Avatar of Melo


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
I'd think a professional would be a better place to voice your problems and vent for positive reactions, rather than the status bar of an RP forum. But that's just me.
5 yrs ago
Respect isn't given, it is earned.
6 yrs ago
Case closed (3)
7 yrs ago
I hear french and all I can think about is "Omelette du fromage"
8 yrs ago
[@neurovoid] That article looks incredibly biased for one agenda. There are various articles that list differences in neural wiring and anatomy. Not to mention hormones from gender-specific organs
1 like


Something something... will write something here later.

Fun fact: I never did

Most Recent Posts


”Unfortunately, you are mistaken!”

Cyrus exclaimed in a most calm manner. His finger pointed at Shaun. ”Both of your points make no sense. Everyone could’ve picked a simpler victim than Mondatta. And how could you say that the crime scene has clues that don’t fit?” He paused for a second, looking significantly more angry. ”I don’t know how the simple fact could escape you THAT WE DON’T KNOW HOW THE SOD WAS MURDERED, YOU ABSOLUTE SHIT.”

With Krista’s comments in mind, he switched his attention to Davis. There were cracks in his glasses, likely from the tiny outburst he just had, but he looked calm now. ”You have a surprisingly solid reasoning. I underestimated you, Davis. But I don’t think your argumentation is perfect either.”

”You say that Krista might’ve fought Mondatta with a weapon we presume to be an iron file. I will not address the situation where Krista could prevail against a giant, martial artist. Instead, I want to focus on another piece of evidence. He opened his e-handbook and showed the stalagmite. ”This cut is too clean to have been made in a scuffle. An attack with force behind it would’ve also likely shattered the stalagmite. It is likely this wedge cut was deliberately made, as Krista says.”

Noel intervened for a second. ”But she could still have made that cut herself as a red herring?”

He grinned. ”Yes, obviously. That is something that is truly possible. HOWEVER, it is far too soon to call anything a red herring without knowing what truly killed the Monk, and how. I propose we drop the “who?” for now and focus on the “how?”. I think that will bring us much closer to solving this case than our current line of reasoning.”

He looked at Monokuma ”Why else do you think that bear bastard didn’t put it in the report?”

Noel wondered. ”Could it be possible that the murderer somehow disabled the life-supporting functions of his suit? That’s one way to kill him without breaching it. I'm just not sure if the wedge cut was needed for that...”

Cyrus looked towards Calvin "You're good with metal. Can you tell us anything about the metal that might be useful?"
Cyrus was certain a vein popped. ”Davis, if you truly selected Krista on these grounds without any further look at the evidence, I am seriously questioning whether you have any talent at all.” It was clear that Davis had already begun to piss off the infinite politician. ”Is Mondatta’s memory worth so little to you that you immediately resort to rash decisions and showboating? Do us all a favor and take this goddamn seriously.”

Noel decided to jump in a little between the two here. ”Unless you believe you can prove, with an actual presentation of evidence, that a girl we found wounded and unconscious at the scene beyond a shadow of a doubt committed this murder.”

Cyrus scowled ”As if any of us would make such an oversight.”

Noel hastily lead everyone to the scene. She was somewhat happy they didn’t take long to move. They had no time to waste if they wanted to gather enough evidence. The clock was ticking and the court of carnage was drawing ever closer. There wasn’t a second to spare.

The reactions of everyone were heart-breaking. Noel remembered the first time she saw this happen. She stood there paralyzed for a short moment in remembrance, then continued her own investigation. She decided to focus more on the pictures she had taken; there was only that much room for people to look around the scene themselves.

Noel wasn’t certain, but something on the scene didn’t match up to the pictures. What had changed?


The most Marianne took from the ruckus around her was that an item had been found, possibly hinting more strongly at how Mondatta had died. She heard the voices of Bliss, the newcomer Alice, and an almost estranged Davis, and the herbalist shuddered inwardly as the man left a biting remark into the already tense air before he made his exit from the cave.

