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    1. Monacho 7 yrs ago


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By far one of the most detailed applications I've seen in a while. Here's my attempt.
Olin Ingersson Holmström

Monday Evening, Swan Songs

Out of the corner of the eye she could briefly see the woman catch a few glances of her. Her whole demeanor oozed hesitation, but it didn't exactly seem to be towards the teen. Her comment on whiskey made her smirk the slightest. Olin wasn't exactly invincible to alcohol herself. But the thought of her being that much of a lightweight seemed almost like a joke.

"Oh, this?" She held up her then empty glass, the smirk turning into more of a charming smile. "Weak. I'll probably end up in the '501 later on, if I'm lucky."

Maybe the 'weak' part was an exaggeration. But nothing was the best closing to a night of such peaceful, wonderful music, than being in a bar full of ruffians. That was her type of party. Not cashmere ties and slim dresses. Though both made quite the sight, she could find equally as attractive figures elsewhere. With fewer clothes and hotter pursuits, as well. Before she could think of much else to say another guest walked up to the growing assemble.

She was a small, graceful woman, that would've looked much younger than even Olin if she lacked the maturity of her frame. Her hair was literally as white as snow to match her equally as fair skin. It caused quite some confusion in her mind. Because 1) She didn't seem like the type to drink, and 2.) As soon as that thought popped into her mind, outspilled an unmistakable English accent that asked without any type of hesitation for a double. A double. Of whiskey, that is. "Goddamn..." Slipped out of her mouth carelessly. Especially once she saw the woman take out her bills to pa and exposing what looked to be a chunk of change.

Before she could pull herself together the accent spilled into her ears a few more times. It took quite a while for it to register in the mind that the woman was offering free liquor, and that the woman had let her name slip. Victoria Darya. Cute. Almost tempting, in fact, but alcohol took top priority. Although she hadn't been in her mothercountry for a long, long time, she still felt like she'd be the worst Swede in history if she refused the offer. The only Swedish person to reject a free drink was a crazy one, and no-one wanted to be around any type of crazed Nord. She still couldn't help but to quirk a brow. In fact, the stranger seemed spark some... Competitiveness in her. No way was she going to let a total Snow White out-do her. No matter how much her eyes seemed to drift. "Another shot for me... Actually, make it a double."

She also felt the need to look into one of Victoria's previous questions. Without a doubt there seemed to be some more shady characters scoping out the shop, their gaze missing no inch. She had a rather short staring contest with one which ended with them looking away to without a doubt attempt to intimidate someone else. Goons? Could they have been... "Saw a few of them out front. Totally cramping the experience. If this is all for some 'star' he better be the reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix."

@PrinceAlexus@King Tai@Voltus_Ventus
Have a post to put up for Olin, but not sure if I want to reply or not yet as Max/@Voltus_Ventus hasn't entered the convo yet or if this would be breaking rule #5.

With that being said I'd like to know Victoria's secrets of taking such hard liquor with such a lithe frame. She'd probably make a lot if she wrote an e-book on her methods, lol.

Thanks for the offer. I'll be sure to ask sometime in the future. There were actually a few details that Google seemingly didn't even know the answer to, so you'd definitely be helpful.


I was wondering if there were any notable laws within the city of Sol. I know that some city-RPs tend to either enforce on obvious ones (ex. stealing, murder, etc) and some don't/have unique or important ones.

Meant to post a few hours ago but sleep wasn't on my side. Just put up one now.
Olin Ingersson Holmström

Monday Morning, Apartment

Olin's morning didn't begin as it usually did. There were few days of the week she woke up without the trace of vice on her breath or between the sheets, but messing up the entire day for herself was on a higher pedestal than few minutes of high. In her mind, she could only think of what would happen if she played her cards right that evening. Getting to know people were important. Although a few of the city-people were faint in her mind, most of them were shadier than her. Those that weren't were between near and few. And, as she knew, if she played the curious to the right person, a few free drinks or at least a budding friendship would make up for the night prior.

With that she forced herself out of bed before setting to the task of effectively 'cleaning' herself up. Though she always got a bit giddy at the thought of going to Swan Songs (even on casual occasions, as she had become almost a regular) the Jazz Evening was different. Almost a worst kind of different. Without a doubt most attendees would come in expensive dresses or tuxes - and dressing up made the teen a bit uncomfortable. A full-on suit made her feel like... Well, a rear end. But there was no way she could go in her usual get-up as she didn't exactly feel like ruffling too many people's feather's that evening. She groaned while looking into her wardrobe, peering through her more formal attire, "Ruffling feathers... What the hell am I, old?"

