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Name: Fiala

Also known as: Mistress of Fortune

Age: appears to be in her mid-twenties

God Aspect: Luck

Personality: to come

Parents: the Sun and Moon

Sexuality: I like you, do you like me? Yeah? Cool, let’s go

Divine Luck: Fiala can subtly influence the outcomes of events, for either better or worse
Divine Agility: Fiala is very quick, even beyond the capabilities of most of her siblings
Charm: Fiala has a certain air about her that make her seem easy to trust

Weapon: Fiala once had a set of throwing knives that always hit the most opportune part of her mark. In her hands, the knives replenished as quickly as she could draw them. She lost track of the set long ago.

History (Pre-Earth bound):
As one of the middle children of Solaria and Lunus, Fiala found her place to be less important than those of her older siblings. She didn’t mind, though: subtly influencing events, just enough to affect the outcome, was enough for her. At first, it was enough to play with her siblings like this - tweaking this or that, changing things just enough to throw them off guard - but eventually, she found herself growing bored. Maybe they couldn’t replicate it, but they knew that she was responsible.

Because of this, humanity was a great boon to Fiala. She immediately went to Earth, walking among these new creatures and playing with them the way she once played with her siblings. Misplaced key here, lucky roll of the dice there… she found herself having more fun with humans than she ever had in the Heavens. Mostly avoiding her siblings, she spent her time amusing herself to her heart’s content, subtly influencing lives in just the right way to make herself laugh.

History (Post-Earth bound):
When the Gates were closed, Fiala didn’t immediately notice. It wasn’t until chaos beyond her control took over that she realized what happened. Quietly slipping into the shadows, she continued influencing what she could - although now, it was much less satisfying. She was no longer playing games, instead trying desperately to save what humans she could - not for altruistic purposes, but because she knew if she didn’t, she would never get to play again. By the time the threat more or less cleared, she knew her power was weaker than it once was. She took her chance to have her fun while it lasted, while also learning more mundane (but much less enjoyable) ways to influence mortal luck.

Fiala found that the best way to do this was as a traveling conman. She has spent centuries wandering Earth, playing rigged games of “chance” and disappearing before a particular settlement had a chance to react. It wasn’t the same, of course - in this way, she could only influence in one direction, unless she chose to take pity and allow some mortal to win. More recently, though, they’ve become wise to her schemes, and it’s harder and harder to influence using mundane tricks.

Most recently, she has been trying to take things easy and enjoy immortal life in a beautiful place. Currently she is making her way across North America, only practicing her trade when she needs more money to travel… or when she really feels that itch to play.

Motive: Fiala just wants to have fun, whether it be on Earth or in the Heavens.
@MissCapnCrunch leaning toward Big Brother-style, it seems more fun/dynamic to me.
But either way I'm still interested~
Sounds cool! Definitely interested (:
@Lord Zee Is all the lore in the first post, or is there additional lore elsewhere you can link us to?
Also how would you like us to go about submitting character applications, just post them or send them to you for approval first?

(Sorry, it's been a while so I want to make sure I'm doing everything right xD )
I like the concept. Definitely interested (:
I get that. I wasn't sure how much you wanted Eli to understand, especially from that last post. I wasn't planning on having her like, give long speeches in Hebrew or anything lol

That being said, I like the idea of them tutoring each other after they've had a bit of time to gain each other's trust.
@Infamous Empath yeah, basically she spent the last ten years speaking Hebrew with her previous group and in that time she lost a lot of her English. She knows some basic words but not enough for her to feel comfortable trying to hold a conversation.

And that's totally fine lol. I'm posting the translation in italics so as not to be exclusionary.
The stranger's response was... not what Aviel was hoping for. He returned her language just long enough to confirm that he wasn't fluent (what the hell kind of accent was that?) before switching back to English. His nerves bled into his words, shaking his voice as he spoke. She strained to follow what he was saying, but quickly got lost; the only thing she was sure she understood was "by choice, not birth."

... well, that would explain the accent.

She hesitated a moment, not breaking eye contact, as she tried to puzzle together the rest of what was said. He was smiling and nodding to her, as if trying to be friendly. Probably because of their shared beliefs. Common ground is common ground, she supposed, although she personally thought it was unsteady ground to begin with. Ten years of hiding in sewers to escape nightmare creatures will shake the beliefs in even the purest of hearts. Aviel, of all people, knew this. Still, the stranger seemed genuinely happy; and, making a small concession to herself, she had to admit it was nice to find him as well.

Aviel turned to the tall girl and nodded, as if to signal her approval, before locking eyes once more with the stranger. "Speak. Slowly." She was careful to sound out each syllable, for fear that she might be misunderstood if she didn't. "Ha anglit sheli garua meod." My English is poor. She spoke the Hebrew slowly and deliberately, hoping that he would catch more words that way. Obviously he couldn't act as a perfect translator, but at the very least she could communicate her inability to communicate.
My mistake. I'll post something soon.
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