Avatar of MesuOkami
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 267 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MesuOkami 6 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Sure are.
4 yrs ago
At best, at worst.
4 yrs ago
Still alive x2. Check back in after Quarantine. If I don't, I'm finally as dead on the outside as I am on the inside.
5 yrs ago
Still alive.
6 yrs ago
This time… I hope for you these will be flowers of hope that never die.
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Casual to advanced RPs are preferred.
Anime fandoms, sci-fi, TV shows, Slice of life, handmade plots.

1x1s are something I also enjoy.

In your eyes

I lost my place

Most Recent Posts

1) I'm actually a dude.

I wont let that happen

Age: 22
Name: Nadya Pavel
Nickname/Alias: Gypsy
Gender: Female

Personality: To those that are the closet to her - they know her sweet smile to strangers is only a façade. She is very cunning when it comes to getting what she wants. Nadya easily knows how to play on the heartstrings of her prey, or knows how to keep then preoccupied. For those she is closest to - she likes to make sure everyone gets their share, if earned, and is very independent. Wont rely on you for much except company.

Biography: Nadya grew up with her mother in a nomadic traveling group - that she banded with for years. This is how she became affiliated with the Gypsy lifestyle. Constantly having to beg for food, money, and struggling to make trades with people in towns - but as she got older she found better ways to get these needs. Entertaining the masses for money with her lute/tarot cards/fortune telling/dancing became a quick way for money.
Or, there was stealing.... Her mother didn't teach her the stealing aspect, it just came naturally as she was beginning to starve more and more - hunger and materialistic wise. Even though the nomadic tribe traveled with goats, and constantly revisited the same spots for rest, and foraging. It all wasn't enough for her. She wanted more money, food, to relax instead of constantly travel to these empty promise filled homes.
Nadya eventually disbanded from her mother at the age of 15, following a man who promised her a life of leisure, but eventually abused her and she ran from him shortly after. Nadya then found herself where she is today, home - amongst whom she now considers family.

+Playing the Lute
+Faux fortune telling
+Advanced pickpocketing
+The power of persuasion when it comes to men
+Very light and nimble on her feet thanks to dancing
+Creaing diversions

> A small knife tapped to each side of her thighs
>A deck of tarot cards
>Her Lute

Age: 22
Name: Nadya Pavel
Nickname/Alias: Gypsy
Gender: Female

Personality: To those that are the closet to her - they know her sweet smile to strangers is only a façade. She is very cunning when it comes to getting what she wants. Nadya easily knows how to play on the heartstrings of her prey, or knows how to keep then preoccupied. For those she is closest to - she likes to make sure everyone gets their share, if earned, and is very independent. Wont rely on you for much except company.

Biography: Nadya grew up with her mother in a nomadic traveling group - that she banded with for years. This is how she became affiliated with the Gypsy lifestyle. Constantly having to beg for food, money, and struggling to make trades with people in towns - but as she got older she found better ways to get these needs. Entertaining the masses for money with her lute/tarot cards/fortune telling/dancing became a quick way for money.
Or, there was stealing.... Her mother didn't teach her the stealing aspect, it just came naturally as she was beginning to starve more and more - hunger and materialistic wise. Even though the nomadic tribe traveled with goats, and constantly revisited the same spots for rest, and foraging. It all wasn't enough for her. She wanted more money, food, to relax instead of constantly travel to these empty promise filled homes.
Nadya eventually disbanded from her mother at the age of 15, following a man who promised her a life of leisure, but eventually abused her and she ran from him shortly after. Nadya then found herself where she is today, home - amongst whom she now considers family.

+Playing the Lute
+Faux fortune telling
+Advanced pickpocketing
+The power of persuasion when it comes to men
+Very light and nimble on her feet thanks to dancing
+Creaing diversions

> A small knife tapped to each side of her thighs
>A deck of tarot cards
>Her Lute


The boys specialty may have well been water with how fluid he was in his movements. Even with her heightened senses, it was nearly impossible to figure out his next move. He swiftly turned, and pulled her into his back. Away they went, climbing into the air above the golem. Of course it looked big from the floor, but now perspective really cane into play as they soared above it. Kiku unfortunately was not a fan of heights and slightly tightened her grip on the breezy boy. As quickly as they floated up, he landed them. Right on the golems back. She dismounted, and inhaled sharply, thinking of her next move as Shizuka was already onto his. Kiku was usually good at keeping calm, but her sensed were in overdrive with the heat, explosions and clashing of sounds rang in her ears. Her heart was almost beating out of its chest.

Assessing the room, and listening closely past all the other sounds. She could tell that both Jaak, and Kurin were still alive. Good. Her attention came back to Shizuka as he began to talk about his next move and hers. Biting her bottom lip, knowing chakra was very low at this point. She quickly reached into her kunai holder and revealed a handful of shurikens. There was a possibility of her using more chakra for another jutsu, but at this point she was close to dipping into her reserves. As he opened the golems back, she quickly lined the inside with the shuriken, before he laid his explosives. Her idea being the explosion would send them flying within and hopefully it'd acquire more damage. Or not. A futile attempt for the Gen user.

