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@Dead Cruiser
Any idea for when this would begin?
Sometimes a deadline gets CSs up faster. (I know it pushes me)
@Dead Cruiser

I really like where your character is going @Rapid Reader

For everyone else, let me know if there's anything I can help with in drafting up characters. It's not in the CS yet, but if you start thinking about/include a section about what their skills and abilities besides their superpowers are, that would be very helpful as well.

Also, do we have any requests for a locale? If we're local heroes, that'll probably be pretty important.

I think for locals, a stand-in for New York City would be nice. The skyscrapers, slums, proximity to the sea, and rural areas would make for a lot of possiblities .
Four boats were on fire. They belonged to some of the weaker pirate crews. There were a few who had people on board, but Meishu took care of them. She left them tied up somewhere safe, but concealed. She was aware there'd be plenty of blood on her hands before everything was over with, but sometimes all you can do is pretend there's a code to fallow. Keep the weak from burning up when you can.

Hands in her pockets, she watched as the lines of the rope she tied between the boats caught on fire, and spread to the other ships. With the dry wind, she doubted it would take more than a few more minutes before enough boats lit up to cause an uproar.

She could already smell the smoke in the air.
@Crimson Lion
Gerld smiled at the sight of the man, with legs thick as trees, being shoved aside by the devil fruit user. He wasn't sure which tree it was, exactly, but he wasn't too worried about it. The user was too young to pose much of a threat, even if he had one of the strongest fruits. Battle sense was scarier than raw power and that needed time.

"Hey there!" Gerld called as walked towards the man who used the branches. "I see you're capable of defending yourself. Please do. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I can't let myself be stopped here. So please put up a good fight so that I won't live with guilt"

Gerld squeezed his fist hard enough to make his knuckles pop. "Here I come. Be ready. I'm a master of the six powers and won't give you any warning after this."

With that he vanished and reappeared in front of the young man who used branches, finger extended, shooting out towards the man's chest.

@The Irish Tree
Tsk moved for the kill. The kill was gone. The Fishman was on him, had him. Before he could swipe at her she undid him. He wanted to fight but the strings were cut, and he couldn't stand. Then she hit him in the back of the neck, hard and percise like cutting the last line that kept the puppet from collapsing, and then all he saw was darkness.

The woman with the blade in her hand, and the dead swordswoman at her feet stared at the Fishman in shock, and the lunatic at her feet. It seemed like destiny had seen to it that they should be at odds.

"Shit." She swallowed hard, taking a step back. "So I guess it's me against that thing?" Suddenly her mouth was dry.

"Okay." She said, shaking her head and retaking the step she lost to fear. "Hey." She called at the woman because if she didn't, all she'd be able to do was cower. "Don't think this is all over. There are still a few more of us in here and you're not getting out until it's just you."

She drew a chain and started to swing the blade around, readying herself to launch an attack.

Damn, she was scared. It wasn't enough she took her first life today, a draining victory if there ever was one, but now the easiest option available to keep her living was a fishwoman who took out a lunatic.

The weirdest thing though was she thought you were supposed to smell copper when anxiety struck, not wood burning.
Little by little the roar of the spectators, demanding blood, and baying for the last of their treasure not to be sucked away by a bad gambling habit, died down. Roars, wavered. Cries dwindled. Jeers lost the strength to move from one side of the arena to another. Gradually the confident calls were replaced with confusion. The pirates and gamblers stopped to sniff the air.

"What's that?" Someone finally called.
"Is that smoke?"
"Something's burning"
There was a slam as the doors banged open behind them.
"Hey!" A young woman with wild eyes yelled. "The boats! They're on fire!"
"Which one!"
"Looks like all of them!"
Dozens of men started talking, and getting up to check on their transportation.

"What in the blazes is going on." The lighthouse pirates captain bellowed, getting up on the stage, in front of the fighters.

"Jeezus" The young woman with purple hair rolled her eyes. "The boats are on fire! What part of that don't you understand?"

The captain's eyes went wide. "Shit." He pointed to some of his men. "Well this show is done. Everyone's leaving and I doubt they'll be in the mood to gamble when all the mess is sorted out. Hurry up and get those men out of there and take them back down to the cells. We'll put them up for another night."

He aimed his gaze at another group of men. "As for the rest of you come with me. If those fires spread far enough they'll take down the lighthouse with them!"

After the captain disappeared his second in command started shouting for the combatants to stop fighting and tossed a cabin boy a pair of keys to open the door. All the other pirates aimed their rifles, shaking and ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

<Snipped quote by malmshodes>
I got your offensive edge right here.

In seriousness, your character does not need to have a power to cover every eventuality; we're working as a team after all.

Also, for allocating powers 12-13 "dots" is about normal for an average, perhaps inexperienced Nova. Power also increases exponentially with dots, not linearly, so keep that in mind.
It's not so much a need to have a skill for every occasion so much as I'd like a character who'd have creative applications open to her. I mean, sure being able to perceive things nobody else could come in handy, but it runs the danger of her fights or situations being more limited. Which has happened to me before.

