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    1. Mag Lev 9 yrs ago
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Yes, I'm still alive. Mag Lev#3871

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Wonderful, if there are any questions feel free to ask.

Night fell over the chrome city, the neon lights flickering on across the entire expanse as Lotus City burst alive once more as. Its skyscrapers shone brightly in the night sky like beacons, even those living in Shanghai could make out the dim glow from the beach. Men and women of all races and nationality stood in line at the Immigration Center as the tram closed down, the dull sound of a robotic voice over head welcoming them to their new home, instructing them on where to go for temporary or long term stay, even guiding them to restaurants. Few, however, would expect all that sound to be gone in an instant, replaced simply by a booming explosion which caused the building to shudder and near collapse.

The tram station was nothing more than rubble and bodies strewn everywhere, a few survivors managed to hobble out of the station as cops and Corp security rushed in to assess the scene. Nothing remained of the bomber except a few limbs, a damaged aug here and there, and the black scorch mark which marred the chrome floors. Long had Lotus City existed as a state free from the rule of a government and long had they managed to avoid such incidents, even with many other Corps out to destroy them and even the gangs of looking to take control of its streets. Lotus City soon sat in silence as a booming voice announced a total lockdown of the city for the remainder of the night, nobody in and nobody out with a strict curfew.

Whoever had committed such an atrocity surely must’ve had allies inside the city, at least that was the only conclusion Lotus could reach. Weeks later, however, the city returned to normal though rumours spread of shadows moving in the night. Some believed that the bombing of the Immigration Center was a way to make a statement, however others saw it as a distraction meant to allow those in the shadows to move more freely. Even now plans have been set into motion which might shake Lotus City to its core, plans which may very well result in the citizens in choosing who they will stand with.

Welcome to Locus City and Neon Skies, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read over all that offer a brief overview of information which will be further established in the OOC however will be important to the world as a whole.

  • The current year is 2078
  • In 2000 the world experience what is now described as the Sundering, supposedly a cross dimensional collision with an alternate version of Earth where magic and magical creatures actually existed.
  • The Sundering resulted in the introduction of Magic to Earth and the Elves and Orcs are part of the population.
  • Magic was not well understood for many years and the prejudice held against the foreign races led to a long standing embargo on sharing the science of magic or research of it.
  • Many corporations popped into existence some time in 2015, some created by race conglomerates and others simply by those contracting with the governments to research magic faster than each other.
  • Lotus was one of the first Corporations to form and has been the leader in Magi-tech research.
  • With the help of Magic, the world experienced a tech boom through at 2020-2040 called the Chrome Age

Lotus City: the Neon Jewel

Welcome valued Citizens to Lotus City, we at Lotus hope you will enjoy your time here. In the meantime…

The sounds of the city faded in an out as the tram flew through the city, its circuitous route showing the neon lit city in the full glory of the setting sun. People were crammed onto the train, some new imports to the city looking to strike it big, some merely travelers from Shanghai or Nagasaki. Lotus City had originally been planned to be nothing more than a utopia for the big wigs of Lotus, a way to escape the dregs of society and the smog filled air of the big cities. It was a big step forward for any corp to take and a bold move to claim the City as neither property of Japan or China even with its position between the two.

Plans, however, fell through quickly as Lotus realized that the city simply could not run on their executives salaries, at least not without upsetting them more than was necessary. Lotus City soon became a hub for immigrants from the nearby countries, pulling in wannabe millionaires and realists alike. Some saw it as a chance to make a name for themselves by joining Lotus at the HQ and some simply saw it as an escape from the violence of the gangs which ruled China and the Yakuza who held the finances of Japan. Soon the other Corps moved into Lotus City, buying out their own portion of the land and freeing themselves from overbearing governments of other nations.

Now, now Lotus City truly was a site to behold in the glory of its neon lights and shining chrome. On every corner you could find men and women from almost any nation, their profession varying just as much in the process. It became a haven for the ill-loved of society, the forgotten and hated, augs, deckers, you name it. Even more so was the surprisingly lax view Lotus had for Elves and Orcs, welcoming them as if they were no different from humans.

Reality, however, was far from what people liked to believe it to be. The downtrodden and poor were subjected to the worst treatment in the slums; no freedom from the gangs which had plagued them. Augs were forced to register themselves to Lotus, to pay a fee every month based on what they had. A ‘Citizen Protection’ fee they called it, just another excuse to in case an aug went wild. Even the Elves and Orcs faced the same prejudice they had before, finding it hard to integrate with the local population and find jobs, even being forced into separate districts than humans.