A moment of silence was left to linger.
"...um." the woman on the ground croaked, her voice only loud enough to be heard by those immediately by her. Luckily, the pair, Bliss and Alice, were in her target range. "...is there any blood on the handle, by any chance? Maybe...we could discover what the handle's head was, that way..."

She shook her head. The idea sounded a lot dumber once it had escaped her lips. Still, she felt the need to remark to the room, being the one on the ground with a recovering Krista:
"The blood is warm, and still wet." she lifted one of her hands that had been stroking the infinite violinist's hair, and brought it to her face. The liquidy, blotchy stains it left left nothing to the question. The blood was fresh. "...we discovered the body now, but it would appear that this happened not too long ago. That is, if we believe...the two acts, Krista's attacking and the m-murder..." she stuttered here noticeably, as if reluctant to believe it really had happened, "took place at the exact same time."

Cyrus's reaction against Mary had been forceful, but that was probably the only way he could've prevented any irreversible damage to the scene. Afterwards, he gladly let Daimyon take care of soothing her with his golden tongue. The politician had a way with words himself, but he was more proficient at tugging different emotions. Not to mention, right now his focus was aimed more at solving the murder of a great man. Why did it have to be Mondatta of all people? The monk had demonstrated himself to be such a great addition to this group. Cyrus wasn't a man of faith, but that didn't mean he couldn't respect the monk's approach to this situation. He hoped his spiritual guidance would continue to guide those of the group that had come to appreciate it in the last few days.

Hearing Marianne, he turned to her in response, pondering the same issue. "It is very likely. Mondatta was in charge of guarding Krista. It is unlikely the two weren't together at the moment of the crime." He knew there was a chance the violinist and monk had been separated, but that would mean the murderer would have to have taken Krista out here later. They'd have to hear Krista's report on that once she felt better. Without a doubt this would play a large role in the court."Other options aren't impossible, just very unlikely without further evidence."

"...I agree-"
Marianne had hardly finished her statement before she felt a beeping in her lap, under where Krista's head lay.
'Clue acquired!'
She gently placed the blonde's head onto the floor and gave her a quick, reassuring smile, before picking up the source of the sound - the herbalist's own e-handbook. It had updated with an entry under the Truth Bullets section that read:

The blood on the back of Krista's head is still wet. It takes blood about a half-hour to an hour for blood to dry at room temperature.

"Fascinating." the herbalist sat, her bloodstained dress hardly posing as a problem as she touched the surface of the e-handbook with her red tipped fingers. This piece of machinery was incredible - and the source behind it even moreso.
She carefully took a deep breath, tightening her whole body as she rose to her feet. The stretch at her hips as always made her wince, but the moving was doing much better for her mobility - else she'd really freeze stiff that way. When she faced him, her words were directed half to Cyrus, and half to the group that stood around them:

"The handbooks we have been issued have updated with the most recent findings! Please look at them."
She caught her speaking to be disjointed, and repeated her sentence in more conversational English, "I think if we find clues, they will...um. Load? Is that the word? Log? They will be registered on our handbooks."
She appeared satisfied with herself. There were many more clues that needed to be found. And, with Davis' words ringing in her head, there wasn't much time.

"Cyrus," her tone was a mixture of serious and fluttery, her closing the distance between the two of them and looking up into the man's steely grey eyes. This was how the herbalist always felt when looking the politician dead in the eye, like her heart would take off.
...did it not matter that there was a dead body literally feet away? And if not that, the fact that Marianne was almost covered in blood, the front of her white dress housing a kaleidoscopic series of red stains, and her fingers sporting the same. She almost existed as homage to the newly registered clue.
"...will you accompany me, please?"
She paused before adding decidedly, almost in a whisper, "...there is something I need to ask you. Show you, rather. And anyone here could be the murderer. ...it's not safe to go alone."

Cyrus took a short moment to check his own handbook, confirming what the herbalist said. He didn't pay it much more mind. It would be a great reminder, but finding new clues had priority right now.
He continued making observations, though there really wasn't much to find. Much like what the monokuma file said, the suit made it very difficult to discern anything what happened to the body of the monk. His concentration was suddenly broken when he was spoken to by the Herbalist. The blood made her look somewhat grizzly, but he knew how it happened.