After a few moments of pondering that question she'd managed to scrounge something together. A slightly wrinkled, navy button-up with small white angles patterned throughout it. That combined with a black sports coat and khaki slacks were enough to give the impression she at least tried. Just not very hard, and a picture of her parents shaking their heads flooded her mind. But she definitely wasn't old and exactly how many people her age was willing to wear a suit, anyway? She ironed the clothes out before taking a trip to the shower. Once she stepped out she brushed her teeth, careful to make sure every single nook got touched. All of this was done-so in a casual manner as if she had all the time in the world. Then there came the tedious task of styling her hair. She carelessly weaved a pomade-covered hand throughout it to create a sleek, shiny, bed-ridden look. Afterwards all she had to do was not mess up dressing herself. And then afterwards - and she was sure of it, awfully, awfully sure of it - that evening would spill in the morning.

Monday Evening, Swan Songs

There was no fighting the time. Olin was late. She partially blamed it on waking up an hour later than she had planned. Partially on the long walk (which she had obviously known of prior) from her apartment to the record shop. Then there was that small part that wanted to blame her dad. He was the one, after all, who had discouraged her from putting on a watch before she was fully dressed. Whatever the reason she groaned, hoping that the place hadn't grown too packed. It took a bit more walking before the shop got into her view. Before that happened she craned her neck, looking around.

Odd. A traffic jam. Some lanes were at a near, complete standstill and other's were full of cars attempting to get over. Beyond that were some rather... Shady-looking figures (and by that, she meant law enforcers) that seemed to be the cause of it. They didn't seem to care much about pedestrians - except the odd few that nearly stumbled into traffic - so she was able to continue her rapidly shortening journey.

Olin opened the door up to Swan Songs whilst trying to shake the feeling that something was a bit off. She couldn't exactly remember if the traffic directors were SCPD or not, and although the evening was a large event... Did it really warrant them? Her thoughts seemed to pan out the slightest as she took in the landscape. The dancefloor was filled with sweaty, bodies, then there was the sound of jazz funneling into her ears. A few groups of minglers had already begun to form, but to her, the diamond in the rough was past all of that. The bar. She slunk on over as she noticed two other figures occupying seats. One was what she remarked as a beautiful woman who she'd never seen before, seemingly ready to get up. The other was a man that embodied the look of a sleek, gentleman. He had his stool turned, as if drinking in more of the atmosphere than his drink.

She sat at the bar before tossing a charming smile at the bartender. At a more up-scale event it was hard to tell if getting carded was a risk or not, but usually if you didn't appear anxious, they would supply you with all of the vigor you needed. "Whiskey, straight."

There was a brow cocked in her general direction before the shot was slid over to her. She paid up before sloshing the liquid around the slightest. After completing the short ritual she downed it, allowing the liquor to fiercely kiss her throat. Maybe another and that would be it. Then it'd be the time to socialize.
Olin Ingersson Holmström


For the most part people do just use 'Olin', however it's not uncommon to hear 'Lenny' or 'Oli' instead. Her close family calls her by 'Bruno' at times, as this is derived from her Name Day*.


18 (July 17, 1999)


Olin's appearance would best be described as... 'Androgynous'. She has a short, blond undercut that's usually pinned back on a side, and almost enthralling cerulean orbs. This combined with her close to pale skin tone is what she considers 'burdens of ancestry'. Her frame is slender and athletic, which is a puzzle to those that see exactly how often she poisons her body. She has a few non-visible tattoos: 'EST. IN 1999' sprawled against her chest in script, a Japanese-styled tiger in front of cherry-blossoms just a little below her collarbone, and the date '05 / 15 / 2015' on her left, upperarm.

According to Lenny, she's tall. And super muscular. Don't forget the muscular part.






Having fun/living in the moment
Reading - If you ask her, this isn't true.
Being alone - Although Olin enjoys being around other's and the majority of her life revolves around it, there are times in which she craves isolation.
'Physical-activities-involving-more-than-one-person-at-home' And lots of it.


Goody-two shoes
Boring people
People who tell Swede jokes

Zodiac Sign:


Special Talent:

She considers herself to be a pretty good nuisance if she feels it's necessary.

Olin can also become an extremely manipulative person if it involves attaining something that primarily leads to her satisfaction and/or happiness. She attributes this in part to her parents' occupations and sees no qualms in using it if she can get away with it.


Olin bounces from occupation to occupation often. She dislikes being held in place for too long and at a cost of her hedonistic lifestyle tends to work unconventional hours. Currently she's a cashier at an 'odds-and-ends' shop in Sol, but without a doubt that's due to change.


Olin was born in Stockholm, Sweden to Inger and Lova Holmström, two extremely popular journalists. Due to the nature of her parents's jobs her family had the ability to move around quite often. They ventured throughout various parts of Europe, such as England, Germany, Wales, Ireland, France, Poland, only setting up shop for a few weeks or months at a time. This led to Olin falling in love with travel and living a nomadic lifestyle. However, at nine her parents made the decision to permanently settle in the 'States after continuously growing tired of moving and the fifth pregnancy of Lova.

