doubt be thrown their way, only infuriating the girl further as her pride seemed to return with aplomp, getting up and dusting herself off while still remaining redder than a European after a day in the sun.

"This is exactly what I was denoting previous. Your sort are uncouth and barbaric with no sense of manners or courtesy! The absolute nerve to just go around and t-touch a ladies head like that was a bar I was thinking too low for even an annelida like yourself to reach. Yet your inadequacy continues to astound me!" Like the aforementioned dog analogy previous, Adelyn was back to yapping at Nolan in some form of attempt to act as if she hadn't just fallen over of her own accord. Still, her reaction to it had seemed a fair bit over the top and she was very quick to try and bury the situation.

And just at that moment, a new person appeared to join their little uh...what would one call this gathering at the bar? None of them were here together nor really wanting to be together. Well, whatever the group would be called, they seemed to have a new person joining them. Her positive smile a stark contrast to the negativity or aloofness of those present, which just made Adelyn scowl deepen. Oh man, she really was in some sort of foul mood that only seemed to be getting worse, even if so far it had been self inflicted harm more than any outsider influence from their point of view. But here we go again....

"Song? A song should be melodious and soothing, not grating and discordant. I would hardly call that a 'song', let alone music. It would be insulting to those of the musical arts to consider it such. As for her voice? I...guess it was ok. Not that I could make it out from the racket that surrounded it or followed. Still, it didn't make my head wish to implode so it wasn't too bad in comparison." It was a subtle change, but a change nonetheless in Adelyn's tone as she turned away and looked over at the where the band was playing. A twinge of something that wasn't just bitterness. Genuineness? Nah, couldn't be. But there was something.

Turning back, her eyes narrowed once more at Nolan. Now she wasn't spineless by any means, if anything she seemed to have way more confidence and courage than she should. Or maybe she was just that fuelled by spite, bitterness and pride. Who knew, honestly. But as much as she wanted to say or do something further...well she wasn't an idiot. Starting a fight with Nolan would only end badly in her favour, it didn't take much to know of the gulf in magical ability which just made her click in tongue and look away from him again. What a waste of magical talent.

Stephanie Irwin

With the Trubbish dealt with, Steph was quick to scoop up Dusk and return Dennis and Jack, the former assuming the poisonous gas was gone now of course, turning to face the Toxel as it approached her. The way it had come up and began to nuzzle against her leg and just the tone it used made understanding it pretty easily, yet Steph still couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Yya shooah bud? Oy only wahnted t' haelp aguynst thaem gutless Trecko's cause thy weah troyin t' guyng up on ya, ya daon't nayd t' come weeth if yah ya daon't wahnna." Yet even as she said that, she could see it's determination in the pokemon's eyes. A kindred spirit perhaps? She seemed pretty eager and keen to join anyway, so why not? Steph knew full well how strong a Toxel could become and having a mon that reminded her of home would only be a good thing right?

"Oolroigh', buh' Oy'mma trine and droive ya hahd gawt ih'? Ine't nao pahssengahs on thiies trine, ya ooll gawtta pull ya wuyt gawtcha?" Receiving a furious amount of nodding in return, Steph smiled and accepted the Toxel's resolve, pulling out a pokeball and offering it to her. Which the Toxel immediately headbutted! Activating the button and disappearing in a flash of light soon after. "Hahppy t' hahve ya on the taym Vi! naow. ..laeh''s gao geh' ya foixed up Dusk ol' pahl."

With her new party member in tow, she sent the Trubbish to the pc upon receiving the prompt from her pokedex and went to leave before a strange ooze caught her eye. The hell was that? She wasn't sure, but it looked pretty awesome! Walking over and picking it up like it was the most natural thing in the world, she would soon make her leave of the sewers and rush to get her partner to a pokemon center. Maybe she should invest in some antidotes before she left? She would have to consider it, but first things first, once she was out of the sewer and had her team healed, she would make her way to the park that Freya had mentioned. Well, not before a bath that nurse joy forced upon the girl; because like hell she was having that girl stink the place up while she waited!

