Avatar of Malice


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Apologies for being offline. As if the break up wasn't enough, my parents' house caught fire and is now uninhabitable and, despite the lockdown, I've been helping them sort all that out.
4 yrs ago
To my partners; apologies for the lax responses, I just split up with my boyfriend so things are a bit crazy.
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5 yrs ago
Playing catch up; I haven't (intentionally) ghosted anyone, sorry for my disappearance. <3
5 yrs ago
Apologies for disappearing; had a uni deadline. Will be responding to OC and IC posts this weekend. Thank you all for your patience. <3
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5 yrs ago
Apologies for the delay in responses; I kinda quit my job for a whole host of reasons, so needless to say, things are hectic.


Malice [mal-is] - noun -
  • Just your friendly neighbourhood goth
  • A drinker of obscene quantities of gin

British // Mid-twenties // Protector of Guinea Pigs
[[PhD Student :: Death Academic :: Forensic Anthropologist]]

  • Casual/Advanced Roleplayer
  • 10+ years experience
  • Plays M, F and NB (plus all pairings)
  • Likes dark, gritty fantasy
  • Also likes dumb, supernatural comedy
  • Dislikes having character traits dictated (e.g., must play dom/M)
  • Romance optional
  • Hit me up (or don't)

★ Current Games ★
  • Siege at Swordeye (high fantasy/expansive world/warfare) - Lysander L'Ecuyer, NB
  • Isle of Legends (reimagined Arthurian Legend) - Arturia Pendragon, F
  • They Walk Among Us (supernatural/slice of life) - Cosmin Ardelean, M
  • Contradictory (supernatural/slice of life) - Sam, FtM
  • Bayonetta May Cry (Bayonetta x Devil May Cry crossover) - Dante, M
  • The Devil You Know (Neptunia x Devil May Cry x Persona crossover) - Dante, M
  • You're My Heroin (contemporary/dark/gangs/sex work) - Zach Miller, M
  • Come As You Are (sci-fi/human experiments/war) - Tristan Verney, M
  • Luxor: Realm of Romance (isekai/otome) - Esther Arceneaux, F
  • Souls of Prejudice (high fantasy/exploration of oppression) - Khyren Iadian, M
  • Obsession of Red (supernatural/drugs/addiction) - Felix Webb, M

Most Recent Posts

Psh, I gotta wait until Friday morning before it's even up. I weep.

(Timezones for ya.)
@ERodeyeah, they would be engineering them somehow. It's an idea that needs developing to be useable for sure.
Not completely finished, but first draft of my character for you to have a look at.

My first thoughts were something a bit like the ability to see when someone is going to die (because, original, ey?), but because the character has some sorta Munchausen by Proxy type thing and they wanna play the hero by saving everyone they know is close to death.

But also I'm not convinced by my own idea, so there's that.

Aeris Volinix
175cm 25 20th August

Trivia Info
Older twin to her brother, Aerin.
One half of the ‘Demon Knights of Death and Hellfire’; she is ‘the Death Knight’, while Aerin is the ‘the Hellfire Knight’.
Aeris’ father died when she was sixteen; her mother succeeded the throne in his stead.
Aeris was the only sibling who could be married for the alliance; Aerin was already married to a noble from another Kingdom, while Xeriph is a high priest and thus ‘married to the Church’.
Aeris and Aerin are army majors, jointly commanding the cavalry squadron known as 'the Mercy Dragoon'.
Aeris lost her right arm when she was eighteen and she was still a Lieutenant; her platoon was ambushed and she was one of only four survivors.

Qaeltine Royal Family
(43/52) King (deceased) Calyx Volinix, the 'Martyr King'
(45) Queen Kelis Volinix, the 'Warpath Widow'
(25) First Prince Aerin Volinix, the ‘Demon Knight Hellfire’
(22) Second Prince Xeriph Volinix, the ‘Hallowed Prince’
How about they appear to her as a reaper at this moment? And then they don't reap her soul for whatever reason and then they get humanified?
Interested in this.
Heyhey! Just posting so you know I have read this! Nor responded yet because my head is really stuffy and I'm struggling to write anything decent.

Quick query though; is my reaper already human at this point? Or is Lee's near death the catalyst (or, hey, time can work differently for reapers so could be both).
Discord link is still broken for the record (but I was able to join the server with Q9ZTgtT for anyone else trying.)
Uh, yes please.
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