Avatar of MetalWeight
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  • Posts: 122 (0.10 / day)
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    1. MetalWeight 3 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Sleep well broski, and that goes for everyone else on RPGuild
3 yrs ago
I definitely want to make more interest checks myself, but I feel the need to draw art for my ideas first. One day, we'll all find the perfect group/partner to keep RPs going forever. One day...
3 yrs ago
Mandatory big butts update status.
3 yrs ago
This is just one big Truman Show reality
3 yrs ago
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Why hello there

I'm a big fan of stuff that goes boom and all sorts of actiony things. Also funny animal people but thats outside the point. Also THICC, if anything you like revolves around BOTTOM HEAVYNESS, then good, we have similarities.

Or if you want me to draw you as a dummy thicc furry animal person, I could do that too, its pretty fun.

roleplayerguild.com/topics/185270-met… Here is my art thread, have a look!

roleplayerguild.com/topics/185269-one… Here is a 1x1 thread on some fictional universe I created with anthropomorphic animal people, have a look if you dare.

If you pass by this profile and wanna do some 1x1 shenanigans, I generally like action-adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, science fantasy, dramatic battles between good vs evil and generally bantering about badass and silly ideas. and the funny animal people
Not into slice of life, calmer or just romance-only centric stuff. I do like this things when sparsely placed throughout an RP though.

Also don't worry or feel too anxious around me or worry about ghosting me etc. I've been through enough of that for a decade before and I've got too much responsibilities to fulfill to think negatively about you. No matter your race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, family drama, addictions, general degeneracy or what you believe to be past mistakes, I'm happy you've made it this far. You do you, man, this world has enough pain. I'm proud of you for just being alive. That isn't a meme, I really am. And if you really don't like that you can call be gay and a furfag for being emotional if you want to, I mean, this is the internet and it isn't like we know each other and its all kinda dumb to say this stuff outta nowhere, but confessing compassion is more relieving than keeping it in in my case

Anyway I come with up random ideas sometimes, I'll list more here when I come up with them, if they interest you feel free to spitball with me, it isn't like these ideas are set in stone or anything. If these get your noggin' joggin' then they did their job:

    1960s Alt-History with MECHS, the world is caught in a three-way cold war between a powerful Axis, a widespread Comintern and the influential Allies

    High Fantasy with a twist: Its inspired by Ancient History! Particularly inspired by the Rome vs Carthage Punic Wars, or any Mediterranean civilization war. Maybe also something inspired by Roman expeditions and colonies built in Western Europe? I've been playing Total War: Rome 2, might come up with more ideas playing that.

    Something WH40K, but I've been obsessed with that for a long time, a bit burnt out but throwing new things into the mix might work. Maybe something about the xenos like Eldar or Tau... As heretical as it is, maybe something with furry abhumans. Yiff-in-hell-furfag memes with terminators armed with flamethrowers are applicable I take full responsibility for my heresy.

    Star Wars, but something SWTOR era? Somewhere when the Cold War between the Republic and Empire went hot, like Balmorra. Or maybe something that takes place in the Sith Academy on Korriban...I love the SWTOR art designs and visuals in general, wholesome and chill memories of that game, and Star Wars Expanded Universe is big and expansive enough that lots of ideas can work here.

Most Recent Posts

@Queen of Aces

She was...small.

There was a sudden fit of curiosity...Humans, they were so striking in their appearance given their more standardized looks, as if they were merely copied from a machine and while never quite the same in personality, their desires, emotions and bodies all felt the same. Be they rotund, thin, happy or sad, knowledgeable or not, they had the same problems throughout their history and the same ideas every now and again, repeating cycles. Ironically, Aurora never really saw them more than just wildlife, like they were merely a part of Human World's little cycle of life, death, misery and love, always enslaved to what heeded them their and then a slave yet again to wherever they were sent in the afterlife...They were, in another word, unnoticeable.

But Aurora's eyes lit up, curiosity replaced with excitement, she was even more energized with her tail wagging a bit faster like she just saw something she always desired yet never found. Demons always had their awareness of sins and failures, of constant pain living in the endless flames of Hell, but seemingly never afflicted like it the same way humans were- there was resilience in the constant terror. The pain and torment normalized to a point where the most horrific events were a boring repetition. But humans, normal humans were never normalized to it. In turn, Starla also seemed oblivious to it all, but she had something Aurora never saw even in most humans, something Demons lacked a lot of in her eyes as well... Innocence.

