Avatar of Mike the Bloodwolf


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current To all my rp partners, I've just moved house so I'll be busy for a few days at least, getting everything set up.
6 yrs ago
3 years of working in retail and customers still drive me mad when they question me on everything I do.
8 yrs ago
Rise of Iron is amazing
8 yrs ago
So I'm here woundering about my next move, and Super training my pokemon to get a perfect team for the battle Masion and Battle Tests
8 yrs ago
The world is always changing around us, no one can predict the future or the outcome of an action. All you can do is hope for the best and never lose site of yourself


Hello and Welcome to my profile, I am Mike the Bloodwolf or just Mike. I'm 25 years old and have been a rper for about 10 years now.
I've always said I'm a large fan of both the fantasy and Supernatural rp though as long as there not crappy love stories like Twilight, *Shivers* Worst werewolves I've ever seen, I tell ya.
I do suffering from a mental illness known as Asperger's Syndrome, which effect both my grammar and spelling so I don't mean to be a terrible speller and I hate it when people insult me because of it.
I like to have a good story with good romance in it, You want me to be an Asshole master in a Master x slave rp Samuel Hellrin is your guy, Want a kind master who can be dominate when the need arise, Mike Fertar is your master, Want to do a F x F rp with me? I have characters for that too and yes I can roleplay as a female.
My favourite Pokémon of all time is Lucario which I guess you can see in my avatar or it's Mike Bloodwolf form, Greninja and Swampert are a close second and Arcanine is my third all time favourite Pokémon. I do like others but those are the one that take the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

Most Recent Posts

Mike though about this situation before he said "Hmm, I think our best bet is to spread out and search every knock and cranny but I think Shinranui should partner up with one of us that owns a Lycanrok and if we find Okami use your Mewtwo to put her to sleep. That should prevent her from evole for now and then wake her up the following morning"

Mike laughed at her plan as he said "Please, Blake could not even dance as well as me. Besides, once that noble man cock blocked me, I took the chance to swipe a few things from him, his guards and the girls". Mike showed them secertly his stash which had a few keys and a map

Mike laughed at her plan as he said "Please, Blake could not even dance as well as me. Besides, once that noble man cock blocked me, I took the chance to swipe a few things from him, his guards and the girls". Mike showed them secertly his stash which had a few keys and a map
Mike raised an eyebrow as he stood corrected which made him nod, "I Don't know how I missed that" Mike said before Dusk began sniffing out Okami as well.
True, I just noticed that myself. Hmm I'm going to make a quick edit

Mike was clearly pissed when he found his conquest for the evening escorted away from him. Captain had told him not to start anything so Mike was not able to really do much. Instead he mutter a few curse words under his breath before he looked around. But it seemed he was now stuck as all the other women were bunched up a lot tighter which would make it hard even for someone with Mike's luck to score.
"Dammit, maybe I should of gone for the one" Mike said to himself, he then notice two of his crewmates in the crowd. So he quickly slip in beside them as he heard Blake request a dance from Anya. "I see your plan here, maybe I can help out as well"
Mike closed his eyes as he sensed the area around them before he said "We're missing out on one Okami so I guess we should try and find him".
Mike could only shake his head at the madness that was ensuing around him so he pushed the man blocking his way off the ship into the water before he said to Aith "Captian said 5 to midnight is when we leave, that gives me enough time to stock up on some stuff and you know add some new noble panties to the wall of conquest".
He laughed as he walked away, as he enter the festival's he took note there were were a lot more drunken noble around and then he saw a group of noble daughters all sitting together so he slip up to them and began talking to them and soon Mike and the group of 5 left the festival and went to the nearest empty house.
A young man watched the talking between Aith, Bones and the dock commissioner. He sighed before he nodded to himself and slide down from the crows nest silently before loading a crossbow and aiming it at the official, his eyes briefly glowing red with a blood lust, before he shook his head and blinked before he walked up to Aith ready to defend his brother if the need arose.
Though since Mike had been born and raised in England, he did not have to usea fake accent as he had a proper chaming british accent.

Thank you, I'm out for a meal with family right now so I'll move the profile and make my first post when I get back.
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