  • Rules of the Guild itself apply, of course.
  • This roleplay will experience mature themes, Lotus City is not free from its red light districts nor from drugs and violence. 18+ content will be common and there’ll be more than a few gruesome scenes in the future.
  • As GM my word is law, though I am rather lenient.
  • I expect this to be a Casual roleplay and, as such, would like at least a post a week barring interruptions in schedules. Warnings will be applied for missed post or a lack of update on situations regarding one. 3 warnings and you are out.
  • Try to keep it at a minimum of 2 paragraphs though it is understandable if less can be written during select scenes.
  • While I will flesh out quite a bit of the world and have a roster of various information, feel free to create your own. The world is free for development. If you have any questions you can PM me.
In Test 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Organization's and Relations

The Order of the Sacred Flame

In Test 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum


”We speak of the Kings in the North as if they were legends, as if they had died the very moment we mention them. They sit in their halls watching Orimmir and the lands of Horimir beyond, protecting the Southern Kingdoms while they squabble over farmlands and forests. They train their soldiers to fight, to die for their king and queen, to leave behind a legacy and measure one’s worth not in coin but in heads they’ve cut off. Their women and children understand well that they very well might not see their Father the next day, that their neighbors could just as easily die form a raid as from illness.

Yet they have not request we pay them any tributes, no tithes for protection nor feasts in their honor. The Kings of Weirn are living legends each in their own rights. “

Long have the northern lands of Weirn ruled freely over themselves, bowing to none of the Southern Kingdoms nor the tribes of Horimir. The cities of Weirn are believed to have been the first established settlements of Man, built long before history was ever recorded. Though the original foundations have become nothing more than ruins, stones jutting out of the imposing mountain range, the cities are ancient nonetheless. The Kings of Weirn are no less ancient, their bloodlines long and storied in their Great Wars against the Horimir and even some detailing skirmishes into the Southern Lands.

Of these lands exist seven major cities, protectors of the passes through Orimmir which the Horimir may take south. Of these seven, there exist three which stand above all else. The grand fortress of the north, Normundr. The bustling trade city and meeting spot of the Kings, Vernthouth. Last of all, the grand port city of Haev. Though these three have more influence over Weirn as a whole, it is noted that their relationship is more or less symbiotic. Due to Normundr’s position in the far north, they rely on the fishing and farming surplus from Vernthouth and Haev to survive, Vernthouth in turn relies on Haev for its connection to the Terrimmir Sea.


What is better than the rolling hills of Ioria, the green pastures and beautiful scenes which have struck many with muses. Great artists tell of Ioria as a land as wondrous as a beautiful woman, though personally it is probably more like a beautiful bit of land but still. Here the Kings rule themselves and war teeters on the edge of everyone’s minds, the Imperium and Eroammir always at each other’s throats. Still, it is where many of the realms call home.

Ioria is a land of plains and forests, its lands rarely broken by rocky outcroppings one might make for mountains were it not for the looming presence of the Ghenna Mountains in the far distance. Many of the people of this world call Ioria home, its vast lands inhabited my numerous races. Most unique of all, however, may be the presence of the three great powers of Ioria: Keirous, the Imperium, and Eroammir. While there are various other, smaller, lands scattered throughout Ioria, many are aware that the three could crush them in an instant if they so wished.

However long has the Imperium and Eroammir been at each other’s throats allowing for various other nations to rise in power and take control of what lands they two had not claimed. The ever present and mysterious Keirous, however, has become an ever looming threat for both as rumors spread of their growing strength from beyond the Aouril plains.

Seems like it'll be some goood fun.
Leaves on the Wind


”Well, that would depend on your definition of ‘tasty’,” Nara said as she looked over at Iva, ”I doubt there are much more than animals for you to eat around here but that should be enough. Better than heading back to that village for a night time snack.” Nara fell silent quickly, closing her eyes and focusing on feeling the forest around them. This ability had barely gotten use in Yggdrasil, more useful for detecting ambushes and stealth than anything else but its function wasn’t quite how she remembered it to be. Truly Nature Sense allowed her to feel the forest and almost become one with it. The wind through the trees, the light step of animals in the forest; she could feel it all.

The tendrils of her mind spread through the forest and Nara quickly realized that it wasn’t quite what she had imagined. As she went further away, the senses dulled and came slower to her, the details muddled over the distance. She didn’t have much range to Nature Sense, at least not without honing it more and developing her control over it. However, she had neither the time nor the patience to do such training, Iva was hungry after all and it was better not to wait.

There were surprisingly many creatures in the area, though most of them were small and barely worth their time. A few deer were certainly a decent meal, for Iva at least. ”There are a few deer nearby, that should be a decent meal at least,” Nara pointed a bit off into the forest before continuing, ”At least a mile away in that direction. We should make their deaths quick. And consume all that you can, Nature doesn’t like waste.”
The Start


Nara stood silently as Kessig left, only approving of his actions due to the help he had given them. If she were a nicer person, she may have been willing to grant them a bountiful harvest or even share a small bit of her knowledge with them so that they may never suffer from a poor harvest. Perhaps such knowledge was too much for those so low as the people in the village, barely able to eek out a niche in the forest yet seemingly unwilling to leave. It would be unfit to show such lowly humans the ways of Nature. However, Nara’s train of thought was interrupted as two figures appeared down from where she and Iva had come from.

Little time was spent looking over the pair descending the mountain as Iva spoke to her, Nara nodding in response and leading her in the direction Kessig had mentioned. ”Do you think they are like us,” Nara said as they walked away, ”We might not be alone in this world if the two of us got here.” Nara glanced back towards the pair and then at Iva. If they weren’t alone then that posed an issue. On one hand that meant that they would have plenty of people to bounce ideas off of as to what to do in this world. However, if they were hostile then it would be quite possible to die, not like in a game but actually be killed.