He gave a solemn nod as he got up and followed her. Cyrus wasn't having much succes here, so maybe whatever she had to show could lead to further insight? He wondered what it was that she couldn't just show everyone else. "Where are we going?"

"Nowhere in particular." the herbalist added when they were a reasonable distance away. Should the person playing at her mind show up, hopefully they would not overhear their discussion. "...I need to attend to Krista. I...Bliss is there, but I hope I am not the only one a little bit...suspicious." her words came out croaked.
"I don't have much time. I don't know if this will help, if at all-" her speaking pace increased, the French accent creeping in again, "but please, take this. Read it. It will find more help with you than with me. Please, come find me at the sick bay. I will be with Krista so long as the bear allows."

Without another word, the herbalist actually reached (nonchalantly!) into her bra (for her dress had a lack of pockets) and fished out a rolled up newspaper clipping. She handled it gingerly before placing it almost hurriedly into the Politician's hands.
"This seemed to be of interest to the late Miss Moffett. It was on her desk, among other things. She may have been looking into it. ...since I now occupy her room, I...found it some days ago when I was settling in. Mondatta was with me at the time, I-I only wish..." she trailed off, shook her head and bit her bottom lip. Regrets would not help anyone at this point especially.
"I don't know if it will help at all. ...please, hold onto it. There's someone who would murder for a phone call among us. I don't know if I want to take my chances with...them."

Cyrus took the article from her hands with a nod, wondering how a newspaper clipping could possibly connect to the case. He unfirmed it and started to read it attentively.

Before he could ask her any more questions, the herbalist disappeared again beyond the rocky croppings of the faux cave, back to where Krista lay, and where she intended on helping the blonde to a more stable medical environment as soon as possible.

Cyrus looked at the article in confusion. He had heard of the infinite vigilante before, but he had never seen the picture. Still, he assumed this was unrelated to the case. Marianne had found this several days ago in the room of Shona? Cyrus also noted that the infinite vigilante used bladed weapons and guns, which didn't fit the crime scene. Nevertheless, only one person could know more...

Cyrus would have to pay a visit to Calvin, the infinite metalsmith.

Noel dashed out of the cave like a storm. She was no infinite free-runner, but her speed and movements were rather impressive still. Noel was proud that her military training had managed to stick. Before her confinement it had merely been useful to tail celebs, but in the game it had gotten her out of some sticky situations with carnage sisters several times. She passed the mono stand giving it nary a second glance. She went down the stairs three steps at a time and raced through the patient quarters and ran into Daimyon and Mary along the way. After quickly informing them, she quickly continued to the break room.

With a loud thud the door was kicked open by Noel’s mighty foot. She didn’t spare herself the time to see who was or wasn’t in the break room. People were there, that was enough for now. Everybody already was in a state of disarray, the body discovery announcement had clearly reached them. “Guys, it’s horrible.” She said and took a breather. “We found Mondatta, he’s dead in Alladin’s palace!” She continued, her tone was grave and demanding. “Krista is injured, too. I want everybody to go and investigate right this instant.” She mentally prepared herself for any questions thrown her way, but most of all she just wanted to return quickly.

Cyrus had kept himself busy during the uneventful days, though he had watched his back every moment of it. Some of his fellows were convinced nobody would murder for a phone, but Cyrus wasn’t so sure. Their group had been growing steadily, and with that the chance for a single loony to ruin it for the rest increased dramatically. He suspected nobody in particular, but everybody had their secrets. Only one person needed to have the wrong kind of secrets, that was how this game worked.

He had taken to exploring the unexplored. He visited the rooms in the hospital that nobody had bothered exploring yet. The only thing of note he had found so far was a password-locked computer. He had been trying to force himself in there, as surely there had to be something on there, but he hadn’t managed to just yet. He had been thinking of getting someone more… proficient in obtaining information to help him out.

But the day after he was going to be investigating something else.