How do dots work?
@Dead Cruiser
I'm still playing around with a character who has awareness abilities. I like the idea of a detective character whose capable of understanding things beyond themselves, but I'm not sure how to add an offensive edge.
@Dead Cruiser

<Snipped quote by an abomunist>

A conman could work fine, though I would ask that you flesh out the concept just a bit more.

Speak with the Dead, no, but there are hypnotic/compelling powers that your character could have.

So basically the more direct influence a nova's power has on their body, the quicker they'll be pushed to transcendance?

What about an ability involving astral projection?
@Dead Cruiser
Street-level neighborhood watch sounds like a good place to start.

I would appreciate the list of powers and maybe a better explanation of the stats, because when I tried looking up flux and transcendence it got kind of confusing for me.
Meishu frowned. It was hard to pull away from what she was seeing, she didn't want to miss anything, but the fact there wasn't anything she could do at the moment made it easier to get up and walk away from her seat. Someone, one of the no name pirates who'd hit on her earlier called over for her to go back. She ignored him and went out the back staging area's back doors.

Frowning she walked down a haul towards the outside where the boats were and calculated her plan as well as she could.

There were more variables than what she would've liked, but she couldn't do anything about that.
She'd just have to have faith that Gerld would know what to do.
Gerld frowned as he stepped up to the young man. The poor soul was probably broken. He didn't look to have even enough strength left inside to push him off his feet. "It's a cruel world" he sighed. "Someday I'll make it better, and repent for the road, but for now there's no room to give pity." With a quick, violent slash of his hands, the young man's body slumped to the floor.

"Now then." He looked over the rest of the inmates, ignoring the pirate captain's praise of his work. "Whose next?"

Everyone was the same. So he started walking and would deal with whoever he'd make contact with first.

It looked to be a young man dealing with a cloaked figure.

"Least it looks like he's got a devil fruit. That'll make it kind of fair."

CaddDocc didn't bother slowing down when she neared the woman with the swords, because she was certain the fellow prisoner's calmness was an act devised to make her lower her guard, or bluff her out of the attack. Netiher would workd. She was going to survive, and she was going to find Fin and make him pay. With a scream she thrust the spear forwards, and it connected. The razor edge did not stop at connecting but moved into the young woman, and then out of her.

"I.." Caddocc took a step back as her opponent slumped to the floor. "I thought she'd...."

@Crimson Lion
"What is that?" The figured tensed for a moment at the sight of the sticks coming out of his opponents hands before he leaped several feet away, dropping his cloak as he did so.

When he landed the oddness of his body stood out like a flare in the middle of the ocean. Everything above his hips was skinny like the twigs coming out of Kukui, but everything below was bulged as if his skin was gritting its teeth, trying to keep the iron sinew inside. "Hey that's not right." The man pointed at his chosen target. "Did you eat a devil fruit?" He pointed at himself. "So we can't fight? We shouldn't should we?" He frowned as he watched the stranger.

"No choice, I guess." With a headshake the man took a deep breath, got into a sprinter's stance, and rocketed towards the green-haired man. When he closed the distance he swung a leg forward, which was on fire from the speed.

@The Irish Tree
Unexpected. Tsk could not help but feel a slight bit of disappointment as he flew through the air from several monstrous strikes that seemed to tremble throughout his entire body. That had happened before. He was used to it. On some level he rather enjoyed it. The disappointing part was his blade was still rusty instead of bloody. How would he ever get it nice and shiny again if he kept having it dulled by air and time? Unacceptable.

He hit with a loud thud, and bounced several times before coming at a stop against the seastone prison. He heard the woman threatening him about getting up, but he wasn't interested in that. It would take a lot more than what the woman Fishman was capable of to keep him down. His eyes went down to his chest, covered with bruises that were already starting to scar over thanks to his fruit.

"No. No. No." He got up and pointed his blade at the fishman. "I need to cover the blade. Cover it like oil." He rushed forwards again.

"Now then?" Which one of these is the biggest? Behind Meishu the lighthouse beckoned friends and warned away enemeis. "Where to start?" There was a flare in her hands. She hummed a sea Shantae she recently heard from a few pirates she travelled with. It was about long-lost lovers who hated the sea that kept them apart.

Tempting as it was she didn't drop light the marine's ship on fire first. Instead she lit one made out of cheap would that looked like it wasn't properly treated. She doubted it would take more than a few minutes before people started to smell the smoke.

Another torch appeared in her hand. Another boat. A third one went up in flames.

Concept wise: A woman who works with strays and so is focused on animal welfare.
As far as abilities go was thinking it could initially look like she's a werewolf, but as the things progress her animal form slowly changes over time with different fur colors, and eventually, it'll be revealed she's something like a chimera and can alter the DNA and abilities she takes in via physical contact.
Hi there!
How's everyone doing today!
This does look like a lot of fun. I'm not very familiar with TTrpgs, but I'm open to the ideas of stats and would love to learn.

As far as heroes go I like the idea of street level.
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