On her way, she would flick Freya a text like the girl had said to now that she was done, hair still drying in the sunlight, or whatever remained of it. The context of the message was, unlike her speech, perfectly easy to understand, if a bit blunt and to the point.

Done with the sewers, got a sweet Toxel out of it. Gonna head to the park if you wanna meet up before I plan on leaving the town, if you wanna come with.

With the message out of the way, she now gunned for that park. She wasn't leaving town without one of those cute puppers.
Stephanie Irwin

Ok, so...that was most certainly not the intention with the ice shard but Steph was a bit preoccupied to care much! It took out one, and the capture of the paralyzed one took out two. It was just the two wankers spewing toxic gas everywhere and some unlucky sod who was still reeling back from the ice shard, solid. She could still see that Dusk was up and standing, if only barely so it was maybe time she wrapped this up. The sooner she did and got out of the sewers meant the sooner she got out of the city after all.

"Dennis, troy and kayp the poisawn gahs off yoahsself and Jack the baest yah cahn oolroigh'! Jack, taych thaese roigh' ol' cunts haow hahd yah cahn hiieh' em weeth an ice shahd righto!" With her two mons given their marching orders, Jack backed up away from the gas as best he could while firing ice shards back into the smog where the trubbish's had been just prior, whereas Dennis just...kept flapping his wings I guess. Was he tired of doing that? Maybe, but between the poison gas in front of him and the terrifying bogan behind him, that was enough of a stick to keep going.

Dusk now was turning his attention to the trubbish rubbing its eyes, and an idea popped into the candles mind. What if he tried to knock it into the water to get it washed away also? His trainer was a bit preoccupied after all, so he decided this was currently his best course of action to try and make it easier for her. So now Dusk began charging at the poor trubbish, firing off a couple of embers as he made his way over, before attempting to smash into it with astonish and knock it into the sewer water behind(or beside?) of it.

Whereas most of the guild seemed happy enough dancing along to the tunes being provided by the guild master, others seemed content with just sitting back and enjoying the festive atmosphere, there of course remained the few that wanted nothing to do with this. Some sat at the bar, some left the guild hall when they saw what was being set up, while one person, in particular, had holed themselves up in a corner of the guild hall by her lonesome. Of course, many had tried to approach the girl in the corner before, only to be swiftly rejected through the giving of a cold shoulder or for those truly unlucky, a verbal barrage that made fighting a pack of hungry wolves bare-handed with no magic a far more enticing prospect.

The girl screamed of pedigree and privilege in appearance, fair skin, silky, silvery hair that framed a comely profile and seemed to almost shine in the lights of the guild hall and striking blood-red orbs fixated on the book before her, eyes darting across the pages at an increasingly vexed manner as the music continued to play and the vocals filled the air. Eventually, her raising and visible irritation seemed to reach boiling point as she slammed her book shut, the cover of which was in stark contrast to her well-kept attire in its currently disheveled and deteriorated state to which the title The Last Knight was barely visible even from as close as Adelyn was.

"This place can't be quiet for longer than five minutes can it?" The girl grumbled to no one in particular, the book in her hand vanishing in a brief flash of light as it returned to her pocket library. It was one of a small collection of books she had managed to salvage before her life had come crashing down on her, and it was cases like this where Requip magic was very handy to stow and retrieve them with.

Yet normally music was an art form in which she took pleasure in partaking in, but much to how she looked, she very much stuck her nose up at whatever this bashing of the senses was. Did it really have to be so obnoxiously loud and in your face? Music should be far, far, far more subtle and calming, it should soothe the soul, not threaten to burst your eardrums! Yet, it was lucky for her she was as far away as possible from it as it meant it was quieter. However, the downside meant if she wanted to escape the music, she would have to go closer and risk going through the crowd dancing along or simply stay where she was and suffer it. Neither situation really appealed to the girl, and honestly, she didn't want to get anywhere near some of the rowdier or more uncouth sorts so she decided to try and skirt around as much of it as possible, eventually leading her to the bar and upon realizing it would probably just be better to wait out the music, she just decided to stay there as she sat down on a stool and quite gracefully sprawled herself out over the counter.

