Avatar of MegaOscarPwn
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    1. MegaOscarPwn 7 yrs ago


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Done, lemme know what you guys thing :^)

Rägnar Ironside

"Need more mead!" the barbarian laughed, numerous empty jugs on the wooden table he was sitting on, surrounded by ladies of questionable honor and cheap to sleep with "It's been 3 hours Rägnar..." the bartender complained, having to withstand the bad manners and almost non-existent hygiene of the wild mercenary "And what? Tomorrow I'll get the glory I deserve!" he cried out, obviously full of energy and almost in bliss due to the amount of mead that he had drunk and the company that surrounded him. It was past midnight, and the tavern of Apulum, The Sleeping Bear, was just filled with rat packs and people of the night.

"Mhm, yes lasses, I'll bring each of you a skull from the tournament..." he said, smiling stupidly to the ladies that were tending to him, massaging him in places that no one should comment on. After a few minutes of flirting, a voice was heard from the entrance of the tavern, the sounds of steel boots advancing towards the counter as a group of 3 bounty-hunters leaned on it, asking the owner for information about someone called "The Orc", more than likely not knowing that the person they were looking for was in the same room as them. Rägnar slowly picked up his hammer from beside the table, pushing the ladies off of him and holstering it, before putting his hands on both of his axes. "Uh, well, he was just here but then he had to leav-Agh!" his speech was cut short due to one of the hunters positioning his silver rapier a few millimeters away from his neck, closing his eyes "He's right there, the barbarian!" the bartender yelled.

The group of three turned around, only to see the gigantic figure of Rägnar looking at them, leather and fur being his only armor against attacks, giving him a sense of mystique "So, you're the bastard who attacked that caravan..." the leader asked, taking a step back as he unholstered his bastard sword from his belt, the sound of steel being caused due to the last of the three also grasping his sword "You work for money, and so do we, but we're lacking honor." one of them snickered, it was obvious they were counting on overpowering him with numbers instead of skill (which they did not lack at all), but all of that was cut short as a handaxe flew across the room, getting stuck to the chest of the bounty hunter in the left, who instantly fell to the ground.

Rägnar charged right at them, with an axe on his hand and a jug of mead on the other one, which was now free to grab whatever it wanted. The men feinted to the same side as the barbarian using the hand with the axe to swipe at one of the wooden pillars, using it to turn around rather quickly and tackle both of them, sending them flying trough a window with a tackle "Hey, you'll have to pay that!" the bartender said, a hand around his neck as he saw the chaos going on "Every time..." he sighed to himself, the fight continuing outside as the two got up, coughing as numerous shards of glass were stuck in their legs "Y-You're an animal!" one of them yelled, his morale falling as he tried to run away from Rägnar, whom just got out of the same window, having to kneel down because of his height, sending the remaining axe flying towards the back of the man, ending his running and life.

The remaining mercenary looked at the now unarmed barbarian, instantly attempting to strike him as he slashed at Rägnar's side, which he just dodged in time to earn him a new scar, but no serious damage "Attacking an unarmed opponent? Disgusting..." the mercenary said, grasping the Warhammer from his back and patting it slightly, before attempting to smash the head of the bounty hunter, swinging his hammer from right to left, his opponent backing up into a wall as rain started to pour on both of them, attempting to slice Rägnar's legs, which he stopped with the hammer itself, sending the bastard sword flying off to the side. "No, p-please, don't hurt me!" he cried out, sliding down the wall as he stared at The Orc, wielding the hammer "You work for money...and so I do..." he lifted his hammer "But I'm lacking piety." he said, bringing it down as he smashed the entirety of the man's head, blood spurting out of the dead man's neck.


Rägnar woke up after a few hours inside the Inn's dorm "Must have gotten drunk and slept here..." he thought to himself, before watching the broken-in window of his room "Mhm." he nodded to himself, quietly coming out of bed, bare naked, and walking up to the equipment "Sarah, I told you enough times, don't clean the empty rooms..." a voice was coming, the sound of a mature woman coming up the stairs made the barbarian's effort to tie his hair into a topknot and get into the fur pants, but it was too late, the sound of a screaming woman and the sight of a half-naked Torguren carrying two axes and a bloody Warhammer made it clear that the morning wasn't going to go well.