”We’ll have to find something for you to eat later. I don’t think we should try anything with those two nearby. As far as they are concerned, we are just regular creatures of this world. Hell, you are more human than I am in that form.” She nudged Iva slightly and chuckled at her. It would be quite an issue if they didn’t reveal themselves on their own terms, even more so if that pair had an issue with Iva’s eating.

Nara took a moment to breathe at the edge of the village and focus, her minding bending outwards to feel the forest. Unlike on the mountain, the forest around Jhorm felt more alive, the creatures here hadn’t been as affected by the psychic screech. This skill was odd to her, not something she had ever read about being able to do in Yggdrasil. Perhaps it was something new that came with their new reality. Other way, it was comforting and, at the same time, unsettling. ”I think I’m going to like it here, missing finals and graduation aside.”


The forest was silent all throughout the pair’s trek towards Jhorm, no sound of birds nor sighting of fleeting animal life. It was as if the forest itself had been totally drained of life and all that remained was its frozen remains. Even as Nara reached out with her senses to feel Nature, she found nothing more than the trees and a few distant pulses of birds flying overhead. Before the shriek had pierced her mind Nara had never thought as to use her druidic powers to feel the world around. She had been unguarded and mentally shaken afterwards but with it came the realization that she is no longer in a game, her powers are that of a Druid and she must act like it.

Though, even as she tested her abilities she noted that her connection to this natural world was minor compared to what it could be; perhaps a side effect of being so new to it. Nara’s mind was not sharp enough in this world to completely sense everything around her it came in pulses. However, her attempts to understand this feature had to be put on hold as the advanced down the mountains. Her focus was put towards their movement into the boundaries of Jhorm, the forest thinning as the few buildings stood in the clearing. There seemed to be few people in this town, only two people in the near barren fields and a bandaged man who approached them.

It took Nara a minute to take in the sight of the ‘village’ if it could even be called that and answer the man’s question. ”I am Nara and this is my friend Iva,” Nara said with a motion and minor bow to the man, ”We come from the forest above and were motioned here by a troll after we mistakenly wandered into its territory. We came here hoping you could tell us about this region or, by chance, point us in the direction of someone who could.” Though Nara’s voice conveyed an inherent friendliness, even being so kind as to bow the man during her statement, her face betrayed that it was all merely formality. It was quite possible that the man would view a couple of strangers wondering into the town in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. While they could no doubt get information from him another way, Nara rather wished to not force it out.

However, Nara’s brief pause in thought was interrupted as she realized that, perhaps, they too had felt the shriek from the mountains or at least seen the fleeing wildlife. ”Also, did you by chance hear a monster’s shriek? If so, do you know what creature would make such a noise that could cause even a troll to run in terror? I wish to know what being could make a forest totally barren with such little effort.” Nara’s voice was less friendly than before and her expression more serious as she looked up at the man. Hopefully he knew what creature could perform such a strong mental attack that not even Iva was able to fully withstand it.


Even as the troll answered Nara’s question, there grew a mild annoyance in the back of her mind that she had to wait for his responses. The mention of the human village, Jhorm, and that their current location was a place called Devil’s Spine simply confused her. There were no such places in Yggdrasil and it was unlikely that they had somehow changed during their shift to their new reality. However, before she could even mark notice of the foreign names or even the mention of the ‘Grendel’, Nara felt the wind shift and the forest itself emanate fear. Whatever was coming was coming quick and gave Nara no time to ready a resistance.

The very world itself seemed to shrink away as a ripple spread through her body; a crippling pain arching through her in the process. Her vision narrowed and she fell to her knees even as the horrid sound trailed off into silence. Though her existence in the land had been short, Nara could tell that her connection to Nature had already begun once again as the forest ‘spoke’ to her. Through it she felt the residual echoes of the whine; the innate fear that the creatures in the forest had felt, even the death of a couple who acted on the fear and killed each other. Nara had failed to steel her mind and the effects of it took her more than few minutes to shake off.

Even as Iva nudged her, Nara barely moved as her body felt burdened by the effects of the mental attack. ”I- I’ll be fine. That… fucking whatever caused that is not something the forest likes. I can feel the fear that it caused… several times over from the few creatures near here. We need to go,” Nara looked up at Iva and stood slowly, using her friend as a crutch in the process. Their only options were to head towards the human village, Jhorm, and hope there was some semblance of safety there. Though, Nara heavily doubted it considering the way she looked.

”We should head for Jhorm just at that troll said. Find out more about this place, about whatever the fuck caused that. More importantly I feel we should get as far away from here as possible,” Nara paused as she looked at her friend and then her own hands, ”Though I might not be welcome there considering how I am now.” It was strange that Nara had so easily come to terms with the way she was though she had a nagging feeling that it wouldn't’t quite be the same as in Yggdrasil. One couldn’t just walk into a village anymore as green creature and expect to be given a quest.
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