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Ruby Mamoru

Much to Ruby's surprise, Amane's reply was considerably normal or casual, given who it was coming from. For now it simply made more sense to just let Persia and Amane converse, Ruby didn't have any reason to talk to Amane herself after all. She only wanted to accompany her friend.
When the guy turned to her and began talking her down however, the situation changed. While Amane's words barely phased Ruby, her outer demeanor did not change at all and stayed neutral, it was interesting to have words directed at herself and it also was interesting to see him become angry just by her presence.
"I am only here because she wanted to talk to you." Ruby replied without changing her expression or tone.

Thinking back to the exercise however, Ruby felt the need to correct Amane. "My team did not win the exercise. Yes we would have won, however your freakout caused the exercise to end preemptively which is why we were never officially awarded with a victory even though 3/4 out of my team were still standing after that final attack." Despite the topic, her tone continued to stay neutral and cold.
"Besides, these are strong words coming from someone whose hero career was on the brink of conclusion after you got scolded by your grandfather for almost killing a student during the exercise."
She finished her sentence by closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I didn't come here to pick a fight with you though. I don't hold any grudge towards you for what you've done."

Once the catgirl reopened her eyes, her gaze returned to meet Persia's. "We all have our reasons why we want to become heroes and I don't doubt that you have your own. You've received your punishment and I doubt that you'll do something similar in the future." She was intentionally looking at Persia even though she was talking to Amane since her follow-up statement was directed towards her. "If that is all you wanted to ask him, I wouldn't mind leaving now since I still have to do my daily training today."

Ruby Mamoru

Persia's sudden change in behavior and demeanor somewhat caught Ruby off guard, since the girl until now only had been rather goofy around the neko. Therefore seeing her that serious and almost overreacting to Ruby's casual statement was surprising and Ruby only stood still to listen. With her eyes staring at the girl who did not return her gaze, the catgirl did not even reply to that little monologue of her's. Rather than getting into some discussion about deeper topics like these, Ruby took the oppertunity to stay quiet and simply followed Persia inside while keeping her head down.
It was an interesting and frightening thought to think about, a world without the allmighty hero. Whether Amane was fit to be a "symbol of peace" or anything like that didn't matter, it would seem as though this world would need every hero that it can get soon enough.

Both entered the place and the catgirl was walking right besides Persia. She still wasn't too sure whether she had any real interest in conversing with Amane, but since Persia wanted to and Ruby was fine with coming along, she did not mind approaching him like that. It was good however, that it was Persia who initiated the conversation with the edgelord.
With crossed arms Ruby returned Amane's gaze as he stared at her for a short moment, giving her own cold and neutral expression to him.
"Kishi-kun" Ruby thought to herself, almost having to surpress laughter after hearing such a cute nickname for Amane. Her outer expression showed no change luckily but Ruby was happy to know that she wasn't the only one to receive the "nickname-treatment" from Persia.

When Amane asked for their intentions, Ruby didn't bother replying, since it was her friend who wanted to come here after all. Right now Ruby saw no reason to tease Amane anyways, he seemed humiliating enough, collecting the used gums from under the cafeteria tables. Therefore the neko kept up her outer expression but also did not take her eyes off Amane since this was the first time she actually saw him outside of the tapes or the battlefield and could take a moment to inspect him and burn his image into her mind. Her own ears were perked up and twitching slightly since she was paying attention carefully. Her tail on the other hand was just hanging down her legs and not moving at all so it was almost impossible to spot it from the front.


Ruby Mamoru

Having just walked through the portal, Ruby took a look around to check her surroundings. For a moment she was wondering whether it was actually okay to use such a quirk for transportation around the school. That thought reminded her that Ruby was actually not entirely sure to what extend they were allowed to use their quirk outside of classes or training-sessions on school grounds. A question she'd have to ask a teacher at some point.

