Avatar of Melo


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
I'd think a professional would be a better place to voice your problems and vent for positive reactions, rather than the status bar of an RP forum. But that's just me.
5 yrs ago
Respect isn't given, it is earned.
6 yrs ago
Case closed (3)
7 yrs ago
I hear french and all I can think about is "Omelette du fromage"
8 yrs ago
[@neurovoid] That article looks incredibly biased for one agenda. There are various articles that list differences in neural wiring and anatomy. Not to mention hormones from gender-specific organs
1 like


Something something... will write something here later.

Fun fact: I never did

Most Recent Posts

Cyrus found himself agreeing with Faith. “I think finding the book out of place along with the symptoms is too much of a coincidence for it to not be Litonix or Mundinol.” Cyrus mused. Of course, it could be a red herring, but that was too early to conclude. It was more likely the killer had simply left the book in a hurry. “The majority of us should be dead if it was in the food. So it definitely was not there.”

Cyrus repeated the day in his head. “Mercy finally died around 8 o’clock. If it was Litonix, it had to have been applied right at the end of the concert or the beginning of the party. I can’t recall anything out of place happening there. So I think the long acting poison is more likely indeed.” He looked around a bit before he continued. “This means the poison must’ve been applied sometime between 3:00 and 4:00 PM.”

Noel nodded gleefully. The reasoning for it being Mundinol wasn’t sound, but it was the most logical assumption to make. ”3:00 and 4:00 PM you say? In that case, Denis and I can cover for each other. We were in his room at the time.” She grinned.

She then smiled at the idea she had. ”So did anyone see Mercy during that time? Perhaps we can deduce something based on that?” Then she looked at Denis. ”Or we can just reduce the amount of suspects by covering for each other, I guess that works too if we’re sure it’s Mundinol.”

Cyrus grunted at the tragic end of the infinite plague doctor. Was nothing sacred anymore? Had someone truly found a way to even turn the infinite’s sole moment of respite into this kind of mess? The thought alone made him angry, furious. His knuckles whitened as he clenched his hands. He felt the need to scream, yell, bark commands in order to get this situation in order. But was that really going to help? No, no it wasn’t. Slowly he called down again, despite a maelstrom of anger still actively coursing through his mind. Was it the visage of Bliss from the corner of his eye? Or was it his helplessness, having no skills that’d save Mercy’s life? Who could say. Cyrus just felt pretty damn terrible regardless.

Cyrus had the urge to spit at the bear and his quips, but he restrained himself. Instead, he tried to do what he could do, try to keep the rest safe. “Yes, please do sound the damn discovery announcement. After all, we just deduced that he have found a dead body, with more than three people.” He said at the bear, as obvious as it sounded. “I believe the true definition of death to be the cessation of all bodily functions. And I sure as hell believe moving to be one of those.” He responded to Thomas, but that wasn’t the point of his remark. “You know the rules, bear. Without that body discovery announcement, the night of carnage and further killings are allowed to occur. So unless you mean to say this is not a goddamn murder right in front of our eyes, sound that damn announcement, now.”

Following that bout, Cyrus found himself agreeing with the rest. ”I guess we have an investigation to do then…” He sighed, then looked at the bear expectantly of the monokuma file.

Bliss was not entirely comfortable with the seating arrangement for her table. She liked that she was seated between Cyrus and Caora, but Lucy and Thomas were less than welcome additions. She didn't personally hate them, but it seemed like they had been intentionally avoiding everyone for the past few days. It was understandable, but Bliss believed in unity. But the atmosphere at the table was a little more tense with those two around. There wasn't even that much talking, aside from Lucy recalling everything she had been reading in the study over the past few days.

”...So it actually pays to get vaccinated. Even without a booster shot, you'll recover faster with less severe symptoms. It's a medical fact that...”

Bliss wasn't really sure if this was a great topic to start with. The last thing she wanted to think about was a virus or anything like that. ” So what you're trying to say is that it's a bit like substituting some of the sugar with applesauce in a cooking recipe?”


”If you substitute some of the sugar with applesauce, you reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe. It doesn't entirely remove it, but it still tastes sweet.” Bliss nodded. ”Did you try the muffins? I did that with them.”

Lucy eyed one of the muffins on her plate. ”Really? I couldn't even tell. That's a cool trick!”

Bliss smiled and nodded.