Aka she just smacked her forehead into it and sat there, thinking maybe if she gave herself a big enough headache it would drown out the music. Spoiler, it didn't.

"Honestly, uncivilized mongrels don't need much of an excuse to make a ruckus like this." Sure, Nolan wasn't really asking anyone and probably wasn't expecting an answer, but the girl just seemed to answer on impulse upon hearing someone ask the question without thinking even about who was asking, nor raising her face which was currently becoming one with the countertop as she spoke. "How anyone finds this brash and loud nonsensical clangor enjoyable is beyond my comprehension."
Stephanie Irwin

Fighting a multi battle on her first day wasn't exactly on her radar before this whole mess down here, but it seemed like she wouldn't have much of a choice here. They were splitting up to attack Jack and Dennis for the most part, her gaze moving to the struggling Dusk. Not in terms of actually fighting them, but from the poison which afflicted her partner. She just needed him to hang in a little longer....

But first, she had to deal with the 4 attackers coming at her other two pokemon. Time was running out to think of what to do next as her mind frantically ran through her options. If she had Dennis stop using gust, then considering there was no wind going either way, then the gas would no doubt start creeping back this way....but Dusk was a bit far away from Dennis to be of much use plus it seemed like her partner was gunning right for that paralysed Trubbish to smash its head in with an astonish or two. Maybe take out the pain it was feeling with an ember, so she left Dusk to his own devices to do that which allowed her to come to a decision.

"Ook Jack, use ice shahd on the ground t' cause a deestrahction, thaen layp off the wohl and intuhcept the two crooks troyin t' jump Dennis weeth a scrahtch on bawth! Dennis, kayp up the gust buh' haelp eow' Jack weeth a leeuh!" Was it the best move? Maybe not, but she had to try and keep the two off of Dennis, and with any luck she could take them out quick.

Though a thought did occur to her...what if she just caught one of the trubbishs? That would help narrow down their numbers, and if her memory served her correctly their evolved form was pretty strong, so there was only positives for trying to catch one and the only real risk was she maybe wasted one of her pokeballs. It was worth a shot at any rate. So with that thought in mind, she focused onto whatever one was the one that looked like it was nearly down for the count and wound her arm back before hurling the ball in its direction.

Stephanie Irwin

Oh. Oh no.

It seems like maybe she had a little too much confidence in her partner. She was also maybe expecting the Toxel to be fighting them as well, but it didn't seem to be making a move at the moment and you know what? That was fine. This was fine. She had other pokemon like Jack or-was that gas coming her way?

Oh no.

Uh, what was there she could do? She could try and cover her mouth with a rage or a sleeve or something right? Or did that only work in movies? Well...it should work at least to an extent right? There wasn't much choice in backing away either, because presumably the cloud would only continue to spread. And even if she did just cover her mouth to filter it, it still wasn't going anywhere. And standing in a cloud of poison gas didn't seemed pretty bodgie so it was best for her to deal with it now innit?

Which only left one choice.

"Oolroigh' mate, ya probahbly steell nawt moy beeggest fahn buh' eh. Stawp bein a sulk and use a gust t' cleah thiies nawnsaense eow' righto?" Grabbing a ball from her belt, for the first time since she caught the poor bird, she brought out an absolute menance to society.

Dennis the Pidove.

This poor, poor Pidove. Last thing it remembered was being clobbered by a pokeball, and now it was suddenly face to face with Poison gas? Suffice to say, this had been an eventful day for the pokemon now known as Dennis. But it didn't seem all too bothered, staring down the poison gas with an almost angry look. It was mad, and was going to take it out on this gas! Hah take a gust! Flapping its wings with gusto, it would attempt to at least keep the poison gas at bay, not because it was told to but because it wanted to! Yep, def wasn't scared of Steph or anything.

So with Dennis taking care of that, it was probably a bit much to hope he could help Dusk much with the little gust he was generating, so Steph was already grabbing another pokeball and calling out Jack.