"Why hello there!" She may have been a tall creature, body in fur with sharp teeth and claws, but her voice was warm and joyous, as if meeting family "Rather a kind offer from someone so small, cute and happy." She leaned over a bit, eagerly getting closer to the charming human and if a light had been behind her, a long, wolf-shaped shadow would've casted over Starla. "So brave too, especially for such a small human, approaching such a big wolf like me...A bit like little red riding hood." What wasn't heard was her murmur "I think...?" after she spoke, Human fairy tales were something her family was aware of, fond of collecting even! But Aurora found them as boring as...well everything else not involving high-octane pleasure. "...Hope I got that right. Wait, didn't that involve someone getting eaten?"

She stopped her train of thought- albeit probably unintentionally, given how distracting the human was -and then pinched Starla's cheek and kept talking "I'll give you my bags, but I hope you don't hurt yourself carrying them, someone so sweet like you doesn't deserve to be hurt carrying something so heavy! And maybe you and I will talk later, okay? Hell is a dangerous place for humans and I wouldn't want you to run into anyone bad!" Despite making it seem like others posed a threat, Aurora actually smirked a bit, maybe if she instilled some fear into the humans, make them afraid of other demonic entities living here, she'd have more of their delicate, frail lives to herself...Wouldn't be the first time manipulating someone into paranoia drove them to her.

She slipped off the backpack and placed a suitcase right in front of Starla, though it seemed a tad reluctant- there arose a genuine concern she wouldn't be able to carry both! Nonetheless, she trusted that this servant of innocence would be strong enough.

Aurora then looked up, scanning the room a bit to gather who the other occupants were...

So much humanity, if it hadn't been for her past interaction, the wolf would've been already harassing the others! Especially since it seemed there was another frail and small women who had been here, along with two men, one who seemed to be a sibling of sorts to the other woman? "Interesting." She thought, they didn't seem to be getting along well...Devious thoughts clouded her demonic head, but she tried to stay focus- studying the other one. This man was seemingly...Japanese, perhaps? Hopefully all that time studying humans had her guesses right. Her thoughts repeated the same word- interested yet again in how there were so many different people here, he was trailed by a demoness as well it seemed. Then there were two other humans, but she couldn't quite get a read on them yet...

And so the demons were fascinating as well! Fittingly demonic, social and aggressive, perhaps flirty, at least relative to the poor and unfortunate human victims in the room. They had histories too it seemed guessing from the dialogue, it didn't fascinate Aurora as much as the humans but, the demonic guests were a very wild bunch, a bit on the more exotic side too- competition perhaps. Always more competition.

But then there was that...thing that floated? Walked? It had was entangled in cloth, a unseeing creature laid beneath- or so presumed by the wolf -as the door stayed wide open long enough to let it seeming drift into the building. Seeing it come into view was like witnessing a bad omen come to life, a sheer emotional rollercoaster of disbelief, fear, then acceptance all at once, overwhelmed by just how damn ominous the thing seemed. Aurora had seen strange beasts, Hell had them, dealt with terrifying things too- sure, there is a lot of that in Hell. But whatever that cloth-draped creature was, there was no comparison to what she had encountered prior, it caused her to feel the opposite of how she felt with Starla- no, even worse than that, it filled her head with absolute dread.

After a minute of being caught off-guard by the strange entity, the wolf upright and eyes remaining locked on it, fearful, animalistic, as if waiting to see it move like prey watching a all-too hungry predator, fearful of it even flinching a little...

She turned her head suddenly, as if another force had grabbed the sides of her face and turned her to stare at literally anything else. In turn, she felt a sudden warmth return to her witnessing an astoundingly tiny demon giving quite a talking to another, presumed sibling. Well, he was, until he too had been looking about the room- Aurora then smiled, flashing her sharp teeth and waved happily at him, all-too ready to socialize again!

@Dark Cloud
Yeah I think everyone is off to sleep for now. But still, nice to see so much done in one day! Like damn, there was a lot done in one day.

Edit: also just noticed Starla noticed Aurora. Ohno.
@Chris488 We'll see. [Wiggles eyebrows] Could be anyone! I'm certainly open to anyone.
Ah no one needs to worry, its the start of the thread, there'll be lots of posts and chaos briefly before everyone gets adjusted to the pacing and each others writing styles. It'll slow down from here onward so introductions and discussing character interactions will be easier.
Aurora Greyhound - Entrance, 1st floor
Arriving at the destination...