”The basis of which is pointless. Anyone with even an ounce of self control wouldn’t care how much sugar is in a recipe.” Thomas remarked in regards to their prattle, nonchalantly. He looked down to a plate that had yet to be filled with food, and then back to the infinites at the table. ”Cooking in general, even, is just a pointless cultural artifact. Instead of worrying about macronutrients in pastries, humankind would be better off just manufacturing intravenous or oral supplements and living off those — the technology has been here years already. Don’t we have anything better to talk about?” Thomas asked, his own prattle rife with disinterest.

”I like sugar!” Caora shouted out in the middle of the speech, and then giggled with a blush. ”But I can’t have too many yummies...I need to watch my figure, hehe~”

“As much as I agree with your sentiment of practicality, Thomas. You overlook the positive effects of rich flavours and the relaxation that the hobby that is cooking brings to the people.” The politician presented as a counterargument. “There is little question that the eating and drinking of tasty foods and drink significantly adds to the experience of leisure. Sometimes, indeed, it is the core of a leisure experience.” He continued to prattle, enjoying the chance to discuss a more intellectual topic. “Furthermore, I would reckon the disappearance of cuisine would lead to the collapse of the tourism industry in particular, and subsequently the downfall of several nations. Such is the economical necessity of the product besides basic sustenance.”

Cyrus then turned to Bliss. “So on the topic of cuisine, I would very much like to hear more. I relish the chance to improve my own cooking.” He said, smiling at the Nanny.

Bliss cleared her throat with a cough. ”W-well, It's like Caora said. Not everyone can have a lot of sugar. This is why it's important to find substitutes for things, so that everyone can enjoy what you make.” Bliss placed a finger on her chin. ”As an example, you can completely replace sugar with honey, which won't raise a diabetic's blood sugar levels as much. And because honey is sweeter, you can use less of it. You also use less liquids in your recipe as well ”

Lucy stroked her chin. ”Maybe I should be learning this 'cuisine ' thing.”

Thomas was beginning to like Cyrus, much to the contrary of what he had seemingly proclaimed days before. Although Cyrus didn’t appeal to Thomas’s own beliefs, he was eloquent and commanded respect from his peers. Truly, Cyrus was a deserving candidate to be the Infinite Politician.

However, as evidenced by his first remark, Thomas himself did not have much interest in cooking; and as evidenced by Cyrus’s, he lacked an relevant understanding of it too. Seeing as he didn’t have anything to contribute to the conversation, he directed his focus elsewhere. Specifically, Table Three, something interesting seemed to be happening there.

Unlike Thomas, Cyrus had made an effort to pointedly ignore the going-ons of table three. Once again he was reminded that some of their company, such as quarreling fools over there, had apparently never been to any kind of proper gathering of sorts. How else could Cyrus explain that some people did not even manage to appear civil amongst all of their fellows in this confinement? It was honestly a rather baffling display. Instead, he preferred the company of people who could at least entertain him with a simple conversation, such as table one. “I have tried to learn cuisine. And I must say my abilities are… sub-par, unfortunately.”

.As soon as bliss opened her mouth to speak, the entire table shifted. “Ah!” Bliss's eyes shot open as she grabbed a hold of the table. Felix hadn't hit the table especially hard, but the impact was enough to make bliss jump a little bit. The nanny looked up from the table, and flashed a nervous smile. ”W-e can't be good at everything. But practice makes perfect.” The nanny glowed with joy as the conversation carried on.

Lucy yawned and stretched. It wasn't long before she needed to use her hand to hold her head off the table. The fingers on her other hand rapped against the table as she waited for the seconds to tick by.”Hey Caora?” She eyed the trap. ”Are you any good at dancing?”

Caora looked back at Lucy with a puzzled expression. ”Hm? Me?” He asked, pointing at himself. ”Ummmmmmmmmm...I’ve only danced with daddy; I kept my feet on his, and he danced well, so….Maybe? Ehehe~” He giggled, blushing from the embarrassment.

”I see, sounds like you could use some practice.” Lucy stood up. ”Fortunately, you are in the presence of a dancing prodigy! I mean, sort of.” she pushed her fingers together. ”A-anyway, just make sure you don’t step on my feet and you’ll be fine. I’m sure I can dance well enough for the two of us. You should really be thankful you get to dance with someone like me. I know I would!” Lucy stepped away from her seat to approach her dancing partner.