But surely enough, Persia was correct: Amane was in the cafeteria doing this almost humiliating and annoying work. Before both of them started to approach him, Ruby faced Persia and asked a last question. "So, why is it that you want to talk to him? I've never had any interaction with him, but from the recording I could tell that he was not exactly the nicest guy."
That was still almost a euphemism. Since the neko did not hold a grudge against Amane she had no real interest in talking to him at the moment. However, it would be interesting to tease him after what he had done to her classmates.


Ruby Mamoru

Most of the stuff that Persia said got no reaction from Ruby, at least externally. In her mind though she was thinking and contemplating about some of the things that the other girl said! "Reserved is one way to put it, I guess" the neko thought to herself. But still, most of her words went without any reaction from Ruby. She was simply and quietly staring into the distance, sometimes towards the pair that was sitting beneath one of the other trees.
It was only when Persia started teasing her that Ruby actually gave some reply. By now she had grown used to be called Ru-chan already, it was kind of a cute nickname after all. When she called Jett her lover, Ruby could only think back to what happened to the exercise and almost shivered because of that weird feeling that the moment gave off. Her eyes shifted over to Persia without turning her head too much.

"Do you have a death-wish?"

Amane being on the edge of expulsion did sound quite hard, though maybe it was justified after what he did. Ruby only saw the recording and she did not exactly hold any grudge against him, but he did not seem like the friendliest of people either so she was not sure if she was interested in talking to him. Ruby also was not sure why Persia wanted to talk to him in the first place, but after doing an exercise together it did not seem too unlikely.
"Nyah, if you want to." the catgirl replied, replacing the affirmative "Ya" with a spoken "Nyah".
Waiting for Persia to open another portal, Ruby stood up and glanced over to her friend. While she still was not sure whether she wanted to actually meet Amane or not, she knew that she was done sitting around despite the nice wheather. Ruby needed to do something productive.


Ruby Mamoru

While sitting with her back leaned against the tree, Ruby pulled her legs closer to her own body so that she could let her head rest on her knees while she was still sitting up against the stump. "Infamous class, huh?" It was hard to deny that fact. While Ruby didn't know anything about the reputation of anyone in her class outside of the class itself, they were a bunch of troublemakers for sure. The feline wasn't sure about whether she liked being in such a "troublesome" class or not, but it definitely was anything but boring. Right now she leaned more towards enjoying all the action that they were getting.

While Persia was complaining to ruby and bumping into her leg while pouting, the catgirl did not seem to react at all. She was only staring into the distance while staying in the same position. Even when Mina was mentioned, whom she spotted immediately as Persia said it, the neko barely seemed to react at all. "I guess that is her." She barely saw what happened during the fight itself, so Ruby had to recall the rewatch of the exercise in class. The name Amane rang some bells too, she remembered his cruel actions and the reactions by her classmates. "It definitely was not pretty to look at."
The other person that Mina approached however, Jett, was a face which she surely remembered. It was him after all that stopped he fight between Ruby hersef and Acion, which the catgirl thought she would have won for sure. On top of that it was him who grabbed her in a very lewd way! Just thinking about it made her both angry and embarrassed. Luckily, nothing of that showed on the outside.
"At least she seems alright now. And I believe Amane got punished quite harshly didn't he?"
Ruby used her right hand to stroke through her own long, black hair that fell down her sides before yawning quite strongly. While she did so, her fangs were clearly visible.

"Even if it did damage her ego, I am sure that she will recover from it. From what I can remember, she seemed capable enough. I'd much rather have a talk with Amane though, see what he thinks about this situation and so on."


Luna Synth

Just before she was able to finally leave the scene, she was suddenly grabbed from behind and stopped in her tracks. Some other boy started to speak nonsense to her in a panicked voice and when Luna was fully able to turn around and look him into his eyes he was already halfway through and almost on his way back again.