At first the decision caused a ripple within the family as-well with their extended half. Some of her uncles, aunts, and cousins so it as a foolish pursuit of the American Dream. In her young mind it was simply unecessary. To this day she can't quite explain how it felt to step out of the Logan International Airport, and getting her first glimpse of the American lifestyle in Boston. It can only be compared to a first love. An ignition of feelings and a new part of you you're unable to understand, yet you try hard to do so. Regardless of previous apprehensions, by ten she could recite the Star Spangled Banner and dreamed of going into the Marines. Her mind was clouded with the need to excel beyond her native peers to prove her worth.

At twelve it was winning the regional Spelling Bee or petitioning to create a debate team at her school. Thirteen she'd read the vast majority of the Classics and could recite Shakespeare with enough emotion to beguile symphonies. Then came her Freshmen year and a lack of tests on the refrigerator. Her grades began to go downhill. The thought of going to school was enough to cause her stomach to wrench. There wasn't a program she didn't get kicked out of, leaving her parents to scramble for an answer to her abrupt fall. It wasn't in time enough for her current school to even think of inviting her back, nor to save her from the crowd of 'delinquents' and 'rebels' she'd fallen into.

Shortly put, all of her desires and accolades were gone. Olin began to resent the conformity and patriotism she at first loved. Her mind was focused on making her own decisions based on her own happiness without much care to how it impacted her. Their precious Bruno, in short, had begun a road towards self-destruction. By sixteen her days consisted of drinking or doing drugs or having sex or doing anything to just stop the constant restlessness in her veins. She used people. Threw them away. Couldn't go a day without getting into a fight with her parents. After increasing concerns of her behavior spilling into her youngest brother, Sigge, grew much more pressing, Inger and Lova's only choice was to kick her out as soon as she graduated.

Luckily they weren't 'monsters' and gave her enough to survive a month or two off of. And they made it clear that if she ever needed more, they'd always pickup the call. Plus to her it was more of a gift than anything. Hell, most seventeen year-olds salivated at the thought of being on their own. She jumped on a Greyhound to anywhere it'd take her. Chicago. New York. Memphis. Orlando. Los Angeles. And in-between the way she learned how to scrape money together. Make a network. Enjoy life. Engage in somethings nobody her age should ever know about, and other-days, it was like dancing to a broken record in front of the full moon. Thoughtless. Thoughtless.

So what brought her to Sol City? Eventually she did need to crawl back to her parents for help. And at that time it just happened to be in a shoddy bathroom in an equally as pleasant club just outside of the city's outskirts. She remembers slipping into a stall, off something that made it feel as if she'd drifted into a polaroid. There she sucked up all of her pride along with some rainbow colored salamanders. Of course her they picked up their call, like they said (Was there ever a Swede to not keep their word), but that wasn't before a catch was added.

Needless to say the next morning Olin threw on her best clothes before strolling down to the nearest community college. This of course happened to be in Sol. Surprisingly she lasted just a little under four months before sleeping with the wrong guy or girl - it was a bit blurry, as there were many others that had gotten acquainted with her figure that night - and was forced to break a few of their lovely partner's ribs. That 1.) Ended up crashing the house party and 2.) Bringing up a pretty interesting story to her academic adviser. Of course that's not what got her kicked out. No. That was being on campus obviously intoxicated and forcing them to expel her.

Since she's considered Sol to be a temporary home until she can afford to hit the road again.

Your character's favorite song**:

* A Name Day was at first the Swedish equivalent to a birthday. Now, it is more-so just a name associated with your birthday. However, if your name is a Name Day, some still have a mini-celebration on it.

** Because someone like Olin could never listen to something like Jazz or Classical... Right?

What part of the world are you from?:

Southern U.S. Sadly I am waiting to acquire my 'country' accent.

How many years have you been writing/roleplaying:

I'm not exactly sure. I have been through at least 3-4 wipes of this site (old account), and think I began RPing in 2010. Yet the thought of it being seven years since I first started is mindboggling, plus it's been an on/off thing for me. In contrast I've been writing creatively pretty much ever since I could pick up a pencil. I first fell in love with poetry, yet that's something I've had a fall-out with for the past two years.

How often do you have time to post?:

At least twice a day at most. At least, five times a week.

Anything else you want to mention? What do you enjoy doing besides writing?:

My biggest enjoyment besides writing is possibly listening to music. It's been a huge part of my life since I was little, which has also led to me thinking over making a project sometime in the future. I also enjoy working-out, giving my dog stomach rubs, and other things I can't really think of as of now.

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