It did Cyrus well to see the Nanny perk up in comfort as she was enjoying the conversation. But all good conversations had to change subject sometime as the dancefloor was starting to get occupied. Cyrus was somewhat surprised to see Lucy invite the trap to a dance. She didn’t seem like the type to deign herself to invite someone she’d definitely consider below her station. Alas, maybe the politician had misunderstood the prodigy?
Nevetheless, the dancefloor waited. And the poltician wasn’t above joining it. “Bliss, would you mind joining me?” he asked, extending his hand to her as he invited her.

She extended her hand. “N-not at all! I would love to!” her other hand reached for her umbrella. This one didn't have a giant pick on top of it.“I hope you don't mind if I dance with a prop.”

Cyrus didn’t really see a reason why she would dance with a prop, but he saw no reason to object. “Not at all.” He answered simply, then he lead her to the dancefloor. With one hand in hers, he set the other on her waist to lead in the dance to a slow, but happy tune. He was most curious, however, why she had taken this prop for the dance.

”Oh, uhm...” Caora hesitated, averting his eyes; his blush deepened. But then, he giggled again. ”Ok, let’s dance! I want to dance all night, and be a pretty dancing princess!” He took Lucy’s hand, and then joined her to the dance floor. He made simple steps, but showed to have surprisingly good athletic ability, never breaking a sweat. ”Ehehe...This is fun!”

”Oh, you're actually pretty good at this.” Lucy was able to keep up with Caora's rhythm, but her expression wasn't nearly as relaxed as Caora's was. ”But how long can you hold up? Fwahahaha!” Anyone watching the two dance might guess and say “longer than lucy.”

When bliss got up on the stage with Cyrus, she opened her umbrella and rested the pole on her shoulder. And then she started to shift side to side. “I'm not a very flashy dancer, but I remember watching some musicals when I was younger.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m just about average as well.” Cyrus said, but one look at his form showed he was being modest. Surely he was no professional, but he definitely danced good enough to impress high society. The slow tune allowed Cyrus to take his time and help Bliss getting into the dance by leading.

The nanny continued to dance at her modest pace while Caora and Lucy lit up the dance floor around them. “About earlier.” Bliss danced further away from everyone. “I didn't really want to burden you with that earlier, but I'm glad you were there to hear me. I've been feeling much better recently.”

Cyrus smiled softly at the Nanny. “It was my pleasure to hear it.” He responded to her, then he paused for a second. “I, too, have been feeling a lot better as of late. Less… angry.” With Cyrus’s reputation, it wasn’t hard to imagine what he was talking about exactly. “I think both you and Krista are very courageous in that regard...” He added, before switching topics. “Say, have you been to the third floor yet?”

“I was there a few days prior, after Felix invited me to help set up this” Bliss looked all around herself. “I didn't do any exploring, mostly just talked over a few design choices with Krista and everyone else. I most certainly didn't enter the hospital side. That entire pillar of this place just startles me.” Bliss winced, but then she smiled. “Of course, if we went together, I don't think it would be so bad.”

“I’ve had a look around. There was a carnival there.” Cyrus said, keeping up the dance’s moderate pace while talking. “I was wondering if you might want to go there with me.” He said, before pausing again. “I… might have some things of my own to say.” He continued with uncertainty in his voice.

“O-oh.” Bliss almost missed a step, but she she was able to catch herself. “Um, yes! I would love to! A carnival sounds good.” The corner of Bliss's smile twitched. “I hope the sisters didn't tamper with it too much, it could be a nice place to visit.”

Yesterday had been incredibly turbulent. It had taken Noel all of the night to record what had happened to the group, down to the last detail. It had been so grizzly, so horrifying, so terrible. How exciting! Well, except for the death. Noel could never really be happy about death. Yet, the more often it happened in this place, the more accustomed she seemed to grow. It was a troubling thought.

She tried to count them all, everyone who she had seen fall. She’d lost count. She forgot names, forgot stories. Luckily she had them all noted down. Noel was by no means mentally incapable, but there were just too many to remember now. Too many bloody memories staining the walls of her mind the darkest red. How had she not broken to despair long ago? Perhaps she was more accustomed to it than she thought already. These were the thoughts she wrote in a different notebook, a special one just for herself. A reporter was an observer, but who ever said the tale of an observer needed to go untold? Unfortunately, she didn’t trust anyone to write her tale better than herself.