She managed to say back to him before he was already on his way towards the abyss. What was he thinking? His behavior really ticked Luna off. With strong steps and gritted teeth the red-haired one went after him, arriving at the edge just when he jumped off. Leaning over the border Luna shouted after him. "Just who do you think you are?!"- But he was already gone. Yes- there was a life at stake, the life of the little girl and possibly the mental health of her sister. But still: Simply giving Luna these responsibilities was no reason for her to actually comply. If he wanted to jump down into the abyss, he would have to deal with the consequences himself. Luna wouldn't just accept these tasks with nothing in return from some complete stranger who spoke so harshly to her, even though the situation justified it. Luna leaned back.


And then out of the corner of her eye she spotted him, the shopkeeper who was responsible for this in the first place, seemingly struck by his feelings of guilt. Walking back to the spot where the boy had dropped the birds, Luna picked them up and headed towards the shopkeeper.
"Hey, old man," She said with an annoyed voice and dropped the bundle next to him. "Give these back to him once he reappears. He seemed capable enough so I don't expect him to be gone for long."
And with these words, she sighed yet again and turned around to make her leave. Luna had no intentions of actually going to the orphonage. Most she would do would be to tell any other child from there that she met to bring the message back there. She justified this action to herself by saying that he was already on the way to rescue this girl, which was her only worry at the scene. Besides, she saw it as a compliment and as trust in his abilities as a diver.


Ruby Mamoru

"We do have that in common then." Ruby said, referring to the lack of friends that Persia had.

Very much like Persia, Ruby was not one to socialize often either. She stared down onto her legs as she was sitting next to her newest acquaintance, remembering all those times that she made friends during her time in school. If ruby wanted to she could count the instances on one hand. And while she wouldn't admit it personally, the balancing on the branch was her own way of showing off. She was unsure about using her quirk at all, which is why she refrained from doing so, but just like Persia she wanted to show her own worth after all.

"I've only been allowed to join the hero course this weekend, so I did not have much time here at all until now. I am still very glad that the committee has recognized my ability. This is my dream after all." The neko claimed, shifting her gaze back up into the leafs who were moving peacefully with the rythm of the wind. Even the usually busy neko could cherish such an idyllic environment to its fullest.
"I guess you could say that I was just lost in my own thoughts."

And with that, The neko turned her head back to face Persia and began talking nonchalantly with a very neutral expression, as it was common with Ruby.
"You were actually quite noisy. I did notice you."
She pointed to her cat-ears, indicating that it had something to do with them. This wasn't the full truth, Ruby did not exactly notice that there was a human in the tree. The only thing she noticed was that something was in the tree but that was about it. Anything else she said was an exaggeration! But of course, Ruby wouldn't tell that to Persia. She was a good liar and somehow felt the need to impress her new friend.


Luna Synth

With the day slowly coming to an end, the familiar city of Orth began to shift into nighttime. As usual, the mood was a more relaxed one as it was during the day. The normally rather hectic market district had calmed down and only a few people were actually either browsing through the shops or were just finishing up their final purchase for the day.

Through these streets that were packed with less and less people each minute, a somewhat young girl was making her way home herself. The slight breeze that was blowing a comforting and chilly wind was enough to ruffle the girl's hair, making it shift with the wind and swaying behind her. The long, red ponytail which had become a familiar feature for the girl: Luna Synth. With her backpack tightly secured on her own back, her hands buried in the frontpockets of her jacket and a neutral expression visible on her face, Luna had just finished buying a few items on the market herself. Admittedly, she had bought a bit too much since the wares on that particular day were just too interesting to ignore and when it came to the shops of Orth, Luna was known to... give in to her urges and buy one thing after the other, every now and then.