"Oolroighty Jack buddy, ya mate Dusk heah nayds a hahnd. Laeh''s shaow em a vawllay of ice shahd! Dusk, use embah t' kayp thaem at bie and kayp usin moinimoize!" Honestly, having to use multiple mons for the first time on her first day was asking a bit much from the new trainer, so it was best to keep it nice and simple for now. She just had to focus on Dusk and the mons he was fighting, and give some support from Jack. Assuming Dennis could keep the gas at bay.

So with a nod, the sneasal would do as asked and begin launching shard after shard of ice into the cloud of poison at the trubbish, mostly leaving the grimer for Dusk. Who, now poisoned, seemed very annoyed and began spraying ember at literally any of the bastards that had poisoned him that dared move closer. Hell, if they came close enough he would hit em with an astonish!
Stephanie Irwin

Of all the things Steph expected to find, it was certainly not a slice of home. Of course, Toxel's weren't exclusive to Galar, but they were most certainly commonly found there and she wasn't expecting to have seen a pokemon native to the region here just yet. But rather than ponder on the logistics, who, whats and whys this Toxel was here, there were more pressing matters.

It seemed like it was in a pickle, and perhaps these explained the scorch marks. It seemed like the local pokemon weren't happy with an invader. At least, that was her assumpting seeing as some of the locals didn't seem to recognize what a Toxel was. With a glance down at Dusk, who simply nodded at her, she stole one more glance towards the ball where Jack was. It wouldn't do to let these mongrels gang up on this tuckered-out little ankle biter now did it? Especially not after what she had promised Jack earlier.

"Oolroigh' Dusk, yah knaow whaht t' do eh?"


"Ok thaen bud, laets staht thiies shaow weeth an Embah!"

Leaping off her shoulder, Dusk wasted no time in starting things off as commanded, aiming a nice little fiery surprise at the grimer as it seemed to be the boss of this little group. The Litwick would follow up the move with a Minimize as well, before moving to just shoots ember at will at the little bastards trying to gang up the Toxel.
Stephanie Irwin

Not going to lie...Steph was slightly disappointed in the timidness of the wild mons around her. She was at least maybe hoping for one to have some spine left but from an outsider's perspective, who the fuck could blame them? This pyschopath and her 'friends' just suddenly came out of nowhere and attacked them without mercy! But at any rate, it made following the trail easier. What kind of pokemon made marks like this? Was it an explosion of some sort? Fire? Elecricity? Was it even a pokemon? A few of these questions went through her mind as a couple of slow moving ratata caught her eye.

Something was off about them. Why were they...oh. Seeing the sparks come off a few, it removed the question before it had even finished forming in her bogan mind. Paralysis? Did that mean the scorch marks were caused by elecricity? Some sort of discharge or the sort judging by how the scorch marks were made and formed. And judging by the amount she was finding....well, it seemed like if she was disappointed by the wild pokemon's lack of hostility, she might find whatever this was was going to be a fair bit more hostile perhaps.

"Lit! Lit lit litwick!" Snapped back to reality by her partner's yelling in her ear, she flinched and looked at Dusk bewildered for a moment before she heard it. She had heard similar noises before on the farm when they had to deal with a broken cable on a power line...of course she hadn't been allowed to help and they got professionals to deal with it, but the sound of sparking was still vivid in her mind. Perhaps whatever was around the corner was the same? In which case...that was potentially very dangerous. Pausing for a moment as she inched closer to the corner, the sounds got more distinct. Was something generating and discharging elecrticity? It was an odd noise, but one look at Dusk who was ready and raring to go calmed any nerves she might've had.

It was fine, whatever this was she was sure Dusk could handle right?

"Oolroighty dusk buddy, laeh''s gao geh' em eh?" Flashing a grin to the Litwick, who simply gave her an excited nod in response, she stepped around the corner to face down whatever was on the other side. Hopefully without being fried in the process, though if whatever it was attacked, then Dusk would leap into action and counter with Embers.
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