His morning started in the break room with a nice cup of coffee… and ended with a body discovery announcement. Cyrus shot out of his chair as the announcement finished. ”What in the-“ He stammered. Who had been murdered? Where?

Luckily, before anyone had been able to mobilize the door was abruptly kicked in. It seems Noel was the bringer of bad news, how suitable for a reporter. Cyrus gritted his teeth at the news. Mondatta was a kind soul, but murdering that armoured monk could’ve been no small feat. He gave Noel a quick nod and ran off in the direction of the cave complex.

Cyrus arrived shortly after the Steamer and Poet. The Politian cursed under his breath. For a god damn telephone, what even. As Mary ran up and started hitting the monk’s suit, Cyrus grabbed her by the collar and pulled her backwards with full force. ”Hold it! I know this is bad. But we must preserve the scene at all costs! He said, staring at her with an expression of mixed sadness and anger. ”It’s okay to cry. But the greatest disservice we can do Mondatta is not catching his killer, alright?”

@BrokenPromise Personally I don't need it. But knowing there's more than two with time constraints it sounds like a good plan.
@BrokenPromise That's some good stuff right there, my man. It appears this competition will get quite heated...

Speaking of which! @Melo, will Noel come to the casino too? It would make for a...very interesting quartet there (considering Daimyon and Mary both want to go there while Davis is already in the area). And some...very interesting interactions. ;)

Most likely, yeah. that seems to be the most prudent thing to investigate
Something we were also doing was comparing our characters to the actual DR3 Future cast xD

Apart from Cyrus being Munakata 2.0, what are your suggestions, ladies and gents?

Marianne is chisa because there needs to be a cute ditzy waifu

Munekata 2.0? Does that mean i can get a katana and slice up waifu robots now?

(Remind me to call someone DEAR BOY sometime)

The Christmas getup had Cyrus frowning, was it time for gifts again? The tiny package hit him straight in the chest, but Cyrus was unfazed. It wasn’t particularly heavy. He unwrapped it to find a small box of cigarettes, they made Cyrus curl his nose in disgust. He had no clue who of the infinites smoked, but it was one of the things in the world he hated most.

”Alexandria is another of those female bots.” Cyrus explained, he had been paying attention to the conversation, but he decided not to join in for now. Surely the rest was capable of asking simple questions. They didn’t need him for that. After his outburst yesterday, he might make the guy uncomfortable instead, much like how Davis was doing anyway. He gave Marianne a quick rundown of what had happened yesterday. Every head that could think about their problems was welcome.

Their conversation was cut short when two others joined their table, Mondatta and Mary. Both of them were there for a different person. Cyrus showed the streamer a polite smile as she presented him the podium. ”That’s… pretty nice” He said. It wasn’t a bad gift, though he was usually the type to make his speeches spontaneously in the middle of the crowd. Setting up a podium would interrupt the momentum. Still, it might find its use sometime. He wasn’t going to refuse a gift given with some sincere thought behind it. ”Glad to see not everyone is… well… unhappy with me after last night.” He said, accepting the suitcase and its contents gratefully.
”Now… I don’t think you’re a smoker, are you?” He said, flashing the gift he had gotten. ”Because I think the only place these are going is the trashcan.”

Noel eyed the sewing kit with a questionable expression. Was there anyone amongst the infinites interested in sewing? Perhaps Bliss made clothing for children sometimes? It would fit with her talent as a nanny. Other than that, perhaps there were some that were interested in trying out the hobby. She’d have to investigate. No secret was going to stay hidden from Noel Amalia Hawthorne for long! She would find out who was meant for this sewing kit. She was also relieved to see it did not contain a map of human organ locations. Remember, one stab is all it takes!

Noel looked up from her gift as she was greeted by the infinite Poet himself. As she was addressed, Noel couldn’t help but to quick draw her camera again and snap a picture of the Poet during his introduction. ”Charmed, mister Londe. She knew she could probably call him Daimyon, but this sounded way better. It kind of sounded like some kind of super spy. ”Noel Hawthorne, and the pleasure is all mine. Is there anything I can do for you?” She wondered, thinking there might be a reason why he had approached her now.
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