Shizuka then completed his handsigns, and quickly made the vortex on the back. Sealing in their combined efforts. Her hands at her side, as she listened for the explosions, but something was fading. Feeling an aura near her change. Someone's energy was fading very quickly. Her blindfolded face turned its attention to Shizuka as he began to speak, her heart almost stopped as she realized he was falling. He had gone through his chakra reserves and his body now shutting down. Thinking quickly, she grabbed at a scroll in her kunai holder and opened it in the air. Making a quick release handsign, another set of chains and daggers appeared. Learning a long time ago, that keeping a spare of her most skilled weapon was a wise choice.

Quickly grabbing them, she launched the chain forward at Shizuka and lasso'd it around the fainting boys body. As it did, she tightened the chain and sent his almost lifeless body flying towards Kurin and Jaak. "KURIN!" Her voice echoed loudly, "Catch him!" As she had unraveled the chain from around her teammate, she used the momentum from the swing and ran towards the edge of the golem. In this instance she had wrapped the chains around her arms, and made a beautiful front flip forward. Throwing one dagger into the Golem and swinging down gracefully. Not sticking the landing however, her knees buckled under her as she rolled forward. Landing near Jaak and Kurin, she saw Shizuka in Kurins grip and breathed a sigh of relief. Then turned her head as her hearing picked up Jaaks voice calling her name with an idea behind it.

"Shit," bubbled out from behind her lips "Okay, this is the last of what I've got though. Kurin! Its on you to get us out of here alive!" Turning her body to Jaak, she slowly stood up and then slapped his shoulder with some enthusiasm, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Alright, we got this," Kiku smiled, she was running off pure adrenaline at this point, now dipping into the last of her reserves. Handsigns flew up, and water came out aimed at the exposed palm of their agressor - "Water Release: Water Shuriken". Her release wasn't much, but she was able to hit the palm before her knees hit the floor again and exhaustion swept over the Kunoichi.

@Syn@Reflection@Altered Tundra


It was in the moment of their propulsion from each other, that Jaakuna was under attack. With all the commotion in the room, her current dark world was illuminated rather brightly. But it was a grim bright world the Kunoichi saw in her head. "Jaakuna!!" Kiku screamed, and landed on her hands and feet - again in a low crouching position as she sailed backwards. Hurriedly, getting back to her feet - she reached around her neck for her chains, but remembered she'd passed them off to Wind-Seeker. She had faith in her teammates and their abilities, but death was something the Kunoichi hadn't experienced yet. Something she didn't want to experience. Relief hit her as she realized Kurin had come to his rescue, but only a moment too late. Her stomach dropped again, but then saw Jaakuna had come out clean from the situation, though now something in his Aura was different.

It wasn't that she was blinded by the light, but she could now feel a heat now upon her skin. Reminding her of stepping out into the sun for the first time of the day. Kiku knew it meant the beast's lights were shining upon them. She heard, and felt the rockets come alive in the air, and they were heading straight towards Jaakuna. If her mask were removed - her eyes would be wide with fear, and horror for her teammate. Not even thinking back to the warmth that was now tinging her skin. She tried to recover, and took in a deep breath attempting to assess everyone's location, and what she could even do. Her Genjutstu was useless, her Taijutsu could help - but not against a large armored Golem, and she had some Ninjutsu that unfortunately wasn't enough to stop this thing.

Her hair seemed to rise with the swoosh that was coming at them - hearing it first. Kiku then saw the Hand coming at them, and was ready to jump out of the way of its smash. But then, Raiton nets shot down from the golems fingers, quicker than she had time to react. Her first thought was to quickly jump through the biggest hole, but there were none. Kiku's fists came to her temple's, almost in a feeble attempt to beat an answer out of her head. But really, she was upset at how useless she currently was. Then the floor rose, she could feel them coming closer to the energy of the palm. As she began to argue with herself, childishly, she was swept up again. His arm came around her pulling the two close together, again. She was very trusting of this Shinobi. Well, she should be - he was of her village, they were teammates, and both wanted the same thing. To advance forward. Her arms were in a rather weird positon, as he pulled her close her thumb instinctively lifted one side to fully check her surroundings with her failing eyesight. Her arms folded up in between the two, rather uncomfortable. She quickly fixed this, and wrapped her arms around her neck. In some weird essence, this would probably be a moment she'd remember.

Her mask did fall, the wind sphere he was creating was slightly lifting some of her hair and keeping her mask slightly risen. He was stern, and sweat dripped from his chin, his brown mop flopping around in the self-created wind storm. Concentrated, he was another person in these instances. Still strudel boy, but now he was strudel boy with a different cause. She felt her breath stop in her lungs, and then smiled at the weirdest of times to be smiling. It hit her what she could do. It would deplete a good portion of her Chakra, and reserves, to use it at the force she wanted too - but it'd save them. "Bukijutsu..." She stated, pulling him in tighter to make the handsigns she needed behind his back. The daggers suddenly pointed out of the earth on either side of them - rising slowly, she looked up as the palm came closer. With Shizuka's current windforce, they'd shoot up - and faster thanks to his help, unknowingly. Also, they were still coated with his chakra. The daggers fully emerged from the ground, Kiku then quickly unwrapped Shizuka's arm.