Walking up to Loreia's manor, a thought ran through his mind "This lady must be wealthy, maybe I can give her sexual pleasure and she'll reward me! I heard that wealthy women often take up slaves to perform things like that for them, I guess that can be a good rest between killing and killing..." he laughed out loud, which made some of the people around the streets turn their view to him, wondering how a man of such proportions could be so...so not civilized. After a while of walking, he came up to the front door, whistling as the height and overall proportions of the manor surprised him "I came to fight!" the guards readied his spears "For, uh, the rich lady..." they quickly sighed in relief, opening the door and letting him in into the courtyard.

It was immense, a sparring dream for every fighter that had ever thought of going into serious business and becoming a real fighter, just like he was about to become. "You'll have to excuse me Mr...uh...well, Mr.Rägnar, but Ms.Loreia is busy with, uh, another participant..." a fine dressed man came to tell this to the barbarian, who raised an eyebrow and glanced over at what seemed to be the other man, a slender young boy and a woman sitting on the chair "Oooh, that must be the woman that needs sexual pleasure." he said, the butler looking at him "Pardon?" he said, obviously surprised as to what Rägnar just said "Oh, she does not?" the fine dressed man rolled his eyes, turning away at a moderate pace and leaving him standing around the courtyard, some of the people practicing there glancing from time to time at him, maybe recognizing him because of his fame...or just because he was carrying around crude weaponry.
Good morning guise, I'll be back in like 7 hours yes.


But shit I guess Highschool has it's downsides.
God dangit, don't get too ahead of yourselves bois, I'm going to go to bed in like 10 minutes (23:05 right here lmao) so I'll be back in like 16 hours HAHA.

>Spain has it's benefits.
>This is surely not one of them.

Óscar finished changing, looking at the french male with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk "Yeah, well, you'd also be complaining if you were forced to stay here gilipollas!" he yelled back at him with a laugh afterward. "What an ass..." he thought "Everyone here is an ass, except that Asian chaval, he seems good". The Spaniard walked out of the barracks, stretching himself and adjusting the uniform to fit his body: He wasn't a bodybuilder, not at all, but it was obvious that he was fit enough to put up a nice fight or even handle a few soldiers by himself. He DID practice H2H combat while on the old League, and his years of "Vigilante" taught him some useful techniques...besides, he asked for some Glíma lessons here on the Georgian base.

He didn't like being "bossed" around, but he understood that the Captain was, well, the Captain for a reason, so he didn't wait to follow his instructions and continued the march to the canteen. He knew some of the other soldiers looking at the group, giving some of them a few nods as the pacing started to slow down, reaching the comedor at last as he grasped a tray and got served the "spaghetti", grinning but also showing disgust on his face "Told you, wet noodles..." he said, chuckling and quickly sitting on one of the tables, starting to play around with the fork/spoon...foon? "Damn, a M1911? Well, I guess he deserved it" Still, the thought of the man getting just a pistol was ticking him off "Why not a rifle? A rifle is better...or a bow, damn, those are really silent..." he took a sip of the glass beside him, watching as the rest of the group grabbed their trays "Yeah, a bow could be useful, maybe I could make ice arrows for him even."

Óscar continued day-dreaming, slowly starting to eat the "spaghetti" as an idea popped into his brain "A band! When I get out of here I'll make a band, a swing band...just like back in France..." the idea appeared appealing to him, but he quickly discarded it as a shady thought ran across his mind "Maybe we don't make it out alive, maybe this is just The League 2.0 and I'll have to desert again." he looked at the siblings as he said that "Oh, look, we're really honorable and we care for the rest of the people, blah blah blah." Óscar chuckled to himself, shaking his head slowly "Yeah, see where that gets you, more than likely in a situation where I'll have to risk my ass to save you, kids, just to not get called a "coward", why do I even care though? If I could, I'd just escape from this hell-hole and kill Hitler myself, I'd just need to see him on the street and make his blood boil, or maybe freeze it and then throw a stone at him so he shatters, yeah." His "happy-go-lucky" attitude seemed to have gone off him, a dark-like-aura now floating around him, as he was imagining ways to kill the needed people so the War would end as fast as possible. He did know that nothing about that would happen, he was just an actor and musician with some special power.


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Dude do you want me to kill myself or what.
@ayzrules Let's not.
@ayzrules >we will check if you're still christian when you least expect.

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