Avatar of ML
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mercenary Lord
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1361 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ML 4 yrs ago
    2. ██████████████ 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
hey can i be a guild mod
3 yrs ago
hey can i be a guild mod
4 yrs ago
new name, same piss poor time management
4 yrs ago
if you have a "craving", write a story on your own, that way when you inevitably lose interest and quit you're only wasting your own time
5 yrs ago
factory-engines roar like false lions, blood thunders in the dock-pipes

Most Recent Posts

lurking but drowning with school, will see what the future brings
Is this a vaporwave kind of cyberpunk, eurodance kind of cyberpunk, or glitch mob kind of cyberpunk
Blue Deeveed

"Breathe for a sec, Blue." Bonk's muffled voice from her pocket did not convince her to breathe. She hated small talk. Her extremely limited number of friends had all been forged through professional relationships turned drinking buddies, or fire-forged through trials of the Wal. This...was torture.

Still, it was something. She looked up at the newcomer. FabGlam, androgynous. Shaved head, absurd eyebrows. Fairly par for the course where Health and Beauty was concerned. She ignored Bonk's words: he was never loud enough for anyone else to hear, and she didn't want anyone to think she was crazy or anything. "Used to be from Elec. Then they left me behind."

Well that was dark. Blue kicked herself mentally, noting with some irritation that her foot refused to stop tapping. "Sorry, sort of a sore subject. I'm from here and there, now. Sort of a traveler, y'know? I help people with their problems, and sometimes they help me with mine too." She pulled out Cazette, the crossbow, and carefully set it on her lab. It was unloaded, of course, but good trigger-discipline never hurt anyone. "Problems were made to be solved."

Something about that was hilarious to Bonk, who laughed through the fabric with a hearty guffaw. After a second, she laughed too. So much dramatic positioning! "I really just make incredible things for people who pay me. That's my talent."

"What's a FabGlam doing so far from Health and Beauty?" Bonk asked. Blue paused: it was a good question, so she repeated it, adding "No offense, but aren't you meant to be lording over your cul--sorry, Uglies?"
I like to watch a few things here and there, hop in where I can
Blue cursed under her breath as the 'Tron in her hands sparked viciously. "Great Sam take this fucking thing." She threw it over the side in a sudden fit of rage, and a minor electric explosion echoed from behind them.

"Easy there, kid." Bonk chided gently, but firmly. "No use getting bent out of shape so early on the trip."

She glanced at him, all small form and bright smile. "And I suppose you think you could do better, eh?"

"'Course not," Bonk said, and his smile grew. "But let's say, hypothetically, that I had decided to drop the second wire there to a ground, instead of leaving it in the system like it is right now..."

A scowl formed on her lips. "We're on a boat, if you haven't noticed. Ground it to what?"

"Easy, easy," Bonk said, raising his hands to placate her. "We won't be on the boat forever, right?"

Reluctantly, she ceded the point. It was probably best for her to take a moment to cool off, before she threw something actually important into the Spillway next. Time to make some friends.

She looked up at the others, and her bravado died immediately. Were these the friends she wanted to make? They were all so...different. Some of them looked almost normal, but some of them...well, she'd never met a Dorf she'd liked. She glanced at Bonk, who waved his hands and gave her a thumbs up.

Fine. Blue sighed, setting Bonk in one of her bag's pockets and shuffling over the others. The boat rocked beneath her feet, and the chemical smells around her bolstered her resolve. She would not want to fall in. Eventually she settled by the others. "Where's everyone from?" She winced internally--she was no good at this small talk crap.
glad this is still going, one of the most interesting ones around
@Mercenary Lord

Oh my god! That was my first ever role play on this site! Long time no see man :)

Hey man nice to see you lol
Oh wow I never thought I would see another one of these
we'll keep this here for a bit and see what happens
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