She just had to make sure not to die, so she could actually tell it! That part seemed to be getting more difficult lately.

Her stomach’s famished rumble reminded her that there was more to life than writing, indeed. Her one-track mind guided her straight to the dining hall. The young woman was remarkably zippy despite her not-so-apparent lack of sleep. Noel was obviously well-attuned to skipping a night. Though obviously, she hadn’t usually spent those fighting evil tween girl robots of death. Variety was the spice of life, though, wasn’t it? No, in this case it was hell.

The dining hall was filled with plenty of distractions for the distracted mind. Food was one, but people were a much more interesting diversion of her attention. She first looked towards Alice and Mercy, who were talking German for some reason. She wasn’t sure why, couldn’t they both speak English? Maybe they didn’t want to be overheard? Noel did so anyway, but quickly found out their conversation wasn’t really interesting enough to bother.

There was something much more interesting in this room, after all. Eyeing her target, she zipped towards the table with Zach in an instant. ”What is this? Zach! Seems you’re alright, after all!” She said with a large grin. ”Seems that royal bitch didn’t get to your brain after all? Good! Losing an eye can be pretty devastating. Did I ever tell you the tale of the corporal that trained me? Told me he’d lost his bloody eye in ‘Nam. Told me he lost it to a shrapnel grenade that his enemy managed to drop just before he blew his head full of lead.” She rambled. Good ol’ corporal Bloodeye, now that was a true soldier!

Noel then acknowledged Ice. ”Cooking and being a caring worrywart? Who are you and what did you do to the infinite nanny, my man?” Noel questioned Ice’s shift in character. Where had the antisocial thug gone? Not only had she heard he was getting quite cosy with the other ice cube in the room, now he was doting on the archer? ”Oh! Could it be you have a thing for eye troubles?” She deduced, forming the connection between the three persons. ”Why would that be, I wonder? One of your siblings, maybe? Hmm…” She said, grinning widely at the blood donor.

”So tell me, how are you planning on rising to the challenge of becoming the best archer with just a single eye?” She turned back to Zach, gleaming with curiosity.

Cyrus woke up following a terrible night.

He silently stepped out of bed, scooting over to the mirror. It seemed his bags had only gotten worse because of this. As if they hadn’t been bad enough coming in here. Even the long stay in the hospital bed had only reduced them that much. How infuriating it was.
Cyrus took out a small make-up kit. It only took a few motions with the small brush to work away the bags to near perfection. And people thought the position of infinite politician was simply politics? Oh, if only they knew! Cyrus barely lied in politics, but that didn’t mean there were no other ways of deception. It was those methods of deceit that Cyrus was proficient in; the ways that used no words.

The politician then finished to put on his suit and straightened his back. There, he was back to looking his usual charismatic self. He took a minute to paint a false smile on his face. The other manner of deception. The only method by which nobody would find out the mess that hid underneath. Misperception was the most perfect lie. After all, you didn’t even have to tell it! All you had to do was let the rest make their assumptions. Nobody questioned themselves, after all. Cyrus didn’t need to be a liar, people were good enough at lying at themselves already.

Practicing this false smile was rather difficult, his mirror was in pieces. Shards of glass littered the floor surrounded by all other sorts of objects. Several of them were the frames of broken glasses, there were maybe twenty of them here. In fact, everything in the politician’s room looked knocked over, beat up or in a different state of disrepair. Questioning what had happened to his room wasn’t something Cyrus had to do. He knew rather well what had happened here when he returned here last night.

Cyrus thought of heading to the dining hall, get himself some food. But no, the thought of food right now almost made him vomit. Right now he’d just need to take his mind of something. Perhaps he could use that tape player now? The third floor should have opened up! Perhaps that was the best course of action now. People should be eating right about now, and he didn’t feel like confronting any of them.

Cyrus did cross a carnage sister on his way, however. He didn’t bother to check which one. “You have my permission to enter my room until midnight, nurse. My room needs cleaning immediately. Please see it done.” He commanded as he passed, looking his usual haughty self.
@TheSeriousJoke Unfortunately, I will have to withdraw as well. I am very sorry.

Since it is very close to the RP's start, you can use Poppy should a replacement not present itself ^^
@Typhon your character is on the first post, so I imagine so :)
I'll be reserving the shsl ????
I'm interested. I don't have a specific talent in mind yet. But I'll be brainstorming. Is that alright?
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