Freeing herself she then stuck her arms out to the side where the Chained Daggers honed into it the palms of her own hands. She completely crouched down, and then jumped up towards the palm. With even more chakra being sent to her arms, she swiftly threw both of the daggers straight for the center of the palm. Connecting, the chains then wrapped around the palm, and she made another handsign as they suddenly began to tighten. Sinking the daggers in further, and restraining the fingers together. Her free eye with now limited vision looked back to Shizuka, as she fell back to the ground. The breath of relief she inhaled couldn't be compared to none other, the swift escape of near death. Another moment of happiness sweltered up in the girl as she heard Jaakuna's voice on the transmitter, that was still attached to the top of her boot. As she landed right back in front of Shizuka, her hair waved out wildly - and then settled as the air did. Putting a hand on his shoulder, she smiled, but also felt a bit weak and was trying to stabilize herself But, as luck would have it - Jaakuna had one more thing to add, and now it sent worry through her as she realized where he had landed.

@Syn@Reflection@Altered Tundra

I'll move my CD over today or tomorrow morning


Though her teammates world illuminated from the light-bender Jaakuna, Kiku's remained dark. But that was fine for the Kunoichi. Her attention was caught by the SunBoy as he complimented her smell, she raised an eyebrow and grabbed her hair smelling it - the locks still had the residual of her Lavender shampoo oddly enough. "Hey thanks!" She chirped smiling, and giving Jakkuna a thumbs up. The small bit of good energy from Jaakuna - fueled her slightly in her own. Still immensely tired, she at least wasn't feeling nauseous anymore. Kiku heard the sound of the doors shutting door, and her stomach tightened slightly. The smell of death, and bones that had crunched under her feet also sent red flags. Sensing that the emotion had changed in the room, and now everyone was just as tense and ready as her.

Dropping her hair from her face, she then heard the crackings and bendings of something starting up in front of them. The nature that had littered its body since its slumber fell off, and the machine wildly came to life as quickly after they became trapped in the room. Gripping the handles of her daggers, she tensed her body up for whatever was gonna come next as the machine continued to ignite and come alive in front of her. Kiku had let out a few more clicks during this time and could see the machine evolving, now lifting one foot up - it took a harsh step forward. The ground tremored and the Kunoichi did lose her footing for a moment, but sank down on all fours like some weird animal. Her hair piled over her and the ground, feeling the tremors subside in the ground she stood back up - sensing the heat from the bright lights.

As she began to rise a side of her mask up, Shizuka's cry alerted her - feeling a force come at her swiftly. Hands suddenly wrapped around her waist and legs and cradled the small Kunoichi. She let out a yelp in surprise as it had all happened so quickly. For whatever reason, she felt completely safe in that moment - her thumb was still under mask, and she raised it up to see his Ruby eyes staring down at her. Of course, her face turned red again - especially over his little comment. "You don't have to - " She began to rebuttal softly, but stopped as he asked her to try and asses the situation. He let go of her gently, and her feet reached the ground like a ballerina - slowly lowering herself down. "I am alright, Thank you Shizuka," she smiled at him - Kiku turned away from him and became more stern. They were now officially in danger. Looking back to the being, and dropping the mask - the sound of the smack from its palm hitting the ground sent enough vibrations back to her ear that every pebble was now in focus. She breathed in sharply, "Do you guys feel that?" Kiku barked out, and tensed herself up again "Its draining this place of power" It's hand stayed in place for a moment longer and finally moved again. She felt beads of sweat accumulate on her forehead, "Shit, it's just charged itself even more"

Her ears caught Shizuka's whisper as well, and she brought herself closer to the beings hands in her head. Almost like pausing a video, she quickly examined the working of it hands, remembering she saw it in the abdomen of the previous golem. Her head facing the golem, she realized it was rather wide and large - it wouldn't be able to move too entirely swiftly. "Attacking it head on isn't going to do anything, its covered in armor..." Not really caring if Shizuka heard her or not, thinking outloud she continued studying the figure. Kiku placed her hands to her mouth cupping them, sending chakra to her vocal cords her voice boomed across to the other part of their team, "Kurin! Jaakuna! From the inside out! And aim for its palms!"

The Golem then turned towards the lavender Kunoichi and ruby-eyed Shinobi at an alarming speed. Kiku grabbed Shizuka brining their bodies very close together, "Propel off of me!" She commanded, and pushed off of him and the ground - in hopes he'd use his wind to send them both flying farther back and out of the way of the beam. But it was also in that same moment, that she had quickly placed her chained daggers around his neck. Hoping he would take initiative in knowing what to do with them. In her state, she couldn't send them with much force, but someone who could put more speed behind them - he could possibly destroy the palms of the hands of the Golem if aimed correctly and thrown at a time the hands weren't charged.

@Syn@Reflection@Altered Tundra

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