Fire, the warmth of it so soothing that in the coldest nights, like a gift from home so cherished that it's mere presence renewed a person with enough vigor live in any world no matter how dreary. Like as if the flames itself could invoke some sort of life in surroundings, reawakening anyone lost in the dark of their soul, so weighed by stress and fear that a mere fire rekindled their desire to live and love! Something so powerful that no matter the lost of strength, one could rise to their feet again even with an empty stomach and bloodied body. It was as if fire itself had the durability of the human spirit to persevere throughout history, that in times of collapse or disease it remained flickering, as if waiting for someone to snuff it out- but no one ever did.

In Hell, it seemed as if fire had many different meanings.

Though finding a clear definition of what fire symbolized would be like finding a needle in a haystack- maybe it meant nothing. Aurora pondered this not in a manner of wise women questioning life itself, but much rather because her impulsive mind had been drawn to thinking like a cornered animal. She didn't enjoy it, she was terrified of it, to think like this, it wasn't right. Fire symbolized something, maybe to her family, but it was all lost on her as her mind kept changing subjects...Like where she was being sent to.

Aurora scoffed at the idea of being sent here. Gello's Home for Gifted Demons. Her arrival was an inevitability, like a lost soul looking for a home she struggled to walk, rejecting her new life and suffering through hours of loneliness with no impulse to sate in her endless desire to consume, to experience, to enjoy... as if all died around her and all that was left was just the miserable idea of merely existing. Nothing to play with, no one to talk to! Who could live like this? It was the most insanity-inducing thing she had experienced in her short demonic life!

...Which, one could imagine, when she noticed other people had arrived at Gello's Home for Gifted Demons, she seemed very invigorated. Palpable levels of excitement, like a pet finding their owner, something so undoubtedly full of energy that the most quiet and introverted would feel a tense presence around the big hellhound, all to eager to break into personal space and interact as if playfully socializing in an environment with no threats, no worries, no fear. Mainly because her only fear was ever being left without company in the first place. Her tail wagged as the commotion of various peoples could be heard while the front of the building was approached, imagining endless possibilities in her mind that kept her entertained, like as if the thoughts themselves kept her far from feeling alone, like that fire that burned in humanity.

As others had come into view, her pupils darted, brain silent, instincts flaring- she'd had come in like a all-too jubilant child coming into a candy store. Until her eyes eventually landed on someone to interact with...
@Dark Cloud How can I? You're already best boi.
@Queen of Aces Starla is just... too precious for this world. Everything will be done to protecc her from the evils of this world Aurora does not consider acts she does to Starla as evil, so those are exempt She'll just be kept innocently in the corner cuddling with Belle while everyone screams at each other!

Edit: Also I'll post soon maybe, might wanna see some other characters first.
@Zeroth For the sake of comedy but not an accurate representation of power levels, because Aurora probably can't fight well I can see Aurora just slapping the sword of his hand and then cornering him against a wall while looming over him like an absolute predator. Her doing all the UwU stuff and him just panicking like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!?"

I can just see Adam and Aurora sitting there and
[Sasha trips]

@ZAVAZggg Exactly as imagined. Pure nightmare fuel.
Even better with a single light on and it just...flickers, as if it could turn off at any moment.
@Zeroth Its confirmed, Aurora and Empusa are gonna fight over Seiji at some point. Not only fight, but Seiji will have to hide under various tables, beds, inside cupboards and wardrobes, keeping as much distance as he can as well as do whatever he can to avoid getting cornered by horny demons.
Seiji is just walking down a hallway alone and then [OMINIOUS AMBIENT NOISE] plays as the lights flicker and Aurora is just standing behind him like "OwO, whats this?" and cue him [loudly sweating in fear]
@Zeroth I've thought a bit about Seiji, not gonna lie.
His entire existence is literally running around screaming for help, but everyone just treats it casually like as if nothing is happening. Literally getting brutally screaming for help while getting dragged away into a doorway and everyone isn't even paying attention as if its suppose to be happening. The door slams and its like "Oh yeah we'll just leave him in there, ignoring the loud noises."

I'd be careful joking about Aurora getitng involved too, I mean, that whole dakooters video would be a accurate representation of Aurora cornering Seiji. UwU and all.
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