Just when she was about to leave the district, the commotion that was caused by the two girls and the shopkeeper caught Luna's attention. While she wasn't particularly interested in their actions for the longest time, the moment one of the girls did probably the most reckless thing that she would ever do in her life, was when Luna finally showed some emotion. While she had only walked past them initially, not paying them much attention, now her eyes opened widely in shock when she saw the little girl decending down into the Abyss, screaming in horror while she did so. It was quite a gruesome sight and those who had paid attention were quick to express their horror and shock at the situation. "What an idiot!" She thought to herself, having been quite shocked herself. Worse than that, there seemed to be noone around willing to help either of the little girls.

The way she fell down there, her chances of survival were miniscule at best. The red-haired girl couldn't blame anyone for not jumping after her into the dark chasm, it was the Abyss after all! Even Luna, the girl who was so experienced at dwelling in its depths was hesitant. Her natural human instinct dictated her to jump after the poor girl and save her. Instead, Luna just ran to the fence and looked after her, clenching her fist. Jumping after her would be equally as stupid... after all, her parents were waiting for her at home. Luna couldn't just risk her life for someone she didn't know! If only there was someone who was willing to, someone who would be the hero the situation needed.
All Luna knew was that she was not that hero. She never was one and never would be one. Yes, it was a gruesome scene but... jumping down after her would be suicide. Therefore, Luna just decided to clench her first a little more until she proceeded to leave towards her house, walking slowly as she left the scene.

Ruby Mamoru

When she realized that her newest acquintance was about to show off her own quirk, Ruby's expression quickly changed from a neutral one to a rather interested one. She even raised one eyebrow and her eyes widened when she finally saw the quirk being applied. Persia created a portal on the tree, just like that! The "ritual" that she had to do in order to summon the portal iteself was certainly interesting too. Very much a special quirk that Persia had. After a few moments, before her hand was grabbed again, Ruby's expression returned to her usual neutral one. If Persia had wanted to catch her curious face she would have had to turn around earlier.
"I guess this is a Hero Academy after all. Quirks like these should be expected." the neko thought to herself.

Studying the edges of the warpgate itself, Ruby was still contemplating on whether or not she should walk through the portal. That train of thoughts was cut short however, since Persia took it upon herself to drag Ruby's hand through the portal. Kind of amazed, the catgirl stared at her own hand which was now located at a completely different position. "Ru-Chan?" Ruby thought to herself for just a second, being influenced by the variety of nicknames that her newly found friend was making up for her.

Now that she was convinced that it was indeed save to pass the tree, Ruby pulled her hand free from Persia's grip gently and then passed through the portal itself, immediately feeling the breeze and colder athmosphere that was higher up on the tree. The cat stepped onto the branch and did not bother to turn around to face Persia just yet, rather Ruby was busy walking along the branch for a short distance. Her tail was visibly standing up which was probably why she was able to keep her balance so effortlessly on this small branch, combined with her natural athletic abilities. Therefore the girl did not even flinch or shake when she walked along the branch as if it was normal ground. Once she had walked out far enough before the branch would start bending, Ruby began to admire the view.
"You were right, the view is quite good from up here."
Were her short few words before she decided to head back and actually sit down next to Persia.
"So you wanted to show off your quirk, huh?"

Ruby Mamoru

When she was apologized to so frantically, the neko couldn't help but cross her arms in front of her chest and stare back at Persia. While Ruby didn't take it as an insult, it was kind of funny to see someone struggle like that. Ruby was a queen of the pokerface though which is why her expression did not change one bit; She only tilted her head sidewards slightly.

When she was approached with the determined look however her expression changed to one that seemed a bit unsure and one that appeared to be questioning Persia's course of action. The sudden questioning of her trust towards the recently met girl seemed a bit out of place though Ruby was able to conclude from the context that Persia obviously wanted to help her get up on the tree somehow. Ruby's issue with that however was that she didn't clarify how. For all she knew Persia could have superstrength and just throw her up there!
The neko released her arms from the crossed position in front of her chest, but on the same height she kept both arms raised in a somewhat defensive position and took a small step backwards as she was approached.
"U..uhm... I guess I do? I don't know... We've just met, what kind of question is that!"

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